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Case Designate US-447 "CANNAFIELD"

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I love when girls are at that stage, the buds are all green with some little white hairs pokin thru. It just looks sweet with all the sharp blades goin every which way. Nice movie collection, I was looking for Starwars then I seen both the Triologys. Gotta have em.. On the original three my dvds have a bonus disc with the orginal version of the movie on it. Which I prefer to the digital enhanced and with those stupid added scences hahaha. Just thought Id let you know incase you didnt know/ incase yours have the bonus disc with it too. Keep up the good work man, wont be long now. Pc :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Prof

I have the originals on VHS, these are the ones with the bonus disc. I was going to be a chooser when I decided to start upgrading my collection from tapes to dvd

I love the plants now too, but I will love them even more when they get bigger buds lol

Thanks for stoppin in bro

Old Soul

Active member
Nice update Dr! I love once they get past this stage they start blowing up like mad. Bet you are getting super anxious bro!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Old soul

Yeah at the point where i am fighting the urge to change stuff to speed them up. They will get there on their own time

High Low
They be off, let see where they end up

You and me both brother, cant wait to see them blow up. I was looking at some kushadelics today in the April HT ( which I got in Feb) go figure, excited about that one

Well I got a new piece today


red eye glass triple bubbler, very thick glass about 24 inches tall or so, get your lungs out, I wont use this one much this is a special occasion bong


Active member
She's a beauty, just keep hitting her with ISO and Salt and you can use her as often as you desire :D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
not a matter of cleaning it is the work required to smoke from it, I would be exhausted from it

i like joints, easy and i can smoke them laying down lol


Active member
That sure is a nice looking bong Dr. So you got blue glass mushrooms inside that tube, how the hell do they do that? Gonna have to do some breathing exercises to clear that baby.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice glass drdog...them mushies are off the chain yo.
:respect: the glass game yo.peace-T-

not a matter of cleaning it is the work required to smoke from it, I would be exhausted from it

i like joints, easy and i can smoke them laying down lol

LOL, Looks great , I can see why you'd want to keep that one as a special occasion bong! :biglaugh: I'd have to do breathing exercizes first too..:laughing:
Laterz, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hey everyone thanks for the props on the bong. I had my eye on this one for a while now, was so nice to try and smoke from it last night, going to have to clean it out well today and put it away for a special occasion


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Special occasion bong - I like it. Like brining out the good china when you have guests :D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you got it sammy

I do that all the time though, if I have company over, we are normally out back witha camp fire, just chillin, I will bust out the good bud, normally when they say they are a chronic smoker, I do like to watch them say they have had enough, or decline the J being passed around.
This bong is not easy to clear, you need a deep breath, so that should make for some laughs alone.

But Yes I do keep the big bongs clean and shinny for when peeps are over

Old Soul

Active member
Looks like a killer bong for sure bro! I love them mushrooms, mmmmmmmmmm. I never could get that into bongs, they always killed me. I do like to hit them once in a while, but like you said, bongs for me are a special occasion. I am a joint man at heart. That and the Volcano is all I ever use much anymore.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
suppy doggy dizog,the bong is stellas bro,you should put it up till you harves this run and smoke ur favorite lookin cola from the whole bunch out of it.i should have a bong thats only ever had FFA in it LOL...the FFA bong...im gonna do that make a seperate bong for all my favorite strains...sounds fun.

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