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California Legalization Bill Introduced


this is just the start of a new era,and i hope it opens more minds and builds a solid structure of tolerance and peace in this world of ours.


Pirate = Glen Beck or at best a slighted self-important right-wing nut job....just look at his signature it takes up a whole freakin page!!!

Here's a question for Pirate....who pays for all those unwanted fetus you hope to bring to life? Surely not the tax payers; right? Some may be adopted but what about the hundreds of thousands that aren't? You don't want to pay taxes anymore....so who pays?


so when's this shit supposed to get voted on?

I'm kinda remembering that it has been postponed till 2010 for a complete review.

I suspect they learned their lesson about prop 215.. I also posted that a poll shows 56% want it legal and taxed.

Other then that i am not sure what is going on except it's being seriously considered.



I just read 4 of pages of crap and name calling but anyways I think Pirates point is this. when was the last time a drug that is only available by prescription only was take off the "prescription only list" and is now available for all people to use for recreational purposes or lack of a better term "to get high"?

So I think using the examples of meth or cocaine are wrong because cocaine is not used in its natural plant form for medicine. They make it into Novocaine or Ladocaine etc.. METH is straight up wrong it should not be used at all for this conversion( what is left of it) or for legalization. Morphine is just like cocaine it is processed for medical use. So marijuana is a medical drug right now not a recreational product like beer or spirits.

So basically when was the last time a medical drug was made legal for all people over the age of 21 to buy just get high on?

I'm just guessing that the smart leaders of the third world state known as California realized this and decided to postpone the hearing on the bill and now it will just go away. If it does come back it may be drastically different. They may change the bill for medical users only like one person stated before they are learning from their mistakes on prop 215 and SB420. So instead of making it legal for recreational use they may write a bill that clearly makes medical marijuana dispensaries legal and how it will all work. So that way it will make tax revenues for the 3rd world state and it will please the medical marijuana voters and the dea and cops cause they can still bust non-medical marijuana users for possession etc...

Hey Pirate I bet you didn't know the democrat attack machine was on ICMag? I'm just surprised JJ isn't banning people or deleting posts.

Pirate most people have no clue about the B.S. here. Seriously the lower of part of San Diego county is now considered T.J. California by the locals.


I read the bill about california legalization. And to me it clearly stated that you get to grow 9 mature plants tax free. Only time taxes ever get involved was when trying to sell MJ for profit. Thats just what I read, I dont see why that pirate nut job keeps making it seem like they're gonna tax the shit out of you just for growing it.


I just read 4 of pages of crap and name calling but anyways I think Pirates point is this. when was the last time a drug that is only available by prescription only was take off the "prescription only list" and is now available for all people to use for recreational purposes or lack of a better term "to get high"?

So I think using the examples of meth or cocaine are wrong because cocaine is not used in its natural plant form for medicine. They make it into Novocaine or Ladocaine etc.. METH is straight up wrong it should not be used at all for this conversion( what is left of it) or for legalization. Morphine is just like cocaine it is processed for medical use. So marijuana is a medical drug right now not a recreational product like beer or spirits.

So basically when was the last time a medical drug was made legal for all people over the age of 21 to buy just get high on?

I'm just guessing that the smart leaders of the third world state known as California realized this and decided to postpone the hearing on the bill and now it will just go away. If it does come back it may be drastically different. They may change the bill for medical users only like one person stated before they are learning from their mistakes on prop 215 and SB420. So instead of making it legal for recreational use they may write a bill that clearly makes medical marijuana dispensaries legal and how it will all work. So that way it will make tax revenues for the 3rd world state and it will please the medical marijuana voters and the dea and cops cause they can still bust non-medical marijuana users for possession etc...

Hey Pirate I bet you didn't know the democrat attack machine was on ICMag? I'm just surprised JJ isn't banning people or deleting posts.

Pirate most people have no clue about the B.S. here. Seriously the lower of part of San Diego county is now considered T.J. California by the locals.

Alcohol and Tobacco were used as medicine at points in time

Fun fact - Coke used to contain both coccaine and alcohol


2010?! thats kinda gay. hopefully though that when it comes back around(if it does) it'll be well rounded and have no holes in it. i couldnt imagine a place in the U.S. where it's legal, the thought alone makes me tingly :)

Alcohol and Tobacco were used as medicine at points in time

Fun fact - Coke used to contain both coccaine and alcohol

i knew that there was cocaine but i never heard about the alcohol


Perhaps in a "another time in a galaxy far, far away."

Even in Star Trek Cannabis was illegal.

That statement I can neither verify or disprove, Can you help me?

I know of the time Worf (STNG ) has done something (drug like) and Picard states he doesn't care what his crew does in their off hours but they must be fit and ready for duty when they report for duty.. I'm paraphrasing and I'm hard pressed to remember the exact episode.

