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BUSTED, no ryme or reason



That sucks man.

I learned a long time ago that people can't be trusted unless they ALSO have something to lose by revealing your secret.


My son says he's not too worried, it's just a misdemeanor. He completed the FAFSA worksheet the day after he got arrested. Get this- for having 2 empty baggies (with a little residue) and about an eighth of weed, they got ticketed for possession and the 3 of them had to spend the night in jail for this. WTF? Since when do you have to spend the night in jail for a misdemeanor? This country is so fu%&ed up!


treewizard, TroubleGuy, rmcc-luke, and PastorJ;
Thank you so much for your support.
It feels good to have so many of you pullin' for me. There's no better place than here to talk to people who understand and are willing to risk it all to do what makes us happy.:)


WTF? Since when do you have to spend the night in jail for a misdemeanor? This country is so fu%&ed up![/QUOTE]

I think about this all the time and couldn't agree more.
I'm glad your son's gonna be alright. Hopefully it's a wake-up call for him and he'll be a little more careful from now on.
Best of luck to you and yours.


Active member
snitched out by someone w/ nothing to gain, but some kind of twisted sense of right and wrong- aka power-trip.
Or maybe it was jealousy? I'll never know.
facing 5, pretty devastated:wallbash:
i feel you is this your first offense im on pins an needles trying to get thru my first grow what city you in you might only have to do a couple out of the 5

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Man, best of luck bro, what a terrible scenario. I totally feel like we are in such similar situations, although I have a much smaller grow in terms of numbers. I can totally see them inflating numbers if I was into cloning alot or breeding tho, and like you said, all they want is to make a name for themselves and protect their interests - Pharmaceutical companies. Tell your wife she is a wonderful woman, and some of us are proud of her for her support, even though we don't know you or her..Great woman you got!
I can't believe some stoners on here chastising you and they are so hypocritical, would probably divorce you if they were your wife, I am appalled at some of the responses in the beginning of the thread from some ICmaggers, coming from growers none the less. ugh.

whether for medical or recreational, or religious or whatever reason we see fit. We should be free to use this amazing plant for everything it has to offer.
That's the bottom line my friends.:2cents:

Exactly, but more so, who has the authority to tell someone that they aren't using it for "medicinal" purposes..I'm guessing the idiots who start up the med vs Rec beef are jealous of states who have med laws, it's PURE jealousy, because emotional alterations are considered medical, but some lame ass stoner on here thinks that he decides that if he uses Cannabis 3 or 4 times a day he is using it recreationally, WTF, people are clueless about quality of life.

Did anyone here realize people take Camomille tea MEDICINALLY to sleep and for digestion? OH, sorry, they are liars and use it Recreationally right? ...STUPIDEST argument ever..


Exactly, but more so, who has the authority to tell someone that they aren't using it for "medicinal" purposes..I'm guessing the idiots who start up the med vs Rec beef are jealous of states who have med laws, it's PURE jealousy, because emotional alterations are considered medical, but some lame ass stoner on here thinks that he decides that if he uses Cannabis 3 or 4 times a day he is using it recreationally, WTF, people are clueless about quality of life.

Did anyone here realize people take Camomille tea MEDICINALLY to sleep and for digestion? OH, sorry, they are liars and use it Recreationally right? ...STUPIDEST argument ever..

My only argument with rec vs med is that there shouldn't be a difference. It should be allowed for everyone, not just for certain people with certain conditions in certain states in our country... That's just a dumb way to do it. People do lie to get their cards, some people on here even admit doing so, and that's their choice. I'm of the opinion that our government is aware of it being done and is trying to make it harder for them, but in doing so is actually making it harder for EVERYONE.

I wish all that bullshit would stop and they'd just see how harmless it is to let people get high. Fuck man, people get drunk and DESTROY their livers legally. People smoke cigarettes and destroy their lungs among other things - legally. But when it comes to smoking some weed, feeling happy, relaxed and sometimes concentrating better without damaging any part of your body, it's illegal.

The continued demonizing of marijuana is what makes a lot of us distrust the government. In our day to day lives if someone gives us a reason not to trust them about one thing, we will usually doubt how truthful they are about other things too...right? Well, the same fact applies to government - although ours has given us all hundreds, if not thousands of reasons in the past couple years alone to not trust them.

I'm convinced marijuana is, in fact, a gateway drug - a gateway to an open mind - and that's why our government is afraid of it.

A little off topic I suppose but discussion is what forums are for.. :joint:
Sorry to hear this

Sorry to hear this

Another victim of our criminal system. Sorry to hear all this. This will pass, at times it will really suck, but you will get through this crap. History is on our side and all this anti marijuana nonsense will change.


i feel you is this your first offense im on pins an needles trying to get thru my first grow what city you in you might only have to do a couple out of the 5

I dont want to mention what city and state i'm in, for obvious reasons.
Yes, it's my first offence, no criminal record.


