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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


ICMag Donor
I see you've been going from forum to forum straightening people out, lol, so I'll play your game.

What part of my statement was fearmongering? The only thing I can think of was by saying one of the Repubs made a comment that "two cannabis offenses should be life in prison". If stating a fact is fearmongering then I don't know what to tell you.....

And it seems you want to jump to conclusions so I'll straighten you out on something else. Do I think Obama is the Mesiah? No, so you got that wrong. Do I think there are other candidates that will make things much worse? I sure do. Other than Ron Paul, I'd steer clear of the rest. And that's the way it is. So I guess the conclusion you should have drawn would have been " I would rather have things the way they are now as they could get much worse"..... So you all might say it's not so much I'm pro Obama as I'm not wanting to go backwards......

Feel free to continue, lol......

Uh HUH , But YOU will try to tell others what to do though won't you? Ya sound ***just like*** O'Bummer with your "blame game" and scare tactics , complete with all the " Buzz" rhetoric/

" You People" , as if you're talking to a buncha idiots who need to be led by the nose , and hey " it's all you fault" and all the rest of your obfuscatory drivel that in the end trickles down to " Vote For Obama and if you don't the world will go to hell and all stoners will go to jail and it will all be your fault.

Save your scare tactics , and get O'Bummer down off that Cross because the wood is needed for something else.

Save your rantings etc. for someone elese because I* wouldn't vote for O'Bummer on a goldplated bet , abd don't even bother with the usual " you must be repub...." crap because U have ZERO use for any damn one of the bought and paid for examples of useless protoplasm , that's again *E V E R Y* damn one of them including your Hero O'Bummer and Faux Libertarian Paul.

You're A smart guy JJ , so why resort to the scare-mongering crap? Why the Bay Area Liberal approach?

And tell ya what and this is to *all* , you want to separate Calif out and "blame" Calif? Fine , y'all want to do petty internecine warfare and blame games while the Man divides and concquers? Hey that's fine..... LLOOK to your OWN damn selves then instead of blaming a whole goddamned other state and labeling everyone in it as " greedy".

Course maybe since it's " all California's fault" and we're all so " greedy" maybe we should just keep all our damn money , genetics etc. home.

I've stayed outa this thead mostly because I'm too damn cynical and blunt ...here's some of that for y'all and aimed not at a particular person but the syndrome itself.

Some of y'all in this thread really DO remind me of our current Congress , thing is instead of just a ball on a playground that went flat and balme is being assigned , THIS Political Football" drastically effects folks lives and will for some time to come.

And y'all are sitting around excoriating each other to the point of coiled greasy guts laying on the ground over which frigging useless paid political monkey you want to THINK is going to save your collective asses.

F*8*ing Bread and Circuses writ large on the land and y'all are falling right for it............and meanwhile y'all seem to be blind to what the other hand is doing in this real life real world game of 3 card Monte........

Oh and when someone writes me privately again to tell me all the "wonders of Ron Paul"..............****don't bother**** I'm originally from Texas and you couldn't give me THAT crooked bastard on a gold plated bet any more than you could any of the others from the inside the BeltWay Hog Trough and Ego Wallow.

WAK E UPP!! ....Quit trying to slit each others throats and accomplishing The Man's business for him while he watches in amusement and counts your falling bodies " There's one less , oh hey there's another vote gone..."

Divide and conquer.................and y'all will fal for it until they come back around with Wilsons Sedition Act ( 1918) and start slapping your asses in jail because you couldn't *** stand together***..........


Active member
You seem to have an interesting memory of the prop 19 debate and the ACTUAL vote 46% for 54% against.

Your statement that the majority of Californians did / don't want legalization is quite misleading (Steve DeAngelo, now withstanding).

Obama is the HEAD of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It is fairly understandable that the HEAD of the FED would catch some blame in a thread titled "FEDS ORDER SHUT DOWN"

So if CA only HAD a chance to send a message, does that mean YOU don't think Californians have a chance to send a similar message with the "Regulate Like Wine Act?"

