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Bullying victim strikes back...amazing video

Bullying victim strikes back...amazing video

  • YES

    Votes: 28 84.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 5 15.2%

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Active member
I have been bullied many times in life because I'm a small guy with a loud mouth that no amount of force will shut up.

The first time was in 3rd grade when I moved to Alabama from Arizona, and got a huge culture shock. This one kid Neil used to always pick on me and one time I was bent over putting some books in my desk and he pushed my face down into my chair and made me bump my head. I remember being instantly filled with rage and I pushed him as hard as I could, backwards over his desk which tipped over with him on it and broke his hand. Then I remember the teacher and principal both yelling at me and acting like I was the bad kid. I fucking hated that backwards ass redneck school.

The next time was at a different school when this one kid Chris would pick on me. Finally one day he got on top on me on the soccer field and trying to punch me but I gave him a bloody nose. After that the guy never bothered me again and we were even friends.

Another time this little bitch kept pinching me really hard, enough to leave bruises. Finally I got sick of it and punched her in the eye. No problems after that..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I think everyone gets a bit bullied every once in a while especially when younger. my dad taught me to box but I was a real lightweight and some people underestimated my abilities.

one day a good friend of mine 'Greg' was being taunted and pushed around for being who he was, a student w/a seriously bad speech impediment. when I saw it was 3 on 1 and near the marble stairs I jumped into the mix. the biggest guy 'Chip' (a jock/prick) was closest to me as I came out of nowhere (I don't give fair warning you're gonna get hurt) I gave him a huge shove, he hit the wall & the 3rd or 5th step down on his way to the bottom of the stairs and the hospital (out cold! concussion), prick #2 'Larry' was punched & kicked by me a couple of times before he decided to run down the stairs which he fell down on his own in his hasty retreat; asswipe #3 ran when he found himself suddenly having to fend for himself.

Chips father a filthy rich WASP type made a big stink about it, I was about to be suspended and Greg too when Gregs father stepped into the picture, suddenly all was forgiven. Gregs father was big in the mafia; big enough that he got the job to pour the concrete for the '74/'75 Yankee Stadium renovations. I have no idea what Mr B told the principal and Chips dad but 2 things always happened thereafter; Chip NEVER looked me or Greg in the eyes ever again, he always averted his eyes and the principal called me & Greg by our Mr/Surnames from that day on when we met.

A bunch of years prior my dad had befriended Mr B so our families were very close, holiday visits, vacations together etc, I guess we all watched out for one another in the old days. I didn't realize how much it meant to Mr B to have someone defend his son, it's what you do for a friend. Mr B repaid me in kind many times over.


Buddy Holly

how is that bullying, gingerale? please enlighten me. my post isnt bullying in the least and if you think it is you never been bullied for real and you are soft as shit.

I have been bullied many times in life because I'm a small guy with a loud mouth that no amount of force will shut up.

typical. napolean complex. guys like you want to play the victim like you got bullied without acknowledging that it was you running your mouth to someone who is more physically capable than you are. what do you expect the other person to do? just let you run your mouth because "no force" will shut you up? keep thinking that and you will catch one to the chest one of these days. that will be enough force, trust me.

take a jui jitsui class or spar with a boxer. take some shots or get choked out a couple times and then maybe you'll get humbled to the reality that you aren't the end all be all and then maybe you will get rid of that piss poor attitude that keeps getting you "bullied". and more importantly, you will start to train at a discipline that might allow you to defend yourself. then maybe you wont be such an easy target.

everyone gets bullied at some point or another. to make a big deal of it is just silly. unless one of you was bullied for your sexual preference or your skin color, something you cant change or have any control over. someone in grade school pinching you is not bullying, its a dumb kid being a dumb kid and you being a drama queen about it.

if you are small and cocky then you have no sympathy from me because you get your ass beat.

