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Bubble Hash disaster!


New member
Here's a cautionary tale that could happen someday:

I fell asleep with my bags still in ice water, and in the morning when I pulled the bags, there was nothing there aftr the first 35micron bag! All those little frozen chunks of resin must've dissolved in the water as it warmed up. :yoinks:

So I got the dbl boiler pot going to make cannibutter. I'm warming up the former ice-water from the bubble-hash, and that makes the resins sorta rise to the top, then I decant those into the cannibutter pot... maybe it'll be a save, but it's still a story of epic fail.



Active member
there was nothing there aftr the first 35micron bag! All those little frozen chunks of resin must've dissolved in the water as it warmed up.

Sorry, but it doesn't work like that... :thinking: It looks like you used your bags the wrong way round!

h :ying:


The part about falling asleep overnight is too funny( to me, not you) . Did you wake up in the morning and go like OH SHIT!!!!. I have a visual here. By the way might be the best first post I agree. Don't worry only goes up from here.


Active member
You guys would NOT believe how often this has actualy happened....

check out www.bubblebag.com for instructions on how to use the bags... even if they are a different brand. you can still use the instructions for your bags.... Largest micron screen goes into the next smallest one.. and so on.. until you have it stacked...

220u..... 190u....160u.....120u.....90u.....73u....45u....25...... that is the order the bags should be stacked... with the 25u on the outside...

hope you saved that water.. cause you can just re run it thru the bags the proper way and you will have your bubble..

Bubble man

The smallest mesh goes in first, and then successive larger bags placed inside that one.

Coarser in the centre - finer to the outside...

jaja i know, no really i do.........it was a joke...i just think its funny that people actually do this....but i guess we are stoners