Two years ago there was a lot of debate and complaints about Prop 19 here at ICmag. This year however there seems to be a lot of support and appreciation for the "Regulate Like Wine Act."

So EVEN if you were correct that the majority of Californians didn't want cannabis legalized two years with a REALLY BAD regulatory and CRIMINAL scheme; I feel your pessimism will be dispelled this November.

We both agree that NO ONE should be a criminal because of this flower.

I disagree that 46% of Californians stating they wanted even bad legalization is a sign that CA was against legalization or sending a message to the FED that raids of their MEDICAL facilities would be appreciated. Also the percentage of Californians that favor medical cannabis is well over 70%. How this level of support can be interpreted as pro FEDERAL RAID is beyond my comprehension. Only 9 months until the next vote in CA!
~~~ONce again..THANK YOU Hydrosun!! Right on the money!! I believe you to be 100% correct! Thank you for posting! monkey5


Active member
JJScorpio, I also think like you..Romney, Newt, Sanitation..everyone BUT Ron Paul .. would be going backwards! You are also correct! Anyone BUT Ron Paul will not be any good for freedom & the constitution .. or America!! 100% agree there too! monkey5


ICMag Donor
If I had to go through this entire thread and remove all political comments I'd be days. I was simply making a comment based on so many people laying the blame on one person...... I guess it was getting pretty deep in politics.

As for being a left wing, I'm not sure of that deffinition but I'd rather call myself a realist, if that makes sense. I'd rather put the blame on everyone that deserves some instead of using one person as a scapegoat.....

Regarding the title of this thread, does anyone have any proof the feds have bothered anyone that was following the laws? I saw some posts where people with Dispensories had sold Cannabis out of State and to non med people and were shut down. But I haven't seen any where they just shut them down for the sake of doing it......

Sorry, didn't mean to tell you what to do. Would somebody please remove all of the political talk?

Didn't you just close a thread about OWS that had nothing to do with politics? Now you are talking up Obama, sounds like politics. Maybe I am wrong, just seems like left wing bullshit.


Active member



ICMag Donor
I don't think I've ever seen anyone as easy to get under their skin as you are, lmao....... I haven't laughed this hard in ages...... That's what I love about this place...... It takes all kinds..... And you might want to consider some reading comprehension classes. I was giving you the credit for "setting people straight", lmao..... I only straightened you out on your false assumption of my opinion of Obama. But then again, maybe you know my opinions better than I do, lol. Feel a little silly do we?

And why would I ban you? This stuffs funny reading. The only negative to your tirade was your inability to disguise your racism...... You should be able to come up with something better to hate someone for.... Other than that it was pretty good, lol.....

And so you don't make another senseless rant I'll "set you straight". I don't think Obama is the Mesiah, or the saviour for all us. I just haven't seen anything better. Did you get that, lol? And one last thing. If you're going to get so mad you can't think,,,,, spell check is your friend......

Rant on now.........

YEAH I will continue , and I'll start HERE. I don't give a damn whether you're an admin or not your BULLSHIT condescending attitude is EXACTLY THAT i.e. b u l l s h i t.

" I'll striaghten you out" , how frigging arrogant is THAT , like YOU have all the goddamn answers , save the smug crap for someone that it's gonna impress.

And yet more Bla blal rhetoric about O'Bummer , yeah your glorious fake that's the ultimate culmination of every freaking thing that was BAD about the late '60s , yeah the man who keeps as two of his closest confidante'ss Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers , the two fraking sleazeballs who ran off with the freaking SDS and eventually turned into the Weather Underground because they were too f***ing stupid to even be able to bomb themselves.........you mean THAT O'Bummer , or would you mean the one that spent twenty years or better sitting in the pulput listening to Dr. Jermiah Wright , who seems to be bound and determined to divide the country along racial lines AGAIN and resembles a freaking black David Duke with his Black Liberation Theology bullshit........ and O'Bummer was unaffected by the years of that crap? Did you mean THAT O'Bummer? The O'Bummer that has more submerged question floating around about his connections than even the Clintons and their connections to the Mena Airport? Was that the O'Bummer you meant?