Buddy Holly

I was bullied when I was in the 6th grade, this girl took a hatin to me for reasons I still dont know. She wanted to fight with me all the time, I just tried to avoid her and not be alone with her. We moved away soon after and I never had to see her again. Not a good feeling being afraid someone was going to hurt you.

damn mrs babba im sorry to hear that. thanks for sharing, though. now these dudes in this thread can see what real bullying sounds like.

and that girl probably did that because she thought you were prettier than her or a guy she liked had a crush on you. something lame like that :)


Active member
usually i got bullied by someone for about 1-3 months, then i lost my temper.

some people need to have the shit beaten out of them very severely, i need some time to get angry enough to oblige.

having said that, bullies are just people, in latter years i usually succeeded to joke the bullies down, calming the situation, occasionally though, one or 2 needed to have the fear of god put into them. (unfortunetly/fortunetly i have berserker genes. explosive anger that takes away consciousness, lets just say a few times as a kid i woke up to someone crying through their blood, kinda makes you careful of your anger.)

my philosophy today is, "if you like to hurt, you like to get hurt."

though like i say, i give a lot of chances not to get hurt, when i get pissed, i tend to pick up guys and slam them against the wall till they pass out.

edit : it rarely has gotten to that stage, usually its enough to just look at them, if im angry, seeing my eyes angry, well, people tend to talk about it for years.

Green lung

Active member
Another time this little bitch kept pinching me really hard, enough to leave bruises. Finally I got sick of it and punched her in the eye. No problems after that..


She wanted to do the no pants dance my friend........you're clueless:laughing:



cant re Member
as I already said you have the right to think and feel what you think and feel, but your firm handle is and will always only be an interpretation, and in this situation, this interpretation is an opinion based on what you read on your monitor

if you were not there in MY experience, how can you have a firm handle on it?

if you think you CAN then you are not making a distinction between your interpretation and MY experienced that I wrote about in my post.

...and in the end, why does it matter to you so much that you would come into a thread and write that I'm lying about what happened?

You trying to be a bully :laughing:

i dont think you were bullied. it was just your interpretation of it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i dont think you were bullied. it was just your interpretation of it.

that's a very intuitive observation. a lot of people that are being bullied are at first just forgiving and tolerant of their bully, some may not realize or feel like they're being bullied to begin with. it then empowers the bully and escalates the intensity/frequency/momentum of the attacks, too often by the time the victim wants/needs it to stop it's become an obstacle needing outside influences.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I love the anti-bullying campaign. It is fixing the problem of people being predatory pieces of shit from the ground up. cops will be nice eventually if this works.

I bet it is all b.s. though, just like the self esteem movement. To fix the bullying problem they are gonna have to tackle more than they can handle. Like many kids are bullies at school because they are bullied at home.



Kiss My Ring
been bullied and been a bully.

that body slam was incredibly telling, no matter when the fuck it was posted.

now, who hasn't been abused somehow?

6 years old and trapped in a hospital. parents can't stay. lonely and scared. they cut me open. it hurt. they made me do things and took pictures. was a months long stay there. i've never recovered.


Active member
thats the thing, nobody does that shit without life (other people.) having fucked them in some way.

they were Educated by the world. (other people.)


A friend of mine who is about 6'5", but looks rather nerdy was out at a bar with a couple of his other nerdy friends (i am a nerd also :) ) , having a couple of drinks etc.

As the live music was playing, one of the friends was dancing around in a reterded nerdy style inbetween other people dancing and he accidently bumped into a couple slightly.
The man said 'watch where the f*ck you are dancing', so the friend apologised graciously, and they kept on dancing....
After a little bit, the couple slightly bumped into 'the friend' a second time, and this time the man squared up and started verbally abusing the timid friend who was apologising, even though it wasn't really his fault....
So, my 6'5" glasses wearing nerdy friend walked up and tried to calm the man down, who in turn threw a haymaker at him, which missed LOL, and then got Knocked the f*ck out with 1 punch from the glasses wearing hero :)
Which attracted attention from the tough guys buddy who came charging in, wailing 'i'll f*cking kick you're ass you dopey f*ck', before also being Knocked the f*ck out himself with another single punch. LOL again.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
some one punch bullies going down.......



not a 1 punch bully video this one's from Black Gold, big dude paid hard!!!


Here's one more bully getting his ass kicked hard, I count at least 8 shots to the melon each one rockin' his world a bit more than the last.

Last edited:


A friend of mine who is about 6'5", but looks rather nerdy was out at a bar with a couple of his other nerdy friends (i am a nerd also :) ) , having a couple of drinks etc.

As the live music was playing, one of the friends was dancing around in a reterded nerdy style inbetween other people dancing and he accidently bumped into a couple slightly.
The man said 'watch where the f*ck you are dancing', so the friend apologised graciously, and they kept on dancing....
After a little bit, the couple slightly bumped into 'the friend' a second time, and this time the man squared up and started verbally abusing the timid friend who was apologising, even though it wasn't really his fault....
So, my 6'5" glasses wearing nerdy friend walked up and tried to calm the man down, who in turn threw a haymaker at him, which missed LOL, and then got Knocked the f*ck out with 1 punch from the glasses wearing hero :)
Which attracted attention from the tough guys buddy who came charging in, wailing 'i'll f*cking kick you're ass you dopey f*ck', before also being Knocked the f*ck out himself with another single punch. LOL again.

