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Cannabinoid profiles of your strains - home kit??



hey zamalito, good to hear from you. can't wait to see some test results.


THCV said:
Right now we are driving blind; with MS/GC it's like a new windshield with new wiper blades and a fresh squirt of windex. Yeah, that's great, but unavailable. This home kit is more like a dirty windshield with shitty blades, but it's still more info than driving with your eyes closed!
Love that analogy!

And.. BUMP! Interested to hear what you have found Zamalito.


Man, sorry guys I haven't even irdered the scales yet. I will let you guys know asap I just have been busy. I know I'm slack aren't I.


It gives percentages but to get a consistent reading I believe you need to have a milligram accurate scale.
You're correct, any increase in resin mass or otherwise between test samples would then render those with more resin as being higher in THC, etc. This milligram scale is only $58 dollars:


Mode: Capacity: Resolution:
Grams 50.0 g 0.01 g
Carats 250.00 ct 0.05 ct
Grains 771.7 gn 0.1 gn
Ounces 1.763 oz 0.001 oz
Ounces Troy 1.6075 ozt 0.0005 ozt
Pennyweight 32.1505 dwt 0.0005 dwt
Milligrams 50,000 mg 10 mg
Count - Pieces

It should be done by seedmakers for lines that are steadily available in the market.
Last edited:


Yep, but you also have to factor in the price of a mg scale which can run $100-$5000 I'm not sure of a good cheaper one. Anyone have any recommendation? It doesn't have to be $100 but the cheaper the better.


"and not with a home test kit but with a real, pro TLC lab in A'dam"

Waste of time, TLC will not give %'s. Use a GC or HPLC with MS. No reliable lab uses TLC for cannabinoid % analysis.

BTW you said "one guys opinion is not enough, since the high is always subjective, and different cannabinoids effect different people differently"

Does that mean that some people get high from varieties without THC? If it it all just subjective?
If I give you a pure CBD variety with no THC, nobody can get high with it. If you think otherwise you are just being contrary, and foolish. I smoked huge amounts of pure THCV with several friends including Rob Clarke, Reeferman, and others that I can not mention, none got high at all. In fact THCV is a THC antagonist, it prevents you from getting high on THC, like CBD does if CBD is taken in large doses before the THC. I also smoked herbal cannabis with 1% THCV/10%THC, 5%THCV/5% THC, 10%THCV/1% THC, the rest of the Cannabinoids being absent. And you do not want THCV, it ruins the high.
I have a GC for 20 years and I know what my varieties Cannabinoids are, and believe me you do not want THCV to get high. GW is looking for medicines not pot that gets you high.

BTW, I do know why tropical varieties can sometimes have an amazing fast up high. It has nothing to do with THCV. But if you do not believe me do find some variety with a small amount of THCV and self the female a few generations and you will end up with a THCV dominate plant, if you have a GC or other analytical method to find it. But if you are expecting to get high like I was, be warned it will disappoint you.

-infamous SamS

Tropical Treats

Active member
Is that why not much people are using african strains in there crosses? Maybe they do'nt want the THCV to contaminate their genetics? I was always facinated by THCV, first known to people as the hallucinating factor in cannabis. Now Sam comes here and dispells the myth that it even gives a high. It is actually good to hear. At least people here on ICmag could give up their quest on finding high THCV plants in hope for that dreamy high. Bad news for Afropip, too bad he can't come in and voice his opinion. Thanks for clearing things up Sam, you da bomb. keeping us in track and on the right direction.


Thai, Asian, Afghan, and African strains have THCV in very small amounts, I don't think that is the real problem or why they are little used. African strains, like Thai, are prone to hermis. Maybe that is why they are not used as much. Or maybe because African genetics were traditionally more unavailable in the USA where much of the early Cannabis breeding was done.
I know when I got my first seeds from S Africa, Durban Poison, in the mid-70's they were all fucked up. Almost all the plants were intersexed, it took 3-4 years breeding to clean them up and get rid of the hermis so it could be released. It can be done but it is a lot of work, compared to simple selection of the best clone from 10 seeds.


- ezra -

THCV - Afropips? save your cash. Why not try something from BSC instead (once they are back in business that is)

Zamalito - keep us posted on your results.

- Ez


SamS, it's good to hear you weigh in--and much better to hear about THCV from the horses mouth, glad you took the bait! :wink: Yeah, it's pretty clear that with all the breeding in the past 30 years if high-THCV plants didn't end up present in the population of popular hybrids as breeders like you bred land races together from all over the world, it's most likely because it isn't the high anyone wants. If THCV were so great, we would be discussing some excellent heirloom(s) that everyone loves that is high in THCV (like "Trainwreck is so popular due to its unique THCV high"). Since that clearly isn't the case, as your personal experience reinforces, I am fully prepared to let go of my original hopes for THCV. Long live delta-9-THC! :woohoo:

As for the thread topic, it would still be cool to have a cheap working method for doing cannabinoid analysis as a GC is impossible to come by for most of us (sorry about the mixup with TLC, I am no chem-lab expert). Especially now that so much research is showing the anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory power of CBD, it would be nice to be able to breed more high-CBD/high-THC strains that would be best for the medical mj community.

And who knows what the future holds for medical research and the remaining major cannabinoids? Hell, THCV could end up being the most anti-cancer! :yoinks:


Active member
Sam_Skunkman said:
BTW, I do know why tropical varieties can sometimes have an amazing fast up high. It has nothing to do with THCV. But if you do not believe me do find some variety with a small amount of THCV and self the female a few generations and you will end up with a THCV dominate plant, if you have a GC or other analytical method to find it. But if you are expecting to get high like I was, be warned it will disappoint you.

-infamous SamS

Well, nobody knows yet, but in my opinion it is the multitude of different terpenoid combinations that interacts with the effects of THC that causes that type of high. I'm almost convinced that the terpenoids have a psychoactive effect. I mean, you can have two strains with a very similar THC:CBD:THCV profile, but the high they deliver can still be very different. I think the "mystery" lies in the terpenoids. You ever notice that skunky strains are usually stupifying, lemony strains uplifting, berry strains relaxed and euporic, hazy strains trippy and zippy...



On Overgrow before it was shut down there was a guy who was posting threads of his tests with PURE cannabinoids - THCV and so on, trying them all individually and reporting on their effects. My googling for it has been fruitless though :(

OG bub

ICMag Donor
Sam does know his info..
I was reading his lit long ago on OG when he was going thru quite similar conversations.

as for my opinion asto why SA strains are not commonly used.. well Ive never been impressed overall, I couldnt bring myself to spending any time on what came thru my hands.... Now thats not to say there arent gems, I just diddnt happen to find any in the few lines I had grown.

asto the science of the chemicals of cannabis and their effects, Ill gladly bow out and let those that are better informed, do the explaining.

greens you bring to play a good point.. altho, its amazing what a blind taste tests can actually reveal about the effects of samples from different lines.

Peace folks.. bub.

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