And I've got about a thousand more so just ashcan the bullshit , at least with me. He ain't the freaking second coming of Christ , he didn't keep a single damn promise he made , he's dimantling the f***ing Constitution ( WHO BETTER to do it than a constitutional law attorney) the economy is still CRAP ( and don't feeed ME the bullshit stats from the White House) and about a thousand other reasons.

And there YOU sit attempting to scare the SHIT outa people to get then to vote for your useless frigging FAILURE of a president , yeah vote for a glaring example of exactly how it's all been manipulated and how we've all been screwed........

OOOhhh aahhhh he Wears A dIffeRent LabEl He muysT Be NeW and ImpROved He's Gonna BrinG New ChAn Ge and everything will be hunky dory with puppies and kiites and Bactine for the BooBoos for everyone.

I just DON'T GET IT...............why folks who are obviously highly intelligent and rational will lose their collective fucking minds and follow some bullshit reincarnation of the goddamn Pied Piper of Hamelin every fucking four damn years and EVRRY fucking time there is this CRAP about " he's the next coming of The Messiah".................

Fucking career politicians are the problem and the most satisfying solution would be a damn lampost , a new rope and whatever politician ya get your hands on first ......some assembly required.

As as I stated , y'all BUY INTO this bullshit and are to draw and quarter each other over it....and while YOU are doing that and buying into the Bread and Circuses *bullshit* , why Y'all are giving those that you should be ****standing with***** a lotta grief over who they fucking vote for.........while y'all are doing THAT..........

Well The Man is laughing all the way to the goddamned bank.

Thanks for setting me straight there J.J. , I mean I really need that since I'm obviously so unable to learn anything from six decades on the planet.

The country is DONE , it's frigging TOAST and part of it is that every damn group wants to be on top and The Powers That Be foster that syndrome because they couldn't possibly stand against a people united.

I'm not voting O'Bummer , I ain't voting for the usless fuck Known as Ron Paul , who is bloody well a FAKE Libertarian , adn I won't vote for any of the republicans and I really could give a rats ass who like what on that issue one way or the other.

If this is an example of how socalled " humanity" treats each other over a mere election then FUCK IT , I'd rather be a non human than listen to all this crap every four years and watch folks run like frigging Lemmings after the Latest Naked Emperor.

So in closing JJ , you go ahead and ban me . ya do whatever you want within the context here , but don't YOU EVER frigging well think that YOU are "setting" *ME* " straight" about a goddamned thing , now I hope YOU have got THAT straight.

" Settiing" someone " straight" implies that you can tell someone WHAT to think , and come hell or high water YOU don't tell ME what to *think*.

Now there's something STRAIGHT for you , and you can take that one STRAIGHT to the bank.

Now I'll get out of your thread and you can go back to telling all and sundry how the sky is going to fall and it's gonna be their fault if they don't follow your template.

And of course be sure that you inform them of how they're all " evil wicked mean -n- nasty" if they differ in political opinionfrom yours.........

Oh and JJ , if you really want to get into the " forum to forum" crap we can , and we'll got RIGHT directly to that one as regards Prednisone and EXACTLY how harmful you're socalled " advice" could possibly be to those with a canine being maintained within the context of certain diseases and syndromes in which Prednisone or other cortico-steroids are the *ONLY* available treatment.............and *YOUR* statements were based solely upon your media education as regards STEROIDs , which is of course the ONLY word that folks like you would focus on.

And because you're suddenly an " expert" from that media education you'll expound the way you did with advice that could turn out to be highly detrimental to the aforementioned individual dog.

And all the while NOT knowing the basic difference between ANABOLIC steroids and the comon Cortico-steroids used in medical functions that are in the end CATABOLIC in effect , meaning that in the end they will cannibalise muscle mass.

And your little " Isee you've been going around setting folks straight" . Whatever , I could really care less how you personally feel about it , I don't open my yap on things that I don't know about , and yeah I'm a tactless bastard. I guess you prefer someone who will pat folks on the head and tell 'em how wonderful it all is while they lie to them.

I also tend to blow right through the " passive -aggressive" approach such as you just utilised , that pursed lip self superior " My you're thr great unwashed and I''l do you a favor by setting you straight"..............

