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Glenn Beck Interview!


Johnny R,

A libertarian is a type of conservative, he is both a conservative and a libertarian (yea, and a condescending prick too)

that is NOT TRUE! I AM A Libertarian. With a F*cking capitol L mind you and i am not a conservative. This is what I mean. You don't know what your talking about so don't talk!
OK, Botanist - no need to get so het up (and give me bad karma over something so lame). The vast majority of libertarians self identify themselves as conservative (which does NOT mean republican).

You don't - that's cool. Libertarians are definitely a loosely defined group, I used to consider myself a libertarian as well. If you don't think Beck is a conservative libertarian, we disagree.


Active member
sounds like no one on this site knows a thing about Glenn. 1st he is not right wing. 2nd he is pro legalization. 3rd when you argue with some one on your show its called good reporting / journalism. I find him to be the most honest man in the media today. I wish some of you people out their would learn a little bit more about shit before you start talking out your ass.
laughing at them and asking if they have smoked
marijuana lately has nothing to do with good reporting
or journalism. I watched the video of it and you can to
because right now your the one talking out of there
ass, and not only that but saying glenn beck is pro legalization
is fucking stupid, he wants to legalize it but he wants to deny marijuana smokers
health care. do you think that is right?? if you do then you
are just as fucked up, and you would probably be better off
at the glenn beck forum.

and this man lies out his ass. he said marijuana crushes the
lungs and it is bad for you, and makes you stupid. do you believe
that too? because everything glenn beck just said is lies.
marijuana doesn't crush your lungs. it doesn't kill you. it doesn't make
you stupid.

he also said the police don't really go after pot because he smelt it
in the street once. bwhahahahaha. why don't you talk to a few people
on this site about that. i assure you they can tell the police DO in fact
arrest people for cannabis all the time no matter if its alot
or a joint. glenn beck is a moron.


I have to say when he said he was libertarian I had to chuckle, watch Drew Carey talk about pot much different stance


weed fiend
sounds like no one on this site knows a thing about Glenn. 1st he is not right wing. 2nd he is pro legalization. 3rd when you argue with some one on your show its called good reporting / journalism. I find him to be the most honest man in the media today. I wish some of you people out their would learn a little bit more about shit before you start talking out your ass.

Glen is not a reporter and definitely not a journalist. He may reference current events but this is just to set up the debate/rant. In radio it's know as "talk radio." Like Rush. Glen is in the same category as Billo and Sean. Misrepresenting facts to help your side of debate is not honesty in the vaguest sense.
Yea, Glen is an 'entertainer' same as Rush Limbaugh, same as Alan Colmes, certainly not a journalist (nor would he refer to himself as one).

There aren't the superstar journalists anymore, just these guys that vaguely resemble a journalist, but don't even pretend to try to be objective (nor do they try to represent themselves as objective).


Now replace glen or rush or alan with cnn or nbc and the statements hold true. Journalism is dead? No this is how journalism has been for say EVER. Take it with a grain i guess.

P.S. sorry guys i get worked up once and awhile.
Having spent quite a bit of time in other countries, watching other media, I have to say I agree with you, Botanist. US journalism is terrible. Just a bunch of sensationalist newsbytes instead of real in depth stories.

really awful stuff, all around.
glen beck is no libertarian, does anyone remember how he use to smirk and rip into ron paul as like a nut job when romney was still running .. now he is "ron paul is my hero" nwo is real.. bs he is a shill, he does what he is told to do .. simple. i stopped watching him a long time ago.. now supposedly he is the voice of reason at fox news saying the things that other people wont, lol fuck that guy..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sedqn8lHfdk
a jones on glen beck....


glen beck is no libertarian, does anyone remember how he use to smirk and rip into ron paul as like a nut job when romney was still running .. now he is "ron paul is my hero" nwo is real.. bs he is a shill, he does what he is told to do .. simple. i stopped watching him a long time ago.. now supposedly he is the voice of reason at fox news saying the things that other people wont, lol fuck that guy..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sedqn8lHfdk
a jones on glen beck....