That it is illegal I just don't recall that... I know they have referenced drinking in many episodes. Romulan Ale seems to be more than alcohol IMO.

Any help?



Active member
That statement I can neither verify or disprove, Can you help me?

I know of the time Worf (STNG ) has done something (drug like) and Picard states he doesn't care what his crew does in their off hours but they must be fit and ready for duty when they report for duty.. I'm paraphrasing and I'm hard pressed to remember the exact episode.

That it is illegal I just don't recall that... I know they have referenced drinking in many episodes. Romulan Ale seems to be more than alcohol IMO.

Any help?


Romulan_ale banned


In the epsoide Doctor Beverly Crusher, M.D. tries to stop drugs being supplied for one plant to another because drugs are bad.
the drug was


* alcohol
* felicium
* Hupyrian beetle snuff
* impedrezene
* ketracel-white
* maraji crystal
* Rhuludian crystal
* tropolisine
* yridium bicantizine



this is the closest they come to mentioning Cannabis
Rhuludian crystals are a form of narcotic chemical commonly sought out in the Delta Quadrant, offered for sale to Chakotay and Tom Paris by trader Sutok near the Nekrit Expanse. (VOY: "Fair Trade")

According to the novel "Pathways" by reference originator Jeri Taylor, Rhuludian crystals are formed by dehydrating the leaves of a plant, probably similar to the formation of THC crystals on dried leaves of Earth marijuana. According to the story, when the Haakonians destroyed Rinax with a metreon cascade, survivor Neelix recalls turning to smoking this narcotic substance for solace.

Fair Trade (Star Trek: Voyager)
Voyager arrives at a nearby space station to take on supplies and information about the Nekrit Expanse, and Neelix meets an old friend called Wixiban, who was down on his luck and is stranded on the station. Neelix offers to help and is asked to retrieve medical supplies for a mission of mercy trade. He gladly complies and they take a shuttle to transport to an isolated area of the space station, but not before Wixiban takes a phaser, claiming that it's a precautionary measure. However, the trade actually involved illegal narcotics(Rhuludian_crystal) and the trader attacks them once he received the goods. Wixiban shoots and kills the trader and they beam out to the shuttle and back to Voyager without getting caught, but Neelix is furious at Wixiban.

Dam shame no weed even in space.

Perhaps were need to start a new country by making a floating island.

Pikecrete/Pykrete Method

Please refer to materials section for explanation. Pykrete is a very potent material, but as of yet it has not been used, by any nation. Only small scale use by individuals, no nation has built anything with it.

Pikecrete can serve as an extremely strong island material, it has the same strength as concrete but it floats. It can be used to hold a foundation until a permanent location is found. Alternately, if you would like to roam, just make a mold of a vessel and then pour it onto the mold with a flat top as a foundation. It could also potentially serve as a boxing fence to pour in dirt or sand to form an island.




Good for short-term.

Can be applied to the entire construction from sea-bed to above-sea level.


Can be expensive to maintain, cooling and cooling pipes are a must, or else it would melt. Although it would take a very long time, you don't want to ruin your new home.

Using it to construct an entire island can be expensive as a barge with dirt or other, terra-firma materials are needed and can be costly.

Production of a mold.

Subsequent freezing can be costly as well.

Note: It may be possible to use these disadvantages as advantages. It should be possible to build a vessel from pykecrete and use it to transport raw materials 'en-masse' to the site and then use them. No costly ship to return and this would also be biodegradable.


My reasoning does not say that meth and pot are equal.

You want pot legal for recreational use.
Joe Blow down the street wants his choice of drug legal for recreational use.

Why stop with weed. Why not ALL DRUGS.

Why? Cause weed is a plant? Well so is heroin. So is cocaine.

Different effects and degrees yeah............But my point remains. If one is legal.........why not all.

Yeah.............I am fucking dead serious.

But they killed the bill so.............The point is moot.:woohoo:
Of course it is easy to forget, alcohol is a drug. Marijuana in comparison is less detrimental in over all long term adverse effects on the body than alcohol. The same can be said of heroin. However, someone said to me recently 'How often do you hear of someone going into a violent rage while smoking pot?'. I would have to concede, I have not.


I listened to a lecture on KZSC, Santa Cruz in which an extensive argument for the criminilization(not sure if that's a word) was based on racism. The introduction of Cannabis to American culture came via the jazz halls and Mexicans. The implication being only people of color smoked marijuana. I do not remember the speakers name but I imagine KZSC keeps a recording in the archives and if interest developed they could produce a copy.
The difference is, imagine if they made coke, heroin, speed, X and all that other shit legal and taxed it. I think the government can handle a bunch of people being stoned (and the more exp. smoker does not get "stupid" high like a newbie), then a bunch of ppl all cracked out with needles in their arm and shit. I understand the reasoning behind "well you legalized this one, so why not this one too?". The fact of the matter is you dont see anyone going to rob a liquor store because they ran out of chronic.

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