So hey ya set me straight and now I'll just go on away , I mean after all I wasn't entitled to an opinion anyway since I refuse to serve a Political God...
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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
JJ is all ACES brother and you can bet on those cards, he's one of the few true 100% believers around here I have seen with a consistent clear cut "fuck all the bullshit" belief in total national Cannabis legalization. I feel the same way and however we get there we NEED to get there and as fast as possible. There are alot of greedy bastards around here and unfortunately most of the medical scene really is a big sham right now but it's what some would call a necessary evil since people are trying their best to stay out of jail and hiding behind that "medical" guise works for many but they are no different than someone in Texas or New Jersey selling bags of herb except for maybe the medical laws where they live and they better enjoy it while they can. It's either going bye bye or the market is gonna get a whole lot bigger and there will be alot of pressure for better product and lower prices. I want to see herb prices come down myself, I think we are living in a fairytale fantasy if we expect to maintain a "legal" market and black market prices and profits. Just not going to happen in the long run. Greed truly is what kept 19 from passing in my honest opinion it was too many people afraid of losing that mighty dollar. I understand but at the same time the benefits to us as a whole overall greatly outweigh those dollars had Prop 19 made it through and JJ is right we may never know now and that sucks.

You can still grow herb and make money when it's legal, there is just going to be more competition and better products with even lower prices but the pro's surely offset the con's and the fittest will survive that ever evolving market as the cream rises to the top like it always does no matter who say's differently. ;)

California did fail with the non-passage of Prop 19 and I was gutted it did not pass myself. I voted for it and all my buddies did as well but alot of people on here did not and they truly have nobody but themselves to blame for the shitstorm that has resulted because like has already been said many times, we had a big chance and losing that opportunity was a huge setback to everyone across the country not just ourselves here in Cali. I'm ever hopefull about new legislation but I do fear we may not have that chance again that we did with Prop 19, despite it's shortcomings. Sometimes when you lose you win but in this case I think it was really a lose/lose. Had it passed there would have certainly been a domino effect nationally or a civil war and either way it's going to come to that eventually it's just a damn shame we shot ourselves in the foot with that one because guns were loaded and right on target and we missed with every "NO" vote for Prop 19. It truly could have been legal for everyone guys so when you get another chance please don't fuck it up again and for God sakes put the money & profit aside and be a human being about it. This is a plant, it was put here by divine will and creation. It's a wonderful healing herb that unites us all from far and wide and we need to be unified in our efforts to overcome the evil forces that try to hold back it's progress and many benefits to humanity. It's not just about getting high, its about hemp, food, fuel, and true medicine. There is so much more to Cannabis than money and the black market and it's about time our pride & joy comes out of the closet and into mainstream America. I pray for the day people can have easy affordable legal access to this plant and it's products anywhere & everywhere without having to only live in certain states to kind of sort of be able to. :joint:

Nothing but respect for JJ in closing, I totally agree with all his comments in here. Keep fighting the good fight and thanks for keeping it real for all who do. :respect:

Much love :canabis:

ps, Bluenote you really need some Sweet Tooth man! Or a horse tranquilizer or something :bigeye: :moon:
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mad librettist

Active member
I have seen you close down threads for being less political than your statement. Get this trash off the site.

actually JJ´ s comments were mostly confined to civics, not politics. The political history he reviewed is important too, and he's not campaigning but discussing what happened.

he's also right to point out that growers' financial status as a whole is quite inflated due to the drug war. very few are caught, so why fight for legalization and all the headaches of running a legit business? Farming is fucking hard work and it's hard to turn a profit.

