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Cannabis is already Legalized in California (and I'm going to prove it)


Active member
Yesterday was quite inspiring. The Vice President for California Cannabis Inc. needed a bit of inspiration. Our VP has been busted and shut down by the feds before, so thier caution and timidness is understandable. So I called my friend Dennis in San Francisco and asked if we could smoke the lastest harvest (Grape Haze and Cherry Pie) and talk about things. So he said sure and asked for us to sit in on his lecture at Oaksterdamn. So my and the VP got a free Oaksterdamn class. Honestly I wasn't to thrilled about that. LIke WTF do I need to sit in on Dennis lecture for. Well I was in for one hell of a surprise. He spoke out against Richard Lee's initiative while on the clock for him. It was a breath of fresh air. During the lecture he rehashed a lot of stuff I allready knew, but it seemed as if there were about 15 mins specfically for me and the VP. Later I would find that it was correct.

Also I met the most intelligent person regarding weed matters ever. He is the one who ran the farm where I first learned to grow. Sorry that I cannot disclose his name, but when we smoked and he liked my herb, it was a nice feeling of accompishment. This guy knows his weed. When we discussed legal strategy he liked the plan I came up with, and so did Dennis.

So my mission is to prove that 215 allready legalized.

In order to prove this, it will be neccessary to bait the county into charging me and bringing me into superior court. The nice thing is that Sacramento (under the direction of ASA) was so gracious as to create a new misdemeanor crime that specifically related to medical cannabis which is infact illegal.

So I am going to expand operations for one day in opposition to the moratorium. I will contact my city councilman to let him know that we fully expect code enforcement to cite us, and if they don't we will open up on every corner in town. That will get us the superior court date. Since it's a city code issue, the city attorney will have to prosecute since the DA is too busy for petty misdemeanors. The city attorney knows jack squat about medical marijuana laws. The friends, and associtates of California Cannabis Inc. WROTE the laws! So thus I will represent pro per, I have beat a 3 strikes as cocouncil in one of the most corrupt courts in California (El Dorado). So I am confident I can do this.

At trial the evidence to convict for violating the moratorium will be damning and as a pro per attorney I should get convicted of the FINE. The purpose however is not to get found not guilty but to raise several important questions for the 3rd district court of appeals to consider.During the trial the ballot arguements AGAINST prop 215 will be used to support our contentions. In these ballot arguements several times, highly respected people said that if the voters passed 215 the following would apply.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215yesrbt.htm said:
Proposition 215 requires absolutely no written documentation of any kind to grow or smoke marijuana. It will create legal loopholes that would protect drug dealers and growers from prosecution.
http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215yesrbt.htm said:
http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215yesrbt.htm said:
Proposition 215 will make it legal for people to smoke marijuana in the workplace . . . or in public places . . . next to your children.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215noarg.htm said:
The proponents of this deceptive and poorly written initiative want to exploit public compassion for the sick in order to legalize and legitimatize the widespread use of marijuana in California.
http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215noarg.htm said:
Proposition 215 does not require a written prescription. Anyone with the ''oral recommendation or approval by a physician" can grow, possess or smoke marijuana. No medical examination is required.
http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215noarg.htm said:
THERE IS NO AGE RESTRICTION. Even children can be legally permitted to grow, possess and use marijuana . . . without parental consent.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215noarg.htm said:
This initiative makes marijuana available to the public without FDA approval or regulation. Quality, purity and strength of the drug would be unregulated. There are no rules restricting the amount a person can smoke or how often they can smoke it.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215noarg.htm said:
This initiative allows unlimited quantities of marijuana to be grown anywhere . . . in backyards or near schoolyards without any regulation or restrictions. This is not responsible medicine. It is marijuana legalization.

Sounds like the perfect thing to vote for if you like weed right? Well thats the point to get a dozen people to testify as to their intention in voting for prop 215, including getting certain people who drafted it to get on the stand to as to their intentions. It will prove voter intent at trial which the appeals court will hold is true and thus declare that prop 215 legalized without regulation,restriction, or paper work.

So all those who are stupidly in favor of taxation, regulation, control and vice versa it's all the same. You and your taxes and plant limits can go fuck yourself. There is no need to feed the beast with more tax dollars. Which will be another point raised as the fiscal analysis for prop 215 came across as this

Adoption of this measure would probably have no significant fiscal impact on state and local governments.

We voted for legalization without taxes back in 1996!


Active member
sounds pretty cool, but is it smart to talk about it in a public internet forum?

Ofcourse it is. Why not share this information. Who knows maybe someone is fighting a case now, and they could use the same strategy and arguments.

The information was public and it was the cops and lawyers who made those claims. You know the people who bitch if you have 7 plants flowering or 8.1 oz of herb...

Blue Dot

Well thats the point to get a dozen people to testify as to their intention in voting for prop 215, including getting certain people who drafted it to get on the stand to as to their intentions. It will prove voter intent at trial which the appeals court will hold is true and thus declare that prop 215 legalized without regulation,restriction, or paper work.

