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Breaking News: Dutch Cabinet plans strict coffeeshop policy!

Red Partizan

New member
It's a bad news if it's true and applicate, it's the only peace place for european smokers... I think some coffee may continue to sell weeds to tourists...
I comed back from Amsterdam and it's still possible to find a bar where you can smoke tobacco (and it's illegal now...).


ICMag Donor
All it will do is push the tourist trade on to the road and into the hands of criminals.


Active member
Considering the economic downturn that almost the entire world is experiencing, one would think that eliminating a sizable portion of their tourist trade would not be altogether a wise thing -- unless they think that A'dam's red-light district will make up the losses. Since a number of Dutch seed houses are associated with coffee-shops, this could not bode well for the annual cannabis cup competition.

Well thats the funny thing, The Redlight District is slowly being cleaned up and therefore being fased out. Some puritans like to see Amsterdam be a clean place. I dont know why people get these ideas because Amsterdam has been either sodom or gomorrah since the 16th century.

However for the people saying this is classic politics, it is not. This is a new development towards that what has been developed with the coffeeshops in border area's. There was a plan setup with cooperation with the coffeeshops, so that both the city would have less strain from the tourists yet the coffeeshops would still be able to sell their goods. And unlike what was talked about at the "wiettop" in 2008, where they pledged for regulation of the backdoor policies. There was discussed to start giving out licences to certified growers. And to create a more rational policy than the one that is in effect today.

However the new government decides it needs to be even stricter on the growing distribution and usage of the stuff, and introduce the idea of a radical national policy, this has got to be a 2 way decision of Fred Teeven and Ernst Hirsch Ballin.


This "breaking news" repeats every 6-12 months, they have been saying the exact same thing for several years now. If it ever happens, I would bet amsterdam gets an exception. If it doesn't, amsterdam tourism would take a huge blow, and amsterdams economy would go very bad very fast. A lot of people work in the service industry in amsterdam, most of those jobs would no longer be needed.

It's not the first time I've heard this rumour either. First time was 2007.

All it will do is push the tourist trade on to the road and into the hands of criminals.

I last visited less than a year ago and the number of street dealers who approached me then was concerning. I WAS ONLY THERE FOR A DAY (www.amsterdambycoach.co.uk)

Imagine what it will be like if they were to ever pass this law. The same weed will just be on the streets too.


Well-known member
Don't hold your breath. Amsterdam is much too dependent on weed tourists to start denying shoppers unless they have Dutch nationality. (Which by the way is a backdoor approach to having pass laws - I'm sure that would violate multiple international agreements).

The Millennium Madness has not passed Holland by. Right now they are debating which party will get together with which other party to form the government. Many don't want to have anything to do with populist freak Geert Wilders, who has been running on a racist and anti-muslim platform.

It is time the Bush Administration was put in the dock, so we can really find out what happened on 9/11 and end this madness.


The Millennium Madness has not passed Holland by. Right now they are debating which party will get together with which other party to form the government. Many don't want to have anything to do with populist freak Geert Wilders, who has been running on a racist and anti-muslim platform.

Dingdong VVD/CDA minority + PVV.Right now there is a big debate at the CDA congress to agree or disagree to go a long with this coalition.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Active member
Dingdong VVD/CDA minority + PVV.Right now there is a big debate at the CDA congress to agree or disagree to go a long with this coalition.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:
Well CDA chose to go for the new parliament. We shall see what the future brings us, but it will most probably be more cops.


Amsterdam is a great place to experience but its sleazy and I wouldnt live there ever. Its full of freaks but in a good way buts its too crazy to stay there for months on end. There is no other place like it in the world. It has to be sampled.

Coffeeshop policy isnt going to change anytime soon , there has always been talk through the years about this , the facts are it brings in bucket loads of tourists from all over the world which brings in bucket loads of cash , its economy relys on it in certain areas , this has to be took into account by any Dutch goverment left or right wing.


ICMag Donor
I last visited less than a year ago and the number of street dealers who approached me then was concerning. I WAS ONLY THERE FOR A DAY.

Last time we visited we noticed an actual drop in the number of street dealers compared with the 1990s to be honest. Likewise the needle exchnge facility in the city was operating at a healthier rate than before.

Tourists will still travel to Amsterdam like they do Prague for a good time,,, it's just the tourist will not be guaranteed any consistency of product and the overall quality they are used to will decline.. unless they have Dutch friends in the city :D


It is time the Bush Administration was put in the dock, so we can really find out what happened on 9/11 and end this madness.

The madness is all yours if you think Americans had anything to do with 9/11. BTW this is political and should be yanked.


This "breaking news" repeats every 6-12 months, they have been saying the exact same thing for several years now. If it ever happens, I would bet amsterdam gets an exception. If it doesn't, amsterdam tourism would take a huge blow, and amsterdams economy would go very bad very fast. A lot of people work in the service industry in amsterdam, most of those jobs would no longer be needed.

