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Canna Boost V Molasses - side by side comparison.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I just met a person who is willing to give me as much "droppings from rabbits" as I can carry away.
I plan on putting most of it in my vegetable garden outdoors but, maybe I'll try and make a tea of some to use indoors. I don't know if it would make my indoors smell bad though.
Anyone else ever use "droppings from rabbits" in a tea, indoors ?

Jalisco Kid

Active member
I do not understand the jump to Triacontanol for the active ingredient in Boost. There has been shown no correlation to it at all. Molasses does feed the herd which is why it is suggested in flowering. In flowering there is an increase in P, going over 60 ppm in P will start to kill off the herd.
I will bet 10 p's a light will give you more then all your additives here. JK

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Many Thanks

Many Thanks

@ *mistress* thanks for the fix, don't you worry about hi-jacking, post anything you feel useful or just FYI's, trust me, I check out and save everything you post, I have a feeling I am only at the start of this :bigeye:

I was just talking to my daughter about this and she reminded me of something, when the kids went to stay at my mums they would help her in her little cottage garden, mum made her own fertilizer, first growing Comfrey, then hanging a stocking full of it in a water barrel for tea, to show the kids how effective the tea was she would grow lettuce with and without and over 3 week-ends they would be full grown so the kids stayed interested, makes me smile my mum was doing a side by side.
Edit, my girl tells me the 'with' comfrey tea would be twice the size of the others, I suspect she is remembering as a youngster but I am sure they were better, bigger?

Farmyard manure 0.64 0.23 0.32
Russian Comfrey 0.74 0.24 1.19
Rabbit Droppings 2.04 1.04 0.60

@ Owl Mirror, Hiya buddy, good to see you here again, don't you have to let the stuff age some in case it releases to much N and ammonia as a result, I may be wrong, I often am:yeahthats, the NPK for the rabbit! looks a good all round food

@ Jalasco Kid, Hi there, to be honest I can't comment only speculate what the miracle ingredient in Boost is, the way things are looking Tri whatsit? seems to be the common ingredient in a lot of product that promise, for what it's worth of course, increased yields, better tasting crops, ( sound familiar?) the ones above *mistress* posted all seem to be this way, as are others.

@ onegreenday, Hi, I think you'll get a result, whether it is worth the high cost is another Q, I hope your grow goes well, don't forget to show us :wave:


btw.. incase anyone missed it; back a few pages when I made my first posts on this thread I talked about tricontanol on page 6 and up on this thread; where to buy it or even how to brew it a long with a number of papers that show the results. It's good information for those that believe Boost = tricontanol.

Just saw some posts being put back up about tricontanol and thought I'd save people some time. :woohoo:

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor


btw.. incase anyone missed it; back a few pages when I made my first posts on this thread I talked about tricontanol on page 6 and up on this thread; where to buy it or even how to brew it a long with a number of papers that show the results. It's good information for those that believe Boost = tricontanol.

Just saw some posts being put back up about tricontanol and thought I'd save people some time. :woohoo:

Thank-you d :), you ordered some of this one below didn't you? these links are on page 10 btw


I will be very interested to see how you find this d', thanks again :)


alfalfa :D gotto check that out one day :d
much of the gh 'general organics' line contains alfalfa meal...

bio thrive grow, bio thrive bloom, bio root... all contain:
alfalfa meal, cane sugar, etc...

roughly as pungent & rotten smelling as floralicious bloom... the plants seem to like the solution...

enjoy your garden!
Last edited:

Owl Mirror

Active member
Hazy Lady: @ Owl Mirror, Hiya buddy, good to see you here again, don't you have to let the stuff age some in case it releases to much N and ammonia as a result

I am counting on the pile I will be digging has already been leached/aged.
He raises rabbits and has a huge compost pile of the stuff.
I will be adding most of it to my outside garden for veggies but, I want to experiment with it on my girls too. My thought is to make up a 5 gallon bucket of TEA and simply take a cup off the top when needed for waterings.
I just hope it doesn't stink up the house ;>}
It's getting late in the season this year to do much of anything.
The leaves are in full Fall colors, tonight we are expecting our first snow fall !


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hey O'M', that sounds better if its aged, the best things are :bigeye: I think I would be looking for a quiet corner about 3 houses down to store it though :)
Is that the weather you're getting, brrrr, looks like you pay for living in a great summer place my friend.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Hey O'M', that sounds better if its aged, the best things are :bigeyes: I think I would be looking for a quet corner about 3 houses down to store it though :)
Is that the weather you're getting, brrrr, looks like you pay for living in a great summer place my friend.

