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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
The Associated Press obtained copies of the letters that a prosecutor sent to at least 12 San Diego dispensaries. They state that federal law "takes precedence over state law and applies regardless of the particular uses for which a dispensary is selling and distributing marijuana."

Apparently they didn't get that notice "The law of the land takes precedence over all others regardless of the particular motives for which the Government purportedly operates."

"The real power is with the federal government," he said. "They have the asset forfeiture, and that means either the federal government will own a lot of property or these landlords will evict a lot of dispensaries."

I suppose I should start saving some cash back for an extended vacation to California, cause it appears that the Obama administration slept through the Million Man March, the WTO, and Rodney King riots.

The real power is with the American Citizen. They have the power to vote and the right to bare arms if forced to protect that power. And that means either these politicians realize the will of the people or we will hear some new names in future history classes.

Americans have always desired to live their lives and raise their families in peace and it does sometimes take more than a nudge before citizens defend themselves but we have always risen to the occasion.

I suppose it is rather poetic though that the War on Drugs will be fought on American soil since it did begin in the same neighborhoods.

I wonder why the Governor of California doesn't just activate the National Guard to protect the tax paying citizens of his state?

Well thank the Constitution for "well armed militias...


I hear people say that they are only attacking California. But as any war goes you hit those that are the strongest first. The you intimidate the others to just give up. The two faced corporate yes man that just spent a lot of time in California collecting millions for his campaign turns around and tells those he just begged for money from to kiss his arse. Can he show disregard for people anymore than that.? Is Hank JR running for president? He seems to understand the truth. Heil Obama.


Active member
sad day for medical marijuana and prop 215....the feds are clearly sending a message that they dont give a fuck about the people of america or what we voted for...

hopefully this gets people angry and we can combine the wallstreet riots with the medical marijuana riots...then get a few more subclasses angry and rioting...and we will have fullscale riots in america and we can burn this fucking corrupt government to the ground..

until that dream scenario happens....il be in my neck of the woods doing my part to overgrow this fucking country.....their laws will not stop us for every grower arrested 3 more pop up...KEEP DOING YOUR THING!! good luck to everyone out there this truely changes the game....back to the black we go...


New member
if anyone really believes this is a way for obama to push legalization you are smoking more crack than he does. This is just him grabbing something else like he did the poker money. Get used to it , we live in a police state and obama is a joke. Im so sick of this guy and all these dumb fcks at "occupy wall street". lol I wish people would get a clue. Fuck all you yuppie fuckers that want all our freedom gone. This is b.s


Active member
I think you didn't read the article. It looks like 12 dispensaries in San Diego, the 12 city council are suing, are the ones being shut down via these threatening letters from the fed. There are many dispensaries in that area, and hundreds of dispensaries in cali. That sounds more like someone on city council snitched to the fed, and the fed responded for whatever reason(s). Obama isn't really the issue, but I know how fun and easy it is to bash him so carry on. He does suck in general.

Well I read this...

The state's four U.S. attorneys were scheduled Friday to announce a broader coordinated crackdown.

So yeah..well just wait and see.

Oh and it is Obama's fault. His house, his rules, his appointed people. How can you say different ????


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else

..........Oh and it is Obama's fault. His house, his rules, his appointed people. How can you say different ????

Ummm........ We always knew what to expect from Bush or Reagan, if anybody says that Obama is different then it would be racist.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
sad day for medical marijuana and prop 215....the feds are clearly sending a message that they dont give a fuck about the people of america or what we voted for...

hopefully this gets people angry and we can combine the wallstreet riots with the medical marijuana riots...then get a few more subclasses angry and rioting...and we will have fullscale riots in america and we can burn this fucking corrupt government to the ground..

until that dream scenario happens....il be in my neck of the woods doing my part to overgrow this fucking country.....their laws will not stop us for every grower arrested 3 more pop up...KEEP DOING YOUR THING!! good luck to everyone out there this truely changes the game....back to the black we go...

hahahahha bruh i just spit whisky all over my screen i laughd so hard,,, thanks dick...

aint nobody EVER going to riot over mj. hell 90% of weed smokers dont have the balls to put their name on a petition. you think they is goign to riot???

god forbid someone finds out that they bought an 8th and have an extensive paraphenilla collection consisting of a 2 foot bong AND a glass pipe!!! thats like federal time dood.... and with the black hawk helicopters and the tracking devices they put in the flu vaxine its only a matter of time they raid you for all that precious shake in your carpet and couch!!!


Hate to say it, but the dispensaries asked for it. Too many medical users out there complaining about the way they are treated. Very few of these shop owners are in it for the compassionate care. They are in it for the money. What they didn't realize was that they cut themselves off. They became easy targets. It would be nice if the price per P increases. Though I doubt it. With the dispensaries closing down there are going to be a lot folks sittin on weight because they don't know how to get rid of it. Should be interesting, honestly everything is speculation at this point. No way of knowing how this going to play out.

