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CFL PC CASE GROW, first and second attempts :-P


stretching would be 1" + in between nodes... which you cant even tell yet. going 12/12 they will stretch a bit just wait till 2 weeks from now itll be alotttt different.


Hey all,

Looking good! Got my eye on that gigabud. Any wins on the heat front?

Heat!!!arrrgh!!! The veg case is doing great, don't have the thermometer in there but it feels cold, even with 60W. The flower box is still on the hot side. Added a fan inside under the lights and dropped a few degrees and can only run 46W. And ironically my actual PC keeps freezing when I'm online:wallbash: During the "night", the temps fall 2*C below ambient, with lights on, usually 10- 12*C above ambient. I think the flower box needs the exhaust at the top of the case instead of the middle but thinking of putting a 40mm fan under the back set of lights, which are empty atm. Maybe that can send the warm air down and then the exhaust can take it out.

stretching would be 1" + in between nodes... which you cant even tell yet. going 12/12 they will stretch a bit just wait till 2 weeks from now itll be alotttt different.

Thanks Pyrosin, the top looks kinda crowded so atleast I haven't stretched her, just heat stressed. D'oh. I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks and getting some nice bud sites forming. Thanks for dropping in.

Good news, the GB is starting to smell and little tufts appearing between the branches :woohoo:

The skunk seedlings appear to be doing well, I watered them a few hours ago with Seafeed and EWC but the top leaves seem to be curling down. Don't want to flush in case it's over watered already so leave them overnight and check in the morning.

Ok, enough rambling, I'll post pics in the morning.

leaf long and prosper!


Grow like nobody is watching
Dang, yeah I reckon that's the bottleneck, the filter height. Apart from relocating everything, the only solution I can think of is to build a shroud kind of a duct over the filter, with the opening up under the light bases... except you'd lose room. But it would essentially shift the location of the exhaust to the top of the cab. You could possibly even run it so an 80mm fan is sealed on the opening, at the top, giving your whole flow more static pressure to deal with the filter. I did a similar thing with the intake on my first case (needed to lower it), using a cut-down 2 litre ice cream container. Maybe that gives you some ideas.


New Hope

New Hope

nice dude until i read this thread i was so sad about going back to college in sept because i wont be able to grow... but i can totally grow in a pc case lol

whats that noise from under ur roomates bed... just his compter server

sick deal, but idk if i really feal like risking getting the boot from school for growing pot as unlikely as it is that i would get caught... dnt think my mom would be to proud of me...


just keep is quiet and make it look like a functioning computer... than way if they ever do random searches on your floor they just see a computer. and do not tell ANYBODY, cept your roomy. telling people will cause you alot of problems my buddy used to grow shrooms in his dorm before he got an appartment, word got around fast and somebody tried blackmailing him. looking forward to more pics i wish i had a camera lol


nice dude until i read this thread i was so sad about going back to college in sept because i wont be able to grow... but i can totally grow in a pc case lol

whats that noise from under ur roomates bed... just his compter server

sick deal, but idk if i really feal like risking getting the boot from school for growing pot as unlikely as it is that i would get caught... dnt think my mom would be to proud of me...

hey man maybe you should check out my setup and what i do to keep sound down. you can barely even hear it with your ear against the computer, unless i turn on my strong third fan. which is only at night when the lights are on. the thread title is ghetto first pc case grow or somethin like that.

there are also other things to do discussed in other threads.


nice dude until i read this thread i was so sad about going back to college in sept because i wont be able to grow... but i can totally grow in a pc case lol

whats that noise from under ur roomates bed... just his compter server

sick deal, but idk if i really feal like risking getting the boot from school for growing pot as unlikely as it is that i would get caught... dnt think my mom would be to proud of me...

Hey RadaRada. Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad I could inspire some ideas the same way others had inspired me. The pc cases are great for fun and stealth, but you definately need a working pc near by. The idea of stealth goes out the window if you have a running pc in the room, i.e. whirring fans, but no monitor, keyboard, mouse...

