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Can O2Grow Replace Pumps and Stones?

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Ok, bro.

This community is made up of good people. Most of us had really valuable insight for you, and presented it in as palatable a manner as possible, even after you started up with the vulgarities and the grade-school insults like a bratty little kid. That's just how it is.

So just.. be good, do good, and have a nice day.

I know I certainly will.

Mr. J

Well-known member
And you have been commenting repeatedly, so you should have been done back in November, but any self proclaimed credibility you think you have, you exposed yourself, especially after your negative magnet comment when I provided a proven video. Here it is again...


All the magnets in the world couldn't save your grow, bud.


Active member
More insults, you really know how to get people on side dont you?
I think its more like "And yet you persist"

You will no doubt come back with some pre pubescent rant about how you are right and the entire growing world is wrong, but here goes nothing;

1). First up, lets take the magnets shall we? IF they worked, (which they don't) do you not think every grow going on would have them, since its clearly so successful? DO you not think people would jump on the magnet bandwagon? We would all want these huge plant yield doublers and would be rushing down to "magnets r us"
I know you have shown a video. If i showed you a video of a magician sawing someone in half, would you also think that was possible?

2) o2 emitters, again, IF these were miraculously better than every other form of DO producer, would big industrial hydroponic growers not be using them? They are not.

I don't know if you post simply to attract attention to yourself, or if you genuinely believe that you are surrounded by imbeciles, and that you, and only you, have all the answers?

The sheer arrogance of it, It defies belief.

You have such a huge chip on your shoulder you seem to think that everyones out to get you but we are not, we are just trying to save you some time and electricity to prevent you wasting time on your hair brained theories.

The fact that your retaliations against people who are genuinely trying to help you are so downright rude and obnoxious, just slamming them down im surprised anyone bothers wasting thier time replying to your threads, im just surprised by the levels of restraint shown by them.

Me? im more blunt, and I will just ignore your future posts, and let you carry on with your quest for the holy grail of whatever it is you are trying to achieve. Ive honestly no idea what that might be, but thats because im a brainless monkey pig, right ? (thought id save you the bother of typing another insult)

You're obviously happy with it like that..... ...so crack on,.......... keep up the entertainment.

Note; i refrained from making up any of my own words or spelling this time, although it was very tempting, whats the point.

good luck, i hope you manage to get some plants finnished this millenium


New member
PETFLORA. You seem to me like you've got got your hands on formula one engine, then bolted it onto your push bike and you can't seem to work out why it makes a shit helicopter.
Your approach to any advice is to attack and point that what they ASSume to be your problems is all wrong. Make it a journal if you don't like the replies. I don't care what you do to be honest, I can sift through the bs the put up as facts, it's entertaining to watch you twist and turn and dream up attacking posts. I don't usually enjoy others misfortune, but I really enjoy your stuff ups.."I just hope some newbies not clinging to your every word and stuffing there grow up.


Well-known member
This thread just blows my mind.

I believe the OP is the one who wants attention, rather than the others who are posting here. What else can this thread be for? Really.

When others post actually useful info, you know, participate in a fashion that you "want"...they're then dismissed, their info refuted or even argued against. Then labelled as trolls.

You also say you grow for fun, only go through 28 grams in roughly 3/4 of a year...yet you say now your current grow will be done in a conventional way because you're out of "meds". Do you grow for fun or for meds? Seems off to me.

It all seems off. You (OP) seem off.

Sorry for "trolling" with my view of this confusing disaster of a thread. I'll let you know, some of those thousands of views have been by me....not because I think theres valuable info in this thread, but because I come back to see what kind of ridiculousness has been added. Its truly unbelievable. I probably shouldnt have even bothered, but I felt the need to add to the rhetoric that every single other person has posted so far. Theres a pattern here...have you picked up on it yet?..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This thread just blows my mind.

I believe the OP is the one who wants attention, rather than the others who are posting here. What else can this thread be for? Really.

When others post actually useful info, you know, participate in a fashion that you "want"...they're then dismissed, their info refuted or even argued against. Then labelled as trolls.

You also say you grow for fun, only go through 28 grams in roughly 3/4 of a year...yet you say now your current grow will be done in a conventional way because you're out of "meds". Do you grow for fun or for meds? Seems off to me.

It all seems off. You (OP) seem off.

Sorry for "trolling" with my view of this confusing disaster of a thread. I'll let you know, some of those thousands of views have been by me....not because I think theres valuable info in this thread, but because I come back to see what kind of ridiculousness has been added. Its truly unbelievable. I probably shouldnt have even bothered, but I felt the need to add to the rhetoric that every single other person has posted so far. Theres a pattern here...have you picked up on it yet?..

