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Caregivers, what are you offering patients?


Active member

What I do for my patients is multi-task. I am a combination research scientist, horticulturalist and statistician simultaneously providing medication at cost, breeding strains specifically tailored to specific ailments and taking the statistics of which strain helps which malady best.

When I am more financially stable, I hope to be able to offer free medicine should someone unable to afford "top-shelf" medicine. Right now, I simply attempt to keep my prices as low as I can without becoming homeless or without the electricity required to run a winter grow.

You may continue to derail at your leisure. :)




What I do for my patients is multi-task. I am a combination research scientist, horticulturalist and statistician simultaneously providing medication at cost, breeding strains specifically tailored to specific ailments and taking the statistics of which strain helps which malady best.

When I am more financially stable, I hope to be able to offer free medicine should someone unable to afford "top-shelf" medicine. Right now, I simply attempt to keep my prices as low as I can without becoming homeless or without the electricity required to run a winter grow.

You may continue to derail at your leisure. :)


we need to have alot more people out there with this exact attitude

i will rep you when i hit 50! :tiphat:

Ling Chi

New member
I have a question to pose, lets say that you are a caregiver and you have a patient that you provide free meds to due to them being low income, then you find out they are going and selling most of what you've been giving them. The point is that your helping some one out and giving them something free for just them and they turn around and are selling it?


I have a question to pose, lets say that you are a caregiver and you have a patient that you provide free meds to due to them being low income, then you find out they are going and selling most of what you've been giving them. The point is that your helping some one out and giving them something free for just them and they turn around and are selling it?

well if your only giving them a free oz a month and they turn around and sell it, who cares? They obviously needed the money more than the bud, so you are still helping them. Plus if you have a patient that has a 24 plant count and you are getting a minimum of 4 oz per plant per harvest, in the grand scheme of things, how much does an oz really matter?


Active member
I agree with cannagirl, but I might take measures to make sure I never heard anything about one of my "patients" doing something illegal. Of course, the transaction just may (somehow) be legal. In which case.. yeah, who cares?

+24 Plants
-Gift gets sold

Which is a bigger concern?

Ling Chi

New member
I'm not talking about extra plant counts or how much that you may get with a larger plant count.

So if they have gotten the amount that you all have agreed upon for the month, and 10 days later they call you up leave a voice mail message saying, "I'm out. I had to sell the last stuff that I got from you. can I get some more please I'm jonesing bad."

To me, that makes me feel as if they are taking advantage of me. Not to mention, to me, saying anything over the phone or leaving messages on cell phones about any cannabis transactions is still a no no.


well if your only giving them a free oz a month and they turn around and sell it, who cares? They obviously needed the money more than the bud, so you are still helping them. Plus if you have a patient that has a 24 plant count and you are getting a minimum of 4 oz per plant per harvest, in the grand scheme of things, how much does an oz really matter?

I'm not talking about extra plant counts or how much that you may get with a larger plant count.

So if they have gotten the amount that you all have agreed upon for the month, and 10 days later they call you up leave a voice mail message saying, "I'm out. I had to sell the last stuff that I got from you. can I get some more please I'm jonesing bad."

To me, that makes me feel as if they are taking advantage of me. Not to mention, to me, saying anything over the phone or leaving messages on cell phones about any cannabis transactions is still a no no.

Seems like you have to establish some parameters to the relationship on what can be offered for free and what must have the costs recouped. Don't even think about what happens past that.

Ultimately, you'll need some patients that can alleviate the excesses. Those relationships need cultivation... you develop a trust, something mutually benefiting, a partnership, if you will.

I always try to think about the other person (not what they do necessarily) but that whatever the offer, it is fair on both sides.

Always has to be mutually benefiting... that's the whole point. Don't lose focus on that guiding principle and all will work out well... w/o going into specifics! ;-))

CG seems right on... really not that big of a deal + spreading some love + providing a means for them + it is assisting you as well.
I agree with the response on here. I give folks freebies every month and any after cost. That is the only way we can continue to caregive. The patients need to understand...they are not giving us the ability to just give them free meds cuz they hold a card,that card only gives cg's the ability to grow 6 plants for any one patient and the terms of getting the meds are up to patient & cg, if patient does not like what that cg is offering they have the ability to go elsewhere. The red card/doc rec only give the patient the ability to consume cannabis and a person over 18 who is or is not the patient the ability to grow 6 plants. There is nothing that states what the patient gets in return for those 6 plants if they choose a cg or center to grow. If they grow themselves obviously they keep all meds but also contend with the bills that come from growing.
2 cents? Coming right up...