Damn, just thought... maybe turn the monitor into a small veg/ seedling box and flower in the case...

Atleast if you have a room-mate that sees you using the computer they won't question why there is a lone pc case with nothing attatched. And personally, I wouldn't tell even the room-mate. All it takes is a drunken room-mate trying to impress someone, a few drinks and "Hey, my roomie has some pot. He grows it in the room. How cool is that?" Then that person tells someone who then tells more and more untill it gets to the top, not worth the risk IMHO

hey man maybe you should check out my setup and what i do to keep sound down. you can barely even hear it with your ear against the computer, unless i turn on my strong third fan. which is only at night when the lights are on. the thread title is ghetto first pc case grow or somethin like that.

there are also other things to do discussed in other threads.

Hey neo, R U sending people away from my thread????:noway::yoinks:

LOL, All cool, we're doing the same thing, overgrow the world, one pc case at a time. Soon people will say look, they have computers in stealth grow boxes now...

Update time.

Still have temp issues in the flower box. I added a 40mm fan to draw heat away from the globes and down towards the exhaust which has kind of worked, the temps have dropped 8*C with 46W (2 x 23W) but can't increase the wattage as I'll be back in the hot zone again. Thinking about getting a new fan for the exhaust something with a higher CFM, somewhere around the 69CFM range.
GB day 25, day 10 of flower


GB is starting to smell, she smells a little like stagnent water mixed with garlic, and yet I can't help but put my nose in the leaves and take a big wiff!

The 2 WS's and comeing along nice to. WS#3 has a slight smell too it, almost like the GB but sweeter. The preflowers are beginning to pop,


WS#2 on the left, WS3# on right.
I'm thinking WS#3 could be male, thought I saw a ball last night but today it opened up to look more like a preflower. They're only 13 days old so sex won't be showing for a week or more.
WS#2 day 11

WS#3 day 12

the happy couple

Hoping to have one male and one female. do a seed run just in case my first re-veg mother doesn't make it.

Thanks everyone for having a look here, this is the only place I can openly say check out my grow. TELL NO-ONE!!! rule #! of a stealth grow!!!

leaf long and prosper:joint:


Hell Yes!!!! I love PC grows and it always makes me want to start a microgrow like yourself.

YOur little plants look wonderful and I am going to subscribe to your thread to see it till the end. So keep up the updates and I will be along for the ride.

If you do get that 69cfm fan can you do a report on the sound it produces(how loud)???



Grow like nobody is watching
Damn, just thought... maybe turn the monitor into a small veg/ seedling box and flower in the case...

Sadly the screen of the old monitors is all one piece and extends out the back and fills up the space. You'd have to smash it and I don't think that's do-able. Making a new screen out of plexiglass would be a possibility.


Hell Yes!!!! I love PC grows and it always makes me want to start a microgrow like yourself.

YOur little plants look wonderful and I am going to subscribe to your thread to see it till the end. So keep up the updates and I will be along for the ride.

If you do get that 69cfm fan can you do a report on the sound it produces(how loud)???


Thanks for the kind words Jetta, Will be updateing as much as possible throughout the grow, hope there's a good yield at the end of it. I'll definately post a fan report, I'll put some rubber stripping between the fan and the case just to reduce vibrations and get the stealth required.

Originally Posted by basscadet
Damn, just thought... maybe turn the monitor into a small veg/ seedling box and flower in the case...

Sadly the screen of the old monitors is all one piece and extends out the back and fills up the space. You'd have to smash it and I don't think that's do-able. Making a new screen out of plexiglass would be a possibility.

Hey there Scrub, it was just a thought as I was typing but you've given me ideas now... It' would be cool to see a thread pop up by someone who has done that though!

wow your plants look outstanding. keep up the good work.

Good to hear from you neo, thanks for the support, I've been watching your grow too and it coming along nicely.

