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California Legalization Bill Introduced


ICMag Donor
how is it you have 0 Posts, jeremy?

I think electric consumption will go up, especially during the winter. Not everyone would grow indoors though..... It would certainly be a good way to save money, having them outside... Thats where they belong anyways.... :)


Active member
Wait do you have to be 21 for a med card??????

I dont understand the 21 part, they are talking about lowering the drinking age, why would they put the age to smoke at 21, 18 is a legal adult, this part doesn't make sense either.

Probably an attempt to keep the "other side" from demonizing the whole thing. Don't give 'em anything you don't need to, ya know?

This is great. And the nay sayers can't use the federal law excuse anymore.

Commercial production probably won't be nearly as lucrative, but I would imagine that it could bring out the best and the worst. Best because it will be wide open for research, bad because, as mentioned above, phillip morris and the like will be all over it and the genes will go down the toilet on the commercial end. The big producers will be defined in the beginning when the prices and quality will be the highest. Be like another dot com boom because smaller producers will have a hard time competing and fizzle out or tap into the "micro brewery" type markets.

Pretty plain to see how it could potentially work out given our recent history.

Very cool though - I'll be on my way with my micro brewery business plan in tow.


Only people that are making big bucks off of cannabis being illegal , like law enforcement , prison workers union , black market cannabis producers or maybe reefer madness believers would be against this.


if this passes the market will totally drop out......500$ a pound for danks....whole county's will be devastated all because of giant corporations the mass market is full of Starbucks drinking cattle that just dumbly go with the heard and sit and stare at a box with lights and sounds dumbfounded....large corporations are really monopoly's that consume too much market share even for themselves pushing out the little guy....what if right now home depo and lowes were on the verge of bankruptcy and they both trying to keep afloat but couldn't and both were closed where would U go? what then the whole system is flawed entirely ......I just don't know what to do...really I don't...


wow this is a huge step for us.....puts a smile on my face

if this passes is the FDA going to be involved somehow?

as for the rodents...good luck guys, i wouldn't move back to cali for all the dank in the world!


I read this with mixed feelings as well.
If only the bill could pass with guidelines that would
disallow the involvement of already existing corporations
or somehow implement a way to keep huge businesses
out. I say we keep this a business outside big business.

Pirate, I like that you mention 'rodents' - I feel like a junior rodent myself right now as described by your lingo. As a college student who has gained experience over the last 4 years, I am considering the cross country move with my girlfriend, who is a glass blowing major.

We've both got California in our hearts because its obviously at the forefront of both cannabis and glass production. We can't find enough support or potential down south and the risks of me growing more than a few mini-plants are not worth the chance of me having to tell anyone this through enforced glass in a locked-down facility.

I understand where the opinions like Pirate's are coming from (seen your cave pics btw, awesome setup) The government and big corporations should not have their noses in this, but there is
more to gain with less of us being jailed for being mere farmers.

I'm SURE this will bring a lot of doo-doo heads to California who just want to toke up and drift away, but what about those who are competent and well minded? - who want to be actively involved in the propogation and addition of new genetics? - who want to breed for the better of the cannabis community worldwide?

I have a dream - To grow and provide a combination of high flavor and potency strains to supply to clubs for medication to those in need. I also
have a list of sativa and indica crosses I am itching to get started on that will hopefully show the community a new flavor and effect to try. At the moment, it appears my dream is most realistically attainable by relocating to California.


I also have a NIGHTMARE - homes and apartment complexes flood with beginner growers on their first run, home fires go up due to poor ballast placement or wiring. Whole apartment complexes are devoured in a firey
inferno due to one grower's poor mistakes. We would see a negative stigma placed on the community, and a reason for cops to start using IR testing to legally bust people - or even regulate the sale of HID supplies :mad:

Either way this bill comes out, I'm sure it won't make everyone happy, but it will be a BIG step forward.


New member
i still dont feel the market would bottom out...corporations won't be growing dank, they'll be hiring cheap illegals to do all of the work...less quality control, it will be like all other commercially grown weed...dank is still dank, and will still cost money and labor to grow, so the price probably won't fall as much as you think (not to mention the effect supply and demand would have). People will sill rather smoke weed grown locally w/out pesticides and chem fertilizers. As to corporate america...yea it sucks...but the market is designed for efficiency on both ends...and if lowes and home depot went out of business? I'd go to the local hardware stores that i currently use for most of my home maintenance purchases, because i don't mind paying a little extra for the added knowledge, experience, and care that you get from the little guy. same goes for weed, i forsee a large market opening up to the public, opening jobs, generating revenue, and hopefully sparking legalization in more states. i like it.


donut engineer
i still dont feel the market would bottom out...corporations won't be growing dank, they'll be hiring cheap illegals to do all of the work...less quality control, it will be like all other commercially grown weed...dank is still dank, and will still cost money and labor to grow, so the price probably won't fall as much as you think (not to mention the effect supply and demand would have). People will sill rather smoke weed grown locally w/out pesticides and chem fertilizers. As to corporate america...yea it sucks...but the market is designed for efficiency on both ends...and if lowes and home depot went out of business? I'd go to the local hardware stores that i currently use for most of my home maintenance purchases, because i don't mind paying a little extra for the added knowledge, experience, and care that you get from the little guy. same goes for weed, i forsee a large market opening up to the public, opening jobs, generating revenue, and hopefully sparking legalization in more states. i like it.


