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Cannabis - Britains secret farms

Open Eyes

Being a B B C production I doubt it's going to be 'impartial' :biggrin:

Yup. The BBC branded Fox news as conservative last night and i nearly choked on my sandwhich. This is the same news organisation that now employs Sarah "I am a loser" Palin and Rush Limbough. Rush has got to be one of the most hated "journalists" in all of america. Rush was preaching for "criminals" to go to prison for using drugs all the while he was strung out on a concoction of illegally obtained substances. All the in the name of appearing HOLY.

I will watch it though and make up my own min as to how it is spun. I am sure we will hear the dreaded "Kush" or "Skunk" word being drilled into our brains many times. I am seeing lots of gov spin on our beloved herb lately and it is making me sick.

I am glad Nutt got sacked for now the debate is out and those that ousted him have been exposed as what they really are. Liars!


If your outside the UK you can't watch iplayer, not when ive been on holiday anyway.

yeh id like to see what they realy see but then again extreme fishing new series i love the last show pukka

Thats what V+ (or sky+) is for... ;)

I wanna watch it to see how the thermal imaging shows up, i got a 250hps, so im hoping thats like nothing they're looking for, hopefully they're only looking for commercial house grows using 6x1000w's etc... not bedroom stuff for personal use (i apologize in advance if your on a commercial grow yourself!)

bens lab

Just watched it on bbc iplayer, some quite intresting bits on what the police look for and the difference between personal and commercial to them, theres is some skunk madness in there but its not all that bad.

rocket high

Active member
why did those hydro -head shop guys let the "govenment" ooops i meant the bbc follow them about ... are they mad ?

Open Eyes

Watching it now and within 30 seconds it turned out to be gov propaganda.

New cannabis varieties called skunk are not the ones your parents smoked..they are stronger ect... utter bollocks.

BBC displaying impartiality my ass...they are towing the government line.

Douglas Quail

New member
the misinformation and bullshit just goes on and on, watching this makes me so sad. Dark fucking days, fuck this wanky fucking nanny state country. I swear if I was single I'd be heading for belgium or the chzek republic

Open Eyes

The show is not even over and the amount of time the BBC are devoting to the harmful effects, which are minuscule and over-rated, compared to the positive effects, which i have heard none so far mentioned, is disgraceful. To over-emphasize the bad effects of cannabis and give no time to the benefits is disgraceful.

No mention of what is happening in the United States as far as the American Medical Association's 70 year reversal of their views and sponsoring research. No mention of the herbs benefits to some patients. No mention of anything but the usual state sponsored propaganda that is meant to scare the living shit out of you.

BBC you are defo not being impartial here and i am going to write something on your website to contradict the shit you were broadcasting.

We are going to be hearing lots more of this in an attempt to scare the living shit out of voters who are far to easily swayed with programs like this.


Just watched this while havin a nice smoke of cheeese lol

Mostly bull***t, but the helicopter stuff was interesting, also

The warehouse grow at the end was funny, industrial grow with a money counter and loads of indoor sheds. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! lol - and some decent size colas for commercial!!!!!!!!!

Think that woman and her stupid son at the end have a LOT more issues other than cannabis tho.......... What a MESSED UP family!!!!!!!! And they blame WEED hahahahahahahahahahahah

They need to look closer to home lol

Anyway, if your from UK, DEF worth a watch


Watching it now and within 30 seconds it turned out to be gov propaganda.

New cannabis varieties called skunk are not the ones your parents smoked..they are stronger ect... utter bollocks.

BBC displaying impartiality my ass...they are towing the government line.

Yeah its sad to see, just watched this and, it paints a very "Government Painted " picture of what Cannabis is all about "THIS YEAR", its a joke....... It was class C 18 Months ago, and all of a sudden its soooooooo dangeous

UK Government - A bunch of Easily Influenced Fools trying to manage a county!!!!!!!!!!


gangs of pot farmers? you mean hippies?

what is this propaganda?

I know, its RIDICULOUS!!!!!............. Also Does anyone know who the breeder was who was knocking out seeds in that silly HPS greenhouse in his garden that LIT UP FROM A MILE AWAY LOL!!!!!!!!!, he had specific seed packages and logos so must have put out a few packs in the last few yrs lol!!!!!!!but ive never seen them before and am suprised to see someone put them on TV :)


i sent that lady who owned the website a message,

hopefully she replys, ill have a laugh.