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C.L.S. Mistakes, Failures and Malfunctions...


Active member
I ALWAYS wear safety glasses during the entire extraction process or anything I'm doing with my CLS. Even packaging can find a shard of acidic crystal in your eye! And that my friend, hurts.


Active member
I too have showered myself by opening the tri clamp of a 2"x36" column. My lid is connected to a SS braided hose so it didn't shoot to the moon, but the material splashed all over my face and covered the underside of the overhang I was working under. The witnesses laughed and now I undo the braided fill hose releasing all pressure before removing the column form the system.


Ya, it's alway's funny until someone gets hurt! My buddy did a pressure check with a nitrogen tank while I bent over listening for a hiss. Problem was, the nitrogen was 450psi when it blew the gasket, and LSS i couldn't hear on the right side for a week…lol

Silver lining is i never forget to empty the pressure and have never popped a column, lesson learned.
Dixon is calling out 20 ft pounds for their clamps.

50 inch pounds "feels" right when torquing it down. 20 ft pounds seems like it's excessive, however, if that's what Dixon states is the the torque spec then I think I'll go with that and report back. Hoping I don't plastically deform my ptfe. Thanks GW


Active member
I highly recommend a face shield.I accidentally splashed, literally a drop, ofnSub Zero alcohol,and it made it in my mouth(lol thats what she said).that s*** hit my side of my tongue and my tooth. I have the worst toothache for about 10 minutes and my tongue was like burned or something.I be looking like I'm on Breaking Bad nowadays

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I highly recommend a face shield.I accidentally splashed, literally a drop, ofnSub Zero alcohol,and it made it in my mouth(lol thats what she said).that s*** hit my side of my tongue and my tooth. I have the worst toothache for about 10 minutes and my tongue was like burned or something.I be looking like I'm on Breaking Bad nowadays

At a minimum, I always recommend chemical goggles for extraction, vis a vis safety glasses, and adding a face shield to protect our pretty faces, is a good idea!

Especially when dealing with stuff that instantly damages your eyes and skin, such as solvents at instant frost bite temperatures.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
When draining water from the recovery tank, how long should it be inverted before opening the vapor valve to disperse water, also can it be done at room temp or should it be on ice?


The amount of water that butane can hold in solution, is a direct function of its temperature, so lowering the temperature to its dew point removes more water.

A cold tank should get most of the water consolidated in the bottom within five minutes of being inverted.

Dip tubes don't reach all the way to the bottom and are cut on an angle, so don't automatically pick up any water standing in the bottom. It has to get deep enough to be aspirated.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
good. On the goggles under the face shield grey wolf.can never be to safe with our precious vison.

I prefer the goggles around chemicals, because they fit tight enough to the face to keep drops from entering from the sides, and aren't as easily blown off your face.

In industry, we always also wore at least safety glasses under face shields, because stuff blows under them some times and they are easily blown off your face. Face shields are mostly to protect the face, not the eyes.


Active member
Here's one to keep in mind: Subzero butane has an amazing ability to expand its volume with seemingly small amounts of temp rise. Can confirm: did recently blow up sight glass during a sub-z run.

Suggestion: Always leave some room for expansion in the column when flooding with sub zero tane.


I love my life
Here's one to keep in mind: Subzero butane has an amazing ability to expand its volume with seemingly small amounts of temp rise. Can confirm: did recently blow up sight glass during a sub-z run.

Suggestion: Always leave some room for expansion in the column when flooding with sub zero tane.

Ditch sight glasses and go to 6000PSI port holes in the lid of your system. Install two of them, one to shine a light down and the other to stare into.

I'd rather run a system on instruments before using an inline sight glass.



Active member
Ditch sight glasses and go to 6000PSI port holes in the lid of your system. Install two of them, one to shine a light down and the other to stare into.

I'd rather run a system on instruments before using an inline sight glass.


Ill be using tri clamp cross 1.5" with two union sigh glass 1.5" rated to 10 BAR from now on. I dont care whats going on in the spool. I want data from the column.


I love my life
I keep my columns under the pressure of cold solvent by keeping my injection line open, but my drop valve closed. That solves the rapid expansion issue that broke your last sight glass.

I really have no interest in watching my highly pressurized solvent interact at the column, my interest is how the oil looks at 0 PSI and under vacuum.

Different strokes for different folks...


A6 Grower

Ya, after you use a inline sight glass for a while you really dont need it, i feal like its coo to see what the butane is doing up there but once you know whats going on its best to drop it. I can see how yellow my stream going into the pot is if im worried about "getting it all" but with sub zero temps and having a 12x12 pot i just run more then enough butane to make sure i get everything. I only soak if the material is real nuggy. If its lots of trim i just do one big long pass.


I love my life
Ya, after you use a inline sight glass for a while you really dont need it, i feal like its coo to see what the butane is doing up there but once you know whats going on its best to drop it. I can see how yellow my stream going into the pot is if im worried about "getting it all" but with sub zero temps and having a 12x12 pot i just run more then enough butane to make sure i get everything. I only soak if the material is real nuggy. If its lots of trim i just do one big long pass.

How long is that pass??? Do you regulate the solvent flow by restricting output through the ball valve???

I'd like to find optimal run times for trim at -20F and using a butane / propane blend.



A6 Grower

lol ive been lazy and havent been weighing how much i run or how long. its all by sight :) for ok trim that yields around 10% i can usually pull everything with 1 pass and a slight soak. I flood from the top down till some butane starts to run into the pot, i turn my recovery pump off and just let it sit in the column for 5-10 minutes maybe, then i kick the pump/pumps on and watch the stream coming out. depending on the material when my collection pot is about half full is when i can see the stream go clear and i close the tank, flip on my heat mats and recover till about 1/2 inch of liquid, pull out of 70f water to cool and stabilize the liquid butane before i pour it out. If the material is better then 10% ill do 2 passes with a slightly longer soak. With this method i regularly get ~85% THC and 5-10% terps test results from analyitical 360


we do single pass bottom flooding and it works great...we utilize the pressure of a 125# room temp tank pushed thru a heat exchanger and generally do 3x the initial flood time then dump....best way to get a -40c bottom flood for 4" ers to flow. With tank pressure assist it takes about 60-90 seconds to fill a 4" column

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