What an interesting dream..... 2x 1 punch knockouts from a tall skinny nerd. Mm hmm.


What an interesting dream..... 2x 1 punch knockouts from a tall skinny nerd. Mm hmm.

I know it sounds unlikely, but unlikely things can and do happen :comfort:

He is tall but not skinny, and also a martial artist, but just doesn't look or dress the part.

2 mashed and bloody noses to be more accurate, not 2 K.O's.
:rtfo: :bigeye:


lives on planet 4:20

I think everyone gets a bit bullied every once in a while especially when younger. my dad taught me to box but I was a real lightweight and some people underestimated my abilities.

one day a good friend of mine 'Greg' was being taunted and pushed around for being who he was, a student w/a seriously bad speech impediment. when I saw it was 3 on 1 and near the marble stairs I jumped into the mix. the biggest guy 'Chip' (a jock/prick) was closest to me as I came out of nowhere (I don't give fair warning you're gonna get hurt) I gave him a huge shove, he hit the wall & the 3rd or 5th step down on his way to the bottom of the stairs and the hospital (out cold! concussion), prick #2 'Larry' was punched & kicked by me a couple of times before he decided to run down the stairs which he fell down on his own in his hasty retreat; asswipe #3 ran when he found himself suddenly having to fend for himself.

Chips father a filthy rich WASP type made a big stink about it, I was about to be suspended and Greg too when Gregs father stepped into the picture, suddenly all was forgiven. Gregs father was big in the mafia; big enough that he got the job to pour the concrete for the '74/'75 Yankee Stadium renovations. I have no idea what Mr B told the principal and Chips dad but 2 things always happened thereafter; Chip NEVER looked me or Greg in the eyes ever again, he always averted his eyes and the principal called me & Greg by our Mr/Surnames from that day on when we met.

A bunch of years prior my dad had befriended Mr B so our families were very close, holiday visits, vacations together etc, I guess we all watched out for one another in the old days. I didn't realize how much it meant to Mr B to have someone defend his son, it's what you do for a friend. Mr B repaid me in kind many times over.

damn...S4L...you did a Bruce Lee on them pricks

guess you might have even saved their lives because if Mr.B got to them first (especially if they hurt his son) they might all have been under that stadium mixed in with the concrete


lives on planet 4:20
i can have a firm handle on my interpretation of things because of intuition and information. you know, the rational way of figuring things out.

no matter how firm of a handle you have on your interpretation, if you were NOT there, all you are doing is making an assumption, and NOT figuring things out.

in the end, it doesnt matter to me. thats the wrong word, matter. i didnt come into this thread specifically to call you a liar. i stumbled on the thread based on the title, i wanted to see this "amazing video" and instead saw an old ass news story that anyone with net connection already saw a long time ago.

I'm sure many folks on here didn't see it...like me, and even if they did see it, it was such a killer slam, what's wrong with seeing it again?

and then i saw your 2nd post which just cracked me up because of how utterly banal it was. why would this guy write such a bullshit post? i mean, even if it were true you couldnt prove it so why bother other than to pat yourself on the back? equally lame.

...lol...I was sharing my experience. I was bullied at 12, and I know how it feels when you have to hide from someone that is bigger than you and that you're afraid of.

what's wrong with patting oneself on the back?

you seemed to be tangled up in your mind bro, so many assumptions being made

Are you going to go around different threads in here saying that someone is lying because they can't prove it?

well guess what...99.9% of the stuff on here can't be proven that it is the person that did that or grew something

this kind of approach is the fast track to getting banned, it's actually called trolling...and it's against TOU

you still didnt answer my Q... why would you lie about it?

that situation happened in my life

you want me to lie to you so that you feel better?

just live with that you don't know what happened because you were not there, and if you don't believe me, it's enough to say it once

but you posted multiple times accusing me of lying

and if you think this is bullying you probably dont get out much.

i think it's trolling, but it doesn't really effect me, it's just that it's a pain in the ass having to write over and over that it happened and trying to make you grasp that you are assuming something that you simply don't know since you were not there


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