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Cannabis and Melatonin; the other good reason to smoke pot.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Of all the known ways to stimulate melatonin production, none is more dramatic than smoking Cannabis. Cannabis stimulates production of a prostaglandin called PGE2, which may relate to its ability to stimulate melatonin production. Italian researchers discovered that testgroups smoking pot had dramatically higher melatonin levels twenty minutes later. After two hours, their melatonin levels were 4,000 % higher than before.

The fact that smoking marijuana is accompanied by a dramatic increase in melatonin production may explain some of the drug's positive effects. A 1995 article in The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the hallucinogen is being used to counteract the toxicity of chemotherapy, treat migraines, reduce intraocular pressure, minimize pain, treat menstrual cramps, and moderate wasting syndrome in AIDS patients. Melatonin has been shown to ameliorate each and every one of these conditions.

You can imagine my amusement when I came across a recent announcement from the French Research Institute CNRS, showing a direct connection between melatonin and longer life. The Press Release reads as follows:

"Paris, June 15, 2009

Melatonin - the fountain of youth ?

Melatonin can slow down the effects of aging. A team at laboratoire Arago in Banyuls sur Mer (CNRS / Université Pierre et Marie Curie) has found that a treatment based on melatonin can delay the first signs of aging in a small mammal.
These results appeared in the journal PLoS ONE on 15 June 2009.
Better known as the 'time-keeping' hormone, melatonin is naturally secreted by the body during the night. It is therefore a kind of biological signal for nightfall, allowing an organism to synchronize itself with the day/night rhythm.

At Laboratoire Arago, Elodie Magnanou and her co-workers studied the long-term effects of melatonin on the Greater White-toothed shrew, a small nocturnal insectivorous mammal. Under normal conditions, this animal shows the first signs of aging after reaching 12 months, mainly through the loss of circadian rhythm in its activities. By continuously administering melatonin, starting a little before 12 months, the appearance of these first signs was delayed by at least 3 months, which is a considerable period in relation to the lifespan of this shrew.

Melatonin is now known to play several beneficial roles. These include being an antioxidant, an anti-depressant, and helping to remediate sleep problems. The next step will be to understand the mode of action of the hormone on aging, so we can perhaps envisage its use on humans."


Researchers see a risk in such a dramatic change in hormone levels though, and they aren't likely to recommend smoking pot for better health and longer life, since the connection is not clearly established in man. Yet.


Lissoni, P., Resentini, M., and Fraschini, F. "Effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol on Melatonin Secretion in Man." Hormone and Metabolic Research 1986; 77-78. At baseline, the mean value of their melatonin levels was 21.3 pg/ml. Two hours later, it was 904 pg/ml.

Grinspoon, L., and Bakaler, J.B. "Marihuana as Medicine." Joural of the American Medical Association 1995; 273(23): 1875-76.


Hmm... when you sleep (at night) your body releases melatonin... and when you expose yourself to sunlight your body creates vitamin d which can also slow aging..


Nice thread Rosy. Great info.

The "reasons to consume cannabis for your health" list is beginning to get, shall we say....LONG. :)

Now if we could just get mainstream Christianity to understand smoking pot gets ya closer to God....or, the great Oogly Googly, or whatever your name for the entity is...


Active member
I've always thought it was the naturally higher levels of Melatonin in african-americans that attributed to the phrase, "black don't crack." ??? Was this not common knowledge already?


I've always thought it was the naturally higher levels of Melatonin in african-americans that attributed to the phrase, "black don't crack." ??? Was this not common knowledge already?

You're thinking of melanin.

BTW, a lot of foods have melatonin in them such as corn and oats. If I want to get to bed and have a nice restful sleep I eat some corn or fried oatmeal and I sleep so good.

Tart cherries have an high amount of melatonin and can be the reason why the have such health benefits.

Taking melatonin will help you enjoy your cannabis high and help it feel fresh instead of something old if you get what I'm saying.

Tart cherry juice will provide the melatonin along with other benefits if you are looking for a whole natural source of melatonin.