There is plenty to discuss here on the topic of civics and history. LOTS of confusion, some spread deliberately, but mostly plain ignorance. Does anyone pay attention to anything but the cannabis debate?

Does ANYONE remember the VERY EMBARRASSING situation we had with the DOJ under Bush? Does no one remember the civics lesson there? If it is improper to fire US attorneys for their political views under Bush, why do people think it's different under Obama? The POTUS-DOJ relationship is "hands off" for legal and ethical reasons. Even the "appearance of impropriety" is considered a danger to the rule of law. I

I remember watching Alberto Gonzales at a hearing. Every other fucking phrase out of his mouth was "I do not recall". I have never wanted so badly to bludgeon a person. He could not remember anything that happened when he was head of the DOJ!

And yet... people still spout bullshit about the prez being the "head" of government, in the sense that Henry V was the head of government. And people are still disappointed when the chief executive can't deliver on the empty promises one has to make to get elected?

Let's get this straight. The fact that Obama can't just wave his hand to make everyone happy is just lost on some. Behind all the "blame Obama" BS I am reading here is the idea of a "unitary executive". You aren't calling for freedom, you are coming out in support of Karl Rove's political philosophy. Please, give some thought to unintended consequences.

And yes, I agree with JJ that what most posters here really want is a secure black market, not legalization. Most methods used by growers here would be simply not economically feasible if you had to compete with a real farmer. The drug war has been good to many of us here.
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Active member
I know. You're all full of shit. I know. FUCK EVERYBODY!

Name calling, politics, flaming, total bullshit.

This thread has run it's course. Over-run. I'm disgusted. Out. Never coming in again. ASSHOLES! Every word of the last few posts.


Active member
I know. You're all full of shit. I know. FUCK EVERYBODY!

Name calling, politics, flaming, total bullshit.

This thread has run it's course. Over-run. I'm disgusted. Out. Never coming in again. ASSHOLES! Every word of the last few posts.

Couldn't agree more, but without the anger.


ICMag Donor
I just realized we've allowed this thread to go on for 67 pages spreading false information and untruths. After doing some research I can't see one copy of this alleged letter. But I did find this from USA today based from these alleged letters.......

"The Justice Department today announced that it is targeting dozens of medical-marijuana operations that it claims are fronts for illegal drug dealing and are not legal under the state's 15-year-old Compassionate Use Act".

Supposedy back in Oct of last year dispensories were told to close in 45 days, yet nothing has happened to those staying in compliance.

Can anyone show a copy of this alleged letter telling all disp to shut down? Or is this nothing but 67 pages of rumor ranting?


I have not seen the actual letter myself but do know several dispensaries here in socal that have received it. From what I understand basically it's saying that if they are not in full compliance with all zoning, local and state regulations then they are in violation of federal law and will be closed. Landlords have also received the letter telling them that if the MMJ business they are renting to is not in compliance then their property will be seized for they themselves being part of a criminal operation as well as the tenant getting prosecuted.

So it's definitely a real thing it just isn't something that is happening to all dispensaries, because some are in full compliance. And I do not think pre-ICO means anything anymore when the feds are sending out these letters.
Santa Barbara County man sentenced for marijuana growing operations in El Dorado County

A Santa Barbara County man was sentenced today in federal court in Sacramento for his involvement in marijuana growing operations in El Dorado County.

Ryan Louis Ennis, 39, of Buellton was sentenced by U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez to nine years for conspiring to cultivate marijuana.

In sentencing, Judge Mendez described Ennis as the leader and financial backer of a sophisticated, well-funded marijuana operation, saying that he provided marijuana to distributors on the East Coast, according to a federal Department of Justice news release.

At the time of his arrest, officials said, Ennis had an electrician and two excavators working for him, as well as an attorney on retainer and at least five general workers.

Ennis claimed that he provided medical marijuana to dispensaries and was based in El Dorado County, near Placerville. Although Ennis was arrested in the off season for growing marijuana, officials said investigators seized evidence of more than 1,100 marijuana plants, about 600 pounds of processed marijuana, three handguns, two shotguns, a rifle and more than $635,000 in cash.

