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Can we discuss bubblegum?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
here is the Iranian BG 13 days into flowering



Well-known member
In terms of Amsterdam/the Netherlands in general I can say that I have recently sampled some Bubblegum in Arnhem and it had not even the slightest hint of Bubblegum smell or taste or anything.
It was just a bland average Indica.

In the 5 years I lived in the Netherlands, it was very hard to find Bubblegum at all but whenever I found it (maybe a hand full of times throughout the years) it had no Bubblegum smell or taste or anything.

So from my side of things it is safe to say that there is no actual Bubblegum to be found in the Netherlands.
They do grow and sell something they call Bubblegum but it has none of the taste, smell, flavor that people report.

Maybe I was just unlucky though and looked in the wrong places.


New member
Ive grown a ten pack of Thseeds bubblegum, all were very loud, more sativa than advertised, and none smelled anything like bubblegum. They were very good frosty plants that reeked of sweet menthol weed. Kind of like vicks vapo rub dipped in sugar.

Not a bad strain, but if you are looking for something that even remotely smells or tastes of gum, these weren't it.


Well-known member
I'm beginning to suspect that the "real deal Bubblegum" in seed form is dead.

There are some folks with great reputation that claim to have a clone of it in their stable.
I think "Weird" was one of them.

But until I could get one of them to the old world to compare against it, I have no clue where I would get an actual bubblegum.
Wouldn't even have to be seeds or a clone, just sampling some true bubblegum would be good to experience :D


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
We have a stellar bubblechem female in house at top dawg....and a good friend of ours is making some f2's...now if we get that bubblegum back ,a bx to the gum would be in order....


Well-known member
Thing is I have heard (not experienced) of good Bubblegum strains here and there.

But for 1 person claiming they found a Bubblegum flavor/aroma pheno in TH seeds or Serious or whoever's gear, there is 10 claiming they tried 5 packs and didn't get any Bubblegum flavor/aroma.

The shops in the Netherlands also sell Bubblegum here or there but it is 10/10 times it is a bland indica that neither tastes nor smells like Bubblegum.

Then you sometimes get reports of menthol taste but that is not what the Bazzoka Joe Bubblegum of yore was about, was it?

The last bastion of Bubblegum in seedform seems to be BOG but reports are conflicting, it is based on White Label genetics and it looks like BOG has solid genetics and stuff but if I would find actual Bubblegum flavor/aroma in his gear? Inconclusive.

I have no doubt there are killer strains out there with the Bubblegum label tacked on.
But I do doubt at this point if any of them have that Bazzoka Joe pink Bubblegum taste/smell/aroma...
Any opinions on Brother Monk's Indiana Bubblegum IBL? It supposedly was crossed to an afghan then bred towards the bubblegum traits.

Guy Brush

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My first reg 10 pack in 2012 of SS BG had two pink Bg phenos. One runt and one ok. At that time I wasn't into cloning so I lost em. Since then I've tried another 10 pack from the same year and two fem 6 packs from 2014 and it's not there anymore. The same with lemon skunk Dna or greenhouse. Three sweet lemon phenos in one fem 6 pack of dna in 2012 and 2014 not a single one in two fem packs of dna and a ten pack of ghs. I can only say WTF...


Well-known member
I will look for Bubblegum myself by growing out some Paki Chitral Kush, some Afghan genetics and some Critical Mass. Hope I get lucky and find sth good.


Active member
I'm sure it's been said.. but check out BOGs strains. many said to be based of bubble gum.. i haven't grown the more gummy varietals.. but I grew Lifesaver and sour bubble.. both are fruity - much more so life saver.. lifesaver smelled like PURE pink bubble gum in most of flower.. it got a little more fruit candy at the end and honestly the flavor wasn't keeper quality.. but i'd bet bog has some great gum finds in his lines.


Well-known member
Over the years a friend and I tried the serious and THSeeds, viney, no bubblegum, useless. BOG's was better but not bubblegum for me.

Any opinions on Brother Monk's Indiana Bubblegum IBL? It supposedly was crossed to an afghan then bred towards the bubblegum traits.

I've got a pack of these, will post up here as and when....


I think you are referring to the famous cut Indiana Bubblegum clone only. I got great results from a cross of that, Old time Indiana Bubblegum (Indiana Bubblegum x Old Time Moonshine). Taste and smell were exactly as you describe on some of them. I think there are other threads on this subject.

Edit: a search brings up an unbelievable number of threads about bubblegum.

Anyone else have experience with Old Time Indiana Bubblegum? I recently grabbed SSBG and want to run it with either another version of BG (not THSeeds) or a cross with BG... OTIB is available on the Bay, but quite pricey... and I don't know but I think they're pretty old beans... ? ...