Yes! Yes i do. If Ron Paul had a fighting chance in hell against the media i feel he would have won. :dueling:

Edit... Good Link


weed fiend
Now replace glen or rush or alan with cnn or nbc and the statements hold true.

You're right, I should have used an example or two from the left.

Journalism is dead?
Journalism isn't dead imo. It just has to compete with new forms of infotainment, some masquerading as news outlets.

No this is how journalism has been for say EVER.
The fairness doctrine wasn't axed until 1987. Before that, news programs were similar to The News Hour on PBS. I know it's a little like watching paint dry but this is what journalists were like back then. Both sides of a public issue were presented without using paid advocates or blow hard show hosts. Some of these modern debate programs will stretch the truth to make their point. That's when the whole idea starts to look illegitimate.


The media is straight poison... I don't care what your arguments are, the main stream media perpetuates all that is totally screwed up with our country.

Fox News (all of it, including Beck) = Right Wing agenda/protectors
MSNBC = Left Wing agenda/protectors
CNN = Left Wing Light agenda/protectors
etc, etc

I wouldn't tune in to any of these jokers (Olberman, Hannity, OReilly, Beck, Maddow, Cooper, etc) unless you want a hardy laugh.

The liberal news tells everyone why we should argue with the righties, and the conservative news tells everyone why we should argue with lefties. So everyone argues.

Find alternative sources to inform yourself. Don't subscribe to any of this mainstream bullshit. You're only hurting yourself if you do. Knowledge is power... and none of these places give you the slightest bit of knowledge.

I check out cnn & fox news web sites to see what the other is saying about the other so I can try and piece together the pieces. Do this and watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report and you'll end up with a much more truthful picture of what's going on in our world than any of those mainstream media talking heads will ever give you.... sorry, but that's the truth.


Domesticator of Cannabis
People Eating Tasty Animals

People Eating Tasty Animals

Reading on the pit bull brought me to this crap.

Sacramento, Calif. -- In the wake of California Assemblymember Tom Ammiano's controversial proposal to regulate and tax recreational marijuana, PETA is proposing a measure that would raise much-needed revenues, improve residents' health, benefit the environment, and save animals' lives: Slap a tax on pot roast and all other meat. Showing a cow's face next to the tagline "Tax Pot (Roast)," PETA's brand-new billboard will soon be rising in cities throughout California. PETA says that meat should be taxed at 10 cents per pound to offset its staggering costs, just as alcohol, tobacco, and other items are subject to "sin" taxes.

Although marijuana can land you in court, meat can land you in a hospital bed. Consumption of meat and other animal products has been strongly linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity, and several kinds of cancer. And bongs and needles aren't the only places where drugs can be found; meat often is loaded with drugs--including hormones and antibiotics.

Meat is also murder on animals, who are mutilated without painkillers and crammed into sheds or cages on factory farms before they are slaughtered. Millions are killed while they are still conscious. Ammiano cited the destruction of fragile ecosystems caused by backcountry pot plantations as one reason why marijuana should be regulated. But a recent U.N. study found that raising animals for food creates more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, trains, and planes in the world combined and that it is a leading contributor to water pollution and land degradation.

"The environmental and health problems caused by eating meat take a huge bite out of California's budget," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Slapping a long-overdue tax on pot roast would save countless lives--including animals'."

I like to slap a tax on Reiman, a stupid tax.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Glenn was likely upset that he'd be left in the dust in his
chosen field by other reporters who are stepping up to the
plate and doing in depth reports on cannabis, he also likely
told his producers "Hey, just bring me a pro cannabis person
to interview & I'll rip him up"....... Not likely

Beck was unprepared, uninformed, & his behavior was child like.
I've never seen him before & now have reason to never watch
anything he does ever again.


We suck Republican cock for you!

If they are "prepared" it is with biased govt supplied information, least he didn't spit and spat that stuff.

All media outlets seem to be right or left biased, find me a "centered" media outlet. Majority of what is labeled News is insane.