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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down

Green lung

Active member
That sucks. Now if things go back underground/blackmarket LEO now has peoples names that are in the business. I hope you take precautions.
Im still trying to figure out why George Soros has invested so much money in MJ Legalization. Makes me wonder why a NWO shill would do this? Could there be a deeper underlining conspiracy?


Re: Feds order all Calif. medical-marijuana outlets to close !!! WTF

Re: Feds order all Calif. medical-marijuana outlets to close !!! WTF

Another point prop 19 scapegoaters...you realize that "the people " passed mmj, and that if the current administration took into account the outcome of ballot issues and based the decision on that, they would not be doing this! It has nothing to do with 19, and everything to do with King Obama's core political position as a bed wetting more/bigger government is best philosophy. Nothing more.


Freedom Fighter
Im getting off ICMag now, cant take all this "prop 19 this" "prop 19 that" stfu if you guys have such a problem with whats going on talk about something useful not bickering like fucking 8th grade girls about who was right. When you guys are ready to have a convo about wtf we are gonna do(and if we do nothing your all posers) then ill be back. But im not gonna sit back here and watch keyboard warriors fight over something thats happened already, ima go do something useful maybe think of how i can contribute to fighting for my rights.

WTF are you talking about?? I just went through the whole thread, and 19 was only mentioned twice-- Hardly the flamefest you are building it up to be-- lol

Ok, things are starting to get posted, after I wrote this-- But it is pertinent to this, as it is not simply pointing fingers...it is trying to get some to realize voting No was a mistake, and hopefully not make the same mistake again--
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New member
I think it's funny that people think prices are going to go up. What do you think is going to happen with all this outdoor surplus that people can't easily get rid of in 15 minutes anymore? If anything, they might go down, because people have to distribute themselves.

Also keep in mind that some people only toke due to the availability of decent bud at brick and mortar dispensaries, and the safety implied by going that route. Many people will not go back to the old try-your-luck street dealers with the risks and all.

So think of the excess surplus, the eagerness to get rid of said surplus, plus fewer people willing to purchase through shady means. Supply goes up, demand goes down. How do you think THAT'S going to turn out???


Lets not forget, this may turn out to be a false alarm, the Feds might decide they can't really do much about MMJ in states. Obama might realize he's done and wants to let it go.
very true my friend. however, if that is the case. the simple gross misuse of taxpayers money running a scare tactic or whatever this is should still pi$$ you off. i pay quite a bit in taxes every year and it pisses me off. they need to CONCENTRATE on the real problems we have and cali's dispenseries shouldn't even be athought in their tiny little heads..


Game Bred
Is it your contention then that McCain would have been kinder on the Cannabis issue and that we would have been better served voting for him instead? I was all about some Ron Paul myself, but when the choice came down to McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden, well, I'm struggling to see how you have the nerve to call anybody a fool for making that choice.

Here's some quotes from McCain on the topic. Makes it pretty clear that things would have gotten much worse much faster for mmj everywhere had he been elected instead of Obama -

"I believe that there is some possibility that quote 'medical marijuana' could spread into other areas and that the definition of medical could expand rather dramatically. You've seen that in other cases." (July 14, 2007, town hall meeting in New Hampshire)

"I don't think marijuana is healthy, I don't think that it is good for people, and I also, there is a large body of medical opinion that says there is plenty of other medications that are more effective and better and less damaging to one's health to use to relieve pain." (July 14, 2007, town hall meeting in New Hampshire)

"I think there's other ways to relieve pain ... I do not believe in legalizing it because I think there's other ways of relieving pain and applying medical help than that, and that’s my position." (August 9, 2007, town hall meeting in Merrimack, New Hampshire)

"I believe that marijuana is a gateway drug. That is my view and that's the view of the federal drug czar and other experts, although that is also a debatable question. I think that there is much more effective ways of relieving pain and suffering than the use of marijuana, and so therefore I view it as something that I do not support. That's just my considered opinion, I'd be glad to receive additional information." (August 11, 2007, house party in Milton, New Hampshire)

"No town hall meeting in New Hampshire is complete without some young man who has been sent here to talk to me about medical marijuana ... The fact is I do not approve of the medical use of marijuana, I never have and I never will, and you all keep coming to the town hall meetings. I'm always glad to see you, it helps with the attendance." (September 29, 2007, house party in Exeter, New Hampshire)

"Every medical expert I know of, including the AMA, says that there are much more effective and much better treatments for pain than medical marijuana ... I still would not support medical marijuana because I don't think that the preponderance of medical opinion in America agrees ... that it's the most effective way of treating pain." (September 30, 2007, town hall meeting in Derry, New Hampshire)
"The law is the law, and I do not believe it's going to be changed, and it's not going to be changed by me." (October 23, 2007, town hall meeting in Exeter, New Hampshire)

"The will of the people, my friend, is that medical marijuana is not something that the quote 'people' want. Certain people feel strongly about this issue, and they show up at most town hall meetings, obviously feel very strongly about it. There is no convincing evidence ... there’s evidence, but no convincing evidence to me that medical marijuana relief of pain and suffering cannot be accomplished by prescriptions from doctors." (Nov. 14, 2007, McCain blogger conference call)

"There may be times when the will of the people, for example Iraq, the will of the people, unfortunately is that we withdraw from Iraq immediately or very very soon. I don't share that view of the will of the people. And I think the will of the people was that we get out of Korea when Harry Truman was president of the United States, but then he decided to do what he thought was best for the will of the country. Now, I don't compare this issue with Iraq or Korea, but, look, I'll be glad to continue this discussion, and read the stuff about it, but I am not changing my position on quote 'medical marijuana,' okay?" (Nov. 14, 2007, McCain blogger conference call, said upon being reminded that the will of the people in California was to make medical marijuana legal)

ahhh i see..

but you realize if obama manages to shut down the dispensaries he will have done more damage than bush did in both his terms...

sooo yea on this single issue id have taken the states rights duo as opposed to "federal law trumps state law" obummer ;)

on all other issues they are pretty much all the same people..