The case resulted from an investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office, the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, and the Mountain and Valley Marijuana Investigation Team.

These guys have what is said to be one of the best attorney; Panzer.

RED BLUFF — Attorneys for a Red Bluff pair charged in connection with a marijuana-growing operation are seeking a nonjury trial that would speed the route to an appeal.

Longtime event promoter Joe Froome, 49, and his son-in-law, 28-year-old Daniel Ludwig, were in Tehama County Superior Court on Tuesday with their Oakland attorneys, William Panzer and James Silva. Froome and Ludwig are facing charges of cultivation of marijuana and possession of marijuana for sale.

Judge S. William Abel, the retired Colusa County Superior Court jurist assigned to the case, granted a two-week delay in pretrial proceedings. In the meantime, defense lawyers and Assistant District Attorney Matt Rogers will determine what in the case they can agree on, returning to court at 9 a.m. Feb. 21.

A two-week jury trial is set to begin March 5, but Panzer said after the hearing he's seeking a "slow plea," essentially a court trial in which the judge would review preliminary hearing transcripts and agreed-upon facts in the case and issue a ruling. That would allow the defense to preserve all its appellate issues for consideration by the higher court, the 3rd District Court of Appeal, Panzer said.

At issue throughout the case, now in its third year, is whether patients have a right to associate and exchange money for their cannabis. The prosecution has challenged that, and "the court has basically agreed with the people, which would render all of our evidence inadmissible," Panzer said. Should the judge agree to the slow-plea proposal, that hearing presumably would go forward March 5.

Assistant District Attorney Matt Rogers said in his north state experience the kind of proceeding Panzer envisions is highly unusual, noting that court trials typically include witness testimony.

"I do not know of this (ever) being done in Tehama County," he said Tuesday afternoon.

Panzer is co-author of Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.

Froome and Ludwig maintain they were running a legal medical cannabis collective at the time of an Oct. 21, 2009, raid on a Baker Road warehouse. Agents seized more than 400 plants and 30 pounds of drying marijuana.

Froome also faces eight counts of money laundering in the case.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I just realized we've allowed this thread to go on for 67 pages spreading false information and untruths. After doing some research I can't see one copy of this alleged letter. But I did find this from USA today based from these alleged letters.......

"The Justice Department today announced that it is targeting dozens of medical-marijuana operations that it claims are fronts for illegal drug dealing and are not legal under the state's 15-year-old Compassionate Use Act".

Supposedy back in Oct of last year dispensories were told to close in 45 days, yet nothing has happened to those staying in compliance.

Can anyone show a copy of this alleged letter telling all disp to shut down? Or is this nothing but 67 pages of rumor ranting?

JJ, here is a link to a actual letter sent to a specific dispo with it's private information blacked out. This is straight from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Now this letter is dated Jan 12, 2012, I do not know if it the exact same verbiage that was used back in October of 2011.

Btw it took me about 3 minutes and Google to find this.

http://www.justice.gov/usao/co/press_releases/2012/January2012/01-12-12 dispensary redacted.pdf


I love my life
I just realized we've allowed this thread to go on for 67 pages spreading false information and untruths. After doing some research I can't see one copy of this alleged letter. But I did find this from USA today based from these alleged letters.......

"The Justice Department today announced that it is targeting dozens of medical-marijuana operations that it claims are fronts for illegal drug dealing and are not legal under the state's 15-year-old Compassionate Use Act".

Supposedy back in Oct of last year dispensories were told to close in 45 days, yet nothing has happened to those staying in compliance.

Can anyone show a copy of this alleged letter telling all disp to shut down? Or is this nothing but 67 pages of rumor ranting?

I am not sure if the letter was ever publicly released. However the 4 US Attorneys from CA held a PRESS CONFERENCE. Have to check ou the link provided a few posts up.

Here is a NY Times write up of the press conference.


