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C-99 phenos


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my experience is that some jacks(i dom) finish in 50 days< others take 70-75 days (sat dom). if c99 is 99% princess, it means princess came from a i dom jack. i dom does not mean "no haze", it means the pheno is stockier and faster finishing, these c99 i have look exactly like i dom jacks, which is what princess is described to be by the breeder. if people think jh is a pure sative, relating it to princess, they are wrong. jh, to be quick, is a nl/skunk/haze, and its offspring show gnarley variations of the parents, all my peers and i consider the i dom jack sacred, cuz it takes flowering out a whole wack of seeds to find a mom. unlike the real c99 which is a stable i dom jack based on "the breeders" description:) and all these folks talking about phenos??? if its 99% princess, u need to sprout 100 seeds to get a variation??? so what gives?
umm for one, NO ONE KNOWS what princess is! its either a rare sport pheno jack herer f2, or jack hererx unknown, plus nature doesnt work with math like you would think, talk to sam, not what you read on the computer, check
jack is extremely unstable, i thank the gods everyday that someone made a 50 day jack available. sensi seeds says its a multiple hybrid, no where does anyone claim it to be 70 or 80. i have no opinion to argue, just facts im presenting forth. if a jack finishes in 50 days, its leaning toward the nl/skunk in its pedigree, because of its instability, some can go for 75 days. now, what you just said "c99 pheno" is a cantradiction to mr soul. his cross is an f-5 making it stable-99% cindy. there realy is no "leaning" with f-5 or f-6 stable hybrids, hence the name stable. so with that being said, why all the "pheno talk" about c99, its an ibl now

you sir just sealed your idiocy if you believe what you posted about "99% cindy" rez will tell you back crossing a number of times WILL NOT give you all the traits in all phenos, sam the skunkman bred skunk n1 for what, 20-30 years?? ibl enough for you correct? well you better tell sam the skunkman their are no phenos just skunk n1, of course then he would laugh at you because you sir have no idea what your talking about, talkin down to people who have done this for way longer then you, check and score
its still stable, hence the name. ibl is ibl. names like true breeding and ibl were not created for rhetoric, but descriptions. knowledge is suject to the disciple, not the amount of time practicing. those hippies grew with tubes bro and miracle grow, anyone can breed weed, just put them outside. check my albums for forearm sized kush buds. i know tons of oldtimers(grown forever) that still call me for advice to increase yield and potency in their gardens, what does this have to do with c99?


Active member
its still stable, hence the name. ibl is ibl. names like true breeding and ibl were not created for rhetoric, but descriptions. knowledge is suject to the disciple, not the amount of time practicing. those hippies grew with tubes bro and miracle grow, anyone can breed weed, just put them outside. check my albums for forearm sized kush buds. i know tons of oldtimers(grown forever) that still call me for advice to increase yield and potency in their gardens, what does this have to do with c99?

so your saying an ibl has no phenos? well alright then i suggest you tell sam the skunkman his 30 year worked skunk nr1 regarded as the first and most inbredline there is, that it isnt an ibl
has the moon cycle gotten to all you people. ibl means inbred line, which c99 is, read the manuscript. does it mean all future plants are clones, no, but all the characteristics remain the same. skunk #1 is superior for hybridising, but lacks medical quality. there is nothing like the f-1 hybrid vigour of a pot of gold, nl5/sk1, super skunk etc. in my medical community, sk1 isnt even an option for sick and dieing people, its dated, hence my interest in this fast finishing i dominant plant with sativa high. this is my life, my job, not a after work hobby.
iuf there is anyone who has any more info on the c99, i mean real unbiased info, not judgements, condesending accusations or slanders or playground talk, i would be most gratefull.


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ibl means inbred line, which c99 is, read the manuscript.
Not to interrupt but.... wasn't C-99 actually C-94 that was mis-labeled? I can definitely be wrong, but I remember reading that Mr. Soul was looking forward to finishing the project and making Princess available in seed form.

There is no C-99, only C-94. There is no spooooooooon! :D Sorry. :D
fyi. shamans in afgahnistan 10,000 years ago were inbreeding c afgahnica for resin content, so no, sk 1 was not, or maybe it was south africa 30,ooo years ago with the first wall paintings?, either way. skunk man did not invent the wheel, sorry man
dudes, im just quoting the breeder, i have nothing much of my own to say till i flower the best fem i got:) all i have been doing is quoting, are there any academics in the house????
"Jack Herer is an unstable strain bred from an unequal combination of Sk#1, NL#5, and Haze. Crossing a male and female Jack Herer creates an F2 generation which has a HUGE number of possible recombinations of the genes. I grew out some Jack Herer F2s and discovered a SPECIAL one, "Princess", which has many improvements on the original JH such as a shorter flowering time, denser bud structure and pineapple scent/flavour. I have been continually back crossing Princess with her male offspring (generation after generation) which eventually creates a stabilized strain having her special characteristics found reliably in most females grown from those seeds. Each generation is composed of a 50% genetic contribution from Princess (since she's the seed parent) and a 50% contribution from the pollen parent (which also has an increasing percentage of Princess' genetics with each generation). The progression goes: P.50, P.75, P.88, P.94, and P.97...at that point it's considered stabilized (a male and female P.97 can be crossed and the offspring are essentially the same as the parents). I have been VERY pleased with the way this project is going; even the P.75 generation was rather stable in the sense that the individuals were all rather uniform and HIGH quality. ...So, you see, since I have combined genes from Sk#1, NL#5, and Haze, creating a plant which has characteristics distinctly different than Jack Herer, and I'm creating a stable strain from this plant... it's legitimately MY work." -



I cough up honey oil



that guy is a certifiable asshat, the first one I have ever met that I know for sure has earned his asshat badge in real life.