Active member
19 wouldnt have done shit.....the feds let it be known BEFORE 19 was voted on, that they would crack down on it if it passed!!

one of two things is happening...they could be attacking 215 to pave the way for corporate legalization. or they are simply just attacking 215 and states rights and trying to send shit back into the stone ages....


I've never met one person that has chose to use a drug or refrain based on its legality. When will our government learn that prohibition on any level costs us billions of dollars annually?

Not only does it cost us billions of dollars to put people in jail, go through the courts ect, but innocent people lose their lives. IF marijuana was legal in all states, how many people WOULD KILL for it? None. because the supply would go up and the demand would remain the SAME. As it stands, you have people who are sick that grow marijuana who literaly have to worry about street thugs kicking their door down putting lead in their head, and stealing a few thousand dollars worth of herb..



I know that I will most likely get repped down for this, but this is why passing prop 19 was so important to me. Yes, the Feds probably would of done this anyway, but it would be a mmj + states rights battle. A much stronger stance.


Why do I not see more people pointing the finger at all of the Prop 19 no-voters? To all the pro-mj, pro-mmj, anti-prop 19 voters out there, you helped create this situation and you should realize that you have significantly weakened your own cause.

Sure Prop 19 was a state law, as is 215, and sure the feds could have still pursued a similar action even in light of prop 19 passing, but this would be a signficantly different battle if it was the Feds vs. statewide legalization, instead of Feds vs. dispensaries operating under uncertain mmj regulation. We'd be looking at a grand showdown in the judiciary instead of an all-powerful DOJ deciding at will that it's time to crack skulls and confiscate assets. IMO - if prop 19 had passed, the DOJ would not have had the power to touch those dispenseries; this would have gone straight to the courts, and possibly our nation's highest court. Or maybe, just maybe, Prop 19s approval would have been the signal that those dipshits needed that the people really do want to stop the criminalizing of people who grow and ingest a plant.

Do you realize that Prop 19s failure is one of the main arguments used by prohibitionists? For all the outrage on this board, the powers that be legitimately think that they are enforcing the will of the people. They say that the people of CA don't want mmj or legalization and they point to Prop 19s failure as their evidence. If you are a CA resident, and you voted no on 19, yet you are shocked and upset by this latest move, then you are a hypocrit and an ass and you owe an apology to thousands of mmj patients that don't want to turn to big pharma to ease their suffering.


ICMag Donor
Every other phone call today has been..."Have you heard the news??, are they shutting you down???" ppl are freaking out to say the least!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Every other phone call today has been..."Have you heard the news??, are they shutting you down???" ppl are freaking out to say the least!

Words from the actual field of battle. TY Mrs B and hope this works out someday.

Just more proof that our Government is not "for the people by the people". The FEDS can and will do what they want. You think they cant shut down evey club in Cali? Your mistaken. Look what they said to the state of texas when they tried to kick out the TSA. They threatend Texas to be a NO FLY ZONE!


McCain stating his PERSONAL opinion on the subject is far from a President McCain stomping all over states rights. Like Dr. Paul, whom personally does not believe in abortion, I would like to think that a true conservative worth his salt, (which McCain isn't, nor was Bush for that matter) would not compromise that core belief in lieu of his personal belief. Like I said at that time, at least he had enough respect for you to NOT LIE TO YOUR FACE AND INSULT YOUR INTELLIGENCE. Obviously people would rather be lied to though, apparently, despite the truth being glaringly apparent. So what's new?

I am at the point now where I have simply accepted that I am a criminal, I don't give a shit about MMJ laws frankly. They are piss poor, and actually cause more harm to full legalization than good. By allowing the debate to be about "medical value" and "who's getting "MMJ"" advocates have allowed the opposition to control the debate and keep the real issue out of the picture, because they can't possibly defend that position w/ any intellectual integrity. All the while the zombies cheer and applaud that they "won", all the while not realizing that they conceded the big picture. Fuck'em all, I'll be a criminal, the vast majority of the people that should be concerned w/ this issue are misguided and ill-informed, therefore they have no hope of making any progress and will be forever trapped in their own circle doing what they are told to do and believing what they are told to believe. There are probably literally thousands of examples of this here on this site. I will do what I can as an individual which is all any of us can do at this point, and that is, GROW YOUR FUCKING ASS OFF! IF YOU FEEL THE LAW IS UNJUST, IT IS YOUR DUTY TO VIOLATE IT. At this point nothing short of an armed uprising will change the status quo history tells us this.

The answer is not in "the government" nor is it a particular "person". As long as the majority of people in our community continue to believe that "someone" will come along and deliver them from this oppression, you will continue to be oppressed. Again, history tells us this is so. Time to wake up folks. Realize that no one you vote for will do anything to give you liberty or freedoms, the government only takes those. If you want those, you have to take it, usually through means of force.


It is called intimidation. How many people succumbed to the intimidation and voted against prop 19?

It may be, but in reality it's exactly what anyone should have expected given all the known information. They aren't doing this to intimidate, they are doing it simply because it is standard operating procedure. Nothing more.

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