Yeah, er, um, I'm not so sure.

That would just prove the drafters intent. I mean it's silly to says dozens of people are a representative sample of the millions that live in cali.

Statistically speaking, it's not valid.

If this were the case then every initative could bring forth people afterward to state their intention to oppose how the iniative is currently being implemented.

I've never heard of a precedent for this so good luck, I just think you're going to be dissappointed with the outcome.


Active member
California Cannabis Initiative 2010
(this is the GOOD intiative, the one that lets people out of jail and would allow patients to actually practice REAL horticulture without having to spend millions of bucks on licensing.)

You want to spend your energy wisely in the RE-legalization of cannabis? Help make this initiative a reality. Put in your time and help get signatures starting in the next week or so. We'll need 360,000 in 150 days.

Most of 215 would become moot at that point.


Active member
California Cannabis Initiative 2010
(this is the GOOD intiative, the one that lets people out of jail and would allow patients to actually practice REAL horticulture without having to spend millions of bucks on licensing.)

You want to spend your energy wisely in the RE-legalization of cannabis? Help make this initiative a reality. Put in your time and help get signatures starting in the next week or so. We'll need 360,000 in 150 days.

Most of 215 would become moot at that point.

Except for the part of taxing Cannabis atleast $50 per ounce. Errr wrong sorry, it's trash.

Now shall we talk about them blatantly ripping of my corporations name and logo???

Why would I want to help an initiative that neuters the best damn thing ever voted in? I think instead I will just bring my city to court to end the debate once and for all.


Weed does not need to be taxed, regulated, or controlled.
From that initiative:
This act is intended to "Punish those who violate this act..."
Screw that.


Active member
Yeah, er, um, I'm not so sure.

That would just prove the drafters intent. I mean it's silly to says dozens of people are a representative sample of the millions that live in cali.

Statistically speaking, it's not valid.

If this were the case then every initative could bring forth people afterward to state their intention to oppose how the iniative is currently being implemented.

I've never heard of a precedent for this so good luck, I just think you're going to be dissappointed with the outcome.

Thats why I said I would get a dozen VOTERS who voted in 1996 along with others. I have spoke with someone that used to be an appeals court judge. He said specifically that the ballot arguements hold weight as they can prove voter intent when it comes to the "grey area's" of law and interpretation of questionable laws by the Judges.

Blue Dot

Thats why I said I would get a dozen VOTERS who voted in 1996 along with others. I have spoke with someone that used to be an appeals court judge. He said specifically that the ballot arguements hold weight as they can prove voter intent when it comes to the "grey area's" of law and interpretation of questionable laws by the Judges.

Ask him if a case using this method has ever been brought to trial and if the outcome has been used as a precedent.

What about MY intentions? Isn't that what a vote is for in the first place? To collect everyones intentions?

Like I said dozens of people don't mean nothing compared to the intentions of the MILLONS of people in CA.

All the defense would have to do is bring in a statistician and prove that dozens, hundereds, even thousands aren't representative of the people.

That's why we have initative votes in the first place. Californians are'nt stupid enough to believe that a couple of political "representatives" hold their intentions so the people would rather vote their intentions themselves.

Your logic is like, "Well if a certain lobby believes one way then this is representative of all the people."

Just look how much trouble THAT has gotten this country into.


Active member
Blue Dot there is a precident with using the ballot arguements. The case is people v Kelly. And guess what it's about prop 215!
The CUA does not quantify the marijuana a patient may possess. Rather, the
only “limit” on how much marijuana a person falling under the Act may possess is it
must be for the patient’s “personal medical purposes.”9 (Ibid.)Ballot materials make clear that this is the only “limitation” on how much
marijuana a person under the Act may possess. An argument against the CUA was it
“allows unlimited quantities of marijuana to be grown anywhere . . . in backyards or near
schoolyards without any regulation or restrictions. This is not responsible medicine. It is
marijuana legalization.” (Ballot Pamp., Gen. Elec. (Nov. 5, 1996), argument against
Prop. 215, p. 61.)San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan responded,
“Proposition 215 does not allow ‘unlimited quantities of marijuana to be grown
anywhere.’ It only allows marijuana to be grown for a patient’s personal use. Police
officers can still arrest anyone who grows too much, or tries to sell it.” (Ibid., rebuttal to
argument against Prop. 215, p. 61.) According to these ballot statements, the CUA does
not place a numeric cap on how much marijuana is sufficient for a patient’s personal
medical use.

Blue Dot

^The funny thing about that is that I actually saved the full ballot pamphlet (not the little booklet for election day) but the full page deal because I knew history was in the making.

I wonder how much I could get for that phamplet on ebay? lol


Active member
I will give you an ounce for it. Infact I will send it via intrastate courier. That can be how I modify operations in opposition to the moratorium! Thanks! Welcome to the team.

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