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Census taker just stopped by the house

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Whew! At least they weren't cops. I freak out when someone I don't know is at my door. Glad it was just an annoying census taker and nothing more:)

RBW...you need to gtfo fool. Why are you throwing around words like faggot? You don't belong in this community at all, do yourself a favor and go away. I'm sure you don't even grow weed and if you do, it's bound to be shwagg and we don't want that shit here. K, bye.


listen here mr.census guy if you come on inside and take a bong rip then ill fill out your form..that simple :smoker: do they come all dressed like "MIB" ?


The cat that loves cannabis
listen here mr.census guy if you come on inside and take a bong rip then ill fill out your form..that simple :smoker: do they come all dressed like "MIB" ?
I couldn't see them till they were back in their truck, but with the forms and all, and there being two of them, it seemed close enough to detectives that I wasn't about to go running out after them.


The Voice of Reason
That's exactly why I sent mine in on time and filled out. The questions were no big deal, I've filled out census forma that were way nosier.

I hate uninvited/unannounced guests popping by.

Scared me to death.
Sitting in my chair, online, I hear a car stop, doors open and shut, dogs start raging, I'm walking downstairs to see wtf, and just as I get to the bottom of the steps(inside house) I hear a knock at the door, so I stop, and take out my phone to see if I missed a call, nope, dogs are flipping out so I'm not worried about someone coming in, but I'm not going to answer it not knowing who it is.
So I wait, I hear the screen door shut and they walk away, I go back upstairs and peer out the window and see a truck with 2 people in it and one has files on their lap and is leafing through them, this is where I got scared, started thinking it was a knock and talk, so I watch them and they drive off.
I wait a bit, get my keys, and head out to the mailbox(excuse to look around) when I open my door a little slip of paper falls out and I'm thinking "please don't be a cop card, please don't be a cop card" Pick it up, breathe a sigh of relief, fucking census taker.
Slip says I gotta call them in the next 2 days for a 10 min interview or they will stop by again.
No I did not send my form in, didn't think they'd come this fast, I plan on calling and doing the interview.

Leon Brooks

ppl who didnt do it thinking the gov is out to get them are now having the gov come to them because they didnt fill it out. hahaha. since when is the census suck a big f'ing deal? oh yeah, BLACK president. hes coming to get you lol, get over yourselves.


Thank god. The census arrived in just time. Now that they've taken an accurate reading of the number and nationality of all individuals present under each roof, all effort is going to go towards providing equal and opportunities for all of these people. Thanks to the census, we're gonna be taken care of. Best. Thing. Ever.


The cat that loves cannabis
. since when is the census suck a big f'ing deal? oh yeah, BLACK president. hes coming to get you lol, get over yourselves.

That's what I thought, this years census was some kind of "Black thing"

I didn't do it because I was lazy, I've picked it up and looked at it a few times, I intended to do it eventually, just procrastinating about it.
Never once have I said I'm not filling it out and the goverment can kiss my ass, not sure where that's coming from.


The Voice of Reason
There are 1.5 million census workers or so going door to door from now through the end of july.

1.5 million workers doing 5 houses a day from april to july would enable them to canvas the country pretty thoroughly...


The cat that loves cannabis
Harvesting this weekend, first grow on ebb and flow table. I'm legal, I'm not worried.

Well there it is, if you weren't legal you wouldn't be growing, aren't you the brave one.
A seven foot tall boxer too huh?
Lol, sounds like dungeons and dragons, everyone picked these charectors that were the opposite of them in real life.
Well there it is, if you weren't legal you wouldn't be growing, aren't you the brave one.
A seven foot tall boxer too huh?
Lol, sounds like dungeons and dragons, everyone picked these charectors that were the opposite of them in real life.

I was growing before it was legal but I was intelligent enough to become legal immediately once the opportunity rose.

I never said I was 7 foot. Only 5% of the male population is over 6'2", maybe 99% was an exaggeration. Probably more like 98%. I also have the wingspan of a person 2" taller than me, which in fighting means a hell of a lot.

And I actually always played barbarian warrior type characters playing D&D.

Leon Brooks

That's what I thought, this years census was some kind of "Black thing"

I didn't do it because I was lazy, I've picked it up and looked at it a few times, I intended to do it eventually, just procrastinating about it.
Never once have I said I'm not filling it out and the goverment can kiss my ass, not sure where that's coming from.

i apologize for implying this was the reason YOU did not fill out the census. i was just attempting to make a general statement.


I guess I should go fill out that form...I hate hate hate hate hate anyone stopping by unannounced and uninvited...and so does my dog...
the ass thing is it's the guy who started me growing that is in the habit of doing that so i feel some kind of way about telling him to knock it off, although really it probably should be common sense all the more so in that situation.
everyone else gets the dog and ignored. and there aren't many of them, because i take pains to be very unpleasant to anyone who has the audacity to wake me up and piss off my dog. worked lots of night shift oversight jobs for years so most people are used to me being a day sleeper and keeping weird hours anyway from my industry.
going to fill out that damn form RIGHT NOW. in fact someone knocked on my door this am, it was probably them. a couple of my friends just got hired canvassing for the census, it would have been funny if it was a hs buddy at my door, after the initial heart attack. if i had bothered to even look. no call = no answer.


i just dug my form out of my pile of unwanted mail...nothing egregious here...just what is your name and birthdate, and race. i'm already done filling it out. should have done it right away probably wouldn't have been woken up by knocking/dog today if i had. not filling this form out is pretty negligent for anyone trying to stay off the radar...going to drop this right in the mail and be done with it now

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