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bust in small town america.


Active member
i am very familliar with this area but not with whoever's grow this was. iv always wanted to go out there and check for spots. please leave some polite but helpful/ factual comments on that news papers website if you can. i pointed out that those are all unsexed seedlings and prolly half would be chucked. and that they will not be ready in 90-120 days they will be ready in the fall. because its a fing plant not some drug pill you put in the ground and then 9 million in drugs just pops out in 90-120 days.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
9 million for seeds... eh... i need to get into this million dollar grow thing.... so all i have to do is pop 1000 seeds... and ill have 9 mil? im on it.... watch out people ill be so rich soon..... -=]
That is so infuriating to read.

Sometimes I wonder why people struggle in life so much. It's relatively easy to get some scratch in this country in my opinion, and I often feel guilt for having a nest egg.

Then I read a story written by a grown-ass man with a college education. The story tells of a few seeds equating to a massive- and dangerous- "eradication" of "drugs." The "eradication" was also "conducted" by grown men who vote and have homes and reproduce. This is what these people spend their lives doing. It's then that I realize I deserve everything I have, and that the average American has an intellectual capacity so low that they barely manage to avoid killing themselves with cheeseburgers and Skittles.

I feel better now.


Active member
Major Marijuana Grow Found In Warm Springs
April 13th, 2011 | Author: vrobison

Lt. Troy Tanner of the Mesquite Police Dept. looks over a marijuana bedding area that was part of a pot farm discovered in the Warm Springs area of Moapa.
By Mike Donahue
Moapa Valley Progress

A major marijuana-growing operation hidden on Bureau of Land Management property in the Warm Springs area of Moapa was eradicated last week by a task force of federal, state and local law enforcement officers.
When discovered around the middle of March, the pot “farm” consisted of five bedding areas holding thousands of marijuana seedlings that at maturity would have been worth an estimated $9 million in street sales, according to Lt. Troy Tanner of the Mesquite Police Department, the task force spokesman. Each bedding area consisted of hundreds of soil-filled, 16-ounce plastic cups into which several marijuana plants had been started.
Although authorities originally believed the value of the operation would have netted the growers about $1.6 million, during eradication officers discovered each bedding area contained significantly more seedlings than first had been seen increasing its estimated value to $9 million.
Nevada Department of Investigation (NDI) officers who participated in the raid on the farm, located off Salt Brush Lane near the Muddy River, said it had all the hallmarks of several similar growing operations discovered in recent months and years throughout the Western U.S. that were linked to Mexican drug cartels. The local site is the fourth such growing area discovered within a 20-mile radius in the last year or so, according to raid participants.
The Warm Springs farm was first discovered when residents alerted a local law enforcement official after seeing unfamiliar men on ATV’s carrying shovels coming and going into the area. The local official notified a Mesquite-based drug task force known as the Southern Area Interdiction Narcotics Team (SAINT) which began conducting ground and air surveillance. SAINT is made up of officers from the NDI and Mesquite Police Department.

Marijuana, planted in 16-ounce cups, would have been allowed to grow until it was ready to be transplanted into a major marijuana farm covering three to five acres in Warm Springs.
An initial surreptitious recon of the area revealed the marijuana nursery plots, an extensive irrigation system that had been constructed to pump water from the Muddy River and a vast number of individual planting spots into which the seedlings would have been transplanted when they were 6 to 12 inches tall to continue growing.
Nearly every planting hole had been equipped with a drip line. Between three and five acres would have eventually been under cultivation by the growers, Tanner said.
“Depending on the water, the fertilizer and plant care, it would have been between 90 to 120 days to harvest,” he said.
Law enforcement officers pulled back after the initial inspection of the site in hopes of catching the growers at work. A subsequent recon, however, revealed the seedlings had been neglected and were dying leading officers to believe the site had been abandoned, Tanner said.
“Once the story started to leak out, we think a lot of the people who live out here (in the Warm Springs area) knew what was going on and would go in to check it out,” one officer said. “The growers probably started getting antsy and deserted the area.”
The pot growing operation was extremely labor-intensive, an investigator said.
The BLM property is criss-crossed with trails that wind through thick, thorn-laden mesquite, acacia and quail brush trees . All tools, all equipment, had to be carried in. As the growers prepared the cultivated beds, they would clear the ground of unwanted thorny brush and scrub and pile it on trails in an attempt to block access to their farm.
“That’s (brush blockades) a major warning sign that something’s going on in an area,” one officer said. “It’s important that when people see something like this, when they realize that something like this is going on, they stay out of the area. Just alert the authorities. These growers are armed and they generally won’t hesitate to shoot. There have been actual shootouts with law enforcement officers.”
Some 110 plants were collected from the bedding sites to be analyzed and used in any possible prosecution. Anything over 1,000 plants makes it a federal offense and officers estimated this site held approximately 9,000 plants.
“This looks small now because of the size of the seedlings, but it has a major potential,” an officer said. “This is considered a major ‘grow.’”
In addition to SAINT, other agencies involved last week included the BLM, Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Additionally, the Moapa Tribal Police Department and local Bureau of Indian Affairs officers had input into the raid.
Posted in Front Page, Local News


Recovering UO addict.
yep that's how most outdoor growers do it....throw out a few handfuls of seeds and count their 9 mils 90-120 days later.

god these cops and reporters are a joke. :laughing:

edit: this almost makes me want to count my seeds and see how many 100's of millions of dollars I have sitting on the shelf!


