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Aurora Indica & Mandala Safari Mix Organic (with pic's)

Flying Goat

Spaceghost - I doubt you'll have further gnat troubles, but if you do... You might try using 3 to 5 drops of essential oil of pepperming dissolved in 1 oz of water in an ultra-fine mister. Shake before spraying. This will kill/repel almost every exoskeletal being on the planet while imparting a fresh fragrance to the grow room.

I routinely use a blend of essl oils of orange, lemon, tangerine & lime on an as-needed basis & as my general knock-down spray for anything that enters the house. (I'm in the South & we don't have screens.) Works great, smells good & makes long-lasting protection for the plant.

The only "drawback" might be a slight citrus or mint taste in your final product...


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Hey spaceghost everything looks pretty good. Your not the only one with fungus gnats they annoy me. However right now i have a cab with minimal airflow and have seen mold growing on the top. i think this is the only benefit to having the fungus gnats as its seemed to disappear and i haven't done anything different. Maybe because the soil dried up though.

I really need a quick organic fix, i havent had luck with anything and dislike using tobacco juice. Neem oil hasn't worked well for me. If your still having a problem Space you can try to use mosquito dunks their supposed to work real well.

Good luck!!
Greetings all, sorry things have been so slow. I've been very busy moving as of late, what's new, right? Anyway, the garden should arrive here tonight from the old house. I'll post an official update and pics when I next get a chance. Sorry!

BTW, there have been VERY FEW gnats after the sand and tobacco application(s). This is good :)
OK, everything is where it should be now. I'll post some pics as soon as I finish unpacking. I'm busy looking for the link cable for my camera.

A couple plants have died on the journey here. I wasn't able to take great care of them during the move. My friend let one of them die via dehydration while in his care. Oh well, I made it here with 9 mostly healthy - very healthy plants. Every plant is now showing it's sex although some of them are indiscernible as of yet. I have 3, possibly 4 males with 5 females. 3 A.I. females and 2 mandala. One of the A.I. plants is the short, super bushy one. The other two look like Northern Lights mostly. I'm keeping the males for a possible seed run in the future.

They all look good :) Hopefully I'll have pics this week. Bug me if you REALLY want to see them, otherwise hold your peace.

Ok, no one wants any pics, so be it. They'll be up later anyway.

So yesterday there were 9 plants, now there are 6 with a possible one more to kill. I decided to crop the males. I'll order another couple sets of A.I. for future breading. I don't plan on putting out nothing but buds this time around.

Does anyone know whether the green color on Mt. Dew bottles is dark enough to keep the roots from turning green?
OK, everything is where it should be now. I'll post some pics as soon as I finish unpacking. I'm busy looking for the link cable for my camera.

A couple plants have died on the journey here. I wasn't able to take great care of them during the move. My friend let one of them die via dehydration while in his care. Oh well, I made it here with 9 mostly healthy - very healthy plants. Every plant is now showing it's sex although some of them are indiscernible as of yet. I have 3, possibly 4 males with 5 females. 3 A.I. females and 2 mandala. One of the A.I. plants is the short, super bushy one. The other two look like Northern Lights mostly. I'm keeping the males for a possible seed run in the future.

They all look good :) Hopefully I'll have pics this week. Bug me if you REALLY want to see them, otherwise hold your peace.

i ordered some skunk#1 and got 5 mandala safari mix for freebies..one of the safari mix is one stalk with the buds growin right out of that stalk..it's a good lookin plant but in my limited growin career it is very different..it must be some kalachakra or white satin from what i've read.. would be great for sog because there is absolutely no branching..just might order some more in order to find out exactly what it is..i only grow with a 400 hps and supplemental fluoros so have to watch the height and width of my plants..my plants are 30 days into flower so we will harvest at about the same time..