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mikado is supposed to turn pink and purple. any pics?



im gonna be growing mikado soon and i heard from alot of people that they have alot of color to them at the end of flower. pinks and purples. if anyone has pictures of this i would love to see them. thank you


New member
I grew out a pack of mikado last summer and there was no purples, maby nice pinky lookin hairs.. The pheno to look out for is the one that grows more tall and lankyish in veg. It has an awesome lemony sour skunky berry smell stinks nice and rank!! Tastes just like the smell too.


smokinj, are those one of the phenos that put out 1 and 3 fingered leaves? i heard there were 2 main phenos. one pheno has 7 fingered leaves and the other pheno which is suposed to be the best one puts out no more than 5 fingered leaves and also has weird twisted 1 and 3 fingered leaves. is this true?


Is this plant worth buying a few packs of seeds if I can get any strain I want already? I like the 50 day finisher thing and if it has a super skunky dank flavor and good potency maybe I'll try it. What do you all think?


Hey treeking,

I grew Mikado outside last year. I bought 2 packs, 1 from Hemp Depot and one from Seed B. Out of the 17 plants I grew, there was zero variation. All plants looked identical.

Its misleading in every way to suggest that this plant is a 45-50 day flowerer. Mine were much much longer. I cut them at 55 days and they clearly needed another 2-3 weeks. T.his strain needs 75-90 days outdoors and you can usually add a few days to that for indoors. There are a couple of other reports around suggesting that other growers had similar experiences.

The taste of the smoke is very sweet and potent no question. One of the most potent around actually, but theres no need to look for phenos and don't expect them to finish quickly. The only indica expression these plants have is in the effect, and stretch. Outdoors, these plants didn't stretch at all. The growth of the plant itself is sativa ish in every way except for stretch. Nothing else given in the description provided by Federation is accurate in any way. In fact, I probably won't ever buy anything from Federation again because there description of Mikado is so inaccurate and misleading. They know this strain doesn't finish in 45 days or by Sept 30 . I've been growin way to many years to believe this pig is a dog.

Youll have good results indoors, but this aint no early finisher and it shouldn't be grown out side above 30o degree

I wrote an outdoor report in the outdoor strainguide here in the outdoor section. None of the females had pink or purple pistles and none of the plants had purpling.
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Elevator Man

Active member
This is interesting - I have some Mikado f2s (inline crosses) made by another member, and they're currently at about eight inches tall. I was planning to put some outside this summer to see what happens - I'm at 53N...:chin:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I'm flowering them inside now!
They grow straight up with little to no side branching..
Mine are a couple of weeks in..
I have a pic of ISS here for you guys..
The Romulan I did sucked!
The ISS has a keeper but most were not!
The Mikado will be showing something soon....
Hawaiian Sativa are just going to flower....

Pic of ISS keeper (for now)



Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
at fifty days indoor my mikado was ready with mostly milky trichomes and a nice amount of amber. Outdoors though took til nov 1st either way bomb smoke.


Active member
I grew Mikado and Big Mac from Federation some time agon, and abolutely got pink pistils on several phenos. The only way I ever got any real color was with a ton of a/c of in the dead of winter with the heaters off at night, and than, it was primarily the leaves not so much the buds; but they would turn kinda reddish purple...very pretty. I could also take my at 45 days every time, and the smoke was very trippy and not as heavy as i thought it would be.


I'm flowering them inside now!
They grow straight up with little to no side branching..

I've always found them to pefer being topped and made to bush out

Elevator Man

Active member
I've just put three Mikado F2s into flower at about 14", and they were very branchy, and quite flexible, with smallish kush-shaped leaves, rather than big fat indica type. I'll put some pics up soon, as this is my first Mikado grow, and I'm intrigued by this supposed raspberry flavour...:chin:
smokinj, are those one of the phenos that put out 1 and 3 fingered leaves? i heard there were 2 main phenos. one pheno has 7 fingered leaves and the other pheno which is suposed to be the best one puts out no more than 5 fingered leaves and also has weird twisted 1 and 3 fingered leaves. is this true?

I know nothing of this strain. however the favorite plant in my garden puts off pink pistols, three leaves with dank dark purple buds. if this is what your looking for look no further and pm me. indoor not so muchie pink pistols through flower, outdoor they stay all the way.

i saw two grows of it outside last year. one in downtown S.F. came out fucking amazing. Peris(garcia's roadie for 30 years) came over a week before cutt down. i got a call that afternoon from my buddy saying he wanted a whole backyard full come spring. really intense smoke. i ment to take pics of her outdoors when i was in town. but got stoned and listened to my buddy play panio instead. lost in the music.


Woody Creek, that must be the pheno im talkin about if it has 3 fingered leaves. that pheno is supposed to get gigantic and real potent. i guess the mikado doesnt have as much color as i hoped it would have.

the Rock

Active member
would y'all pick this strain over say serious seed white russian or bubblegum/ i am in the market for either or thanks in advance
Grew Mikado X Romulan


and one plant had a blueberry taste 10x better than ANY blueberry strain.

code word was "bring some more of that blueberry pie over"..haha


Mikado had a pink purpled coloured hues/calyx's only I found in just one plant of 20 seeds I grew out in 2008, same date this post was made I no, - just putting it up here so anyone looking back in time can see,
perhaps its cross's might show pink pistols, the f/1 milado seeds only has what I meantioned in colour indoors anyhow, and was a lower yielding plant, - the indicas wernt much to write home about and very very light sensitive producing a lot of nanners, taking longer to flower,

a taller jade colour leaved plant ive noticed most breeders whove breed with it choose, including myself, never did add any potency to any cross,s I made though. over - bam.