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Canna Boost V Molasses - side by side comparison.


Active member
also read of something called headmasta thats meant to be exactly like cannaboost wonder if anyone knows about that too?


Registered Med User
molasses doesnt work in recycling drip system, so Id go with the boost. but dont use either... I use some bat guano and cha ching to add some smell and taste n crystals, beastie bloomz and gravity for the weight.


Active member
also read of something called headmasta thats meant to be exactly like cannaboost wonder if anyone knows about that too?

Have a look at Cheesey's NMK(nightmare kush aka 'The White'), he uses the headmasta from canadian express, i will be too next time ;) Oh yeah, your onto a winner bro!, i can get the CannaBoostAccelerator for £49 a litre! but its still way too dear even at that price!


"Rocket Fuel"

Start with 1 Litre of water at room temperature with a PH at 6.3 in a misting bottle.

1. 5ml Growth Plus (Nitrozyme).

2. 4ml Supernatural Vitamin BI-Thrive.

3. 16 drops Hyper Oxygen. Hyper Oxygen is a 36% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide to remove any chlorine and increase the level of oxygen availability in water, improving nutrient uptake, and effective use in plants. Also destroys harmful bacteria and viruses.

4. 36 drops of Agri-2.

5. 20ml Fish Agra.

6. 30ml Earth Food.

7. 15ml Earth Juice Escential Spray.

what's up hazylady? great thread, finally finished lastnight, thanks for taking the time. i'm using the canna nutes/coco including the boost and just added "brix from earth juice" (molass) thanks to your side by side.
i maybe wrong but in indys above quote he says to use h202 35% with organic additives, doesn't hydrogen peroxide kill anything organic?:dunno:


Active member
For those who give a f%ck, I salute you ya old bastard.

For those who give a f%ck, I salute you ya old bastard.

I use molasses & Boost @ 1ml per litter first three weeks of 12/12 the I bump it up to 3 or 4 mls per litter. Molasses is used week 6 & 7 then PH 5.7 water week 8. As well as canna coco A + B, PK 13 - 14, Rhizotonic, Cannazyme, Liquid worm castings, & Trace elements in CoCp Coir & 15% perlite. Works well for me. :moon: have a look at these apples.:mooning: Merry X'mas to all tokers jockers & smokers:santa1:


Active member
Have a look at Cheesey's NMK(nightmare kush aka 'The White'), he uses the headmasta from canadian express, i will be too next time ;) Oh yeah, your onto a winner bro!, i can get the CannaBoostAccelerator for £49 a litre! but its still way too dear even at that price!
do you think it was the strain or rather the headmasta adding the thc on those buds?,i mean either way the resins tremendous but i wonder if the strain is just that resinous anyways.spearzy.


Very nice thread with a load of good posts. I just finished reading all the pages and took loads of notes and will keep coming back for more info. Thanks *HL* and *M*, you ladies rock! :tiphat:


Active member
Have a look at Cheesey's NMK(nightmare kush aka 'The White'), he uses the headmasta from canadian express, i will be too next time ;) Oh yeah, your onto a winner bro!, i can get the CannaBoostAccelerator for £49 a litre! but its still way too dear even at that price!
i have some headmasta been using it not sure it performs as good as cannaboost yet but it seems to have a simmilar effect so far:dance013:


I noticed with the molasses it reall did attract flys,a beautiful smell to a fly which could intern infestation just an obsevation

I've used regular old grandmas molasses, 2-3 teaspoons per gallon, with great results and no flys. No strong smell either. How much did you use?
i have used commercial carb products and when broke made my own i have used honey molasses cane sugar brown sugar maple sugar agave sugar etc... anything organic that is a simple carbohydrate source and is unadulterated works fine. all add harvest weight and taste imo. (this is of course in soil or soiless mediums not true hydro dont put a bunch of sugar in your rez lol)


Nice thread amigo! I love comparisons, its something I have done so many times, often just for the change in routines as oppose to caring about the results haha

In my experience, canna bio products are actually better than the non bio. Particularly the boost :)


New member
I like molasses for me & my plants. Lotta good stuff in it. Never did a side by though.

I am posting this from page 2 so by the time I get to the last page I bet I'll have learned a thing or 3.

Thanks for the cool thread Hazy Lady!



New member
A quick blurb: Be careful about letting molasses in water stand around to long. It starts to ferment. It's like honey, it stays stable until water is added. I think you can let molasses water stay OK longer if ya put in an air stone & let it bubble.

Rum is made from fermented molasses & mead from fermented honey.

Sorry, I don't have any recipes. :)


vStagger Leev

I've never used the "Canna Boost" supplement but i have use molasses, and i works wonders! Then i found this product by roots organics and it does even better. This is an amazing thread hazy lady! Mad respect, some beutiful looking plants you have there. The plant is "Kryptonite" from the bay area, and she is at 7 weeks with one to go. I feed her with the trinity, and "Budswell" Organic guano extracts. Peace and love all! Stagger