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CA Attorney General releases new Guidelines


Active member
rsteeb said:
Condemning a profitable vendor is a deluded and bizarre concept.

So the framers of 215 (Denis Peron, et. al) were deluled and bizarre?

Besides, Jerry is AG, not the govanator. :)
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Resident pissy old man
If the Attny. General or the state want meds to be non-profit, perhaps they need to start busting Wal-Greens, Costco and Wal-Mart. they are making millions(billions) on meds. Why should some meds have incredible mark-ups(Big Pharma) and some meds(mj) only be sold at cost. Sounds fucked up to me! Nearly every drug that has been made illegal has been copied by Big Pharma and sold legally at 400-1000% markup.
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Active member
The framers of the Constitution would slap Former Governor [you never lose such a title, btw] Moonbeam's goofy face.

"Sow it everywhere"

MF Grimm

kmk420kali said:
Dude-- Why are you so against ppl making $$?? You are legal to either grow it yourself...or pay the price for someone else to do it-- I know, on a very personal level...that most Dispensaries will give mad discounts to serious/terminal Patients--
Maybe after the laws shift a bit, it will be worth it to sell the meds you grow for peanuts...but til you don't have to worry about getting busted, and all the expense that goes into trying not to...I don't think the price is so "That Much" out of the ball-park--
Remember, it is not the Dispensary Owners, or Patients that is the focus of LEO, or they at least are not the ones going to jail...it is the Growers--

I have been lurking for a few months now, and I have to say that all of infloresence's posts come off as negative, pessimistic, or superior.


Resident pissy old man
Pot is like a vegetable. You either grow it or you pay for it. No farmer grows non-profit(at least not for long).


Active member
Pops said:
....or you pay for it. No farmer grows non-profit(at least not for long).

Why do I get the feeling this is all about to change? :)
What are the profiteering cannabis growers going to do? Shift production to gardenia's and tomatos?

Thank you Jerry!
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Freedom Fighter
inflorescence said:
Thank you Jerry!

At least we agree on that one bro-- :rasta:


dude why is their a problem with me maying 390+ dollars an ounce w/ tax so someone can tycoon and do a bit more then make a liveing, recooping their million dollar investment is one thing..

a dispencery backed themself up by saying you'd want professional, educated personel and theas professionals take away from their carrers to serve us and should be compensated for their respected time and talants.

to be quite honest i get the vibe everybody but the guards are compleaty baked when i get their, i know their mostly all patients but my cry is for affordable meds and that isn't hapening under a free market man :bashhead:

theirs few a scattered spots that offer 40$ for high grad 1/8's and very resonably ounces, 300 or 260 for high grade would be great. :violin:

clubs are closeing and thats just not cool, safe access is now being tightly restricted and histaria grows for the cultivators consumers and co-ops
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Active member
So does this mean that the limits are now set at 6 flowering plants per card? Is this everywhere?

That kinda sucks for indoor crops. Outdoor that isn't bad at all.


Freedom Fighter
pico said:
So does this mean that the limits are now set at 6 flowering plants per card? Is this everywhere?

That kinda sucks for indoor crops. Outdoor that isn't bad at all.

Yes, unless you get your Dr to write an exemption (I have one for 12 mature plants), or the Counties start upping their limits...then that is it--
But the part I am still unclear on, is this a binding amendment, or just a proposal?? It is written like it is final, but is it??


Active member
rsteeb said:
Some folks just don't grok the law of supply and demand.

here's what I get.

HUGE demand, low supply BUT a law that demands it's supplied for no-profit.

I know this is going to be real hard for you to swallow but I know people that work very hard 8-5 jobs that actually volunteer their time (for free) a full day a week to whatever cause they belive in.

H'mm, if you just had 7 of those kind of people each volunteering a day of their time a round the clock garden could be grown all for cost.

I'm sorry the TV made you believe profit is the be all end all but you weren't forced to watch that bs, or believe it for that matter.
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Active member
pico said:
So does this mean that the limits are now set at 6 flowering plants per card? Is this everywhere?

No. The case is on appeal. If the supreme court rules the plant limit's unconstitutional then the plant limits (and pretty much what ever else Jerry says) are null and void.


Resident pissy old man
Sorry, but the attny. general can't set guidelines anymore than the legislature can. If he tries it, it will go to the courts. The only way prop 215 can be amended or changed or altered is BY THE PEOPLE! It would take another proposition. Some propositions have a statement that they can be amended. Prop 215 does not. Therefore, according to the California Constitution, It is illegal to amend or change it, and I don't care if it is the Attny. General or God.

Inflorescence, instead of fucking bitching about med patients having to buy meds, why don't you grow it for them and give it away for free. Or maybe you can just pay the $1,000 per month I pay for electricity to grow meds for our patients. All you do is whine about prices. It won't cost you much if you grow it yourself. I have set up 6 of our patients with seeds and I have even hauled a crapload of soil 50 miles for an old disabled lady so she can grow her own. Actions speak a lot louder than whining!


DocO got the extention. Keep it under 100 and that keeps it under the federal limit for personal use according to my Doctor.



Active member
DocOtis said:
DocO got the extention. Keep it under 100 and that keeps it under the federal limit for personal use according to my Doctor.


Your doctor said 99 plants was suitable for your condition?
What exactly do you suffer from?

MF Grimm

inflorescence said:
Your doctor said 99 plants was suitable for your condition?
What exactly do you suffer from?

Are you that dense?

99 plants can fill a 4x8 tray easily. The MOST one would pull off that is 4 LBS, and that would be a highly gifted and skilled grower. More like 1.5 to 2 pounds.

How many times does it have to be beat into people's heads that plant count does not directly equate to yield?

Why do you care what he suffers from anyways? What do YOU suffer from?
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Active member
quadracer said:
Which is the biggest bunch of B.S.

Under SB420:

SB420 awards the same protections to non-card holders as card-holders. The recommendation is what protects you under state law, NOT the I.D. card. These guidelines will force people to get I.D. cards now, which will:

1) Give the state a list of patients in California (bad)
2) Cost patients additional money (bad)
3) Give law enforcement the power to play Doctor (bad)

SB420 is illigal from word one.

congress(state) cannot make a AMENDMENT for a PROPOSITION
essentialy that would be a closed door senator meeting, over-ruleing what the public voted for. so if its not in prop215. then its no good in court.
per my lawyer. a vey pro-mmj guy.


Active member
inflorescence said:
Your doctor said 99 plants was suitable for your condition?
What exactly do you suffer from?

doctors dont give people 'plant counts' even though thats what the DEA/feds go by. the way it works in cali is that your allowed a 60 day supply, at whatever he perscribes (1/8-per-day in my case) so take that 3.5*62=217G/28g=7.75 Oz 2 mo supply.... are you following me? i hope so, because at this point your LEGALY clear... but if i get raided and i have, say 13 Oz then i could be liable in court.

now this has to do with plant count how is what your asking....

ok, so if we grow SOG or tree obviestly you get different yield, so none of these numbers matter untill you get 'poped' because only at that point will you have to argu your case to anyone. generaly someone narcs you out to the feds when they start getting more then 99.