Don't see how you can blame Obama. I hope that if you voted for him it wasn't because you thought he was going to be a proponent of MMJ. Maybe the next black president. No way is the first one, going to be known as the pres that brought the pot.

Something funny my cousin sent me earlier.

25 years ago we had...

President Reagan,
Johnny Cash,
and Bob Hope...

now we have...

President Obama,
No Cash,
No Hope...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I just got this email. This will be good in the end. Everything that has happened in the past couple of months will serve as fuel to the fire. I honestly think this is how Obama pushes for legalization without having his name attached to it. Send out IRS bills, seize accounts, and try to shut everyone down. All that will do is motivate the "average Joe" to get a full legalization initiative passed. They are not doing this in Colorado. (because of clear rules)I really do believe this is a slight of hand trick to push things along faster. It makes sense.

I want whatever the FUCK your smoking....:faint:


New member
They've gotten really bold since Prop 19 failed. Let's hope the mistake isn't repeated in 2012 or it will only get worse. Deny if anyone wants, it's the truth. They think this is the will of the people.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I think you didn't read the article. It looks like 12 dispensaries in San Diego, the 12 city council are suing, are the ones being shut down via these threatening letters from the fed. There are many dispensaries in that area, and hundreds of dispensaries in cali. That sounds more like someone on city council snitched to the fed, and the fed responded for whatever reason(s). Obama isn't really the issue, but I know how fun and easy it is to bash him so carry on. He does suck in general.

San Jose is not directly related to whats going on in San Diego, but is another example of city council selling mmj out. There are over 100 dispensaries in San Jose, we'll see if the petition gets enough signatures to stop this action. No access for that area is effed up. This has nothing to do with the fed, and everything to do with city council wanting to control and profit off of mmj. By allowing fewer dispensaries they can take in maximum money for minimum work. While bashing obeezy is fun, its the local authorities often seeking these restrictions.

Locally, this is very common. City council where I live allows one dispensary in town, openly for monetary purposes. They call it "the city's best interest". Why do they allow that one dispensary? Well, the dispensary donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city. Its extortion really, but how mmj goes because its all up to the city or county laws.

You forgot to mention the Sacramento city council taking up the issue of revoking ALL MMJ dispo licenses and I can name about 15 other central valley cities including Fresno moving in the very same direction, this letter (imho) is only the start and yes it was directed toward San Diego but really, you don't believe the Fed's are going to JUST stay their? I truly believe this will be a statewide push to put targets on ALL storefronts, their public, easy to find and raid.

Their are "other" business models that work MUCH better and are supported by local city councils that are much less obvious, quiet and under the radar, I in fact am an owner of one such model IN San Diego..but for reason that are obvious I won't expand on it. Needless to say we have had discussions directly with the SD city council members and they are targeting storefronts and are working with the Fed's in San Diego to help facilitate this.

It's like evolution, adapt or go extinct...


Active member
get the feds out of it for good.
i also think california has 55 electoral voters so it would be huge in his election.


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Freedom Fighter
Hate to say it, but the dispensaries asked for it. Too many medical users out there complaining about the way they are treated. Very few of these shop owners are in it for the compassionate care. They are in it for the money. What they didn't realize was that they cut themselves off. They became easy targets. It would be nice if the price per P increases. Though I doubt it. With the dispensaries closing down there are going to be a lot folks sittin on weight because they don't know how to get rid of it. Should be interesting, honestly everything is speculation at this point. No way of knowing how this going to play out.

The D's "asked for it"...because they want the same thing you do?? lol


Active member
hey american government

time for Vote none of the above in 2012
time to get rid of all the old and young bastards in office
time to take our country back !!!

ya'll really think ron paul can get it done i have news for ya he wont. why because of all the old and young bastards running the country, taken orders from corporate america !!!.

time for We The People Revolution

does seem to be the only way to get real change. at least people are trying to invoke some change with the demonstrations. Im not sure how it will change things since they have been done b-4.


Professor Organic Psychology
As long as the dispensaries blatantly continue to show profits with something that is against federal law they will be targets. And what probably troubles them more than than showing the profits are all the money that is not shown. To the feds a dispensary is just drug dealing in the open.


Active member
Anyone watch the Prohibition series on PBS? Back then, like now, the Feds didn't have the resources to target, let alone shut all of the speakeasys down. They will try to strong arm a few dispensaries and hope they can bluff the rest into shutting down voluntarily.

I also agree that way too many dispensaries were greedy and made a killing selling 80 1/8ths over the years. OK, maybe not the last 2 years, but 2006 and 2007 most places had "top shelf" for 80 and 1/8th. Anyone selling an 1/8ths for more than $60, ever, doesn't get much sympathy from me, unless those 1/8ths came with a blowjob.

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