I have. And it's there are a lot more of you out there with nothing better to do. If you actually have followed my thread you would see that the so-called advice has been worthless, as is your comment


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
PETFLORA. You seem to me like you've got got your hands on formula one engine, then bolted it onto your push bike and you can't seem to work out why it makes a shit helicopter.
Your approach to any advice is to attack and point that what they ASSume to be your problems is all wrong. Make it a journal if you don't like the replies. I don't care what you do to be honest, I can sift through the bs the put up as facts, it's entertaining to watch you twist and turn and dream up attacking posts. I don't usually enjoy others misfortune, but I really enjoy your stuff ups.."I just hope some newbies not clinging to your every word and stuffing there grow up.

It's not like I haven't grown and grown well.

And it's not that "I" ASSume, they have in fact given bad advice because they refused to believe what the actual cause was

And to reiterate because clearly you did not go back into the thread, I was allowing the starter cubes of various types to get too wet and more importantly stay too wet from pushing the feed cycle= root rot

Happier times BEFORE I pushed the feed cycles

FYI I will ask the mods to delete all your worthless posts

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Mr. J

Well-known member
That's literally the only harvest that you've had in the last decade and it really isn't very impressive at all. I actually went through your threads. Every one is about some new gimmick you've discovered and they never end with any weed harvested. The only thread that says anything about harvesting is the one where you ask why it is that everyone who smokes your weed says it tastes like shit. And there's the one where you say that your weed never seems to ripen. Don't get me wrong, I love your threads, they're hilarious. Keep on keeping on, buddy.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
some people find bickering entertaining I suppose?

Some threads are good to learn what NOT to do - so I guess the value is in the threadstarters trials and tribulations - trying to grow some 'erb - whether that is useful or just comedic to the reader - it has its uses -


New member
I've watched for quite a while now. I'm sure you were even leaving this site a while ago..at the end of your hail hydro thread. But here you are.
Anyway, I actually want you to succeed, I really do. But there is a real you against the world feeling here, and I don't see if changing anytime soon. Good luck, I'm back to the sidelines..

If you walk into a room full of people and meet 1 asshole, they probably are. If you walk into a room and everyone's an asshole.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
some people find bickering entertaining I suppose?

Some threads are good to learn what NOT to do - so I guess the value is in the threadstarters trials and tribulations - trying to grow some 'erb - whether that is useful or just comedic to the reader - it has its uses -

I agree, to a point; that being my one mistake (which was simple to resolve, but deadly until "I" figured it out) was carried forth over and over killing my last 5 grows, while all these self-proclaimed know-it-alls kept giving BAD advice, and so I struck back so that others would not listen to them, but the proof was in me recovering the grow, which I have.

In response, they then started posting BS, and took lame shots like MrJs totally ignorant magnet posts (the J I assume is for jackoff). To accomplish what? I have no idea. Butt Hurt I suppose, but clearly their time would be better spent doing anything but making stupid comments that have nothing to do with my thread. More likely, they are pissed that they were WRONG, but would never admit it, so they deflected by collectively taking stupid shots: They probably know each other and decided to gang up like the immature schoolyard bully jackals they are

I only hope the mods delete their school boy posts and warn them to go away. A time out would be a helpful warning

To prove my point:

This is how the 2 plants have responded since I figured it out, not ANY of them! Look back about 10 days ago and you see pretty sickly roots. Didn't appear that the plants would survive, but...

Pic 1 & 2 were taken just 3 days ago (how do those roots look?), the rest I just took to PROVE how wrong they are, and to prove what assholes they are.

Not responding for me, because I realize how immature their behavior is, I do it for anyone curious to follow along, who might be wondering who is right here. The proof is in the pictures

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes of course i am, every one is tupid on here apart from you, oh great knowledgable professor of killing shit. you proved me right then didn't you.
More insults thrown like a pre pubescent spoilt brat.
The fact that your cubes were too wet and it took you 14 pages of insults to find that - out tells me everything I need to know about your complete lack of any growing ability. I still doubt you will manage to crop anything from this utter shambles.

Im not posting anymore on this, or any of your other bullshit threads, im not feeding your obvious need for attention. I would suggest that others follow suit, because you simply refuse to take any advice on board - at all. I don't know why you bother with forums, because you obviously know everything there is to know about growing weed, You have all the answers and everyone else is a jackass.

Even if someone had suggested your root cubes were too wet you would have slapped them down as morons, stupid or assholes, and insist they were talking out their ass.

