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CAP NextGen, Quantum or Lumatek: Which one works best with a Flip Box?

Pretty simple question:

Which of these three ballasts (CAP NextGen, Quantum or Lumatek, 1000 watts) will work best with a flip flop? Setting up my new space and I will be using a flip/flop...from what I've read I BELIEVE the Quantum works best on a flip/flop but I am not sure, I can't find what I read before...

As always, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks IC.


UPDATE 8/4/10

Only Quantums, Galaxy and magnetic ballasts work with the Flip Box!!!


New member
I recomend shutting off the digital ballasts before the flip cycle. If you tell a digital ballasts manufacturer you're using a flip, and the ballast fails, they won't replace it.
I recomend shutting off the digital ballasts before the flip cycle. If you tell a digital ballasts manufacturer you're using a flip, and the ballast fails, they won't replace it.

Sorry, but that's NOT the answer I'm looking for.

Simple question: Which ballast works best on a flip/flop? CAP NextGen, Quantum or Lumatek? 1000 watts...


I was talking to a salesman from Discounthydro and he said that the C.A.P. NextGen was a good eballast. It is the only one that has a 600wt/400wt ballast and it has 2 very small fans instead of relaying on air cooled only. He said that because of the fans they fail least offen. You can get the 600/400 with air cooled hood and bulb for 300.00 at discounthydro. Ill let you know more when it comes in.


if your using a digital ballast with a flip you need to have it turn off before flipping the lights. They make flip/boxs for this but its something to consider.

Oh and all magnetic ballast are made with just about the same insides...


How about mag ballasts of the HPS and puse-start MH variety? Will the starter/capacitor get all messed up by a hot flip? I'm planning on a full-time ballast with 12/12 lamps. I remember a thread about a 400 x 6 stadium flip-flop but that was using a traditional MH ballast where the bulb has a bimetallic contact in it.

If not then I'll just start flipping and flopping to my hearts content. If so then I will put a 7 minute time-out relay on the power feed to the ballast when the flip is initiated.
From the PowerBox Website

From the PowerBox Website

Thank you Globel, Krunchbubble and Muttley for your input. Glad to see you back around Krunchbubble...


From the PowerBox website:
The ALL NEW Powerbox™ FLIPBOX™ allows any ballast to run 2 lights (non-simultaneously). The Powerbox™ FLIPBOX™ works with magnetic and new digital ballasts and allows you to expand, without the need for bringing in additional power circuits. Simply plug the Powerbox™ FLIPBOX™ into your ballast and you can plug 2 lamps into the FLIPBOX ™. A trigger cord controls the 'Flip.' Each FLIPBOX™ has a 120V slave outlet, so you can daisy-chain multiple FLIPBOX ™ trigger cords to each other and use as many FLIPBOXES ™ as you have ballasts, all triggered by one timer. Compatible with 120V and 240V ballasts. Includes 6' patch cord (Flipbox to Ballast) and 6' 120V trigger cord.

The Powerbox™ FLIPBOX™ is the BEST FLIPBOX™ on the market and has many advantages over other flip boxes. First, it REALLY WORKS and has a 5-year warranty. Second, we make our FLIPBOXES™ in individual modules so you get extended distance for placing your lights; all of your cords are not tied to a single panel. Third, in the event of a component failure, you can quickly swap-out one module and you are back at full capacity. With large, multi-ballast panels, if there is a component failure, you have to take the entire panel system down while you arrange a replacement.

I know I can do a DIY and build one myself but this one comes with a warranty. I am not an electrician and will spend $150 for myself and my family's safety. This particular model does need a timer, I'll pick up a digital timer and use it along with the box. I'm guessing the timer hooks up to the "trigger cord". Is anyone using this particular model?


New member
nope, hydro solutionz makes a flip flop for digitals that turn them off then on.

Hydrosolutionz is out of business. Not sure where you got your information from. I have several of the Hydrosolutionz flips in a pile in my shop, they all burnt. Their flip has no way of turning off 120V/240V power to the ballast(s), you would need a timer or loadcenter for that. Also there is NO difference if someone says they make a seperate flipbox for c&c or electronic ballasts. It's the same relay inside.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Hydrosolutionz is out of business. Not sure where you got your information from. I have several of the Hydrosolutionz flips in a pile in my shop, they all burnt. Their flip has no way of turning off 120V/240V power to the ballast(s), you would need a timer or loadcenter for that. Also there is NO difference if someone says they make a seperate flipbox for c&c or electronic ballasts. It's the same relay inside.

you are sadly mistaken. the several hydrosolutions flips that i do have, all have timers, they turn the ballasts on then off. you must have some of there old shit or another company.
there is a difference with flips for digital and magntic ballasts. bought one for magnetic ballasts and it didnt work. bought the digital ballast flip flp and it works perfectly.


New member
You are the one who is mistaken. Why don't you post a pic of your Hydrosolutionz HIDDumb flip or post a link to their website. I've built more flips than any manufacturer out there.
How about this flamewar goes somewhere else instead of my goddamn thread!

I want this thread to be INFORMATIVE!!! If someone else decides they want a FlipBox and a Digital Ballast how about they have something USEFUL to read!!!




Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
You are the one who is mistaken. Why don't you post a pic of your Hydrosolutionz HIDDumb flip or post a link to their website. I've built more flips than any manufacturer out there.

so, what? you want a cookie or something? i wont waste my time posting a pic for you, look through my albums if you want proof.....


New member
Listin TB4Y, I always post the truth when it comes to flips and other lighting controllers. Others here seem to post bullshit. There are a lot of people here who post misinformation, especially about electrical that will certainly cause a fire. Hydrosolutionz is out of business, period.


New member
Wihtout trying to promote our products, here is what I can tell you for sure - powerbox flips definitely work with galaxy, new lumateks, and quantums. When the flip occurs, if the second lamp doesn't ignite right away, just wait - theballast will send another ignition pulse within 60 to 300 seconds and the lamp will ignite. Most of the time however the lamp should ignite right away on flip. I would buy either quantum or galaxy - we use those for testing in our shop.