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Cannabis Act

Joe Mama

They're not going to issue licenses to the general public. They'll claim it becomes too hard to enforce the laws, increases the likelihood of black market diversion, makes unacceptable security risks for the general public if the plants are detected, etc.

They'll then turn around and say that now you've got your legal cannabis anyone who steps outside of their monopoly is trying to supply children, is a tax cheat, is inviting dangerous criminals to your neighbourhood, etc. which they'll spam all over the news as evidence to get the public on their side which they'll then likely use to get access to smart meter data so they can target home growers.

There's no room for us in their world as we are a direct threat to their bottom line and that's not going to be tolerated. They'll call on the government to continue the war against us and they'll win in the end too. So as much as it sucks for you guys thanks for being the example to the world we all needed. Hopefully the rest of the world wakes up and sees the horror show going down in Canada before we pass our own laws :comfort:

I think what people are missing is the fact that throughout history its proven that governments dont become less oppressive, they become MORE oppressive. As evidenced with C45. The idea is to create the licenses and a whole new enforcement body paid by government. CIVIL SERVANTS! Glorified welfare from the state. This is all by design and the two things governments want both are coming..MOre money, more control!! Licenses/Authorization will be needed under C45 and Inspectors will be coming. Thats the whole idea. " you wanna grow? Well, we coming in your house then to see what we can fine you for or how our little geek inspector on a power trip can shake money outta ya ".. Wake da fug up...lolol


Active member
I think what people are missing is the fact that throughout history its proven that governments dont become less oppressive, they become MORE oppressive. As evidenced with C45. The idea is to create the licenses and a whole new enforcement body paid by government. CIVIL SERVANTS! Glorified welfare from the state. This is all by design and the two things governments want both are coming..MOre money, more control!! Licenses/Authorization will be needed under C45 and Inspectors will be coming. Thats the whole idea. " you wanna grow? Well, we coming in your house then to see what we can fine you for or how our little geek inspector on a power trip can shake money outta ya ".. Wake da fug up...lolol

It never get better... I couldnt agree more


Still Crickets about the " without Authorization in (6), eh?LMAO! Im telling ya people, I know whats up...

I agree with the likely hood that the 4 plant idea is completely scraped out. BUt, as it stands, you will need " authorization" and inspectors are whats coming per that bill. They even lay out inspector powers dealing with PRIVATE homes and property.

Call this thread whatever ya want..Im still right..lol

Still "crickets" because you are wasting everyones time, and most of us are ignoring most of your cut and paste posts.

There is more than 13 million households in canada. No one is coming to check them all to be under 4 plants, even if the government wanted that much control, they couldn't do it!

You will not need a license for 4 plants! Keep reading, less posting! You will figure it out!
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Well-known member
Call the inspections 200 dollars each, 2.6 billion total in inspection costs.

If you read the without authorization part it clearly states that you need authorization to grow cannabis contrary to what the act states, very clear very simple. It would seem you are trying to scare people out of growing their own for whatever purpose and trying to cause dissent. Just because you state the same thing over and over doesn't make it true nor does saying you know what you're talking about, say your peace and be done with it instead of posting the same thing over and over trying to argue with people to no end.

My opinion is that the bill will be amended in the parliament and house. There are many things in it that are unconstitutional at the moment and if passed to law could be challenged right from the start. Mandatory roadside tests are not constitutional as it says you are guilty right off the hop and is an invasion of privacy as there is not set limit for impairment so the test unfairly invades someones privacy as it cannot be used to determine impairment. If they set a limit for impairment they must also give details and scientific evidence to prove in the general population those impairment levels would be accurate which they don't have at all, not to mention the differing body chemistries of people will metabolize the compounds at different levels and rates. Could you imagine people loosing their licence from smoking a joint a week before, 6 hours before? No evidence of impairment levels makes the test unconstitutional period good luck to the people trying to enforce it.

Seeds, how can they claim 1 seed = 1 gramme of cannabis? Anyone should be allowed to have all the seed they wish to have, if they can only have 4 plants or 12 plants or 1000 plants makes no difference, the seed only becomes a plant when germinated so trying to restrict the seeds makes no sense when a 1 metre tall plant could give you 200 cuttings in a week (rooted not constantly). Saying people will automatically grow more than 4 seeds means that people will grow more than 4 plants regardless so restricting the amount of seeds is just a bullshit in writing for nothing else than to put something in writing.