Quick update, I just opened the flower case and found an ugly looking fungus gnat. I didn't get a chance to take a pic 'cos it's now a paste between my fingers:yeahthats

I'll get more pics up when I get another chance to go inside the secret gardens.

Thanks for the support everyone!:joint:
leaf long and prosper


Thanks everyone for having a look here, this is the only place I can openly say check out my grow. TELL NO-ONE!!! rule #! of a stealth grow!!!

leaf long and prosper:joint:

I know exactly how you feel man just stopping by to show some love. I had read your thread previously but could not comment until now Everything is looking beautiful hope my leaves grow up big and strong like yours :woohoo:

If only my case was as organized and clean as yours lol


I know exactly how you feel man just stopping by to show some love. I had read your thread previously but could not comment until now Everything is looking beautiful hope my leaves grow up big and strong like yours :woohoo:

If only my case was as organized and clean as yours lol

qft lol


Hey everyone, thanks for all the love!

I figure I'm due for an update, yes it has been a while but house guests get in the way of opening up the pc case and letting the sun shine out.

GB is bulking up nicely. I started her first nutes on the 15th June and she exploded with growth. Using Miracle Grow all round plant food, 1/4 teaspoon with 500ml of water and she lapped it all up.

30 days old and 15 days flowering.

Starting to get into LST mode, I wrapped the top of the pot with insulated wire with twists every inch or so to tie the branches down to and put a "grid" of wire to tie some of the undergrowth.

Preflowers are popping, no pistals yet... should be out by now. Unless someone can see them in the poor quality pic. [Think "Jerry Maguire" - Show me the pistals!!]

She is looking pretty. I think I'll call her "Padme", (yeah Star Wars fan!!)

White skunks;
These two are getting bigger each day, but a bit droopy. I think I need to re-pot tomorrow 'cos they're drinking more and more.
WS# 2 day 16


WS#3 day 17
(sorry about the dodgy pic)

WS #3 is still the bigger of the two and has a nice, sweet smell to it. WS #2 has no smell to it yet but I'm patient... for the moment at least.

If I get one male and one female, I'll call the skunks Luke and Leia. Better to use Star Wars for names in my wookie... erm rookie grow.

More to come in the next few days.

Leaf long and prosper!!


space gardener
Those are some nice stout bushes you have there, way to keep them short this looks very good..


Those are some nice stout bushes you have there, way to keep them short this looks very good..

Thanks for the props Aero, mighty impreseed by your grow too.

It's been a while since my last update. Padme (GB) is filling out nicely, preflowers are popping out everywhere but still no sign of pistils.

LST on the GB in the PC under CFL. LOL

she seems to love the training, branches are making there way to the light on their own. It's cool to see it, tie down a branch come back a few hours later and it starts to look like the pics in all the LST guide threads.:woohoo:



Finally got a new fan, 120mm SilverStone capable of 104CFM and down to 34CFM. I kept the speed dial attatched so if I need to speed it up I can or slow it down during the night. One down side is it's loud, f#*king loud at full speed but I keep it arounf the half speed and get a balance of noise to airflow. But kinda still too warm inside. (yeah the hight of the exhaust) I'm thinking after this run, I'll re-do the case and raise the exhaust.

White Skunks;
WS#3 day 21 / day 4 of flowering.

Transplanted them both into 1 litre pots and they're springing up and growing nicely.


WS#2 Day 20 / Day 3 of flowering.

I've read that sex usually shows around 21 days, how long have some of the more experienced growers waited for a plant to show?


wow that silverstone looks beastly!! dude i have a fan controller somewhat similar to that but i really dont know how to hook it up. Can u hook two fans of the same size to one of those? GOOD LUCK CAN WAIT TO SEE THOSE PUSSY HAIRS lmao! stop by my thread see how im going on my case, no plants yet, but just trying to get my shit set up perfectly. i cant wait to see what u get out of ur case, i love seeing the results of pc grows GOOD LUCK!

stay lifted!