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Canadian Government to Privatize Medical growing (news link)

Savage Seeds

Active member
savage seeds r u a french Canadian or just really high , ?,i am not understanding ur post ?

WEH?! Big negatory on the Frog my good sir...Although, have been to queerbeck and Its not a bad place! Minus the terrible drivers, but from what I seen the law In Montreal Is every woman must be gorgeous to be allowed to stay! ;)
WEH?! Big negatory on the Frog my good sir...Although, have been to queerbeck and Its not a bad place!

Who calls it that?? lol you must be from the west coast.


VagPuncher: if you're happy there is no more MMAR in Canada for patients to grow their own medicine then you're on the wrong site you should go hang out with the pharma industry folks.
WEH?! Big negatory on the Frog my good sir...Although, have been to queerbeck and Its not a bad place! Minus the terrible drivers, but from what I seen the law In Montreal Is every woman must be gorgeous to be allowed to stay! ;)

Frog?? Queerbeck?? where are you coming up with this stuff?


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
VagPuncher: if you're happy there is no more MMAR in Canada for patients to grow their own medicine then you're on the wrong site you should go hang out with the pharma industry folks.

I am happy the current broken system will be gone. Very happy. It should be much more regulated.

I am a business man. Is that so wrong?

I will provide the patients exceptional medicine for 15 dollars a gram.


15 dollars a gram , you are outta your fuckin mind. 5 / gram if your lucky.
Street value on black market isn't even 15 / graM . Your greed is deeper than i thought ,get a fuckin grip. 15 bucks a gram.....ROFLMFAO.


I will be glad when the system gets hauled . Too many crooks in there now. Cannabis for everybody, isn't that the way in BC now? And for those who don't smoke , they just don't get their papers. Simple as that.


Active member
I am happy the current broken system will be gone. Very happy. It should be much more regulated.

I am a business man. Is that so wrong?

I will provide the patients exceptional medicine for 15 dollars a gram.

420 an oz eh? that'll be the day buddy...


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
15 dollars a gram , you are outta your fuckin mind. 5 / gram if your lucky.
Street value on black market isn't even 15 / graM . Your greed is deeper than i thought ,get a fuckin grip. 15 bucks a gram.....ROFLMFAO.

Then don't buy it. Plenty will be forced too. :jump:
Then don't buy it. Plenty will be forced too. :jump:

You are making your self out to be a very petty, BLIND person.

Do you honestly think because the Gov Says people have to buy from Crooks like you they will?
Do you honestly think people will pay 400$ an OZ for a plant that people can grow for next to nothing, almost free if they wanted too?
The more Restrictions the Gov puts the more illegal grows will pop up and before you know it, They will have to bust down everyone's doors, Cali.
How many Sick people out there Pay for there meds right now? even with MMR in Canada.... ALOT.

The River of Cannabis Will forge its own path across Canada. Beavers like you will Come and try to damn the river. But the River of Cannabis is much to strong, It will just flood the fields and forge a new path.:dance013:

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
when the voices in your head finally leave you alone come talk some sense if your able

whenever this paranoid bs is over let me know, and the newly passed s-10 program, please come talk to me when a manditory sentence is handed out...

the mmar system is here.
if it was removed and everybody could grow a little which is what is going to happen. not the opposite being no mmar program and no access at all... or a tightened system...
the courts are all that matter and they want more access not less!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and who gives a shit, i can get my needed amount if i grow my own no problem. and it does not need to be more than walk in closet at the most.

the profit margins are going down down down, good luck with that business plan
what happened to alcohol when prohibition ended, the prices went down!!!!!!


Active member
I'm gonna send my renewal in July, just in case... 3 months early, it is filled out, doc signed and ready. Also gonna hang on to expired licenses just in case I need them in a future court case...

Moe WILL grow his own, no matter what. They can bust me & try to push P for the P all they want, I'll just make em look like chumps. My plans and numbers are more than obvious to our local LEO's, so even/if - hopefully they won't waste the time/$$.

