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Can't nobody hold me down.



hi everyone, just got back from out of town for a few days. my shit is so much better than the colorado med dispenseraies lol i love it. :D


here is what happens when you get lazy and don't plant your clones. ha they get pretty tangled up.. if this ever happens, de-tangle them UNDERWATER, not pulled out. in water they seperate easily. try to do so out of water and you will rip lots of roots. anyway, on the way to store today to get supplies for planting to 16 oz cups. good timing so far this run. :yes:





and here is my new man-made vipertrainwreck mama lol four clones that were rooted, put in the same bag. folks always tell me "that doesn't work" but it always seems to work for me, at least well enough for my purposes. looking good under the T5's i think. will be cloning her right after planting existing clones. this particular vipertrainwreck will be my sole stock moving forward, except for the bubba.. i'll keep her around. the cherry and skunk i'm gifting to friends then letting run her course. great herb, but gotta keep it moving.



here's the closet. right about week 7 now. started the flush, and am using "gravity" the humboldt bud hardener. molasses too, but that's it. almost there. :canabis:





solo shot of a vipertrainwreck:


should have more pics up later today after planting clones :wave:


just wanted to point out... Today is August 29. So my clones went from this


to this


in just 20 days. if you have cloning problems, try this shit. it is so crazy and so easy. no additives in the water. no domes. ima genius.. lol :smoke:


transplanting to cups. cherry haze and skunk haze.








the bubba kush clone went right to 1 gal bags. hmm, lets see..

no viper trainwreck for this run. got the vtw clones getting read for the run after. will be nothing but her, and a few plants of bubba for personal use. going to try and maximize the next run. pic of the vtw clones, and what's left of the mama. i think she will recover actually, but if not i'll just keep one of the clones as a new mama.




Yeah, i gota second that, quite a show!!!
Love your jungle cupboard.. well, more of a small room.. but ya, looks awesome in there.
And that does look like a super simple way to clone, i think i'm going to have a go at that if my coco dome fails again.

Keep on rocking viper


sleepy: hiya friend! :wave: always a pleasure, and many thanks for the kind words and kudos :pimp3:

masterlow: hello and welcome aboard! :tiphat: lol yeah it does feel more like a room than a closet, that's for sure.. but just goes to show what you can do with a little space. :smoke: thanks for the compliment my friend, much obliged. the cloning thing is probably the greatest thing i've ever been a part of. (hehe) well ok for sure that's not true but it is pretty sweet. even if you didn't want to water out of it like i do, you could just fill a tub with some filtered water, throw in the heater and the the air stone for a few weeks then plant your clones and dump the shit out. i mean do it just for the cloning, instead of combing the purposes like i do. (why can't i make that sound clear and intelligible? lol)

um looks like i forgot the pics. lol be bakc imn a sec..


Looking good!!! I cant believe your already that far into flower, I thought just the other day your flipped! Nice work, nice bushes man! Cool cloning method, how does it work exactly?? Great roots for sure. Got me some Bubba going now too ;) Cant wait! Take care brotha, PEACE


Nice roots !!! :yes:
So what was the Styrofoam thing before it held the RR ?

hiya bear :wave: it is actually a Sunleaves Float and Grow -- the plugs aren't rapid rooters but ones that come with the styrofoam insert. you can also buy them seperate. i know it may be splitting hairs, but i prefer the sunleaves plugs much more than the rapid rooters.. difference in texture or something. anyway, you can buy the insert for 25 bucks at hydro store with 55 plugs included. i used a serrated knife to cut off the very end row, so i have exactly 50 spots for clones. more than i need. lol thanks for the post always a pleasure man

cali: what up playa! haha great to see you mate hope your garden is good (as it alwyas is). my the time does fly.. hopefully the next 3 weeks flies too. hehe let's see, the cloning method is easy.

