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Cannabis Act


Well-known member
I still think the watt/light limit would be better than plant limit. It would cut down fro a need of plant counts and be safer for everyone (at least it can be justified as safer saying people cannot run 10000 watts in residential house who jerry rigged everything) There are always a couple people who make everyone else look bad so for me it makes more sense saying 1000 watt flowering per adult up to 3-4 adults, 400-600 for veg. For recreational that should produce quite a bit, but outdoor should be pushed as preferred method so that people would be more open and rippers would be less likely to steal if a lot of people are doing it. I can't see height restrictions making any sense, I have a hard time believing indoor many people wanting to do 10 foot trees, much less being capable of it in a regular house.

I agree completely but the optics suck the Conservatives would no doubt point out that you could grow hundreds if not thousands of plants under a thousand watt light.

Most people will not try growing once due to the time, cost and effort that goes into growing great cannabis. Those that do will need at least a thousand for the cost of the lighting and set up. Then also have the time to care for their plants each day. And when they finally get a crop they will have to learn how to trim and cure the bud. If they get everything right it will be as good as the bud they buy from the store but on a first grow what are the odds of getting everything right? Brewing wine or beer is much easier then growing cannabis but most people just buy theirs from the stores.

Outdoor will be the easiest way of getting started, the biggest concern will be the neighborhood kids and their nose for pot.


I agree completely but the optics suck the Conservatives would no doubt point out that you could grow hundreds if not thousands of plants under a thousand watt light.

Most people will not try growing once due to the time, cost and effort that goes into growing great cannabis. Those that do will need at least a thousand for the cost of the lighting and set up. Then also have the time to care for their plants each day. And when they finally get a crop they will have to learn how to trim and cure the bud. If they get everything right it will be as good as the bud they buy from the store but on a first grow what are the odds of getting everything right? Brewing wine or beer is much easier then growing cannabis but most people just buy theirs from the stores.

Outdoor will be the easiest way of getting started, the biggest concern will be the neighborhood kids and their nose for pot.

Don't forget, it'll be up to the municipalities to set the zoning. I don't know the meaning of it but I believe it stated in the legislation info you have to be the properly owner to be able to grow at an address? So say you got all that covered, you then have to get a permit and electrical and enviro inspections?

Ok now imagine a city of 500K where 10K got their permits, imagine how long it would take to get those places permitted. Now what if the enviro inspection fails? Do you get slapped with a no occupancy door sticker?

The 4 plants is just a symbol of the gov telling you, see you can grow 4 plants, its not our fault you can't meet the requirements.

As I hydro store owner I think it'll be bad, only thing that will make some stores survive is ACMPR running for a bit and the gov not selling concentrates.


Well-known member
Don't forget, it'll be up to the municipalities to set the zoning. I don't know the meaning of it but I believe it stated in the legislation info you have to be the properly owner to be able to grow at an address? So say you got all that covered, you then have to get a permit and electrical and enviro inspections?

Ok now imagine a city of 500K where 10K got their permits, imagine how long it would take to get those places permitted. Now what if the enviro inspection fails? Do you get slapped with a no occupancy door sticker?

The 4 plants is just a symbol of the gov telling you, see you can grow 4 plants, its not our fault you can't meet the requirements.

As I hydro store owner I think it'll be bad, only thing that will make some stores survive is ACMPR running for a bit and the gov not selling concentrates.

There are no permits or inspections needed for growing at home its just like if you brew your own wine or beer. The zoning laws, permits and inspections are for growing weed to sell by LPs and for the stores that sell cannabis, seeds and clones.

There are dry areas in Canada mostly in the prairies that do not allow the sale of booze in their area and I'm sure they will try to ban weed as well. But you would still be able to order cannabis and grow equipment online and grow or smoke legally in your own house just like you can now order booze and beer and wine kits online anywhere in Canada and drink or brew in your own home.

I'm kind of surprised that a hydro store operator would not be looking forward to all the newbies trying to grow personal weed and buying all new equipment. Even if like the brew your own shops the fad fades after a few years there still will be a lot of money to made, odds are far more then you are making now. :biggrin:

BTW I don't know where you got the idea that they won't be selling concentrates. The only rule about concentrates is that it can't be made at home using organic solvents like BHO and rubbing alcohol. Finger hash or ice bubble bag hash or dry ice extraction as well as pressurized co2 is total legal and you can carry 6 grams in public so the limit the store will be able to sell one person is six grams.

Definition of organic solvent

(3) In paragraph (1)*(b), organic solvent means any organic compound that is explosive or highly or extremely flammable, including petroleum naphtha and compressed liquid hydrocarbons such as butane, isobutane, propane and propylene.
Its only edibles that won't be allowed at first.
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What good does appealing your six month sentenced if you have already served it?

