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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Active member
Some skinny jean wearing motherfucker, who walks into one of these, under his breath is moaning about his " back pain" then leaves the shop on his Skateboard, makes my WW2 hard working gramps roll over in his grave. Sorry for the places that have worked really hard to make a good name. But for places like Kush whatever in Venice with guys in Lab coats handing Business cards out to my 12yr old kid is not right, let alone randoms. What would happen if Pfizer did the same thing on corners? Thats right, they dont.

I am sure there is a few that actually care about its patients, but when I go by these places, its always 20 something skinny jean wearing kid who hasnt shaved his Neck in months.. This doesnt look good. Dispenses did it themselves with the whole " hey look at me".

Again sorry to the hard workers. This reminds me of some flamboyant Mafia Boss from the East coast who didnt give a shit about being in the " open". Little extreme, but you know...why be in your face about it right? The shit will be in your Cheerios in no time.

I must say I do enjoy when people call it " Meds" instead of referring to what it actually is. Such a cop out for those who really do need Cannabis as a " med". This whole calling it " Meds" is fucking warped. Hilarious when I see some younger kid who isnt unhealthy refer it to MEDS lol! Since Orange Juice is good for me, should I say..." damn...I need my meds"? Sort of like how our country is hooked on PILLS and Medication for everything, people feel its " justified" if they call ganja " meds". Glad this happend, now maybe this shit can get in order.

I am on the side of the MMJ movement, but like many things...quirks need to worked out, the loud mouths need to stfu, things need to be " tightened up". I have always believed this plant helps. My buddy has Parkensins...it helps him period, end of story. But atm, this shit is loose and needs to be tightened up is all. Sorry, but like I said earlier, these emo types with neck beards, and flatbilled hats cant be the face of this. People are to fucking impressionable. Sadly...looks truly play a role in some peoples eyes. Its sad..but to have some dude in his sweatpants and dirty fingernails just isnt what I call Medical.

On a side note, my sister in law had a kid last night. And so did the illegal alien family, they walked out free of charge in their King Ranch Ford.


Well-known member
All I gotta say is Ron Paul is your only hope from the Executive if anything resembling decriminalization is going to happen nationwide. He's the only candidate in either party advocating an end to the WoD.

I remember my posts in 2008 about how Obama was the same as Bush. Too many were drinking the Kool-aid and fell for his rhetoric.
well it looks like I drank the kool-laid at the time. :( but no more will I sit here and not try to do whatever I can to help the MMJ movement even if its small its better than nothing.

I didn't think it was possible, but this president is as bad as Bush! Just another big business pawn that hates Palestinians and any kind of personal freedom. It cracks me up how many idiots thought this guy was a Muslim. He is about as Muslim as a ham sandwitch. The only thing he worships is the dollar. Just like most politicians. I'll be voting for Ron Paul in 2012 and if he is not the GOP candidate, I'll do a write in vote for Nasser's ghost!
U nailed to a T. just what I was thing last year. he is such an asshat.


Active member

now that you mentioned that, i can hear the " warnings of the drug, and its 50million after effects" message in my head

Sparky 6

It's not just in California it's in Canada and Netherlands too, maybe more I dunno.

My question is what about the genuine medicinal users that depend on MMJ as part of their daily medications? Is there any indication they will be targeted?


Again, if you want to speculate, fine, liberals absolutely do not believe in states rights, they absolutely do not want individuals to have freedom or be self sufficient, they absolutely want more gov in your life, making your decisions, spending your money, why would you vote for someone that represents a political party that believes that at it's core and expect them to be "hands off" when it comes to enforcing existing federal law, using existing federal LEO, money, and agencies to profit from putting people in cages?

I have kind of said my piece, and I am sure this thread will be binned in no time, as are most threads like this, I appreciate what you are saying, but I couldn't disagree w/ you more, and wished that all the people that are saying, "oh well fuck Obama dah dah dah.." now, would have listened then. Oh well. I will sit back and watch the show now and start the countdown, after all we can't have any threads that ruffle anyones politics around here, as a community we have proven that we are not tolerant of any alternative points of view that may contradict our popular sheepish political beliefs.
The dispensaries are not the only group being targeted.

Boeing, Gibson Guitar..... Oh and what about Dodd Frank? Why do you think that B of A is raising their rates?
Is this the straw that broke the camels back to start the wall street protests?
There are many more being persecuted over many different laws, rules and regulations.

How many new regulations are being written every day?

What do you think is going to happen to all of the information that is gathered from the subsequent trials, arrests, etc.?

This could very well be just the beginning. Start at the top of the food chain and work your way down. This is what is happening in other industries.

So if your a MMJ user you can't buy a gun?
What do you think the penalties would be if you were caught with said gun?

What we are seeing here is part of a systemic problem, we just happen to be the recipients of this little piece.

If we protest, we would do well to look more like the tea party and not like the wall street protestors. Look at the pictures of Martin Luther King at his protests. The King protests are a perfect example of how we should appear. Yes, to the politicians and the media appearance is everything!

Just be aware that your freedoms are being eroded at an ever quickening pace. The dispensaries just happen to be a very easy target that is information and cash rich.


To the guy before:
^ I don't think so. They said they wouldn't even go after every dispensary. I don't think they would even have the resources to begin to target individual patients.
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To the guy before:
^ I don't think so. They said they wouldn't even go after every dispensary. I don't think they would even have the resources to begin to target individual patients.

The devils Advocate:
"Look, but don't touch. Touch but don't smell. Smell but don't taste. Taste, but don't swallow"

What do you think these people are? Saints.
I got news for you bro......These people are paid lairs!!!
How do you think they get confessions, convictions, etc. They lie to people.