Plant numbers are going to be interesting as beer or tobacco are allowed to be produced at home with little restriction, 15 kilos dried per adult, 15 kilos of tobacco could easily be used to kill more than 15 people and could present a danger. You can brew as much beer and wine as you wish with no restriction which could easily kill children or even adults if you were not mindful, especially with factors like mold in dirty tanks or bottles. Why is cannabis restricted by plant numbers and not total weigh or say total watts? If people can grow as much as they wish, the black market would look very different because there would be an abundance of product even if you neighbour wanted to sell you some, I am sure most people would be more willing to put a few plants in their back yard or just buy it from the store, and if they would buy it from the neighbour, how much would they be able to charge? It wouldn't be worth their while in most cases, restricted the plants like this only encourages the black market to flourish and will allow law enforcement more people to arrest for seeds and clones (by the way, unrooted clones are not technically plants in Canada so if you were to give away 1000 unrooted clones it would be frowned upon but saying they are for compost and they really couldn't do much).

We can discuss more about the bill itself and I am sure Mr. Tousaw will be fighting this quite hard to give us what should be given and not fought for, it is a start the bill but much work to do with it, liberals are either riding for a fall or have no idea what they are doing, maybe both.


Seed Whore
Mandatory roadside tests are not constitutional as it says you are guilty right off the hop and is an invasion of privacy as there is not set limit for impairment so the test unfairly invades someones privacy as it cannot be used to determine impairment. If they set a limit for impairment they must also give details and scientific evidence to prove in the general population those impairment levels would be accurate which they don't have at all, not to mention the differing body chemistries of people will metabolize the compounds at different levels and rates. Could you imagine people loosing their licence from smoking a joint a week before, 6 hours before? No evidence of impairment levels makes the test unconstitutional period good luck to the people trying to enforce it.

I say fuck roadside tests.

The smell of Cannabis is not probable cause.


Pig: It smells funny in here. Have you been consuming Cannabis?

Me: I don't have to answer that question. Am I under arrest?

Pig: Well I think it does smell like Cannabis and I'm going to have to ask you to step out of your vehicle.

Me: I'm not getting out of my vehicle and you're not coming in. Where's your probable cause?

Pig: I eat donuts, am powertripping and will be coming in by force then.

Me: Well before you cause damage to my vehicle do know you're about to
illegally search my vehicle and here's the Case Law that I will be using in
court to sue your ass.

It's called "R. v. Janvier, 2007 SKCA 147 (CanLII)" Mr. Piggie.

Pig: Chief we have a problem this Troutman is really pissing me off and I can't do shit.
He says he will sue us and post everything on YouTube.

Chief Piggie: Go pick on the homeless and leave the people with vehicles alone dummy.

Trial Judge’s Decision

The trial judge found that the officer's basis for proceeding to arrest and then to search Mr. Janvier
for possession of marihuana was the smell of burned marihuana and suspicion as to the presence of
more, unsmoked marihuana. He held that this was insufficient to provide the necessary grounds to
arrest or search.
I have a copy of the PDF in the link below ready to be given to any pigs who want to play ball.

You should get a copy as well. Could save you a lot of headaches.



Active member
Have a read of the UN's convention on narcotics, in particular articles 26 and 28. The big boys will get licensed solely on yield and the space required to achieve that goal while the government will enforce plant number restrictions upon the public if they're even allowed to grow at all.

Now before you think it's impossible to enforce the law on everyone you have to take human nature, especially laziness, into account because most people don't grow and won't take it up when it's legally available to purchase at the shops. Lots of growers will also give up out of laziness and most of the ones that don't will want to be legal so they'll pay for a license, submit to inspections, etc. and then with the propaganda flowing about the rest of us being tax cheats, supplying kids, etc. virtually everyone is going to agree that what we're doing can't be morally justified. The only way it's going to be seen as ok is if the LP's provide really shitty quality weed at massively inflated prices and the public wants our buds because anything less and I'd bet money on the public asking them to continue the war on drugs for them at which point they'll simply scan the nation's smart meters for known light cycles and send their internal compliance officers to licensed address and the police to unlicensed ones. With them outsourcing all the hard work like that on to the public purse how long do you think it will take for them to take the remaining illegal growers down? Personally I'm siding with human nature, this time greed, and assuming they're going to feel particularly motivated to hound the police into action so I'd give it a year before they've taken out the competition and forced the rest of us into compliance with their monopoly.

I'm sorry you guys are falling on the sword but this is what happens when you offer the enemy the spoils of war to end the fighting :(


Genetic Resource Management
(by the way, unrooted clones are not technically plants in Canada.

