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Three Berries

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Well-known member
city birds are more aggressive than the ones out in more wilderness settings.
i don't doubt that at all! the blue jays and mockingbirds gang up and chase cats here. i heard a ruckus on my carport a few years back, and looked out to see about 6 jays and some mockingbirds had cornered my poor useless fixed male cat under the car. birds everywhere; sitting on the glider, the garbage cans, hanging plant baskets...:biggrin:


Well-known member
i don't doubt that at all! the blue jays and mockingbirds gang up and chase cats here. i heard a ruckus on my carport a few years back, and looked out to see about 6 jays and some mockingbirds had cornered my poor useless fixed male cat under the car. birds everywhere; sitting on the glider, the garbage cans, hanging plant baskets...:biggrin:
I don't even know what to say except wow and those are smart birds.


Well-known member
i don't doubt that at all! the blue jays and mockingbirds gang up and chase cats here. i heard a ruckus on my carport a few years back, and looked out to see about 6 jays and some mockingbirds had cornered my poor useless fixed male cat under the car. birds everywhere; sitting on the glider, the garbage cans, hanging plant baskets...:biggrin:
Had an old tom that i suspect took down the mate or offspring of a bluejay so the damn thing constantly followed the cat and heckled him for at least half a year.
The silver lining was that all that you had to do to find the cat was to listen for the squawking bluejay and you could pinpoint his location.

St. Phatty

Active member

This Is Why Your Cat Freaks Out When You Say "Pspspsps"​

pspspspsps pussy cats

Birds do something similar.

If you talk to them, certain words seem to make them shake their head like they have water in their ears.

I've been studying Nucleosynthesis & Cosmogenesis (where the elements come from) and am making peace with the final disposition of my own corpse after I die: let Rigor Mortis set in, then wait for Rigor Mortis to pass ... to make sure I'm really dead.

Then let the wild animals have a meal. It's a way of "Giving Back".


Well-known member
Birds do something similar.

If you talk to them, certain words seem to make them shake their head like they have water in their ears.

I've been studying Nucleosynthesis & Cosmogenesis (where the elements come from) and am making peace with the final disposition of my own corpse after I die: let Rigor Mortis set in, then wait for Rigor Mortis to pass ... to make sure I'm really dead.

Then let the wild animals have a meal. It's a way of "Giving Back".
Never thought about it from that perspective. I always said cremate me but giving back to nature works for sure.


Well-known member
i'm applying to donate to The Body Farm at UT. useable organs are donated, then they set you out under varied conditions/places to study the progression of decomposition and insect development under different temps and atmospheric/weather for forensic studies. what remains there are, are then cremated and returned to next of kin.

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