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Buenos NEW 150w HPS Tent Grow

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Day 37 Chemmy Jones 1


Day 37 Deadhead OG


Day 37 Jack Creek


Day 37 Lavender


Platinum Kush


Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Gave the girls a nice compost tea tonight. Figured I would take the above pics for your viewing pleasures. I know how you freaks are with bud porn. :woohoo:

Random twistie ties in the pics mark buds and branches that were pollinated with the Chemmy Jones 2 pollen.

Got a little carried away on the Blackberry looks like there will be over 100 seeds on her alone lol


Lol I was just thinking to myself "it's probably getting close to another BT update soon" then BAM, it's up. Awesome stuff.

That Sugar Kush has phenomenal resin production! Never seen anything quite like it. Looks like it would put you on your ass just smelling it. The White looks like it will be done pretty soon too. Have you had a look at the trichomes up close mate?


Senior Member
looking good benuo! our ladies are 5 days apart so we will be harvesting around the same time! the White looks real stellar!

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Lol I was just thinking to myself "it's probably getting close to another BT update soon" then BAM, it's up. Awesome stuff.

That Sugar Kush has phenomenal resin production! Never seen anything quite like it. Looks like it would put you on your ass just smelling it. The White looks like it will be done pretty soon too. Have you had a look at the trichomes up close mate?

Ya thats pretty funny about the update.

The Sugar Kush is very frosty but the buds are really small on it right now. Its not chunking up as fast as some of the others are so far but its also the only one that I topped. The smell is pure sweet smelling kushyness (sugar). Not fruity just has a very sweet kushy smell. This was one of my favorites that I got to sample before I got the cuts from my buddy.

looking good benuo! our ladies are 5 days apart so we will be harvesting around the same time! the White looks real stellar!

Ya last night I posted pics of her in the strains and hybrids section and I got confirmation it is indeed a legitimate cut of The White.

Looking good here Bueno Time! :pimp3: But what's up with the bags around your pots?
Keep up the great work. :ying:

they're really beautiful bueno :)
UP for specialed question btw ;-)

Thanks guys its going real well considering the issues this round.

The bags are around the pots because of the fuckin root aphids I have this round. Keeps them from crawling around and pooping out clones and keeps the adult winged RAs from flying and landing on the buds and laying eggs.

If it wasnt for the bags this round would be fucked. A couple weeks ago I noticed like 5-6 "fliers" stuck on the Lavender sugar leaves that had shit out a couple eggs but they got stuck in the trichs too. I picked them off by hand and put that LAV outdoor to avoid any further contamination in the tent. It worked and outdoor it is doing well they dont infest the buds when they have more area to go out in search of food but its so dry here in the desert that I think they mostly died off outdoor.

They are still in the root zones of the bagged plants but the numbers have drastically reduced since I put the bags around the root zones.

The RAs got real bad in the veg tent so unfortunately to limit their food sources and plants to treat, I killed off all the mothers and clones but kept a mother of The White and Blackberry Kush and hit those with Bayer Fruit, Citrus & Vegetable at 20mL or 4 teaspoons per gallon of water. Havent seen any RAs since in the veg room. Im going to hit the mothers with some Spectracide Triazicide at 10mL or 2 teaspoons per gallon too and then maybe one more dose of the Bayer to make sure the fuckers are gone.

The Imidacloprid in the Bayer is a systemic pesticide and its really hardcore shit I didnt want to use it but I had to you can not use it in flower since it goes systemic in the plant and even moves to new growth and will stay in the plant for anywhere form a month to 2 or more months depending on dosage and other factors.

The Imid goes systemic in the plants and even moves to new growth and anything that tries to feed off the plant dies. This is really the only way to get rid of RAs. Theres a couple other things you can try but they cost hundreds of dollars (Met52). The way the life cycle of these hell spawn is the systemic will continue to kill off any clones they shit out or eggs that hatch and try to feed will die off as well. Otherwise you can hit em with a contact pesticide but it doesnt do any good they just come back since they only require 1 RA to make babies they shit out clones of themselves they dont breed in pairs and the fliers shit out eggs that hatch and shit out live clones of themselves.

Horrible little bugs they destroyed the majority of vineyards in France around the 1900s and even gave hell to the Irish infesting and feeding off of their potato crops. Until Bayer developed the Imidacloprid to kill the fuckers. Atleast thats what I read in my many hours of research on these assholes.

Its safe to use on vegging plants and mothers that you dont plan to flower right away I plan to give the mothers/any cuts I take off them a month of veg before flowering and the systemic should long gone by early flower and wont be in the plant tissues of the buds at harvest time.

Basically in flower there is nothing you can do to kill the RAs so I chose to contain them with the bags rather than scrap the round and hit the mothers with Imid and let them veg for a while and then flower. I need some buds I have been out for over 3 weeks now and glad I didnt toss the plants because all things being said they look great considering the RAs this round.

I honestly hope none of you ever get RAs they are so much worse than even the dreaded spidermites which I had on some of the clones I got (mostly on the Sugar Kush they seemed to love that strain). They were fairly easy to kill off with 3-4 applications of Organocide since I hit them when they were tiny clones and didnt have a lot of leaves for the mites to hide and breed on. Not so easy with the RAs...

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
I might try leaving a little lower growth on some of the flowering girls after harvest and hit them with the Bayer and Spectracide and see if I can get them to reveg. Depends on how I feel when the time comes.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Hows that chemmy Jones smell so far into flowering? Also what's the genotype of Jack Creek?

Starting to get the dank earthy smell to it.

The Jack Creek is a cross a buddy of my buddy I got the clones from made on accident. Jack Herer x Salmon Creek Big Bud

The salmon creek is a unique phenotype of the original Sensi Big Bud I believe.

Big buds of pure jack herer smelling and tasting that beautiful piney melony haze.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Great idea about the bags! Nice pics.

Thank you

I was going to use panty hose but figured the tiny crawlers would maybe able to get through the mesh so I just used plastic shopping bags and pulled the handles around the main stems and then back around to the other side and tied them up.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Just transplanted the WHT and BB mothers from beer cups about 3-4 days ago and they have taken off. Still vegging under 1 42w daylight CFL. LSTd them after the pic.


Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Day 28 PK (Hit with some CJ2 pollen 2-3 days ago no signs of pollination yet might hit it again with another little sprinkle.)


Day 43 BB (One of the pregnant buds on the right)


Day 43 BB


Day 43 CJ1


Day 43 DHOG


Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
So far looking like The White, both Lavenders, Platinum Kush, and Blackberry Kush are coming down at 8 weeks. Their last watering was only a tiny bit of humic acid and organa-add. Started plain water til the finish today.

Still feeding nutes to the Jack Creek, Deadhead OG, Chemmy Jones, Purple Kush (its only at day 28), and Sugar Kush.

Looking like they will all go 9-10 weeks.

This is all speculation though since I will be going off trichs at harvest time using the scope as usual.

Cant wait to smoke these babies, they stink!


Also I took a couple clones off of each mother, WHT and BB. Thinking about starting a couple seeds. RP Purple Wreck (since I threw the last one away as a seedling) and GHS Bubba Kush (buddy who gifted me the seed said its a decent smoke but definitely not real Bubba Kush) for the hell of it maybe another seed or two not sure.

Have to start thinking about next run. In 4 weeks the tent will be fully cleared out again and ready for new plants to flower...

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Day 43 Outdoor LAV turned purple. Last 3 days were abnormally cold for this time of year. They look more purple in person than the picture pics up. Stinks a bit too I get whiffs of it a good 10 feet down wind smells yummy.

