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Cannabis in Uruguay (South America 34°)



Quiero aprovechar este hilo pa preguntarle a cualquiera que este cruzando el charco si saben si ahi en algun vivero venden distroyer mites???

Lo agredeceria mucho, mucho, mucho, por que las spider mites me estan matando la Angola roja x bangui y ahora van por la pakistan x cantarela f2 y la verdad es que ya no puedo hacer mucho, ya estan metidas adentro de los cogo y no puedo sacarlas sin arruinarlos :frown:
Y miren que lo intente....

Ahora en unos dias me traen aceite de neem, justamnete de Rosario, pero ya no puedo rociarla toda por los cogo.

Ojala alguien me pueda salvar la vida, salu.

PD: pa la proxima session no las voy a dejar entra malditas PE**AS


Andinismo Hierbatero
Lion, intenta con un caldo de tabaco a ver si se van.

lo que haces es coger tabaco (mejor que no sea de cigarrillo sino de un puro) y remojarlo en un par de litros de agua, para que este mas rapido, lo puedes poner a hervir, luego cuando se enfrie puedes atomizar muy bien las plantas por todos lados...

deja el caldo de tabaco sobre las plantas por uno o dos dias, y luego les atomizas agua fresca y limpia.

dales mucha ventilacion y luz de sol para evitar que el exceso de humedad sobre los cogollos vaya a producir algun hongo.



Hola bombadil.360

Gracias por el consejo, vamo a probarlo.
Ayer dedique 3 horas a limpiar hoja por hoja a mano las nenas.
Asi 4 dias que no las limpiaba y ya me dejaron telarañas en una rama :(
Ahora a limpiar todos los dias aunque no tenga tiempo jeje.

Saludos a todos.


New member
Nice purple feno bro!! last time we met you ask me about fotos of my plants, so here they come.

i have two guerrilla spots in a bushy low wood, lets start with the first one , jack herer, lesotho, neville´s & a mighty SSh.



Active member
Hey Chakra!! So nice to have you in the thread as the honorable Uruguayan grower you are :D:D

They look great, lets hope for a lot of sunny days for this autumn so they can end at peace. I like that JH, looks GOOD!

Of course the asado will be great, I saw a few ambar trichomes and harvested the pakistan x cantarela so it's a nice occasion to test things out :yummy:

We'll stay in touch brother :good:

Last standing pictures of the reveged Pakistan X [Lesotho x Uzbekistan] F2





Blan-k- That phrase wouldn't sound that good in spanish...hahahahah . Just kidding man. You are always welcome to share a barbecue or a weekend over here, plain wood sticks for the fire, no coal on this side of the river to make the fire ;)



Well-known member
Buuenas cosechas ! a disfrutar de las catas ahora ....

Vas a cruzar a participar ?

saludos ...


Active member
La verdad nunca he pensado en participar. Tal vez en el futuro. No estoy muy informado en el tema copas tampoco, vi que ud gano una demian :good:

Seguro las angola roja x banghi de LMN compiten contra cualquiera :D
Despues de dos semanas de cosechada ya se nota que es buena yerba.


Hola !!
Very nice sativas, brother....
I already recovered the photos, thanks (and yes, photorec...is an old good friend)...
I am a linux user for almost 9 ys now ;)
You have a gorgeous grow there... I love your Alex's genetics ... I had some of them, but lost them ...
Still planting some cantarelas here ... Will keep an eye on your thread.

Te escribo en inglés por coherencia en el hilo, un abrazo andaluz :tiphat:


Active member
Thanks a lot for visiting supervaca. Glad to have fellows GNU/Linux users around!
I work as a sysadmin with red-hat servers and use Debian at my personal boxes :good:
Freedom is what we like :D In every aspect.

Cantarelas are trusty plants, good luck man.

Gracias colega andaluz.

More pics coming sooon. The orient express is ready for the cut, I think I'll be cutting her this week.


Active member
This new page needs some Pics

This new page needs some Pics

This are pictures from a week ago.

Orient Express is still maturing, we are having a nice sunny start autumn, it's obviously delayed because of global warming. no yellow leaves at trees yet.

Here's with paki at the back :bump:




It should be ready in a couple of days.
I'll followup with some more recent pics of her.

I'm already picking the seeds that are falling :D

Stay cool folks :)


Active member
End of 09/10 season Harvest

End of 09/10 season Harvest

Talking about fat Senor_Bueno :wave:... here's the last girl which I harvested 8 days ago, Orient Express from ACE
[Vietnamese x China (Yunnan)]

This ends the season for me, Many thanks to all the people visiting the thread and I appreciate all the good vibes.

I'm glad everything turned out well for me after thinking I wouldn't harvest enough to last me till next year, Nature and good genes proved me wrong once again, I have around 300G of great bud to enjoy the cold weather that is now here to stay and enjoy the soccer world cup, coming soon :cool:

OE Harvest Pics

The two lower buds are seeded with orient express and Sierra charlie x OThaze pollen




Great how bulky it got with the southamerican sun. :jump:

I am still with a new ak47 runt that my brother gave me ;) , I'm testing how it behaves in the cold and hopefully I'll get an ARxB clone too. :D:D:D

KAYAMAN :joint: :rasta:


New member
I am glad to see that there is quality herb and some excellent growers in Uruaguay. I have never been there, but have been to numerous South American countries (Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, etc) and have always had very poor quality bricks of marijuana. Here in the Los Angeles we call it schwag. Anyways I would love to get down there sometime, Im sure it is beautiful. I love the culture down there in South America, and the women, ooooweee, dont get me started, I love south american ladies. Thats another subject though. As a fellow grower, I like what you are doing, I looked through most of this thread and some of those outdoor sativas are impressive to say the least.
I will be down there in the near future so i will keep looking at this thread and staying in touch. I wouyld love to get some of the genetics that we have out here in California down there, especially the kushes that we have...


Active member
Hello t420o, Good to know you like southAmerican culture, I feel blessed to be Uruguayan and we are always welcome to foreigners here.

I like california, you have great strains up there, I grew a sierra charlie cross male which pollinated some of this ladies as well as a gorgeous paraguayan pure sativa at a friends place. Paraguayan x [Sierra charlie x Othaze]

Keep in touch.

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