I can tell you how they get to the individual patients.
This happened in the underground satellite TV community.

What the do, is haul the dispensary owners into court and subpena all of the records. Oh look, Mr. DA and the Fed now have all of the patient records.

Can we say misdemeanor pot possession? Maybe even a conspiracy charge or 2 based on the proposed new laws.
Maybe there is a regulation or 2 that I'm missing here.

And the best part is, This all could be done on a PC and a laser printer right in the court house. I'll bet, if the patient lists for every dispensary in California was delivered to the Fed on a disk, they could have subpoenas out for possession within a week.
How much money do you think that would generate?

Lets say that said subpoena states,

"You've been a bad boy and bought weed from Joe's awesome pot house. Just send us like $150.00 and all will be forgiven"

How many people would fight?

I don't know about you, but I'm a slacker stoner. I'll just pay the money and buy my dope on the street.

And one other thing, what could they do with the records from the MMJ card database and the the records from the dispensaries?

I can see a neat little gravy train here for very little effort.

We are talking about a government that has proven in the past, if it can't legislate it's way around the constitution it will do it's best to regulate around it.


Active member
they will take out the big guys first to make an example. harborside will be a start.who knows where it will go from there


Active member
IMHO I think the Ca Highway Patrol could and should arrest any other LEO agencies who attempt to violate the sanctity of their jurisdiction. This is a violation of a Human Rights issue as well as clear violation of the constitution. :moon: And if you think I'm going overboard and advocating more discord you're totally missing the point. This is far more over reaching that busting some drug users.


Bent Member
2007 - something like $12 million (holy crap batman)
2008 - something like $24 million

I would be interested to see the breakdown of revenues from medicine vs. Clones.

From what ive heard from their employees the average med buys spends around $100 per visit, Clone buyers spend on average $750 per visit with the clone limit at 72 @$13 +tax the largest purchases are around $1000.

my last visit I noted about 7 people waiting in the med Line, I also saw a 23 person deep line waiting for clones.

And if the Feds get a hold of the patients database from harborside just think of the data-mining they could do.


IMHO I think the Ca Highway Patrol could and should arrest any other LEO agencies who attempt to violate the sanctity of their jurisdiction. This is a violation of a Human Rights issue as well as clear violation of the constitution. :moon: And if you think I'm going overboard and advocating more discord you're totally missing the point. This is far more over reaching that busting some drug users.

Amen! This is a states rights issue. I wish more conservatives would realize that. I wish states would band together and tell Washington enough is enough!


Professor Organic Psychology
I hate to say my opinion and make a lot of enemies so I will try to tone it down.

There are websites that are clean medical mmj websites. They have taken all of the fun out of it. There are total outlaw websites that talk about everything bootleg under the sun. This one has a pretty good take on it, somewhere in the middle. I cannot believe people would go to websites and talk about medicine. I know that MMJ helps many and I do believe it keeps people away from narcotics. That is great, but they have to represent a very small minority of those that have a doctor's recommendation. For me, I refuse to call it medicine. I love the plant, love the culture and love to get high. I have never taken it medicinally in my life, unless you consider unwinding a medicinal use. I don't have to take any drugs medicinally, but I cannot imagine going to a website and talking about oxycodones or some other drug.

As far as dispensaries are concerned, that is a racket. One I wish I had gotten in on, to be honest. But it is coming down. You guys made too much money and flaunted it. I have seen one dispensary owner here flashing pictures with stacks of cash and a gun. That is not a legitimate business. That is just someone acting like a gangster out one side of his mouth while abusing a loophole in the law with the other. One that the law is figuring out how to close. People have gotten the law to open it up a bit so people could grow their own medicines and it evolved to the point that wannabe gangsters are making money and flaunting it. Maybe I am better off having not gotten in on that racket. The good old days are soon to be over thanks to them. Just like Marc Emery blowing pot smoke in a cop's face, the dispensaries have been blowing smoke into the faces of the DEA, IRS and all of the other police. Only the Feds have resources to fuck you up and blow it right back.


ICMag Donor
Wonder how the party cheerleaders will spin this one?.?.

The drug warrior in chief is doing more damage than his predecessor.
I didn't think that was even possible. But if hangs to shut down the dispos he will have outdone bush!

Pretty fucking sad some think he is somehow different.

I was a party cheerleader once.
Fuck em


Maybe O is doing this so he can swoop in on his "white horse" and save the day? Or, maybe he's trying to get Californians angrily motivated to vote yes this time? [insert psychological catch word here]


Active member
And if the Feds get a hold of the patients database from harborside just think of the data-mining they could do.

They were just audited and more than likely they were on-site to gather info...if so, I bet they already have that info...

on that note...over the years I have belonged to several clubs that have been raided by both the dea and the lapd...each one of those clubs had all their patient records confiscated.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
For me, I refuse to call it medicine. I love the plant, love the culture and love to get high. I have never taken it medicinally in my life, unless you consider unwinding a medicinal use. I don't have to take any drugs medicinally, but I cannot imagine going to a website and talking about oxycodones or some other drug.

Its my opinion that You are self medicating. Alcohol is used for self medication by many, but can be a poor choice due to bodily damage. Im sure people who need Oxycontin do talk about quality of life it allows them.

We are enthusiastic, because we know this is a natural medicine, and has far fewer health consequences then most any other med. It is fun to grow, and what else has a flavor spectrum like it?
It helps us escape the pain and stress of a hard life brought on by the US Federal government with their intentional damages( wars, gun running, murder, persecution, dishonesty, theft,tyrany, economic destruction) they cause to the people of this planet, that are just minding their own business.


Active member
45 days cali....

What a MESS!

GOD HELP cali an others,you gave us the seeds now provide the free weed!
Legalize NOW.