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Cannabis in Uruguay (South America 34°)


Active member
Last terrace update of 2009

Last terrace update of 2009

This was a great year for me in a lot of aspects. Ganja included :D:D:D

Finally the big females are in their final pots and i have 2 more vegging ladies and the revegged to harvest later in the season.




Nice to hear everything is going fine over there Kayaman!!

Here its sunny aswell! take a look at this happy trichs.



Hi Everyone,

this is one of my first posts. I am an English guy living in Uruguay and starting to grow indoors in a bloombox. First three grows have turned into a disaster so it would be great to hook up with someone thats actually doing it successfully as I am getting desperate to get it right !



Active member
Great plants Kayaman, youre so lucky you can grow outdoor in january, in my lat we have 50 cm snow now hehe

peace and love :joint:


Active member
Nice trichs there candamo :yes:

Simonh , I'm yet to try indoors. I only vegged a few plants with fluoros, honestly, I know nothing bout indoors, many folks can help in this forums though...that's for sure.

wdr :wave: thanks for dropping by, all the best for this new year!



Thanks for the reply. I'm really just looking to hook up with like minded people and share seeds, knowledge and just hang out. For example I think one of the reasons I'm having no success is the soil I am using and I can't really find (I think) anything suitable in Uruguay.

So it would just be great to get together with people that share the same interests as me down here cause with this, I feel kinda isolated.



without in any way wanting to post something inappropriate or 'hijack' this thread, is there anyone in Uruguay that is interested in getting together to discuss or actually grow ??

I am near Maldonado and have a good quantity of interesting seeds and an indoor setup but.......absolutely no success at all - everything is dying and I don't know why.....I have Peat, Perlite, Vermiculite and .............disaster after disaster !

Hope to hear from someone soon.......


thanks for the quick reply - the trouble is this.....you post a problem and EVERYONE seems to offer different advice - in a way there's just 'too much information' and right now I really don't know which way to turn.....is the soil wrong (I know the seeds are good) is the grow cabinet wrong ????

This is why I would like to get together with real people doing this.


Hi guys !!

Here is my garden, I came back from holidays and this is what a I have found :biggrin:
Thanks to my friends that took care of my garden.

The Ar x B has burn with the sun, six day before I arrived :mad:
But after one week they are looking really good:jump:
I'm not sure if I expressed clearly, but this is all I can do jejej.

Ar x B

pakistan x cantarela f2


Cantarela BX1 (Backcross)


Saludos y suerte con sus jardines :respect:


Active member
Hey Kayaman! how are the ladies? Please show us some pics of them, we're waiting for more good views... jejejeje

Peace man!


Active member
Hehe been way too lazy this past weeks

Hehe been way too lazy this past weeks

Hello ALL :wave: updating......

Here's an update now going through those 40C days due to the covers and floor at my terrace and having 30C+ everyday, at my terrace, they suffer a bit but will provide.

NH x uzb was pollinated a little bit with NHxUZb F1 pollin. :jump:

I just transplanted the Sierra charlie x oth male and its points are growing ok now, I really didn't take care about him :badday: but he will do his job. :D

Terrace morning view

Revegged Pak x cantarela f2

ArbxMalawi x Cantarela f2
Nh x uzb in the back



This should be the hottest time of year in Uruguay, correct? They appear to be holding up well in the patio heat. Thanks for the photos, Kayaman!


Active member
Hello j6p Hydrosun & Lamanoverde_jus, yeah this days I can't go barefoot to my terrace or my feet will literally burn in 10 seconds.

I give them close to a gallon of water per day to the bigger plants.

They are handling.

Cheers :cool:


Hello again everyone.

I'm about to start another indoor grow in Uruguay and hopefully this time I'll have more success. If anyone is interested in working with me on an indoor grow, please let me know !!

Anyway I wondered if anyone has any comments on the grow medium I am going to try:

30% Worm Castings (i got these from the local supermarket)
30% Vermiculite
20% Perlite
20% Peat Moss - This is Kudras Peat Moss, type KB. It says it is peat material, based on lightly decomposed oligotrophic peat moss with ph adjustment of 5.5-6.5. It also says that it contains nearly no fertilizer and liquid feeding should start after 2 weeks. It lists the nutrition content (mg/ltr) as follows:

N 50-90 / P 60-100 / K 70-110 / Mg 10-40 / Cu < 1 / B < 1 / Mo < 1 / Zn < 5 / Fe < 15

I read posts that say that this mix works with indoor soil grows without the need for any additional nutrients during veg, so lets see what happens !!

I'm concerned though about the flowering stage (lets hope I get that far this time !) - someone has suggested Bat Guano but I cant find it in Uruguay - has anyone any ideas if this is available and if so where ????

Also, how would I apply it - mix with water and water the plants or mix in at the start or when transplanting from small to bigger pots after the seedling stage ??

I also got a basis NPK fert to try but can't find any flowering Nutes in Uruguay, so again, if anyone has any suggestions (that is why I'm thinking about Bat Guano if its available here?)

I tried to bring in some Nutrients this week but customs said NO - I would have to get a license from the ministry of agriculture and fisheries etc etc etc and this would take months !

Basically I'm trying to figure out what I can use in my indoor grow cabinet that will a/ work and b/ is easily available in Uruguay

I know this is an outdoor thread but I cant find any other threads that relate to Uruguay, hence the post - sorry if its not appropriate !

Thanks again and hope someone can help (ie where to get Bat Guano) / / thoughts on my proposed grow mix OR wants to get involved some other way !


Active member


Updating the terrace grow :) :bump:

The tiny Angola Roja x Banghi (Congo)


Orient Express


Pakistan x Cantarela F2

[ Malawi x (OTHaze x Arxb) ] X Cantarela F2



Active member
Por aquí andamos siguiendo tu hilo kayaman! que bueno sería poder oler tus niñas desde aquí, donde aún el gélido frío nos tienen a todos medio relentizados esperando a que vuelva a brillar el sol.

Un saludo!