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Casey Jones Grow Along

johnny butt

Thanks for stopping by Jare. I keep meaning to start my smoke reports, but then I end up smoking one of the CJ girls, and get very distracted, I really want nothing more than to jam on the guitar for a few hours.

Just as an general remark as I've smoked a few of the girls, they are energetic. I've been thrown into giggle fits and really have lots of fun playing music on these ladies. A nice energetic creative high. The crash is a bit strong 1.5 to 2 hours later, but that's what more CJ is for. :moon:

If you're looking for a smoke before bedtime, the CJ is not for you!

If you're looking for that daytime, I need to get some shit done smoke, the CJ is some real good stuff.

Off to start the actual reports



good looking seeds, johnny butt. i'm sure you'll have some excellent combinations show up among those. wish most "breeders" would take the time to make quality seeds like your's.

the feedback i'm getting from associates is that the flavor is so good they keep smoking well beyond getting their stone on. it really does have an interesting flavor, doesn't it? i have a friend who is getting 10+ zips per plant in 5 gallon coco buckets!!!

thanks for sharing....


Genetics' hunter
Thanks for stopping by Jare. I keep meaning to start my smoke reports, but then I end up smoking one of the CJ girls, and get very distracted, I really want nothing more than to jam on the guitar for a few hours.

Just as an general remark as I've smoked a few of the girls, they are energetic. I've been thrown into giggle fits and really have lots of fun playing music on these ladies. A nice energetic creative high. The crash is a bit strong 1.5 to 2 hours later, but that's what more CJ is for. :moon:

If you're looking for a smoke before bedtime, the CJ is not for you!

If you're looking for that daytime, I need to get some shit done smoke, the CJ is some real good stuff.

Off to start the actual reports


Soon i'll put a pair of CJ cuts in my grow box, i smoked it a couple of times and it was really tasty also, yours? Can't remember if it was energetic cause i smoked it during an hardcore smoke session :D But i hope it's so energetic like you said, i've yet some SourLifesaver for a bedtime smoke ;)

Thanks for the info


johnny butt

Glad to have you by thinman! Thanks and I'm very excited about these beans. If I'm going to put in the effort and time to let beans develop, I'm going to wait until they are nice, brown, and finished! No sense in letting pollen take hold and harvesting a bunch of immature seed.

The flavor is tasty. Some phenos better than others, but I'm narrowing it down. My favorites so far, I haven't finished reports on, but the taste and smell is out of this world. I've gone lightheaded quite a few times just from wiffing some of the more diesel girls, and when that taste follows through, its unlike anything else I've ever smoked. This CJ should be a staple in my garden for quite some time. Everyone else who has toked on it, says the exact same thing.

I can still do a lot better growing these girls and hope to bump up my yield the next run. I've corrected a few mistakes and am getting there!

Hey Jare. Throw those girls in there. This stuff is most excellent! I don't see myself doing any runs without some CJ in the mix. Great smell, taste, bag appeal, and the high is very unique.

I've completed the first 2 reports. Neither of these girls are my favorite phenos out of the pack, but I'll get there. Doing it as the first smoke of the day so I can really catch any subtle nuances in how they smoke. I'll also do an overall report on the strain after I finish all the individuals ones.


johnny butt

Casey Jones 1 Report

Casey Jones 1 Report

Casey Jones 1 Report

Flowered for 70 days. Large stretch into flowering. All buds, including auxiliary buds grow to a nice size, but she has intersex tendencies. During the last 2 weeks, she popped quite a few nanners and I believe was responsible for a lot of my seed. Very easy to grow plant though, and she would still be around if it wasn’t for the intersex traits.

Bag Appeal: Small round calyxs that glisten. Very little leaf with a good calyx/leaf ratio (7/10), but a good grower could spot a nanner somewhere on ¼ of the buds in the jar.

Trich Coverage: Great coverage. 8/10

Bud Density: This girl was one of the denser ladies out of the pack. When compared to the other CJ plants, I’d rank her a 7/10. When ranked against all other bud, I’d give her a 4.5/10. CJ does not put out rock hard, dense nugs, but I actually prefer that. When it comes to a rush, simply toss a nug in the bowl and light it up without having to worry about whether or not she will burn nicely.

Aroma: Mild sweet candy smell, maybe a hint of sweet citrus. Not too much fuel at all. It is very pleasant and not overpowering, but enough to know that this stuff is the diggity dank. It makes me want to just take a bit bite out of the nug because it is tasty smelling.

Smoke Report:
Done through a 2.5 foot bluedot water bong.