But if they do, I'll be prepared... :rasta:

But am really hoping they just leave it be, or allow any adult to grow 1-5 under a possibly paid permit. Then the S-10 mandatories of 5-200 still apply, so Harpy could also keep his precious bill...

Not all of us are criminals. Not by far... unless forced to be. How does that old saying about the difference between "wantstas" and "havestas" go??



New member
when the voices in your head finally leave you alone come talk some sense if your able

whenever this paranoid bs is over let me know, and the newly passed s-10 program, please come talk to me when a manditory sentence is handed out...

the mmar system is here.
if it was removed and everybody could grow a little which is what is going to happen. not the opposite being no mmar program and no access at all... or a tightened system...
the courts are all that matter and they want more access not less!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and who gives a shit, i can get my needed amount if i grow my own no problem. and it does not need to be more than walk in closet at the most.

the profit margins are going down down down, good luck with that business plan
what happened to alcohol when prohibition ended, the prices went down!!!!!!

For someone telling others to make sense, you seem to be having problems making sense of the situation.
If you think everyone will be allowed to grow their own, you're out for one special lunch. i would even say a hot lunch.
And your beloved courts? It would be good for you to ACTUALLY know what's going on there.. They don't want more access, they've just conceded that doctors should not be the gatekeepers with the current lack of understanding/education they have on the matter. This will be fixed with the new system they're planning on rolling out.
If you're counting on the courts, it may be a good idea to pay attention to the details.


Active member
this is kinda to be expected after all the marc emery fanboy fuckheads mugging for cameras showing off their commercial sized "medical" grows.

as much as i like growing for profit, no size/light restrictions pretty much opened the door to all kinds of abuse



"Kind Canna all up in this biatch."

"Awesome! I'll get a commercial production license no problem. I hope they end the program tmrw."

"I am a business man. Is that so wrong? I will provide the patients exceptional medicine for 15 dollars a gram."
"Then don't buy it. Plenty will be forced too. :jump:"

For better or worse, it's good to see your true colors show. With pitiful statements like yours, it's hard to believe that it's all about compassion with you guys. You're a close friend of DMT's, aren't you? One would have to assume that you feel strongly that your group (the "non-profit" 'KCC; Kind Canna/bis Collective'?) will receive a production license? Four card holders with 420KW, and roughly sixty-thousand dollar hydro bills? Compassion...LOL. ICMag member 'bigbag' had stated in December of 2010 that, "these are the type of facilities that will force HC to ammend the rules, eventually". That's food for thought, no?

PS-Why no updates from the 'KCC' lately?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
For someone telling others to make sense, you seem to be having problems making sense of the situation.
If you think everyone will be allowed to grow their own, you're out for one special lunch. i would even say a hot lunch.
And your beloved courts? It would be good for you to ACTUALLY know what's going on there.. They don't want more access, they've just conceded that doctors should not be the gatekeepers with the current lack of understanding/education they have on the matter. This will be fixed with the new system they're planning on rolling out.
If you're counting on the courts, it may be a good idea to pay attention to the details.
Holland and Portugal, there is that enough for you... check out their drug laws and attitude and then come talk to me.

Canada being a progressive country will adopt laws similar to the above countries

we have an MMAR program,
anybody saying it is going away is out to lunch

it exist and will only get better for the average joe

since what I am saying is fact... no BS please or stupid paranoid talk in response
Holland and Portugal, there is that enough for you... check out their drug laws and attitude and then come talk to me.

Canada being a progressive country will adopt laws similar to the above countries

we have an MMAR program,
anybody saying it is going away is out to lunch

it exist and will only get better for the average joe

since what I am saying is fact... no BS please or stupid paranoid talk in response

While I disagree with pretty much everything you've stated in this thread, I sure wouldn't mind a cut of whatever it is your smokin :smoke:

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