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Casey Jones Day 13 of 12/12 250 H.P.S


great pics man.... that bush is fucking gigantic... how long did u veg for?
i think Im gonna have to give the casey jones a try and find a cut at a dispensary... shes just beautiful and looks like a wonderful yielder.


Active member
This casey jones seems awesome! Never tried it myself but every grow it shows up in, it performs really well.

Darth Fader

Way to go Rushoe. I ended up w/ 3.5 z's off mine w/ a 400. I like it as a daytime smoke. My whole grow was a bit airy/fluffy so I'm working on dialing the environment w/ stable temps for the next run. CJ's pretty resilient. Nice strain, easy to grow.


great pics man.... that bush is fucking gigantic... how long did u veg for?
i think Im gonna have to give the casey jones a try and find a cut at a dispensary... shes just beautiful and looks like a wonderful yielder.

Thanx man thanx veg was about two months under fluorescents and lots of supper cropping and two applications of phosphload????I dont know how to spell it.Gave it right before flip to help with the stretch it was vegged in on gallon on cana coco then in a 3 gallon of soil.Next time going all coco.


This casey jones seems awesome! Never tried it myself but every grow it shows up in, it performs really well.

Yeah kinda of fluffy buds Iam sure they could be better if some one else grew it lol...I am puffing on some from 8 weeks and it aint all that I hope the 9.5 week stuff is better.


Way to go Rushoe. I ended up w/ 3.5 z's off mine w/ a 400. I like it as a daytime smoke. My whole grow was a bit airy/fluffy so I'm working on dialing the environment w/ stable temps for the next run. CJ's pretty resilient. Nice strain, easy to grow.

"so I'm working on dialing the environment w/ stable temps" Me to Me to.I think that has a big roll with everything also I am going to use gh line up for the next run.3.5 zips man that would be cool if I got that off mine I guess I will never know cuz I took a nice chunk off at 8 weeks and some at 9 i think A few top colas to see how the cj is @ 8-9 weeks she is coming down in the next few days she went hermi on me and I dont want a bunch of lil seeds everywhere.

Flying Goat

Wonderful thread, gentlemen! I'm growing in a mix of peat, compost & nanny berries, with excellent results! Very excited to try this strain which is new to me.

Can you give me any hints? As to training (I have topped just above 4th node)? Ferts? Does she like them or not? Seems to be doing just fine in 2gal pots in the above mix.

I must dedicate at least one plant to seeds for the bank... Can you guide me as to which pheno is most desirable? At present, I have only 2 - one has more sativa leaves than the rest of the bunch. Otherwise, they are pretty uniform.

I plan to fertilize with manure & alfalfa tea & molasses. Any help you could give would be appreciated, as I cannot afford a lost crop.

What does CJ seem to be sensitive to that causes the hermies?

Thanks for letting me butt in on your thread.



Wonderful thread, gentlemen! I'm growing in a mix of peat, compost & nanny berries, with excellent results! Very excited to try this strain which is new to me.

Can you give me any hints? As to training (I have topped just above 4th node)? Ferts? Does she like them or not? Seems to be doing just fine in 2gal pots in the above mix.

I must dedicate at least one plant to seeds for the bank... Can you guide me as to which pheno is most desirable? At present, I have only 2 - one has more sativa leaves than the rest of the bunch. Otherwise, they are pretty uniform.

I plan to fertilize with manure & alfalfa tea & molasses. Any help you could give would be appreciated, as I cannot afford a lost crop.

What does CJ seem to be sensitive to that causes the hermies?

Thanks for letting me butt in on your thread.


Well the really only good tips I could give u is she love the N a lil bit long then others in flower for me at least as far as the pheno goes I only have one myself that I was handed down from a homie of mine.It was my 1st time growing her out.The hermie I think came from my light hps was to hot for my dr60 as I don't have a cooltube yet.as long as ur temps and humidity as cool u should be fine I will be doing her again in coco with maybe lucas or head formula something easy for my noob ass to try the coco.Just chopped her last nite man shes a monster I hope to have over 100 grams dry buds Well thats what it looks like.But who knows.Good luck m8.


Thanks heaps, man. Mine are just about ready to go to 12/12, but I'm waiting on another 400w to arrive...


Oh and make sure u have no light leaks at all with her or any for that matter but cj really sensitive to light leaks..I am sure that is also what happen to me and the heat from the lamp even with a fan blowing all the time it would still got kinda hot. Please if u have time post up some pics of ur cj I would love to see them best of luck to ya man.I will be posting up pics soon of the harvest looks like over 3 zips well see how it drys.


Just a lil bit under 6.5 zips off this bitch with a 250Hps. Damn I really didn't think I was gonna get that much..Just found out right now 6.5 zips.Iam sure it would have been more if I had an air cooled hood.But anyways I am proud of myself that I grew some decent herb I will be ok on smoke till next harvest.Tomorrow I start my OutLaw Og Not to many heads got this cut.Never ran it before I can't wait....


i have CJ also but i havent flowered her out yet but everywhere i look i see and hear amazing things about her so i really look forward to growing her out in bloom

shes a vigorous plant and clones easy and fast


A good chunk of it.Great run I will do it again in the near future.


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that's a great harvest man, fantastic job!

Yes it sure is for me that I don't have anything clocked in very nice smooth smoke.Not the best tasting but not a bad one either.I am glad that my monthly cost for herb is gonna go down ...I hope my new project OUTLAW OG gives me another 4 5 zips that would bee coo I have some pics of her I took last nite right before flip check it out.

Flying Goat

Be sure to give us a smoke report, man! I've moved 2 more CJs into my tiny chamber. Gotta pot one up to 1gal... Have more outside in light shade to slow growth...Hope I get at least 1 male...

Should have the new 400w by end of this month... Will do pix then, as I can move any remaining AFs to the 2nd room for 18/6 & hopefully gain more resin from the MH in their last days... :D


Well It's bomb for the day time thats for sure not really any burn out I like it to puff on all day I can rip this shit all day very smooth nugs are fat and chunky maybe they would be more dense if I had the drying part down right...I can't really explain the taste but it's not a bad one at all...And it was done with foxfarm nutes part organic and kool bloom from gh so I ordered the flora bottles I think it's gonna make a huge difference.Good luck with yours outside its so fucken hot this summer I sure u are gonna need the green tarp over ur ladies u know the greenhouse cloth ??????