This is not rumor mongering. And is in DIRECT conflict with Obama's pledge to leave STATE MMJ to the STATES.

If a storefront is operating in the OPEN with a city or state business license SHOULDN'T it be up to the state to DETERMINE if the business in question is complying with STATE LAW?

The FEDERAL RAIDS are just business as usual despite any claims to give a shit about sick people or states rights.



I just realized we've allowed this thread to go on for 67 pages spreading false information and untruths. After doing some research I can't see one copy of this alleged letter.
i haven't seen a letter personally but they do exist. My buddy owns Divinity Tree and said he got a letter from the feds asking him to shut down. Really sucks for med patients because DT was one of the best clubs in the city.

so no spreading rumors here, just passing on firsthand.

here is an article about it. http://sfist.com/2011/11/15/three_sf_pot_clubs_close_on_eve_of.php

i love research :)


ICMag Donor
It appears the above posted arrests were charged with money laundering and shipping Cannabis out of State. Those are not in compliance with the Compassionat Use Act.

Does anyone have any links to an arrest where they were in compliance? I also read an article earlier where the State Courts in Cali were the ones that determined Dispensories violated the Law.

What I'm concerned about is we have 67 pages of hateful comments without so much as one Federal arrest posted that was in compliance.......


It appears the above posted arrests were charged with money laundering and shipping Cannabis out of State. Those are not in compliance with the Compassionat Use Act.

Does anyone have any links to an arrest where they were in compliance? I also read an article earlier where the State Courts in Cali were the ones that determined Dispensories violated the Law.

What I'm concerned about is we have 67 pages of hateful comments without so much as one Federal arrest posted that was in compliance.......

if no arrests have been made it's because most targeted dispensaries have shut down voluntarily... and compliance with what? being a quarter mile from a park that is infested with crackheads.... oh yah, i forgot, police blame the weed clubs for the local crime rate.

if the cops and feds spent more time arresting gangbangers and violent tweakers (not to mention corrupt businessmen) they wouldn't have time to worry about weed clubs

some of these dispensaries have been around for 10+ years, operating under Arnie and Bush, so wtf.


I love my life
It appears the above posted arrests were charged with money laundering and shipping Cannabis out of State. Those are not in compliance with the Compassionat Use Act.

Does anyone have any links to an arrest where they were in compliance? I also read an article earlier where the State Courts in Cali were the ones that determined Dispensories violated the Law.

What I'm concerned about is we have 67 pages of hateful comments without so much as one Federal arrest posted that was in compliance.......

What are you talking about? The FEDERAL courts ARE NOT the arbiter of state law. The FEDERAL courts don't allow an accused to EVEN PRESENT a STATE defense!!!!!!!!! There are SEVERAL threads to this FACT.

Therefore please answer the question of IF a business is operating in the OPEN and said business HAS an operating permit from the state or locality HOW does the FED justify its RAIDS?

There is also a VERY NICE video thread here at ICmag where a FEDERAL raid of a San Diego dispensary is filmed and CALIFORNIANS are held (detained) by FEDERAL agents. Some of the detained were merely clients of the STATE licensed dispensary and these clients had valid CA recs for cannabis. Despite the clear compliance of the CITIZEN with a Drs recommendation the FEDS (DEA) falsely imprisoned these people for a period of time and the RELEASED them WITHOUT charging them with a single crime.

Again how does the Fed justify these raids in the face of their purported position of keeping hands off of state authorized MMJ activities?

ALL arrests by the FED were of citizens complying with state law. You show me one FED arrest where the defendant was FIRST tried and convicted by the state. If you can't show me a state conviction THEN you can not claim that the defendant was in violation of state law.

EVERY CITIZEN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS unless CONVICTED by a court with proper jurisdiction. And again the Federal Courts have ZERO / FUCKING NO AUTHORITY to adjudicate state criminal law. ANY person accused of violating a state law has a RIGHT to a jury trial in that STATE, and the defendant CAN present a medical defense (again NOT allowed in Fed court). No state conviction = NO VIOLATION of state law.

We are still a nation of slaves who's masters want us to think that ALL SLAVES ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY (fucking laughable I know).