Like the previous poster said, if you are in a room and think you are surrounded by assholes...…...its more likely that its you who is the asshole, and in this case …..it is.

You would struggle to grow cress on a wet carpet, you f*cking arrogant arsehole.

And as we say in Scotland GFY, (see if you can work it out)

Put me on your block list , please....to save me having to read any more of your shite..

Again, you will notice that I didn't find the need to invent any of my own words, grammer or spelling.

Bye then..

Wah... wah... wah...

Sounds like I hurt your feelings cry baby. It's unbelievable how much crap and lies you spewed in this post, since I have proven neither they nor you did anything to solve my issue, which was a simple error to correct, but deadly until "I" figured it out. And the current pictures prove it

But maybe, this post of yours is what the mods need to read to understand what Ive been saying all along, and finally delete all of you trolls

For some reason I am not abe to respond to Fitzera, who believes only what he read from the trolls. Were any of them here to know they were inaccurate as to things like, warer temps, pH... It was all GIGO


Active member
Wah... wah... wah...

Sounds like I hurt your feelings cry baby. It's unbelievable how much crap and lies you spewed in this post, since I have proven neither they nor you did anything to solve my issue, which was a simple error to correct, but deadly until "I" figured it out. And the current pictures prove it

But maybe, this post of yours is what the mods need to read to understand what Ive been saying all along, and finally delete all of you trolls

For some reason I am not abe to respond to Fitzera, who believes only what he read from the trolls. Were any of them here to know they were inaccurate as to things like, warer temps, pH... It was all GIGO

Your current plants are more likely responding to the fact that it's the middle of december and your grow area is probably a good 10 degrees cooler than usual. Ever since your Hail Hydro thread, when I lambasted you about your grow temps there, you have completely stopped listing your temps in every post. I told you back then get them under control but you never do listen.

As I have said if you were using the correct media keeping those cubes soaked would have made zero difference. If you were using Hyroton it would have wicked much of the excess water away. If you were using rockwool starters, or even perlite if you are against rockwool, it would self drain and aerate itself.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Your current plants are more likely responding to the fact that it's the middle of december and your grow area is probably a good 10 degrees cooler than usual. Ever since your Hail Hydro thread, when I lambasted you about your grow temps there, you have completely stopped listing your temps in every post. I told you back then get them under control but you never do listen.

As I have said if you were using the correct media keeping those cubes soaked would have made zero difference. If you were using Hyroton it would have wicked much of the excess water away. If you were using rockwool starters, or even perlite if you are against rockwool, it would self drain and aerate itself.

Once again, AFTER you say you are done, you post, clearly, you can't leave well enough alone.

Clearly, you are desperate to save face.

BUT, to prove you wrong, yet again, IF I had not figured out that constantly wet starter cubes was the ONLY cause (this time I used the inorganic white fiber cubes but still had the problem. Why? Because right now the ambient temp in the room, is 75*s! (temp taken about 12 ft away from the OPEN FLAP tent= no where near the 260w LED) AND, I have been rotating blue ice blocks throughout ALL the grows that got root rot

With your inability to honor your word not to post, this update will be my last. The plants have fully recovered from what?... THAT'S RIGHT OVERWETTED STARTER CUBES. There's nothing more for me to prove

Happy holidays to those who actually cared about my thread and likely learned a lot from ME, not the Aholes who brought nothing but aggravation, lies, and BS.

BTW, I took 2 clones in a simple bubbler ~@ 140ppm

Now if the mods could assure me these trolls would be banned from posting, I would consider continuing. You need to let them know if you care

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Active member
Once again, AFTER you say you are done, you post, clearly, you can't leave well enough alone.

Clearly, you are desperate to save face.

BUT, to prove you wrong, yet again, IF I had not figured out that constantly wet starter cubes was the ONLY cause (this time I used the inorganic white fiber cubes but still had the problem. Why? Because right now the ambient temp in the room, is 75*s! (temp taken about 12 ft away from the OPEN FLAP tent= no where near the 260w LED) AND, I have been rotating blue ice blocks throughout ALL the grows that got root rot

With your inability to honor your word not to post, this update will be my last. The plants have fully recovered from what?... THAT'S RIGHT OVERWETTED STARTER CUBES. There's nothing more for me to prove

Happy holidays to those who actually cared about my thread and likely learned a lot from ME, not the Aholes who brought nothing but aggravation, lies, and BS.

