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Canna Boost V Molasses - side by side comparison.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi BC, No, these are not the plants that are N light, well I say that one of the C's is light but this leaf came off an 'A' plant
After your post and my searches I do agree with you 100% Bones, it IS Calcium,( the new problem) I have never seen it this way to be honest, plenty of its mate Mag, it's why I add Epsom but not really seen Cal deficits early on before, I think I only saw it on outdoor plants and it was well developed by then and the plants were very spotted with necrosis. I am going to give them all a shot of Cal-mag next lights, I do appreciate you popping back here so often by the way, thank-you.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hey Bones

Hey Bones

Cupping of mature leaves is a tell tale sign of a calcium deficiency.
B, does that mean the edges would turn upwards and form a canoe or downwards and form a claw, I don't intend to let it get that far but...... thanks B.


edges upward - the leaf will look like its making a cup shape with the leaf,if it gets to that stage it gets really ugly :(

hope u dont even have to get close! :D

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor


Got it!, thanks again B' :)
I will post Day 35 pics tonight, starting to shape up a bit now despite the little N and Ca niggles :)

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Calcium deficiant plants

Calcium deficiant plants

To show the Ca deficit on the plants here is a couple of pics from last night. I am giving them Cal-Mag now and will stop adding Epsom while I am using it. I don't want to end up giving them a Mag overdose




I'll be back with 5 week pics at lights-on, one pair is getting noticeably frostier than the rest, I have some macro lenses I need to play with but with luck I can capture the difference.

One of the pairs of plants has unfortunately grown 1 main stem which is a nuisance, I had pruned them to have 2 or 3 stems each which they have, but one has produced 2 very small stems and 1 large one, so this one stem is getting larger buds and as it's longer - more of them, it means you can't easily compare it with the others. Luckily, as they are in pairs, it's twin has a similar structure to the rest of the testers so it isn't all guess work. I shouldn't worry really but it would be better if all things were equal obviously. Esca.


New member
fantastic thread love the info its true coco is becoming really popular,,i was just wondering im growing in coco with canna nutes i used the canna feed guide to the letter hahaha cost me a fortune hahaha and it only says use pk 13/14 for one week ,,,can u use boost for first 3 to 4 weeks into flower and then use pk13/14 3 to 4 weeks with blackstrap molasses,,,great thread once again PEOPLE....

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi Modin

Hi Modin

fantastic thread love the info its true coco is becoming really popular,,i was just wondering im growing in coco with canna nutes i used the canna feed guide to the letter hahaha cost me a fortune hahaha and it only says use pk 13/14 for one week ,,,can u use boost for first 3 to 4 weeks into flower and then use pk13/14 3 to 4 weeks with blackstrap molasses,,,great thread once again PEOPLE....

Hi Modin, I personally don't follow Canna's PK guide, it makes little sense to me that one shot of PK13/14 halfway through flowering is sufficient,( in normal grows, forget the amounts used in the side by side a mo) especially as I use 1/2 to 2/3 Canna amounts of Coco A & B. I use a very small amount 5mls per 10 Lts weeks 2,3,4 and 5, weeks 6 and 7 I increase to 15mls per 10 Lts, and week 8 back to 5ml, I use the same ratio of Canna Boost along WITH the PK13/14 ie, for every 5 mls Pk I add 5 mls Boost, 15mls PK = 15mls Boost. I am not sure yet if this test will change my opinion? but, I believe Molasses works best again WITH PK13/14 and Boost, or if you don't use Boost then Molasses and PK13/14 right through bloom till flush. Thanks for the kind words, welcome along :)


Active member
That is probably calcium def, although it could also be phosphorous def, if the calmag desn't stop it, then give them a shot of PK, some strains are real phos hogs (the Cheese cut is a good example).