And for the price it seems it might be worth looking in Nirvana's version.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Still got the original ibg in house getting ready for a go.... Also I wouldn't be surprised if u start seeing her around a bit more she is goin into a few hands.... N homie cv is remaking the Indiana og... Using the same pollen left from that fire ass oG stud... funny few years back she was basically obsolete .... Now today she became one of the most sought after hard to get cuts... The original greats stand the test of time... I love the old strains....

Joint Lock

Active member
Again, to clarify:
It is just my view of "the industry".
I would put the ones I mentioned Tier 1 and folks like Chimera and BOG Tier 2. Just from my research and their reputation.

That being said, Tier 2 is not "shit tier" where I would put greenhouse and co.
It is also not Tier 3 or 4 or 5 where I would put folks like Serious etc. etc.
I would also rate BOG and Chimera Tier 1 if their price was a little more suited to their reputation (with the stipulation that BOG's is if you buy from him directly. Were I in the US, I would rate BOG Tier 1).

Now that being said, among what I would call Tier 2 in the little head of mine, Chimera and BOG are who most interest me because of their reputation (which includes actual reports on their genetics grown out etc.).

But I haven't purchased them, yet, because I fail to see why I would pay more for what I consider Tier 2 than I would for what I consider Tier 1.
I purchased close to 1k in seeds over the last few months, so I will soon be able to augment my "view of the industry" by actual experiences and facts.
After having done so, I see no reason why I wouldn't run at least a pack or two of Chimera's and BOG's gear to compare it to what I researched to be the best option for me at this point in time. Unless I became so infatuated with "my Tier 1 breeders" after having grown their stuff that I decide to just spend more of my money on them.

But until then, I fail to see why I would pay so much for seeds that have an inferior reputation. That doesn't mean their work or product is inferior. It might well be worth the price tag they ask, I can't judge that.
But at this point in time and from my perspective, others have a better reputation AND are cheaper. So I fail to see why I would go for Tier 2 at this point in time.

Having spent 1k in seeds, I was definitely open to buying less from one breeder and spreading what's in my "bank" across a larger variety of breeders. But there aren't many in Tier 1 and 2 imho, probably less than 10 breeders combined. And I just picked the ones that had the best ratio of reputation and price, which, sadly, neither Chimera nor BOG belonged to. BOG actually does but only if I were to order from him directly and he doesn't ship to Europe.

And while it does speak positively about Chimera that he is actually active and willing to share his perspective on my opinion, I am sorry to say that himself saying that he does unprecedented things and works at a "higher level than anyone in the industry" is not only kind of worthless but even negative in my view.
The industry is full of people blowing themselves and saying how they are heads and shoulders above the rest. Undesirables like Greenhouse among them.

Thank you for wishing me the best of luck and not using my sometimes poorly formulated statements to get into an argument with me. I admire your level-headedness and patience. After re-reading my statemens I was sure that you or others would start bashing me and I wouldn't even be able to blame you for it.

@Cosmic Charlie
I did research BOG extensively and Chimera a little bit. I do know of them but obviously am not their childhood friend or sth nor have I been around the last couple of decades.
It has also come to my attention that older breeders seem to have lost quality but not all of them. Serious Seeds seems to be a good example for this though.
About Nirvana: I find it highly amusing that 2 decades ago they were regarded as knock-offers and some even called them "thieves". They had a very bad rep and were basically only interesting for those on a budget.
I come back a few decades later and Nirvana is basically regarded as "heirloom genetics" by so many. Found that very surprising and somewhat comical.
It also underlined how poorly formerly well-respected breeders like Serious Seeds must have handled their stock and stake in the industry for Nirvana to be held in such lofty regards.
And then, a few years later, Nirvana went from knock-off producers capitalizing on other's work, to "heirloom breeders" to "loosing quality like the other older breeders".
Very interesting development imho.

We will see. For now I can't really justify buying any more seeds, I have enough for many, many years.
But if I run across a good deal on BOG, Chimera and some OG Kush genetics along the way, I will get some of those.

I was so interested in bubblegum... It topped my wishlist as a matter of fact... And I am actually quite bummed out that I had to end up considering White Label and Nirvana as possibly my best options with regards to bubblegum...

But I have many different Afghani, Chitral and such genetics in my lineup so I might also get lucky and get my own bubblegum running from these lines of genetics.
Also Nevil has been quoted to say that Nl5xSkunk and BigBud aka Critical Mass are what the "original" bubblegum was made of. I have those too.

Will run all of that and if I can't find Bubblegum myself, I will eventually bite the bullet and give others I don't consider Tier 1 a try, including BOG, Serious, TH seeds etc.