As a legal grower who has had previous experience with law enforcement I just have to wonder. Can I sell them my meds at their price? Please? I'll fuckin deliver


Green is Gold
Look at that shitty soil the seedlings were in. Looks like they planted in straight sand or something


I love my life
Anything over 1,000 plants makes it a federal offense and officers estimated this site held approximately 9,000 plants.
“This looks small now because of the size of the seedlings, but it has a major potential,” an officer said. “This is considered a major ‘grow.’”
In addition to SAINT, other agencies involved last week included the BLM, Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Additionally, the Moapa Tribal Police Department and local Bureau of Indian Affairs officers had input into the raid.
Posted in Front Page, Local News

Well good news is that apparently less than 1,000 plants and the feds don't want to know about Nevada grows.

Also look at how much fucking money was wasted by state agencies for ZERO fucking return to the state. If it was on federal land why the fuck would state or Indian pigs give two flying fucks?



senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
I'm sure they will weigh the cups and charge him with 4,000 lbs.


We are Farmers
So the first time they looked at the seedling beds they saw 1.6 million in marijuana plants but a few days later they go to bust it and now there is more than five times as many that they did not see the first time? How fucking incompetent are they that they miscounted by a factor of five?

Red Fang

Active member
true the cops probably way over estimated the number of plants and their yield potential. But let's be reasonable here, we are talking $ 1000 a plant. You telling me you can't get $ 1000 worth off of one plant? At 250 that's 4 ounces! A mature female can produce many times that amount. I feel for anyone busted for growing this plant, but with those kind of numbers in a border state, there likely was Mexican gang involvement.

edit: I realized now they said the site was probably abandoned and those plants look like they need intensive care. Within a week, most or all would be dead from the looks of it. But unfortunately that is not how they measure these things.


And while the cops spent a month surveilling this grow in the south valley. Three grows were successfully planted in the north valley. The cops exaggerate and sensationalize these things so they can go to the feds and say we need more cars and equipment. We are being over run with dope growers. The little town will end up with a SWAT unit. I wonder how many of the 1000 plants kept will be grown out and by whom? Maybe the tribal police and council? The media spews the laws tirades because they are full of drama and sensationalism. And that's what gets the news wires to pick up stories and thus makes the local media money. They want these huge grows and syndicates gone. Then legalize it.

Darth Fader

That is so infuriating to read.

Sometimes I wonder why people struggle in life so much. It's relatively easy to get some scratch in this country in my opinion, and I often feel guilt for having a nest egg.

Then I read a story written by a grown-ass man with a college education. The story tells of a few seeds equating to a massive- and dangerous- "eradication" of "drugs." The "eradication" was also "conducted" by grown men who vote and have homes and reproduce. This is what these people spend their lives doing. It's then that I realize I deserve everything I have, and that the average American has an intellectual capacity so low that they barely manage to avoid killing themselves with cheeseburgers and Skittles.

I feel better now.

LOL, I like your style brother. That was hilarious!


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Close, but no cigar.

Close, but no cigar.

Look at that shitty soil the seedlings were in. Looks like they planted in straight sand or something

That is sand, noobian.
Looks like there may be diatomaceous earth in it too.

It's used to tops-off the soil to keep Fungus gnats from laying eggs.
And the D. E. shreds their larvae.

It also cracks at the surface when it's time to water so that chimps can tend them for you.

And the smart ones do not pile brush on the trails.
That is a sure way to attract attention.

Hmm, how can we best screw with both sides of this stupidity?

I suggest we collect 9 million seeds ea. and rent planes this spring.

Once all the federal lands are carpeted with Cannabis it will be a very different ball game, yah?:sasmokin:

Green it up, y'all!


Active member

That is sand, noobian.
Looks like there may be diatomaceous earth in it too.

It's used to tops-off the soil to keep Fungus gnats from laying eggs.
And the D. E. shreds their larvae.

It also cracks at the surface when it's time to water so that chimps can tend them for you.

And the smart ones do not pile brush on the trails.
That is a sure way to attract attention.

Hmm, how can we best screw with both sides of this stupidity?

I suggest we collect 9 million seeds ea. and rent planes this spring.

Once all the federal lands are carpeted with Cannabis it will be a very different ball game, yah?:sasmokin:

Green it up, y'all!

seed bombs ftw

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