There is a market for Miller Light and one for microbrews.

There is a market for cheap, chem-fed fruits and vegetables and more expensive organic ones.

Most people in this country will buy the OMG-420 Marlboro beasters that comes compressed in a vacuum-sealed bag for $30/eigth. People like us will buy the boutique jar-stored Roadkill Skunk, because the other phenos aren't as good. The mother of four down the street will opt for the low-potency strain because she doesn't want to look fucked in front of her kids.

The multivaried, multidimensional aspects of cannabis makes this plant a consumer oyster, folks. It is the wine industry on steroids.

We all need to very seriously start thinking inventively about the variety of products and services that can be produced if this is legalized anytime soon.


All money made from this bill (tax) goes to fund the drug war.
Not schools, roads, health care, or pink fluffy bunnies.

internal space

New member
I can't believe people are willing to trade a witchhunt for uncle sam's FAT DISEASED COCK in the form of taxes and eventual corporate control. The ATF won't let you distill alcohol what makes you think growing your OWN will be tolerated. I am truly excited that there is a legalization bill on the table but we cannot sell our souls to government and corporate control to appease the ignorant. Education is the only cure for ignorance. ass kissing makes the ignorant more self righteous
What would happen to all the people who are already in Cali jails for MJ "crimes", would they still have to serve a term for something that used to be illegal? I wonder how that works.
does anyone know what the penalty would be for more than 10 plants and if I dont sell any and Its all personal why should I have to pay $50 more dollars for something I took the time, money, effort to grow
"If this goes through.........I'll seriously consider moving away. We are already PACKED tight and the influx is gonna be down right ridiculous. California will not be able to sustain another Gold Rush. We're already bankcrupt and this law won't fix it. (I predict it makes it worst)"

"Not to mention the influx of rodents California will experience. (Rodents are those that will pack up the family and move across the country just so they can smoke pot)" ~Pirate

"Look guys unless you act now this is your future in Cali. Pirate hit it dead on this is what the morons in power will do as it is they that have the power to do it unless people stand up and let it be known that big out of state businesses need to stay home and that this is for residents of Cali to cultivate the industry and Virginia tobacco giants. Food for thought!"~narutnot

I am agree with these guys, fuck the big corporations and shitty politicians!


Active member
if this passes the market will totally drop out......500$ a pound for danks....whole county's will be devastated all because of giant corporations the mass market is full of Starbucks drinking cattle that just dumbly go with the heard and sit and stare at a box with lights and sounds dumbfounded....large corporations are really monopoly's that consume too much market share even for themselves pushing out the little guy....what if right now home depo and lowes were on the verge of bankruptcy and they both trying to keep afloat but couldn't and both were closed where would U go? what then the whole system is flawed entirely ......I just don't know what to do...really I don't...

no way i see pounds of dank top grade going for 500 each. there will still be a huge market for extremely good buds, which will still command at least 2-3 a pound for high high grade. you cant tell me that someone who has invested thousands of dollars into their state of the art aero or hydro system is gonna sell their candy buds for dirt cheap. it still takes 2-3 months to grow weed, so rent still needs to be covered, bills still need to be covered, unless you are running 10000watts you are still paying around 4-500 to grow each pound, and you would still need to sell that pound for at least 1500 to break even on rent/electricity and expenses. the bottom line is that INDOOR weeed is still gonna be relatively expensive, because its expensive to grow in the first place. Luckily we wont be seeing any more 70-80 dollar 8ths, but 40-50 should still be reasonable. i can see "regulars" easily going for 20 an 8th. The news expects an intial 10% climb in use followed by a 40% drop in prices.

although, we will see a shitload of 500 dollar pounds of outdoor, green house, and mid grade. 8ths of midgrade will go for 20 easy, but high grade i can still see commanding 40 at least. the market will not be that affected, not everyone has the resourses or ability to stop what they are doing and set up grows. all day i hear kids talk sh1t about starting grows and harvesting pounds, but in reality none will ever do it.


Active member
What would happen to all the people who are already in Cali jails for MJ "crimes", would they still have to serve a term for something that used to be illegal? I wonder how that works.

hopefully they release everyone becuase that is a HUGE tax burden, the Guvnator is already looking at bills to shorten to prison sentences of most non violent drug offenders.



Active member
but yeah, if the corporations like cigerette companies step in and start growing huge fields of it, (WHICH WE SHOULD BURN DOWN), i dont see prices falling like the stock market.

even then, these guys will be growing good outdoor at best, still cannot compare to the super duper stuff most of us grow.


Active member
Damn, if there was a legalization bill in my state I can guarantee that I would be jumping up and down out of sheer joy. The chance to grow 10 plants free and clear would be an absolute dream come true.

If you don't like the corporations fuck 'em don't give them any of your money, simple as that. The best protest there is.

As for quality, there will be the mass market, boutique, and every grade(price point) in between. Just like there is now in every aspect of legal intoxicants.

I think everyone should be a bit more positive, after all this is an enormous step forward. Good luck in Cali.