Man, best of luck bro, what a terrible scenario. I totally feel like we are in such similar situations, although I have a much smaller grow in terms of numbers. I can totally see them inflating numbers if I was into cloning alot or breeding tho, and like you said, all they want is to make a name for themselves and protect their interests - Pharmaceutical companies. Tell your wife she is a wonderful woman, and some of us are proud of her for her support, even though we don't know you or her..Great woman you got!
I can't believe some stoners on here chastising you and they are so hypocritical, would probably divorce you if they were your wife, I am appalled at some of the responses in the beginning of the thread from some ICmaggers, coming from growers none the less. ugh.

Thank you so much for this post. I appreciate the kind words you mentioned about my wife. She has been fully supportive from the first seed i sowed, and would never put blame on me regardless of the outcome.


TroubleGuy; The continued demonizing of marijuana is what makes a lot of us distrust the government. In our day to day lives if someone gives us a reason not to trust them about one thing said:
a gateway to an open mind[/B] - and that's why our government is afraid of it.

A little off topic I suppose but discussion is what forums are for.. :joint:

The fact that the hippocracy of prohibition is still tolerated is so disheartening. In the world we live in, greed is more important than people's health and happiness. I don't understand the U.S. any more.
It's bad enough the way were treated as citizens but the fact that so many other countries around the world follow our lead is just embarrasing. It's hard to be proud of your country when they want to take your freedom away for profit.
Yes I broke the law, but it's an immoral law so i feel that i am a victim and all of this is wrong.
They can label me as a criminal all they want but i know the truth, and that, is that i'm a good person who has always tried to do the right thing and not hurt anyone.
It's sad that i'm probably going to have to do time for such a victimless crime, but it will never change my views on things.


I have a feeling that that individual has no real sense of right and wrong and just likes to feel like they do. I know someone like that too. This person is a compulsive liar, and it's not like he's lying to start drama or for any other reason, he fucks up doin shit he knows he shouldn't be doing (and especially shit that pisses people off around him) and then lies to cover his ass. He also has this thing where he expects people to help him cover his ass and then tries to pull his little power trip shit when he thinks he can get off on people. He doesn't really fuck with me because he knows what I would do to him if he ever got froggy.

Is this post directed at me?
no offense, but i have no idea WTF your talking about.
please explain without all the vague remarks.


Hey everyone,
I haven't posted anything for quite a while because there hasn't been anything new to talk about. I'm just being as patient as possible, waiting to see what my fate's gonna be. There has been a bunch of continuances from the court side of things. I don't know why they make it take so long, but I'm at the point that i just want it over with.
It's really hard not being able to smoke. I think that's one of the worst things about all of this, besides knowing that i have time to serve in my near future. Anyway, it won't be long now till my sentencing, so at least i'll know what i'm up against soon.
I'll be sure to let you guy's know what happens. Till then, stay safe guy's and best of luck with your grow's.
All I can say is good luck bud.

I was raided and extremely close to the same boat you are in right now, I was tipped off and had an afternoon to dispose of everything, and I came out on top.

Read the whole thread and I wish you the best of luck, never stop fighting for what you believe is right, no matter what the law-makers of this backwards ass country say is right or wrong. Take care.
dude needs his ass beat who snitched. u need to install fear in this guy ..where i live this guy would pay with his life ...im telling u right now i dont give a fuck if it was the pope. i would be kicking someones ass for not minding thier own 1st and 2nd for taking me away from my wife and kids over a plant that is medicine not a drug.just my thoughts tell me really whats so criminal bout growing a plant? not a thang sorry for my rant snitches just make me sick ....... i would get this guy one way or another in a couple of yrs let shit die down for while and strike like a ninja from the shadows or they will get ya for premeditated make sure its after the case lol
assualt or wtfe they can trump up. like i said real thing is your leaving your family over plants .not ,a crime a plant .if he snitches on u he will snitch on anyone .first spread the word like wildfire he snitched get your police report for proof to his friends and yours if u guys know each other ruin him to where no one will fuck with him at all on anylevel 2nd he must be silenced some how (not killed) before it cost him his life or his familys. so this needs to be a learning experiance for him .because the next time ppl might not be so nice....not everyone is gunna let shit fly like this and i dont think it was jealousy unless he smokes and u had some killer plants going on ? but why with the internet at every public library hes got the same access u do to info ? i say this guy has a ego problem and part of it is a power trip cuz in reality hes a softy
(no back bone ,u know a jellyfish mofo. hes probably a nobody where u guys live?) so he used blackmail this time and his victim happend to be u...just my thoughts whatever happens my prayers and best wishes to you and your family through the whole mess

assualt is a misdemenor where i live ussally dropped to disorderaly conduct 50$ fine and court cost with public pretender. the 50$ be worth it to me


Active member
just take your shoes off before you kick himn in the face or its assualt w a deadly weapon.....Good luck brother! serving time has made some of the kids i know much better in the end.....learn and move on.