So according to you if you are growing six plants and the judge sentences you to six months because he thinks its fair then that's better then getting a 200 fine under the new law?

Dude ROLMFAO are you kidding me?:laughing:

Don't put word in my mouth fucko. I never said anything of the sort. Right now growing is still illigal and if you get caught you are at the mercy of the judge. If the new bill is passed as written then your punishment will be far less then it currently could be. Where did I say anything about that being fair or better? New law hasn't passed yet so until it has we don't know what Legalization will look like. This bill won't make it through the senate with out changes. But you keep dreaming up new things you think I've said!


There are no permits or inspections needed for growing at home its just like if you brew your own wine or beer. The zoning laws, permits and inspections are for growing weed to sell by LPs and for the stores that sell cannabis, seeds and clones.

There are dry areas in Canada mostly in the prairies that do not allow the sale of booze in their area and I'm sure they will try to ban weed as well. But you would still be able to order cannabis and grow equipment online and grow or smoke legally in your own house just like you can now order booze and beer and wine kits online anywhere in Canada and drink or brew in your own home.

I'm kind of surprised that a hydro store operator would not be looking forward to all the newbies trying to grow personal weed and buying all new equipment. Even if like the brew your own shops the fad fades after a few years there still will be a lot of money to made, odds are far more then you are making now. :biggrin:

BTW I don't know where you got the idea that they won't be selling concentrates. The only rule about concentrates is that it can't be made at home using organic solvents like BHO and rubbing alcohol. Finger hash or ice bubble bag hash or dry ice extraction as well as pressurized co2 is total legal and you can carry 6 grams in public so the limit the store will be able to sell one person is six grams.

Its only edibles that won't be allowed at first.

Cite your source for the six gram limit on concentrates.


Well-known member
Cite your source for the six gram limit on concentrates.
The very first post called the cannabis act.


8 (1) Unless authorized under this Act, it is prohibited
(a) for an individual who is 18 years of age or older to possess, in a public place, cannabis of one or more classes of cannabis the total amount of which, as determined in accordance with Schedule 3, is equivalent to more than 30 g of dried cannabis;
(b) for an individual who is 18 years of age or older to possess any cannabis that they know is illicit cannabis;
(c) for a young person to possess cannabis of one or more classes of cannabis the total amount of which, as determined in accordance with Schedule 3, is equivalent to more than 5 g of dried cannabis;
(d) for an individual to possess, in a public place, one or more cannabis plants that are budding or flowering;
(e) for an individual to possess more than four cannabis plants that are not budding or flowering; or
(f) for an organization to possess cannabis.

(Subsection 2(4), paragraphs 8(1)*(a) and (c), subparagraphs 9(1)*(a)*(i) and (b)*(i), paragraphs 51(2)*(a) and (c) to (f) and subsection 151(2))
Equivalent Amounts

Column 1
Column 2
Class of Cannabis
Quantity that is equivalent to 1 g of dried cannabis
dried cannabis
1 g
fresh cannabis
5 g
solids containing cannabis
15 g
non-solids containing cannabis
70 g
cannabis solid concentrates
0.*25 g
cannabis non-solid concentrates
0.*25 g
cannabis plant seeds
1 seed

My bad its 30 Grams dived by four that gives you 7.5 grams of allowed cannabis solid concentrates.


Well-known member
Don't put word in my mouth fucko. I never said anything of the sort. Right now growing is still illigal and if you get caught you are at the mercy of the judge. If the new bill is passed as written then your punishment will be far less then it currently could be. Where did I say anything about that being fair or better? New law hasn't passed yet so until it has we don't know what Legalization will look like. This bill won't make it through the senate with out changes. But you keep dreaming up new things you think I've said!

Get real C45 has already passed its first and second reading with out any changes. There is a Liberal majority in the senate as in the house.This bill will pass you can believe anything you want but the billions invested by legal producers including Conservative and Liberal insiders proves it.

Thanks for proving how intellectual you are by the name calling yup your an adult eh. ROLMFAO

If you get caught anywhere in Canada with six or more plants the six month mandatory minimum still stands its only BC that the law has been overturned and that could still go to the supreme court and be overturned.

BTW my post was about how the new laws are better then the old ones, you disagreed claiming that its the courts that would solve the cannabis issue and mandatory minimums did not exist. But keep believing whatever your ego tells ya there buddy.
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Get real C45 has already passed its first and second reading with out any changes. There is a Liberal majority in the senate as in the house.This bill will pass you can believe anything you want but the billions invested by legal producers including Conservative and Liberal insiders proves it.

Thanks for proving how intellectual you are by the name calling yup your an adult eh. ROLMFAO

If you get caught anywhere in Canada with six or more plants the six month mandatory minimum still stands its only BC that the law has been overturned and that could still go to the supreme court and be overturned.