LOL I hear you about storing it. I think that might be why the guy is so anxious for me to come and get as much as I want ;>}

Oh nooooo, we haven't gotten snow yet. That is just a winter picture I found.
Although it isn't too far away !

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 42. pics / update / general rambling

Bloom day 42. pics / update / general rambling

Hi all,:wave: I hope you're all healthy and happy, anything else is a bonus!. Before I get to this weeks pics..... I know some of you have not been able to sleep for worrying about my injured Super Silver Haze babies so a little update.
Being all too aware of Sod's Law! As soon as I realised they had been poisoned quite severely I ordered another pkt, I figured if I didn't I will lose all but a couple of the 1st lot and by the time I re-order some they will be out of stock till Feb 2010. In the end, of the 15 seedlings that germinated I only lost 2, :woohoo: Sod has not finished with me though :mad:, the 2nd packet have yet to arrive - just as well I am not desperate for them, they went in the post 8 days ago (6th) but they do have to come all the way across from one side of the city I live to the other, its at least 4 miles so 8 days is understandable, just not to anyone outside of the Royal Mail! Rant/Ramble over.

The issues I had with N and Ca are sorted now, the damage remains on the Ca deficient leaves of course, however you can see the undamaged portion has greened up and a slight healthy sheen is now visible* :)
* see 3rd pic down

All plants have stepped up a gear as of a few days ago, I am assuming the triple PK 13/14 (now 15mls per 10 lts) extra A & B Coco (up 5ml to 25ml of each per 10 lts) coupled with the deficit treatments has started to have an effect, I can see individual calyx swelling in all the buds where before the bud was growing as one. These plants end up with lots of fox-tails and so go a bit hay-wire before they swell into the finished buds, expect them to start looking a bit wilder from now on.
The order I had the 4 lots in last week (1st B, Jt 2nd A & D and 3rd C) I would say has stayed more or less the same but the D plants have moved slightly ahead to take second place from A leaving C in 4th, but none are THAT far ahead it couldn't all change before the finish, we shall see in good time

A - plants @ day 42



Below, A @42 days, Ca deficit damage remains but plants healthy again.


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 42 continued...

Bloom day 42 continued...

B (Boost) plants, day 42. Skinny stalks are starting to strain under the weight of buds :) well its all relative!




C (Molasses) plants, day 42.


Below, this was the worst affected from the Ca deficit, not too bad now :)


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 42 continued...

Bloom day 42 continued...

D (Boost AND Molasses) @ day 42




Owl Mirror

Active member
Hazy Lady: I can see calyx swelling in all the buds

Being new to growing I have a question regarding the above statement.
As you know, I've been painting buds selectively for future seeds.
I have noticed on my one special girl, calyx swelling on buds that I didn't pollinate.
I was worried that the pollen had travelled to the other buds.
Am I just seeing this "calyx swelling" and not future seeds ?

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Yes my friend

Yes my friend

Being new to growing I have a question regarding the above statement.
As you know, I've been painting buds selectively for future seeds.
I have noticed on my one special girl, calyx swelling on buds that I didn't pollinate.
I was worried that the pollen had travelled to the other buds.
Am I just seeing this "calyx swelling" and not future seeds ?

Hiya OM, Yes, if they have not been pollinated then it will be the calyx swelling up, a lovely sight, then its just waiting for your fav trich colours before Timberrrrrr.
what can i say???? all the buds look equally really really good so? what do you see in person?

do you have any 1st preference over a,b,c, or d, upon real life examination?????

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor


hay haze lady good work! they all looking pritty delisous to me hehe
Hi Phil, thank-you, nice to see you here.

what can i say???? all the buds look equally really really good so? what do you see in person?

do you have any 1st preference over a,b,c, or d, upon real life examination?????
Thank-you buddin, I know it is very hard to see any great diff's because really there aren't that many to see, I still think the B - (Boost) plants are the most productive, it is not a great deal but it is visible to the naked eye. There are longer runs of buds on the B colas of slightly larger looking buds. I can't say if they are more frosty in fact or it is a trick of the light (as there is a little more total area of bud) but they do look whiter than the rest. It may be the B's are further forward right now but could finish earlier at a cost in some way?. Bone Carver has experienced Boost finishing plants a little earlier at a cost in potency, all outcomes are still possible for the moment. Just behind the B's are the D's (Boost AND Molasses) then the A's (No Boost or Molasses) and finally at this point the C's - Molasses plants.

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