"I was looking for a non-habit forming sleep aid to cure my horrific nightly insomia attacks, when I stumbled across it. The bottle said take 2-3pills so I took 5-6pills around 9:00. About an hour later I retired to my tokin room to kill a few bowls. After the first bowl, I was really stoned, and this was weird cause it usually takes me at least 2-3 bowls just to get high! I thought,'hey, another bowl couldn't hurt!' After taking several hits from the second bowl, I started seeing all of these crazy patterns, and colors were flowing and changing rapidly. It could be compared to a very mild shroom trip. The effects lasted until I passed out an hour later. The dreams I had that night were incredably lucid and revealing about my inner self.

A warning though: I found any combination of melotonin with opium (or related drugs) can cause severe lucid nightmares, I've tried it many times with the same horrifiyng results consistant."


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Interesting study. Thanks for posting it. I know quite a bit about the health benefits of melatonin, but I didn't know cannabis increased its production. No wonder some people get so damn tired on it!


Interesting study. Thanks for posting it. I know quite a bit about the health benefits of melatonin, but I didn't know cannabis increased its production. No wonder some people get so damn tired on it!

IT doesn't increase it's production it increases it's release. This may be one of the reasons why people feel tired after smoking a lot of cannabis. Plus it can be the reason why they are lethargic if they smoke cannabis daily because the don't have enough melatonin in reserve and the body wants them to rest so they can restock.

This is most likely why abstaining for a day or two works for most people but like I stated some foods have it and this means more energy if you smoke daily because your body will have a high supply constantly. Exercising will ramp up production also.


Cannabis stimulates production of a prostaglandin called PGE2, which may relate to its ability to stimulate melatonin production.

This means that it could also stimulate inflammation if Cannabis stimulate production of PGE2.That it stimulate melatonin production was already known, but got never attention.I'm curious which variety they have used, because this is more for an indica than a sativa.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
IT doesn't increase it's production it increases it's release. This may be one of the reasons why people feel tired after smoking a lot of cannabis. Plus it can be the reason why they are lethargic if they smoke cannabis daily because the don't have enough melatonin in reserve and the body wants them to rest so they can restock.

Actually, read it again, it stimulates "production", not release. :joint:


pure dynamite
From Melatonin page, Wikipedia:
Many psychoactive drugs, such as cannabis and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), increase melatonin synthesis

Great info! :D


Actually, read it again, it stimulates "production", not release. :joint:

I didn't read it as cannabis doing this but PGE2 doing it but maybe it does. I can see melatonin being synthesized based on the fact that it is being released so more has to be made but from cannabis doing this I don't know I can't find anything that suggest this. I wouldn't go by wikipedia alone because they have been wrong a lot of times.

The only thing I know of that increases direct production of melatonin is darkness. I never heard of food/herbs doing it. Maybe by releasing it and more being made to replace what was lost but not direct synthesis.

Anyway most people won't have a lot anyway if they don't eat a healthy dose of carbs that last all day along with vitamin b6 because it is a hormone made from tryptophan which metabolizes to serotonin to melatonin.

This is the same b6 that converts thca to thc and is the reason why a lot of people don't get high off of raw fresh cannabis. They don't eat it with foods high in b6. B6 releases the carboxyl group on thca to make thc, the potent chemical we love in cannabis.

Check this out:

Large Scale Study Finds Vitamin B6 Deficiency Common in the U.S.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 by: Teri Lee Gruss, citizen journalist

"According to Martha Savaria Morris, PhD epidemiologist at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, "Across the study population, we noticed participants with inadequate vitamin B6 status even though they reported consuming more than the Recommended Daily Allowance of B6, which is less than 2 milligrams per day". Researchers defined Vitamin B6 deficiency as plasma PLP concentration less than 20 nmol/L.

Four groups were found to have the highest prevalence of B6 deficiency including "women of reproductive age, especially current and former users of oral contraceptives, male smokers, non-Hispanic African American men, and men and women over age 65". Although not singled out in this study, alcoholics are also at higher risk for vitamin B6 deficiency."

I think the reason these groups are low in b6 is because they don't eat a lot of vegetables daily with their food and in the case of cannabis users they don't eat vegetables and fats with their cannabis.