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
That is probably calcium def, although it could also be phosphorous def, if the calmag desn't stop it, then give them a shot of PK, some strains are real phos hogs (the Cheese cut is a good example).
Thank-you, appreciate all advice

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems

Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems

Hi all, I am having trouble posting pics, I have to do 1 at a time so bare with me as there are about 20 to post, OK lets get to it
A - Plants below




Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Owl Mirror, every batch of food I mix my friend, in 10 Lts of water :)

I'll try and post the rest of the pics.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

B Plants @ 35 days




Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

C Plants @ 35 days 12/12






Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

D Plants @ 35 days






Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

Bloom day 35 / Start week 6 nutrients / Ca problems cont'

Details to come, need tea first :)

My Ca problem..... I did not have any Cal-mag to hand and could not leave my home today to sort some so I crushed a few gms (5g) of Dolomite lime to a fine talc and watered it in. It will help them out till I can get something faster acting in the morning, It has only affected 3 plants up to now and with treatment should not progress.

OK, As today is the start of week 6 it is time to adjust the nutrients a little as I said at the start of the thread, this is for weeks 6 and 7 only!
The basic nutrient for

Canna Coco @ 25ml A & 25ml B
Maxi-Crop liquid seaweed @ 20ml
PK13/14 @ 15ml
1 x teaspoon Epsom salts
Per 10Lts water, PH 6.0* 2.11 EC
Plants B receive the above 'A' nutes plus Canna Boost @ 15ml
Per 10Lts water, PH 6.0 2.22 EC
Plants C receive the above 'A' nutes plus Molasses @ 15gms (1 tablespoon) Per 10Lts water, PH 6.0 2.31 EC
Plants D receive the 'A' nutes plus Canna Boost @ 15mls AND Molasses @ 15gms per 10Lts water, PH 6.0 2.38 EC

* I have raised my PH to 6.0 from 5.8 as there is slightly more Ca available there which may help my problem in the long run.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
5 weeks in......So who's gonna win?

5 weeks in......So who's gonna win?

Hi Everyone, well that's 5 weeks gone, about halfway done?, I figured 10 or 11 weeks as the mother was fully finished (50/50 milky/amber) @ 90 days, I normally lose 10 to 20 days off the seed version
I have been looking at the plants very closely, that's the trouble with myopia - bum bum :)
I hate to say it, and it is premature but the B - Boost sisters are without doubt looking better than any others, the B plants themselves are nice and green although 1 of the pair is showing the same Ca deficit as 2 other plants, despite that the buds are noticeably larger, a man on a flying horse would pick them out, it's THAT obvious. I don't believe these flowers are actually further on, as in any more mature - just bigger, better looking buds all round. On the whole all the buds look to be at the same stage trichome wise, they smell the same now too, a weird smell of tropical fruits and paint solvent, it's a bit much but the solvent part does fade

If I had to list them today - best to worst - then the B's would be in 1st place, no doubt about that, then I would have to say it is a tie between D - Boost AND Molasses and the A - No Boost, No Molasses for second place, then last at the moment is the C Molasses plants, both Molasses plants have shown an N deficit and 1 is showing the Ca problem, the buds are the smallest of the grow, I'm not sure if the deficits are the cause or the diet?, I don't think the Ca has affected anything, too recent, not a serious problem, but of course the slight N def could have a bearing. I am little surprised that the Molasses twins are behind the A plants that receive none of the Boost or Molasses, then again as I mentioned a while ago about this years IC Growers cup, ojd won with plants fed only A&B and B-cuzz and they could not have been lacking much of anything could they?


i think for the fact that something happened to part of the test group, makes it almost not possible to have those in mind any more. i mean they are not going to get a fair run compared to the rest :D

to get fair results all plants should be in equal health too.

never the less it is extremelly intereting the shared 2nd place is between the "D - Boost AND Molasses and the A - No Boost".

maybe - im saying maybe its an idea to do this run again, but to be a bit more carefull with the levels of the aditives. just trying to go lower to avoid lockouts etc.

i dont think anymore a comparison is really possible to do between the damaged plants and the healthy ones.

im not dissing the test, you know - im just saying crap happens and sometimes better do things again to get it done properly. :D

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