- rubbermaid tote ($3-5, 10 gallon is plenty)
- air pump with air stone to oxygenate water.
- submersible fish tank heater, approx. 10 gallon

that's it! just float the styrofoam tray on top and make sure you have some kind of light in the room so they don't flower, of course. i even use the super-cheap cloning gel. "root tech" is what its called i think. way cheaper than clone-x, and works just as well if not better.

boom: :blowbubbles: lol ima go smoke that blunt before the daily show comes on.. :D thanks for the post man glad to see you lurkin :smoke:


the air stone and pump will cost you about $25 or less total, and the submersible heater was around $15 i think... all available at your local pet smart or pet co, etc. the only problem you will have with cloniing is remembering to put them in dirt before they look like the pictures above all swirling and tangled lol


i went to provide a little advice to a fellow grower yesterday.. first time i saw his setup. he is a grower-friend of a grower-friend. i've done this twice in the last few weeks.

it amazes me how many people ignore (or are ignorant of) the basics! temperatures: i don't care what anyone says about high temps with co2, that does not mean let your temps up in the 90's. lol i don't get it. whatever weight you might actually gain from the co2 is lost in spades because of your high temps.. not to mention potency, colors/appearance, etc. get those damn temps down. and keep your soil on the dry side, not the wet side. my god people overwater. i bet i would kick myself in the balls if i saw my first-time grower self. lol i used to water at least once a day ( wtf?!) eh. zen masters always say our little minds love to get into everything, but it is when we keep them out that it usually goes well.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
haha viper, i think i would do the same thing. i used to do some crazy ass ish before i realized what i was doing. now i have some buddies i just started talking to again from high school, and i see the shit they are doing, and i want to scream! but i keep my mouth shut because i dont want them asking how is that i know so much about the plant. haha, well happy growing.


/\/\ ha amen brother. security is numero uno. :yes: i work in an office and have to keep my mouth shut about all the shitty houseplants cause i don't wanna be like, "well, you should get a little nitrogen, maybe add some perlite or coco to up your drainage ratio then dial back the unnecessary nutes" lmao they would look at me like wtf :nono:


decided on one more guano feeding. after this, its plain water with molasses and gravity for 2-3 weeks. oh yeah, the vipertrainwreck i've been taking pictures of is actually a cherry trainwreck. lol didn't know the cherry colored that quickly so it threw me off. enjoy! (short squatty one is a bubba x deep chunk)



















morning pics.. day 43. should start filliing out over the next couple weeks. gonna do another round of nutes then start the gravity. gave the bigger gals some bamboo support last night. starting to get heavy on the vine. :D











Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Great job so far Khaleel.....looks like u should have a nice harvest coming soon!


Hi, I'm a newb to growing and just started 2 weeks ago. I'm glad I found this picture you posted:


I see you have clipped/manicured the leaves in the early stages of these plants growth. What does this do, and what is this called? And what's the rule of thumb for clipping the leaves early like this?
Thanks for sharing, the garden looks beautiful.


Hi, I'm a newb to growing and just started 2 weeks ago. I'm glad I found this picture you posted:


I see you have clipped/manicured the leaves in the early stages of these plants growth. What does this do, and what is this called? And what's the rule of thumb for clipping the leaves early like this?
Thanks for sharing, the garden looks beautiful.

hello use :wave: many thanks for the compliments and kind words. :tiphat: yes, you are very perceptive. here is the logic behind trimming fan leaves back on your clones:

ok, what do leaves do? well, they probably do a lot of things but in regards to your question: 1) they produce food; 2) they "transpire" (a process in which water is released into the air, like sweating or something). so you don't want to trim them completely off -- the little clone needs food. there are usually no nutrients in cloning water (not in mine at least), so leaving some of the fan leaves is a good idea. BUT, they also transpire and release water. it just so happens when you are cloning that loss of water is enemy number one. the stems have to get proper roots out very quickly in order to absorb water at the rate necessary for survival. some die before this happens, of course. about 1 in 20 die on my watch. trimming the fan leaves down decreases the surface area of your leaf, cutting down on transpiration and thus the loss of water. as for a rule of thumb, i just do it by feel. i dont know... let's say leave 1-2 of the fan leaves for a growth tip. ibasically cut it down to where the "finger" of the leaf connects to the "palm" -- that is the best i can do. i've got a ton of clones shown throughout this thread. take a look at them all, and get a good feel. you really can't mess it up, but to be on the safe side cut less than you think you should. ? good luck man. it definitely helps with your cloning ratio.


hi everyone, picture time!

clones are coming along fabulously. i'm telling you, if ya ever had troubles with cloning (or anything less than a 90% success rate), this is the easiest, most economic, and most reliable method ever.


here it looks like i didn't trim much at all. lol maybe it doesn't even matter, my friend. i guess it would be tough to fit them all in the tray if i didn't cut the leaves. :D

peace out g's

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