HAHAHAHA, he read some shit and now he is an academic, never mind who has grown the real deal from back in the day, he read about it and he knows more.

certifiable asshat.


Active member
medicine man bc... I think resin_lung just ended the argument.

I can appreciate you sticking to your guns, but sometimes you gotta let it go. Please do make a grow journal for your "C99" as I think we'd all be interested in seeing how it turns out (and for the sake of academia and science, not turn it into another argument but rather keep it analytical and comparative in discussion).

Here are my C99's as they looked through VEG growth, for you to compare to yours. I can see how one might see 'indica' in the fan leaves. Have you ever seen Satori? Satori is a sativas sativa.. but it's fan leaves in Veg are super thick.. that changes in flower. If you really have C99 most of your 'indica traits' will disappear in flower:




my 'pheno variance':


As it starts flowering there is no confusion - sativa sativa sativa:




I got 10 bux that says he says that book is wrong and that his buddy's buddy's roomate in college told him the story so he knows, and he wrote it down so it's in writing and it was published before that book so he is right and the rest of us are just biased. It's a shame he can't talk to people as smart and knowledgeable as he is. Is there anyone out there who can compare? Anyone?

Weedman Herb

If everyone Ignores wannabemed_boy_bc the problem goes away ... or at the very least gives you the choice of seeing the shit that is packed between his ears or Not.


Active member
fyi. shamans in afgahnistan 10,000 years ago were inbreeding c afgahnica for resin content, so no, sk 1 was not, or maybe it was south africa 30,ooo years ago with the first wall paintings?, either way. skunk man did not invent the wheel, sorry man
hahahaha so someone backcrosses like 5 times and inbreeds his plants once, has an ibl, but 30 years of selective breeding = no ibl....
read what mr soul says, dont make petty assumptions then believe them to be facts

i read it, he said sativa high, sativa dominant plant, hmm, you contradict yourself the most, with your, petty assumptions so what is princess then? where does he say its jack herer? he said he found it in jackherer bag he bought in amsterdam!!! its bagseed! how dumb can you be? its either a rare sport f2 pheno, or jack herer x mystery strain that got pollen in the grow room , from the words of mrsoul himself "finishes LIKE an indica, with sativa characteristics" he doesnt say finishes as an indica, he says like, check and score, wanna play again? the score is reasonable people : 10 to you: 0
one story says" ten seeds in a bud", one story says he bred f2 jh and found a keeper. i really appreciate the reference material provided by "lung", ill be filing for sure. other posters should also read what mr soul says about jh. in the second reference i provided. for the record i never said anyone was wrong, this is about analysing a manuscript and gaining understanding, i am not argueing, if anyone could see passed their noses they would see that. as i stated before, im uninterested in unvarifiable hearsay. one guys talking about sk1, another about his personal problems etc. oh, vorsprung, thanks a bunch for the pictures, i realy appreciate them. i agrre with everyone that the plant is sativa dom. but it could be 55-45 s/i. the truth is no one knows, and i admit i dont, thats what im asking and trying to figure out. just cuz someone grew something doesnt mean they migically know 100% its 88%s and 12%i. please quote any of my posts where im disagreeing with anyone, good luck. ive just been quoting mr soul from his words and from my experince, a jh indica pheno finishes in 50 days, i never said there is no sativa in them. has anyone else grown jh(from seed) whos been posting, it doesnt seem like it. just keep making assumptions about everything in life and blame others for your hard feelings. if people want to take things personaly, thats fine, i wont judge, but dont judge me for your assumptions being takin personaly. INFORMATION IS JUST INFORMATION, if you need to get upest with mob mentalities, do it by yourself. i realy appreciate the professional people whom have provided me with enough for my database, respect:)


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Quick quest6ion about c99 and a11 for the experts. I read c99 has some sort of paranoia inducing properties. Is this something true, and do all the phenos have this property? And with a11, does a11 also have this paranoia properties or not? I have some c99 seeds here, and a couple of a11. Would like to find a keeper from them, but dont fancy a paranoia bud particulary. Not sure which would be best. I have grown a11 before and liked it, didnt make me paranoid. Not done c99, so dont know if this tale is true, and if it affects most the plants.
hahahaha so someone backcrosses like 5 times and inbreeds his plants once, has an ibl, but 30 years of selective breeding = no ibl....

i read it, he said sativa high, sativa dominant plant, hmm, you contradict yourself the most, with your, petty assumptions so what is princess then? where does he say its jack herer? he said he found it in jackherer bag he bought in amsterdam!!! its bagseed! how dumb can you be? its either a rare sport f2 pheno, or jack herer x mystery strain that got pollen in the grow room , from the words of mrsoul himself "finishes LIKE an indica, with sativa characteristics" he doesnt say finishes as an indica, he says like, check and score, wanna play again? the score is reasonable people : 10 to you: 0

do you mean selective inbreeding?
he tells 2 stories, and i take with a grain of salt each one, but its the only "real reference" i have, and the og bros grimm f6 seedlings i have.


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the point im trying to bring up with skunk 1 is it has quite a few phenos, and has infact been the first ibl from any polyhybrid, and being the most extensively inbred line there is, while your saying brothers grim backcrossed 5 times and inbred once, and there shouldnt be "phenos" its 99% one plant, the jackherer f2 referance in the story is just his best guess, no one will ever know if it was a jack herer f2 sport pheno, or some very, recessive indica male, that only passed on a flower time in the jack hererx mystery cross

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