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=Ribo's First Coco Grow= 400Watt

I would flush with plain ph'ed h2o for 1 or 2 days. Thats should break up and salt locks you have and help with any lockouts. then start fresh with a mild nute solution. you dont have to feed heavy when you water everyday. All you need to give is what the plant needs anything else is just a waist. the 6/9 system is very safe and im sure you wont have any problems with it , you just may have to add a thing or 2. The last 2 weeks of there lives they will only get plain water, it dosent throw anything off
ok so from now on if your thinking you have a sick plant, scroll through the infermery under forums anything that could be wrong with your plants is covered in that thread. and i wouldnt worry about your old growth having crappy looking leaves as long as the new stuff looks good, when you have a problem with your plants the old growth wont start looking better but the new stuff should look good. i still think your problem was or is ph. Id lower it a bit if i were you, 5.5- 5.8 in the coco ought to be fine for the next few weeks then you go up to 6.0-6.2 for your pk boost


All plants were watered to run off with PH'd h2o and will be again tomorrow, hopefully this fixed some of the problems im having like weird spotting on some leaves. One leaf even turned upside down.

What do you think could have caused this problem? I always water until runoff, is it possible that letting them get dry could have done it?
Go into forums and look through the infermery that will tell you anything that could be wrong with your ladies. I dont think that drying them out would cause that, maybe ph problem or heat. could be alot of things how bout a pic of what ur talking about??


Don't have my camera right now, sorry. One of the fan leaves just turned over on itself and is now upside down, showing its bottom towards the light.

The flush was definitely a good idea, the run off was pretty nasty yellow and Ph'd at 7. Do you think this is enough flushing? The new growth has a healthier color now but one plant is starting to show some defs so I would like to feed again, at least 1/2 strength.

I think I am going to use your plan if you don't mind, feed on weekdays and just plain water on weekends.


Plants were fed yesterday at 5ml micro 10ml bloom along with a tsp of Grandma's molasses for the cal/mag. Waiting for the lights to come on so I can take a peek. Hope everything looks happy in there :)


You got it INB :joint:

This is BS4, the larger Sativa plant. Its trying to grow its way out of the tent I think, its only day 12 of flower.



Any idea what this could be from? The leaf looks like and upside down taco. A few of the larger fan leaves are doing this on all plants. I think it may be PH related, so hopefully the flush will help.


And one more question for anyone that cares to answer; Rez's recipe is based on a 63 day flower time, but I have no idea how long this strain will take as it is bagseed. How do I know when the right time to cut the micro is? I'm going to start giving Kool Bloom here is a day or two, but I don't know when I should cut out the micro, or if I should ween it down gradually. Thanks!
Ok first no Kool bloom yet!!! if anything give them maybe 1/4 strength KB just as a motivator but thats not even necessary. Iwouldnt PK untill your in early week 4 around 30 days or so.
I cut out the micro after I give my 1st pk boost, like I said day 30 or so. If you think its a sativa style and its going to go longer then wait a extra week or 2 before starting to cut stuff out. Remember that less is more, you only have to feed the plants what they need, anything more is just wasting. Its better to error on the side of caution and feed light when your starting out. You can always go up with the nutes as you get better at this hobby, but if you go with too much you will fry everything!!
You should trim off all the lower crap you got growing also. If it is half way down or more chopp that shit off!!! You dont want a bunch of popcorn buds on the bottom. All you want is topps!!!!


Here is what I trimmed off BS4:


Is this enough or does it need more?

Here is P3 followed by P6, the other two ladies in the tent. Do these need more trimming as well?





And a tent overview (Pre-trimming):



You should flush your medium and start switching to a high P-K fert. I think you have too much Nitrogen, or just enough, no need for anymore.

If you wait till week4 to add Flowering nutes, your buds are gonna be airy as shit. You should ideally flush and start flowering at the same time.


Alright, I guess I will start the KB today then, don't want airy buds! Should I lower the micro out over the course of this week or just cut it?

I just flushed about 7 days ago, is it necessary to do this again? I always water to about 30% run off now so I wouldn't that push most of the old nutes out? Thanks
I dont agree with durgamata, you are already feeding your ladies flowering nutes. The 3 part will get you through the first 3 to 4 weeks easy without any "airy" buds. The KB is for the ripening stage towards the end of the cycle, you do not need to use it early in the flowering stage. If i were you i would keep up a steady feeding cycle 5 days in a row water with nutes ( 5 ml Micro 10 ml Bloom per gal h2o) then plain PHed h2o the other 2 days. thats a safe and proven formula for sucess. When you get around 4 weeks or 25-30 days then its time to use the KB and cut out the micro. Dont be in too much of a hurry, it takes time and patience!!!

this is what im getting doing this method and believe me this is not a "airy" bud its rock hard


Is there any disadvantage to starting the PK early? I gave them a dose yesterday, I guess I'll go back to just micro and bloom today and wait a little longer. Why does Rez start his on day 14?


Is there any disadvantage to starting the PK early? I gave them a dose yesterday, I guess I'll go back to just micro and bloom today and wait a little longer. Why does Rez start his on day 14?
Well for REZ it is working for him, but if you want the most out of the plants and your just beggining in the method your growing then its better to do it the way a plant would like to be fed as its life progress would indicate. I would agree with InNvBorder on this one, as the flowers are currently forming and progressing the basic flowering nutes are enough, with the schedule you are on.
After about week 4 start of week 5 is time to add the PK boost.
Thats when the buds start to fill in and gain density and pretty much prepare themselves for pollination. In this process they need a lot more energy requiring more Phosphorus which provides a mechansim for the energy transfer within the plant and the Potassium is essential since it combines sugars, starches and carbohydrates which is needed for their production and movement. Basically the plants metabilism speeds up and thats the time when you add those nutes. For the time being its pretty much a waste since the plant is still forming its flower clusters and still needs a certain amount of N ..
Well Im off to work
Hope this helps a little, greets -syze-
P.S. Your grow looks nice , That afghan sort you have there looks like My LA Confidential


I was just looking at the plant with the fat leaves, believe one of the purps, the green isnt so uniform, its like dark and lighter green blotches, make sure your pH meter isnt off.
The way the leaves are drooping could be several things, first thing is how are your temps and airflow and rH? A plant that gets infected by powdery mildew(deadly) or down mildew(curable) is long infected before it shows signs. And the leaf drooping is a good indicator. But doesnt mean its the case, it could be several other things, pH, dry pockets in the medium, or the middle of the medium stays moister then the outside of the rootball and there from cant pull up enough water.
The leaf tacoing is definately a sign of some sort of problem.
Lets hope its not a fungi or a pathogen !! Or any kind of blite!!
Now i gotta jet, Later -syze-


Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I'm going to go back to just Micro and Bloom for another week or so.

@Syze - Ph meter was recently recalibrated, only .1 off. Temps are 78-81 in the day and closer to 70 at night. Decent airflow and RH around 30-40% (dry climate). The top of the pots definitely dry out before the inner parts but I don't know if there is much I can do about that. I think the problem was mostly buildup from not watering with enough runoff in the begining which then caused PH and lockout issues. Things seem to be turning around since I started giving a lot more water (a gallon per pot) and getting a lot of runoff.