BTW, I took 2 clones in a simple bubbler ~@ 140ppm

Now if the mods could assure me these trolls would be banned from posting, I would consider continuing. You need to let them know if you care

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First off you should pay more attention to who is posting. It wasn't me that reposted all my old posts and said was done. That was billybob or whoever he was.

Secondly the temperature of the room 12 feet outside the tent doesn't mean shit to your plants. The temperature at the actual root zone and canopy is what's important. If your room is 75 degrees 12 feet outside the tent then inside will be at a minimum 80. How ignorant can you be or better yet how ignorant do you think the rest of us are? You need to hang a thermometer at the canopy level and that needs to stay below 75 or you'll have issues again and again as we have all seen. But as usual you know better so continue to grow crap weed. I'll be waiting to see if this grow ever finishes. Don't for a minute think I won't chime in again, when it all goes to hell again, because you refuse to admit any of us might kniw what we're talking about

BOTTOM LINE: IF you have to keep adding ice to your reservoir your grow is TOO FUCKING HOT for roots in hydro. It's not just the oxygen content of the water, the bacteria and fungus LOVE MOISTURE and HEAT.

It is better to keep quiet and let people think your an idiot than to open up your mouth and remove all doubt like you continue to do.

The proof is in the pictures




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
First off you should pay more attention to who is posting. It wasn't me that reposted all my old posts and said was done. That was billybob or whoever he was.

Secondly the temperature of the room 12 feet outside the tent doesn't mean shit to your plants. The temperature at the actual root zone and canopy is what's important. If your room is 75 degrees 12 feet outside the tent then inside will be at a minimum 80. How ignorant can you be or better yet how ignorant do you think the rest of us are? You need to hang a thermometer at the canopy level and that needs to stay below 75 or you'll have issues again and again as we have all seen. But as usual you know better so continue to grow crap weed. I'll be waiting to see if this grow ever finishes. Don't for a minute think I won't chime in again, when it all goes to hell again, because you refuse to admit any of us might kniw what we're talking about

BOTTOM LINE: IF you have to keep adding ice to your reservoir your grow is TOO FUCKING HOT for roots in hydro. It's not just the oxygen content of the water, the bacteria and fungus LOVE MOISTURE and HEAT.

It is better to keep quiet and let people think your an idiot than to open up your mouth and remove all doubt like you continue to do.

The proof is in the pictures

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Sigh! Another example of why I am no longer updating this thread

Stoners like RR have such few brain cells left they don't even get what I meant. When your dumbass responded "How ignorant can you be or better yet how ignorant do you think the rest of us are?"

My reply: INCREDIBLY STUPID (BTW look up the definition of ignorant and stupid). You are well past ignorant

My point was a response to YOUR comment that my plants have responded well due to the cooler temps here: HELLO

The ambient temp in the same room, but far from the tent is 75*s, THEREFOR the temp directly under the light would be SIGNIFICANTLY higher, raising the rez temp above 80*s necessitating chilling the rez 24/7, which is why I have been using blue ice packs throughout all the root rot grows, and well before them. Alas, my futile attempt to prove once again you don't know what the hell you're talking about- at least when it comes to diagnosing my problem from afar fell on deaf ears, Ditto, all the others who actually tried to help


Active member
Sigh! Another example of why I am no longer updating this thread

Stoners like RR have such few brain cells left they don't even get what I meant. When your dumbass responded "How ignorant can you be or better yet how ignorant do you think the rest of us are?"

My reply: INCREDIBLY STUPID (BTW look up the definition of ignorant and stupid). You are well past ignorant

My point was a response to YOUR comment that my plants have responded well due to the cooler temps here: HELLO

The ambient temp in the same room, but far from the tent is 75*s, THEREFOR the temp directly under the light would be SIGNIFICANTLY higher, raising the rez temp above 80*s necessitating chilling the rez 24/7, which is why I have been using blue ice packs throughout all the root rot grows, and well before them. Alas, my futile attempt to prove once again you don't know what the hell you're talking about- at least when it comes to diagnosing my problem from afar fell on deaf ears, Ditto, all the others who actually tried to help

So it's been a Month. Show me those plants are still alive, with no root rot, and I'll shut up.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
So it's been a Month. Show me those plants are still alive, with no root rot, and I'll shut up.

Smoke another bowl before posting, dumb ass. Scroll down to 12/20, which is barely 3 weeks ago.

She's now 33" ~ 50% bigger root ball, loaded with bud :laughing:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Can you guys ehh quit with all the negativity - its not a competition about how many times you can call each other stupid, or words to that effect - if you disagree - then agree to disagree -

Although some might find your arguments somewhat entertaining - I'd rather you got back to the growing and showing -