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ok i vegged to long for my room size .. what should i do ?



i have a friend who i am splitting this harvest with because i had to move an leave everything with him.. so anyways. we have 75 5 gallon grow bags full of huge beautiful healthy females. if i can only fit say 60.. wat would u guys do with these 15? i really dont think he has room to toss another 1000 up somewere and flower them out..

maybe cut everything off besides a few main colas off each plant? or

any ideas are welcome. im trying to figure this out for him.. i gotta run back out there wednesday to flip to flower.. so i wana make sure i have some idea of wat i can do with these plants..

its too early in ny or were i live now.. too put them outside..


i also have a light mover that i could bring there with me.. to help with the lack of light.. or i can bring a 400w hps and put 4 rings in the cieling.. and have him move the bulb vertically around the room every few days to help even out the light in the room .


Imo just trim them if tou think the stretch is going to over crowd things.adding more light is always a go in my book as long as heat isn't an issue of course.
Trash them or make clones from the 15 plants you can't use. If you trash them take them to the dump. Do not put them on the corner for the trash man.. obviously chose the smallest plants of the bunch to dispose of ..


do u think if i wait 2 weeks into flower.. and then just toss them outdoors to finish up.. that they could finish without a reveg? im really thinking of trying this. so i guess we shall see..

has anyone done this?

joe guy

Yep I flower my males in doors till nuts show and out with the dogs they go.. And they swell up and start dusting everything around them,BUT I'm not on the east coast I'm in Cali. So it's rare it's too cold here lol good luck with figuring it out I like the extra 400 idea myself


u think ud yield more with say cutting everything off besides 4 main branches on each plant and run more plants or.. instead of keeping more branches on the plants and run less plants ?.

2 Legal Co

Active member
If you can get the pots to fit.... maybe just crowd them in and spend a few days pruning the big fans. easier to circulate the air and the bud sites will not be shaded as much.

Light mover sounds like a good idea too.

edit; I must be missing Something here. How is this an 'over veg.' problem.... or did I read it wrong and it's Too much Veg. period? lol


Active member
Get some needle nosed pliers and some 1/4" irrigation tubing.

Cut two short pieces of tubing, long enough to cover the cross-hatch pattern on the pliers and jam them over the ends of the pliers... HARD.

Now go super crop every branch so the plants end up half-size.

Be very careful on non super-thick branches... you'll crush the stem without even feeling it. :) Watch carefully as you crush. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


its a shame that you have not got the space to do a couple of side by side different trimming styles to see what goes best, strip one of all leaves ,try tearing some leaves anything but what you usually do,different feeds ect. good luck with the grow, any pics please? willyweed


Well-known member
u think ud yield more with say cutting everything off besides 4 main branches on each plant and run more plants or.. instead of keeping more branches on the plants and run less plants ?.

I think that would be a good way, but Hydro-soil his way works too.

I could not tell for sure wich way would be best, but I have done them both on different occasions.

My guess is they will work equally well.

You can also combine the both of them.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Aw Hell, I'll say it..... Where can I pick them up at? lol

I think I can get 15 5gals. in the back of the truck..... Just kidding, but Somebody had to say it before this thread turned the page.


lol i know 2 legal co. i know beleive me.. im calling everyone i know.. asking them if they wana make some cash.. lol.. toss up 2 1000w on a light mover.. in a 5x10 room.. and toss 20 of these monsters in there.. and just go straight to flower.. in 9-10 weeks. bam . harvesting some sickkk buds..

the problem being.. i dont want plants to choke eachother out for light. im wondering. if trimming them back so they all have 4 main colas and branches.. and keeping them all in.. or .. moving some.. i been thinking about renting a uhaul.. and going up to ny.. picking them up.. and bringing them to my place.. but i just got everything set up.. and got the 99 1 gallon bags filled with clones.. and i am about to transplant into 3 galls and flower them out..

i just dont know what to do.. im stuck.. so .. im going to just tell him to flip to flower.. and ill be up in a week to either take some plants out.. or.. im going to have to trim them all back.. and keep them all jamming..


the problem being. im splitting this harvest with my buddy. because i had to move as i was vegging.. an my buddy has no clue what to do .. so i leave him a list.. and a nute schedule and shit.. and he just does wat it says.. and thats it.. so i make a 8 hour- 10 hour drive.. once to twice a week.. just to get up there. and make sure things arent failing.

im just pissed because i had the room to flower them at my place.. but he didnt.. and i didnt wana make a trrip.. with over 300 plants.. that woulda got me put in jail for a long time.. so i just took the hundred solo cup clones.. and let him run the rest in his basement.

its just becoming sooo much work.. and the DRIVE is crazyyyyyyy i wish it would warm uip.. id just toss the extra 15-20 plants outdoors and see what happens. they are all about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide .. nice bushes but after i go in an prune.. they are only 4 feet tall. 2.5 feet wide.. with 5-10 main shoots. they are beautiful bushes too ..


believe me. i wish i was in Cali or Colorado.. right now. or somewere were medical was alot bigger.. because i have soooo many clones that are in cups of water . waiting to be put into pellets or rooters. that honestly. probly will go into the trash.. and im talking about 10inch beautiful cuts.. of a couple amazing strains..
got Hundreds of cuts in cups that probably wont be used.. wish i knew some1 who could use them.. and honestly. its of my Best Strain lol .. the one strani that i kinda woldnt mind Hoarding lol. but im not like that . so i give clones away lol. i told a buddy go grab a dome.. and some rapid rooters.. and ill give him a dome of clones for 100 bucks.


Sucks, my last run, I did the same thing, I had too many big plants, my partner kept saying cull off the runts, I wouldn't, I ended up w/ lots of larf, and sub par cola buds. I'm 1/2 way thru the nest run w/ 2/3 the plant count, and the canopy is nice and full w the colas stackin'. I'm saying less will be more. And I should do a little better at the end of the day.
Good luck...
I had a hard time toss in' plants too. Now I kinda like it. Means I'm full up with better plants.


I do the same thing. I will always end up with cuts in cups of water with no space to use them....Sux but I toss em, think of it as pruned branches. What really sux is if my yield is off in the end and I start asking myself what if would have squeezed those couple extra plants in I threw away?
Why don't you find another friend to set up with the extra plants?

2 Legal Co

Active member
I'm a new grower.... and small #s. I used the scrog method & HST.

That said; got very satisfactory results by picking virtually ALL the fans that were over 1.5"s or so...... so most of them.... Crowded as can be, but since the fans are picked and the air turnover is hugh, no mold.

I only used 432 watts of T5 Flouro.... so as to the light Q., dont'd worry.......it'll just take longer??? I went 10 and 12 weeks on AK47.. .... Smiles everyone.... Been in a good mood most of the time since. lol

COLAs don't need much room, just some light and Good air movement. I had well over a hundred colas in 8 sq ft.........

It's a weed for Christ's sake, let em grow. lol

Most folks don't make many $s off pretty pictures, of full canopies. Strip those ladies Down.

Friend of mine asked a very pertinent question. "Are you growing leaves or BUD?"


if you already have "moms" of 15 extra plants id just pull them and forget about it. dont crowd them your average per plant will go way down and will have more larf.