Nail on the head SuperHemp! I doubt it would take more than 2 months for their economy to feel some heavy reeling effects from that move. Tourism represents roughly 30% of a fiscal year to them and that would not be a light blow to take over even a short sustained time. The trickle down effect -job loss from a decimated industry would be more of a torrential pour down. Ask anyone you know who knows even a bit about amsterdam..."cafe's" is the first thing they remember. Can you imagine the uproar...saving your money up and finally taking that trip to see the cafe and red light district (which is actually regarded for the most part, by most people, to be one of the safest, cleanest brothel district arrangements to all parties involved on both sides of the window) only to get there and be denied access BECAUSE you're a tourist?
This has come up before and likely will again until they start seeing more decriminalization in North America. We all know that basically the U.S. sets the example for prohibition with an expectation (and weak spined, nose ring - led, crap spewing media machine to the world...the UN backing it's witch hunts) that other "proper" nations fall rank and file into line. The fact that finally on its home soil the US is losing ground and face is starting to raise eyebrows. Almost 20% of the US has medical marijuana laws now and with california a form of decriminalization. This is being noticed by many countries and finally some of the cultures/communities who had adopted (and always have) tolerance and support instead of Fascist Military Approaches are able to have their voices heard by others. The Dutch have for years been under pressure from the US over their tolerant policies and still held firm. The continued legalizations/decriminalizations within the US will only give them more leverage for defending these policies as well as an easing of pressure from the US in regards to continuing the practicing thereof.
All Will Pass

Peace Out :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Amsterdam is a great place to experience but its sleazy and I wouldnt live there ever. Its full of freaks but in a good way buts its too crazy to stay there for months on end. There is no other place like it in the world. It has to be sampled.

Coffeeshop policy isnt going to change anytime soon , there has always been talk through the years about this , the facts are it brings in bucket loads of tourists from all over the world which brings in bucket loads of cash , its economy relys on it in certain areas , this has to be took into account by any Dutch goverment left or right wing.

Even if the law is passed, it doesnt mean the people will obey, or that police will give 2 shits about enforcing it. kinda like in california. It is getting harder and harder to enforce the law in entire USA, because no one is willing to listen anymore.


Last time we visited we noticed an actual drop in the number of street dealers compared with the 1990s to be honest. Likewise the needle exchnge facility in the city was operating at a healthier rate than before.

Tourists will still travel to Amsterdam like they do Prague for a good time,,, it's just the tourist will not be guaranteed any consistency of product and the overall quality they are used to will decline.. unless they have Dutch friends in the city :D

My experience is limited to 3 trips in two years, so pretty limited and by the sounds of it you've been there a couple times more ;).

I went out there thinking "Amsterdam can't have street dealers, legalising (decriminalising) is the way forward and will stop the black market". I was wrong, which shocked me and there's no doubt the concentration of street dealers will strengthen if they were to ban tourists from coffee shops.

I have every intention of making friends in Amsterdam before my next trip out there. I always find it far too expensive for what I'm actually paying for. Some local knowledge would go a long way.

The only suggestions i've received are to go to Rotterdam instead. lol


I was in Amsterdam in January this year and I didnt see any street dealing what so ever. Lots of police I did see which is nice. I guess I look like dutch or a nontourist so the pushers wont approach me.
People always greeted me in dutch , so I assume this is the main reason. I was suprised that I could smoke in some bars cause I had read that its banned there.
Only one coffeeshop asked for ID. ( I am 20 and youngish looking. :cathug:)


New member
first of all i'm enjoyed to see this thing is going abroard.

second of all. This new rightwing parlement have placed their bets pretty high. Knowing the people in charge of these three parties, they will do everything to get to their goals. Since the last one flunked. Also knowing that the same people aren't that bright, as it goes for social feeling. They truely believe that eventualy closing all our coffeeshops will make people stop smoking weed!?!

The most idiotic part of this is that only one party had a majority of votes the other two parties had a huge minority in votes. But the largest partie has the right to formate his own so caled "cabinet ". Democracy my ass!

About the tourists, there are two sides of the story. We have tourist coming over having a nice time smoking their smokes, visiting the redlight district just having a ball.
The other group of tourist (mainly germany, france and belgium) are getting to nearby border towns filling up their duffelbags and return to sell for idiot prices in their country. Those country (where smoking is illegal) are putting a tremendous amount of pressure on our politics almost forcing them to break down our cannabis laws.

It's a verry complicated case wich i hope won't be pushed through. The Netherlands has always been a place of freedom. People could get along, black or white, christian or jude.
When this all breaks down, i'll be packing my bags and leave.

Until that day ,feel free to visit! Peace!


Bong Smoking News Hound
that is the stupidest thing . So much money can be made off of the tourism. Over the years. ... They would be really stupid to cut off that money. A lot of marijuana smokers from all over the world go there to visit just because of the lax laws on Drugs. Thank Cheech and Chong for showing me the salad, fungus among us. LOL