Or I bite the other bullet and let a friend in the US/Canada know that I want BOG seeds and let him forward them to me.

Let's see.

If all goes well I have some concrete experience and reports/pics to share in a few months.
The amount of herb and quality it will be (if u have the skills) will be worth 100x the cost of those seeds .SMH not counting the time and work these 2 have put in .SMH


Active member
Ok so I keep seeing everyone talking about how the bubblegum they tried doesn't smell or taste like actual bubblegum, but from everything I've seen and heard from the old school crowd was that indiana bubblegum was called that because it was as super sticky, like chewed bubblegum and had nothing to do with the taste or flavor. I've grew up in indiana and all the old timers used to laugh at us youngins when we thought that the original indiana bubblegum smelled or tatsed like bubblegum and repeatedly told us that it only had to do with it being a super sticky plant.

So maybe all these plants you guys keep saying are super resinous but lack the smell or taste of bubblegum may actually be the original indiana bubblegum and the ones that have a smell or taste like bubblegum could just be the dutch or modern version used to sell seeds to this generation thinking they are getting an american classic.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
sorry guys and galls I'm new to this. does back crossed mean the seed came from a male and female of the same strain? like the Sour Bubble says its backcrossed of Bubblegum


Active member
sorry guys and galls I'm new to this. does back crossed mean the seed came from a male and female of the same strain? like the Sour Bubble says its backcrossed of Bubblegum

a child plant pollenated it's momma.. momma a is pollenated by plant b.. have baby c.. cross c back with momma a to make d.. then baby d is BX1... cross baby d back with grandma a.. get baby e.. thats BX2 and so on.. I think.. I'm not well read in breeding.
But i did grow Sour Bubble.. BX3 I reckon.. Your in for a treat. incredibly stable line.. of straight FIRE that, no matter how hard you try to fuck up.. will still come out potent as all hell.. all of it.. and you'll find at least a keeper or 2 in ur pack.. back em all up.
not really a bubble gum tho..
tho the varietal came from a particular pheno of one of his bubblegums... it was not kept not for any gum, but for strength:woohoo:.. ur gunna get kush.. coffee.. LOUD if your lucky youll get the sour one.... little fruity.


Well-known member
Ok so I keep seeing everyone talking about how the bubblegum they tried doesn't smell or taste like actual bubblegum, but from everything I've seen and heard from the old school crowd was that indiana bubblegum was called that because it was as super sticky, like chewed bubblegum and had nothing to do with the taste or flavor. I've grew up in indiana and all the old timers used to laugh at us youngins when we thought that the original indiana bubblegum smelled or tatsed like bubblegum and repeatedly told us that it only had to do with it being a super sticky plant.

So maybe all these plants you guys keep saying are super resinous but lack the smell or taste of bubblegum may actually be the original indiana bubblegum and the ones that have a smell or taste like bubblegum could just be the dutch or modern version used to sell seeds to this generation thinking they are getting an american classic.

Could be.
But I have read many, many reports/experiences/reviews where people say (and I quote) "dead on Bazzoka Joe Pink Bubblegum smell".
Now regarding taste, it is very rare that someone says "tastes like Bubblegum" but I have read that too before.
More often, when it comes to taste, people speak of a menthol/spearmint bubblegum kind of taste.

But strains like Serious or TH Bubblegum were marketed on the premise of smelling like that pink Bubblegum we all know.
And many people reported just such a smell back in the days.

Now these reports no longer happen. Most current reports from the last few years on Bubblegum strains are always about disappointment.

Then you get people growing BOG gear and they are happy with it and say it's great but even they never mention Bubblegum aromas/flavors.

Not sure what to make of all this but it doesn't look so great for true Bubblegum imho.
If there ever was a Bubblegum smelling and tasting herb, I fear it is more or less gone or only a few folks hold the right clones.

As I mentioned before, I will look for "my own Bubblegum" among the genetics I have but basically just moved my goal from getting a Bubblegum smelling/tasting strain to "get a strain that actually smells and tastes like something sweet/fruity" in general.

I mean whether or not Bubblegum ever tasted/smelled like Bubblegum, Blueberry definitely smells (and sometimes tastes?) like Blueberry. And I haven't gotten a true Blueberry smelling/tasting bud in my life either.

So just going to look into coercing strong and pungent flavors and aromas out of my plants and take it from there. We will see what I end up with.

From personal experience:
The most fruity smelling thing I have experienced were some Mango Haze and Strawberry Hazes I got in the Netherlands.
Both had a faint yet unmistakable smell of mango/strawberry. But nothing whatsoever in the taste.
And it was really faint.

I will look to build on that experience.
Find a strain that smells stronger and build on that smell, hoping to find or create a strain that carries over the smell into taste, at least somewhat.