BTW my post was about how the new laws are better then the old ones, you disagreed claiming that its the courts that would solve the cannabis issue and mandatory minimums did not exist. But keep believing whatever your ego tells ya there buddy.
Once again judges are free to ignore mandatory minimum sentencing in all provinces. They decide your punishment. It's been 3 provinces that have now come out and said that they are unconstitutional but you choose to ignore that. I never said the new laws were worse then the current laws stop putting words in my mouth and assuming I mean something I didn't write. I think it's funny you don't understand that the senate isn't the house. The liberals have a majority in the house this means any bill they put up will make it past fist amd second reading unchanged! Any bill not just c45! The senate is who will make changes and send the bill back to the house for further readings. It's kind of sad you don't understand how a bill becomes a law in your own country. And that you suck at math. Sad.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Turn that frown upside down.

Just think about how many times I'm going to say fucko today.

Spoiler: A lot.


Well-known member
Once again judges are free to ignore mandatory minimum sentencing in all provinces. They decide your punishment. It's been 3 provinces that have now come out and said that they are unconstitutional but you choose to ignore that. I never said the new laws were worse then the current laws stop putting words in my mouth and assuming I mean something I didn't write. I think it's funny you don't understand that the senate isn't the house. The liberals have a majority in the house this means any bill they put up will make it past fist amd second reading unchanged! Any bill not just c45! The senate is who will make changes and send the bill back to the house for further readings. It's kind of sad you don't understand how a bill becomes a law in your own country. And that you suck at math. Sad.

Do the math 3 out of 9 provinces may have removed the mms but I guess you don't give a shit about the people in the 6 provinces that still do have mms, but at least you are partially right eh even if it proved that mms still exist and that you were wrong in your earlier posts.

Finance ministers gather to hash out marijuana tax
June 18, 2017

The country’s finance ministers are opened a two-day meeting in Ottawa today, and the subject of marijuana taxation will on the table.
The agenda will include discussions on how best to apply taxes on a regulated market for cannabis.
The federal government introduced legislation in April with a goal of legalizing and regulating the use of recreational marijuana by July 2018.
Pot taxation is expected to stay low to ensure the regulated market elbows out illegal dealers.


And that is really why most people are angry about legalization they are loosing their cash cow.

FYI go read for your self how rarely and little the senate has changed any of bills from the house. So what is your precedent for the senate changing this bill other then your personal opinion?
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Well-known member
Feds stick with July 2018 deadline to legalize pot despite provincial worries

OTTAWA -- The Trudeau government is sticking with its deadline to legalize recreational marijuana by July 2018, despite provincial fears that there's not enough time to address the legal, social and health challenges of ending Canada's pot prohibition.

"We gave everybody lots of time," Trudeau said in Ottawa. "We've been working for a long time with all the provinces, with the municipalities... It's time for us to move forward on this."

For provinces that aren't ready in time for the "fixed date," Morneau said, Ottawa will oversee a mail-order sales program. Consumers would be able to buy pot through a federally licensed producer and receive home delivery.
The legalization date, however, appears to be non-negotiable.

"We need to get a firm date out there," he said. "We accept that there's much work to be done, but we've started down that path... We believe that it's entirely possible."


he who laughs last laughs the longest.
he who laughs last laughs the best :biggrin:
and revenge is best served cold eh rolmfao


Lol $9+tax grams? No ones scared of losing their "cash cows" lol exact opposite is the reality. Bm would love to be getting $4000 a lb.



he who laughs last laughs the longest.
he who laughs last laughs the best :biggrin:
and revenge is best served cold eh rolmfao

Last line of the article says it all. "We believe that it is possible" nothing definitive in that statement. It's also possible they won't pass the bill as it currently stands. It's more then likely the timeline is unrealistic and the provinces agree. But you just don't get any of that. To thick. Even when you're shown to be wrong time after time you still think you're right and have some thing to laugh about. MMS have been shown to be unconstitutional period. Full stop. Judges are free to sentence people as they see fit. They have 0 obligations to follow mms guidelines no matter what you say!


The senate can't agree to a bill that would change A word in the nation anthem and you think they won't change this bill? Lololol ok dumbass. I 100% guarantee they don't vote to approve the bill as it is CURRENTLY WRITTEN.


Well-known member
The senate can't agree to a bill that would change A word in the nation anthem and you think they won't change this bill? Lololol ok dumbass. I 100% guarantee they don't vote to approve the bill as it is CURRENTLY WRITTEN.

ROLMFAO yup C45 could change, as the MMS for six plants can still be appealed to the supreme court. :laughing:

But when the bill passes the senate and it will I and other Canadians get to laugh at you, and believe me some of us ready are. :dance013:

But you will already be sure that the provinces will stop it. ROLMFAO Your a joke buddy.