Taste: Unfortunately, I’m not the best at pinpointing a taste. I’m better with my sniffer, but here’s my shot. It’s a very mild, smooth taste already. There is a small hint of fuel which is strange because I can’t smell any, but mostly just green/hashy tasting (not the chlorophyll green either).

Smoke Expansion: Not expansive. I can take a massive rip and be just as comfortable as a smaller one. My sour bubble seems to blow up in your lungs, while this is quite a bit easier to smoke.

High Description: Zippy is a good word to describe it. My thoughts are zippy and so is my energy. A very interesting high. I feel more creative and actually have the energy to act on my creativity, as opposed to melting into my couch and merely thinking about it. 2 hits from the bong and I’m feeling peppy and happier. 4 hits and a nice grin has made its way across my face. 6 hits and we can call me stoned. She is mostly a head high, but there’s a nice warm tingle across the body too.

Keeper?? No, but that is only due to the intersex tendencies of this girl. She smokes wonderfully, even being the most heavily seeded out of the 9.

johnny butt

Casey Jones 2 Report

Casey Jones 2 Report

Casey Jones 2 Report

Flowered for 70 days. Large stretch into flowering. All buds, including auxiliary buds grow to a nice size, but are very airy. No intersex traits to be concerned about. Once again easy to grow.

Bag Appeal: Small round calyx’s covered with resin. A little leafy, but the leaves are also covered in trichs, so it’s hard to even tell the difference between calyx’s and leaves at times.

Trich Coverage: Great coverage. 8/10

Bud Density: Nice airy nugs. Not much density to them at all, but that’s alright with me.

Aroma: First thing that hits your nose is a mellow dank pine smell kind of like number one. But you can also get wiffs of some fuel smells that are there but aren’t too overpowering. The fuel comes out a lot more after a quick grind or breaking up the nugs.

Smoke Report:
Done through a 2.5 foot bluedot water bong.

Taste: She has a stronger taste than CJ 1 and isn’t quite as pleasant. A bit more hashy and harsh. I think that may be too the extra bit of leaf on her. I get a bitter aftertaste as well.

Smoke Expansion: Not too expansive. She made me cough a few times, but nothing that can’t be handled. Not quite a smooth as the CJ 1 though.

High Description: Energetic. Not quite as euphoric, but the energy is there. It may also have been the music I was listening to at the time. Angry Seattle grunge music might take the euphoric out of you. I could have definitely thrown myself into a mosh pit or two though. It’s a mellow energetic high, if that makes any sense. I have the energy, but my mind and thoughts aren’t racy and bouncing off the wall. I feel nicely high, but also feel calm and collected. Very nice. 8 hits to get me stoned.

Keeper?? She will be compared more closely with CJ 8 as they seem to have the same growth style and are closely related phenos. The winner will stick around for another run.

johnny butt

Casey Jones 3 Report

Casey Jones 3 Report

Casey Jones 3 Report

Flowered for 70 days. Medium stretch into flowering. Large golf ball sized round nugs on the branches. Foxtailing with denser nugs.

Bag Appeal: Small round calyx’s covered with resin. Very little leaf, with buds that foxtail out in all directions. It gives a deceptively dense look, but the buds are nicely packed, not too dense, not too light. A bit leafy, but leaves are once again covered with trichs.

Trich Coverage: Great coverage. 8/10

Bud Density: Denser than CJ 2, not as dense as CJ 1. Deceptive when looking at the nugs.

Aroma: A nice green/skunk smell seeps out of the jar. Once you pinch the nugs, a rush of diesel exposes itself and blends very nicely with the skunky smell. The diesel smell makes me smile everytime. The smell just triggers something, it makes me thing of heat and high frequency for some reason. A very high pitched, hot scream right in your face or something like that. Hard to explain the senses haha!

Smoke Report:
Done through a 2.5 foot bluedot water bong.

Taste: A much sweeter pleasant taste. Initially, she gives of diesel taste to her. After the exhale, a hashy aftertaste can be noticed. After the first few hits of green, the hashy taste takes over and the diesel doesn’t last all the way through.

Smoke Expansion: Quite expansive. This girl is much more likely to make me cough, and a smaller hit still goes a long way.

High Description: Doesn’t stay lit as well as the first 2 phenos. High is more of racy up high with less relaxation. 2 hits and I’m decently high. 5 hits and we can call it stoned. She is a bit more potent it seems but not as quite euphoric.

Keeper?? She is a unique one. She’s staying around for another run.

johnny butt

Casey Jones 4 Report

Casey Jones 4 Report

Casey Jones 4 Report

Flowered for 69 days. Medium stretch into flowering. Smaller spear shaped nugs, with rounded calyxs. Very high calyx to leaf ratio, and light green coloration. Lots of trichs. Lower yield

Bag Appeal: Small round calyx’s covered with resin. Very little leaf, with buds that foxtail out in all directions. It gives a deceptively dense look, but the buds are nicely packed, not too dense, not too light. A bit leafy, but leaves are once again covered with trichs.