HEre is what we are working, Washington State, King County, Thurston County:

WA has fifteen plant limit, 24 ounce 'usable', no legal provisions for collectives or dispensaries. King County has gone on record as being lenient of collective growing. We have had some trouble with the organized, big dollar, and in my opinion, questionably legal, dispensaries. But King County has not come down on dispensaries... just a few big busts of what I see as some really stupid moves on eh part of people with guns, bad personal relationships and excessive poundage.

Our collective members, the 'card holders' that we are overseeing the grow for receive:

X#X free.

+ X#X at ($) cost.

++X#X at negotiated costs

Who and what I deal with are all legal patients. UBIN, City business licenses and working towards non-profit/not for profit status. We have patient growers growing collectively with no 'sales' to dispensaries, only patients. We never disperse more than the 24 ounce limit at any one time. We know our card holders are helping in their local area and encourage them to only work within the legal patient community. The moment I have provided, my part is done. I dot every (i) and cross every (t) so my ass is a covered as I can make it.

I know, its not much. Seattle has 'collectives' that claim 3,000 card holders. We are not in the business of stealing others business. Word of mouth is our only calling card.

It sucks that Thurston County refuses to go on recored with any meaningful guidelines. Till they do we will continue to happily grow in Seattle Basements and closets... ( since 1976 ) and will continue to strive for legality, accountability and transparency.
I have a question for all of yall that are here in Colorado..... Under this new bill, I've been told that you can assign someone as your caregiver but still be able to grow your 6. Is this correct? More importantly, can I go and get a second reccomendation for more than 6 plants still even though i assigned Organic Alternatives as my caregiver?
I have a question for all of yall that are here in Colorado..... Under this new bill, I've been told that you can assign someone as your caregiver but still be able to grow your 6. Is this correct? More importantly, can I go and get a second reccomendation for more than 6 plants still even though i assigned Organic Alternatives as my caregiver?

Part of that is true. Yes a patient and a cg can split there med growing but it obviously limits what the cg can actually give the patient in the end. However a cg is given the right to grow only 6 per patient unless denoted by the doc. And vise versa if the patient grows for themselves. But never 6 + whatever the patient is growing, unless denoted like I stated previously.


Long haired country boy
HB 1284, actually allows both the patient and the caregiver to both grow 6, they clarified this grey area...


The new forms from the CDPHE was released the other day here is a new section
14. Provider of medical marijuana: Select one of the following that best describes your intended source of medical marijuana:
1 Self (skip the “Provider” section below)
2 Care-giver (Required: enter name and address below)
3 Medical Marijuana Center (Required: enter name and address below)
4 Self and Care-giver (Required: enter name and address below)
5 Self and Medical Marijuana Center (Required: enter name and address below)

After HB1284 I believe that if you check one of the last two boxes in this section then you can grow your own 6 plants and also have a caregiver or MMC grow 6 for you as well, or whatever number that you doctor approved. It seems with this new section that the legal plant numbers in the state can almost double. I may be way off on this but thats what I am interpreting. Here is a link to the new forms. http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/Medicalmarijuana/Final%20MMR%20Application%202010NewbPackage.pdf


New member
Even if you interpret it as your patient can grow 6 and you (cg) can grow 6, which is what I believe is the case.... the point is.... what are you going to do with your "extra meds".. you "could" sell it to your patients (at cost.. no profit).. but you're patients really don't need it, as they have grown their own.. and you can't legally sell it to anyone else.


I offer them a little bit of this


And a little bit of that :)




Long haired country boy
Even if you interpret it as your patient can grow 6 and you (cg) can grow 6, which is what I believe is the case.... the point is.... what are you going to do with your "extra meds".. you "could" sell it to your patients (at cost.. no profit).. but you're patients really don't need it, as they have grown their own.. and you can't legally sell it to anyone else.
I guess I'll just turn everything into oil...Have you ever seen 10oz of earwax???:laughing:
Just start making edibles, hash, salves, tincture ect...a simple slight of hand on the listed dosage should provide enough protection from the simple minded..