The way the current law is written is that if the slip/cut is in a medium designed for growing, it's considered a plant whether it's rooted or not.... just sayin'


Why dude? Have you been growing for 36 fucking years and still buying shit seeds?

lol...um maybe... truthfully over the years i have been mostly a clone guy. i have popped many seed and recently been making more of an effort in that dept. but yea I'm no obi wan kenobi of seeds. I'm enjoying learning more all the time..
Good for you man. I guess that's what it's all about, in the end. Keep buying and popping those seeds. Seeds will teach you everything, even things about yourself you didn't know.

I am not sorry, however, if I at all offended you. It is just my reactive nature that gets the best of me sometimes. I simply cannot tolerate bullshit about no one wanting to buy seeds.

It's not even the buying part.

We should all be doing our utmost best in conserving this plant, not handing it, and everything WE have worked for, to corporate agri-business.


Well-known member
I hope breeders will have a place where they are able to sell their genetics and even say sell to the lp's cuttings with royalties attached to plant numbers or seeds sold by the square metre so they can keep coming up with great genetics and not get screwed by the lps at the same time.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
guys......if they cant stop fentynol from making it to your mailbox i highly doubt anyone will be playing seed detective anytime soon.


if you read thru the entire document, it later clarifies that in the case of the plant count, only one adult can grow 4 plants and it clearly says propagating, cultivating,harvesting at any one time. To me that says 4 plants.

the outdoor part is confusing as it is suggesting to me that an outdoor vegging plant is okay but that no flowering plants on public property. Private property isn't public property but no it doesn't look like they have spelled out the outdoor on one's property very clearly.

The 30 grams posession and the ability to legally travel with 4 non flowering plants is interesting.
I fear canadians are in for a seed to harvest or clone to harvest tracking tag system in your future. They have made new crimminal code for advertising cannabis products on sites originating outside canada and it looks to me like importing genetic material like seeds and pollen are also being fortified by your crimminal code. 14 years maximum for importing cannabis , products or advertising outside canada yikes!!
lots of 5000.00 fines thrown in for all kinds of control over the little things.
I would like a definition of what the government defines as illicit cannabis, how do they plan to differentiate?

google the user name go find out for yourself . then compare the shitty spelling and paragraphs .


Still Crickets about the " without Authorization in (6), eh?LMAO! Im telling ya people, I know whats up...

I agree with the likely hood that the 4 plant idea is completely scraped out. BUt, as it stands, you will need " authorization" and inspectors are whats coming per that bill. They even lay out inspector powers dealing with PRIVATE homes and property.

Call this thread whatever ya want..Im still right..lol

I'm not saying your wrong just that we don't know yet. The details we need to determine if your right are missing from the legislation. I do agree the wording they chose seems to leave open the possibility of what's your suggesting. there will be inspectors either way. What their powers will be is yet to be seen.


Kirk Tousaw
1 hr ·
So as of June 2016 there were about 1400 licensed cultivators in Colorado. 786 medical and 572 recreational.
There were just over 2700 licensed facilities (stores, manufacturers of infused products, growers).
Colorado has a population of just over 5 million.
Using those numbers Canada needs about 9000 legal commercial growers and over 15,000 total legal businesses. We have 41 legal ones right now. Less, really, due to common ownership.
Whatever the new regulations governing recreational production and distribution are - to succeed they need to be easy, cheap and with quick turnarounds for approval.

Colorado pot shop opens nation’s first drive-thru dispensary
A marijuana shop in Colorado has opened the first drive-thru of its kind, called Tumbleweed Express Drive-thru. The menu offers items including Lemon…


Sounds like the sky is falling!! The pigs wrote the bill, unfortunately they aren't smart enough to do so. Look at all the pigs involved with this, what a fucking joke to say the least!
This bill will never pass as it is a giant leap backwards from right now( against our charter). The court system and the judges are smarter than pigs and they play a lot differently. The judges are already showing it by the lenient fines and lack of jail time, it is already happening. This whole process will go on till the next election and will be used as a platform to get re-elected as people have the attention span of a goldfish!

liberalism is a mental disorder!! mike savage

my opinion silvi


Well-known member
This bill will never pass as it is a giant leap backwards from right now( against our charter). The court system and the judges are smarter than pigs and they play a lot differently. The judges are already showing it by the lenient fines and lack of jail time, it is already happening.
my opinion silvi


FYI under the todays laws written by the conservatives on cannabis there is six months mandatory minimum for six plants! Under the new Liberal law six plants gets you a 200 dollar fine!

Well guess what the bill has passed second reading and is now in committee. https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/Home.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&ParliamentSession=42-1&Page=3

It will pass before the end of the year to give the Provinces enough time to pass new laws on the age of use, where cannabis can be sold and where you can get license to allow people to smoke at events like raves. Times are a changing sweet heart better learn to roll with it.