Trich Coverage: Great coverage. 8/10

Bud Density: Density much like CJ 3, even slightly more dense, with less foxtailing.

Aroma: Another good mix of skunk/sweet/fuel. Skunk and sweet smells overpower the fuel on this lady. Once breaking up the buds, you can get a hint of the fuel.

Smoke Report:
Done through a 2.5 foot bluedot water bong.

Taste: Taste is mellow. Nothing that is too overpowering. A nice hashy taste, might have found a hint of berry.

Smoke Expansion: Not expansive. Nice smooth smoke also.

High Description: High is less energetic, and more stoney. Still a lot of it is up in the head, it’s just not as energetic or racy as the other 3 so far. 3 hits and I’m feeling good. 6 and I’m feeling really good. In the potency department it lies somewhere between CJ 2 and CJ 1. More potent than 2, less potent than 1.

Keeper?? No, I think with the smaller yield and medium potency, we can take her out of the mom race.

johnny butt

Casey Jones 5 Report

Casey Jones 5 Report

Casey Jones 5 Report

Flowered for 69 days. Medium-Large stretch into flower. Buds are more round, denser, and slightly leafier. Colder temps brought out some purple hues in both the calyx’s and leaves.

Bag Appeal: Calyxs are more pointed and less rounded. Covered with trichs, and purple hues if you can manage to get your eyes to look through all the white frost on the outside of the buds. Medium calyx/leaf ratio.

Trich Coverage: Great coverage. 8/10

Bud Density: Density like CJ 1. One of the denser girls out of the pack.

Aroma: Another good mix of skunk/sweet/fuel. The fuel is more pronounced, and the sweet reminds me of flowers or some type of floral scent/ maybe even slightly buttery. The skunk is in there, it just hides in the background. This is the 2nd or 3rd smelliest pheno out of the pack.

Smoke Report:
Done through a 2.5 foot bluedot water bong.

Taste: Taste is mellow. Nothing that is too overpowering or shocking. No harshness to her. No hashy taste. It actually kind of reminds me of some smoked meat. Like some unseasoned deer jerkey. Quite a unique taste.

Smoke Expansion: Medium/high expansion. She made me choke on one of my last hits. Eyes went watery, and drooped, and hit me like a mac truck. Surprised me.

High Description: 2 hits and I can begin to feel my eyes droop and a tingling energy flowing through my shoulders. 4 hits and I’m getting high. 5th hit was the choker. Stoned… Definitely one of the more energetic phenos with a portion of body tingle to her as well. Nicely balanced. A bit of a creeper high too, I noticed I was significantly higher 10 minutes after smoking, as opposed to right after.

Keeper?? Yep, she’s earned herself another run.

johnny butt

While I've only written out reports on the first 5, I think I've decided on 3 ladies that will be sticking around for another run to fight it out. There's still some votes to tally, but I think it's safe to call this one :dance013:

The winners are.... (all of which had no hermie problems whatsoever!)

CJ 5 - Slightly purple hues, fuel/sweet stinky, larger yield, denser buds, medium-large stretch. A fine, fine plant.

CJ 7 - The stinkiest out of the bunch. Literally burns the nostrils during trim sessions, but is slightly more leafy. Yield was one of the lowest out of the group, but she stinks so much, I'll attribute some of the less desirable characteristics to grower error and give her another shot.

CJ 9 - One of the sweeter more floral smelling plants. Denser nugs, and she was kept in a pot half the size as the others. Smells great and looks great, so I'd like to see her full potential.

johnny butt

Casey seems to be a great hash strain too... Leaves are absolutely covered in resin. One of my best runs yet, 90% casey...

First I dry sift it...



Iso quick wash, after the dry sift run...



Active member
Very amazing plants! ! H3ad sure kicks ass and takes names. I read your strain report too, and it inspired me to jump over here just to say "damn", "those look tasty", and " I would have a helluva time deciding on a Casey Jones keeper out of NINE.

johnny butt

Thanks everyone. You can't go wrong with these beans.

Still smoke testing, so my h3ad has been HIGH in the clouds the last week or two. Smells are curing out very nicely. Some piney, some lemon, some fuel, and some floral. A very wide bouquet of aromas and tastes that follow. Some of the tastiest and prettiest herb I've smoked.

Should be a few packs of CJ F2 freebies hitting the bay soon. I didn't do any selection and let the girls pollinate themselves and I used 4 males from my pack. Should be good stuff, but not a complete representation of the strain.

Thanks everyone!
