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Captains little dr120 that could!

captain planet

Active member
Might as well document in here, just up potted the new cuts and they did stay in solos longer than normal for me so hoping that's most of the issue but the chem D and Corey both seem to show idk cal mag issue? I know I've heard the D is a mag whore and of course the Corey cut is very closely related , anywho here are pics oh and DTOG I'm hoping some extra Epsom helps?




Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
I use a 1/4 teaspoon of epsom per gallon with every feeding. With the Chem D, it's not enough. I have a watering cup that holds 16 oz. of water. Last night i added a 1/4 teaspoon of epsom to that before i watered the Chem D. We'll see if that helps. I have 3 pump sprayers for foliars, but can;t find one to save my life, lol.

captain planet

Active member
Haven't sprayed any Epsom or watered with yet, but since the up pot everything looks a lot better. I need to start topping and training and cloning, I'm hitting the t5s on both the up pots and the backups. I can tell the blue dream is the one I'm not gonna be used to, she just grows like crazy, and keeps that main stem


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I think it was hammer that told me to help get rid of the verigation & mag def in the sour dubb was to use 300ppm of epsom & RO in a spayer & it helped alot . try that dose on her to see if it helps . you'll know in a couple days if it does .

captain planet

Active member
Just did an up pot to the tent including GG 3 ways. 1 SS on bottom base on top, 2 GG all SS, and 3 GG in str8 FFOF, the GSC was a little floppy and thin, and the chem D was a tiny bugger , but wanted to get the show on the road....

captain planet

Active member
Oh the 600 quantum has the mh bulb in and is set to 50%, I'll finish vegging em out like that than bump to 75% first cpl weeks of hps then go 100 in full flower


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Just did an up pot to the tent including GG 3 ways. 1 SS on bottom base on top, 2 GG all SS, and 3 GG in str8 FFOF, the GSC was a little floppy and thin, and the chem D was a tiny bugger , but wanted to get the show on the road....

I put a GG#4 in a 20 gal smart pot of straight Sunshine#4. Fucker got 8' tall and 12' around, in the shade at that. I like that dirt, kinda pricey where I'm at though.

captain planet

Active member

Front row L-R = GG4 3 ways SS bottom and base, all SS, and str8 FF
Middle row L-R= GSC , star dawg , chem D
Back row L-R= 2.0, sour dub, blue dream

These will be there positions thru out. Gonna veg em up and then clean up real good and even out and put the screen on

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Great lookin bunch, captain! I'm keepin my eye on the Stardawg and, of course, the 2.0

Oh, and I got that aero cloner up and running, like we talked about before. Shit solved all my problems!! We'll see how it does this winter when the humidity drops because of running the heat.

captain planet

Active member
Just went to check the room and my 4bulb sunblaze t5 is not lit up. Unless all bulbs blew at once, I'm assuming the ballast went?!? It's around 4 years old, is that normal, I'm gonna see if I can throw some bulbs in to check in a little bit..... this is mucho important as it's the light for my mothers

captain planet

Active member
What looks like a hole on the right is where the Chen D is, it was the last to root and the smallest, doesn't hit the screen, but some nice branches on it.

The front row of GG 3 ways doesn't really show much of a difference between the 3 ways


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Just went to check the room and my 4bulb sunblaze t5 is not lit up. Unless all bulbs blew at once, I'm assuming the ballast went?!? It's around 4 years old, is that normal, I'm gonna see if I can throw some bulbs in to check in a little bit..... this is mucho important as it's the light for my mothers

Yup, sounds like the ballast. Home Depot/Lowes carry the replacements. super easy to change out.

captain planet

Active member
Lights out for 2 days, until chop, today is day 65..... everything looks similar as far as ripeness. Gonna try for an individual pic of each at harvest

captain planet

Active member
Notes- forum and 2.0 have some really dark leaves, Dubb has some thick ass stems, blue dream as the most sativa obv had the most vigorous growth and the fluffiest looking buds


passing the gas
View Image

Front row L-R = GG4 3 ways SS bottom and base, all SS, and str8 FF
Middle row L-R= GSC , star dawg , chem D
Back row L-R= 2.0, sour dub, blue dream

These will be there positions thru out. Gonna veg em up and then clean up real good and even out and put the screen on

looks like the clones I been passing are getting spread around, enjoy and pass them!
good luck with your tent.:tiphat:
