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Breaking Bad

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
When pushed far enough into a corner, Walt just might be the Baddest MF'er out of all of them, Axe bros, Gus, P.I., etc... can't hold a candle to Heisenberg pissed.

Now lets break down the contribution of all parties involved here and see if we can assign a value to each one, Gus was acting like they were all equal, and they're not IMO.

Gus goes through 200lbs a week.
These street level nickel and dimers were selling a pound a month, tops, and even that's a stretch at a teen(1.75 grams) per sale, so, that means they represent .5% of Gus's business, nothing basically.

Walt is THE MAN, the one who makes it all possible with his recipe and technical expertise.
I full well expected Jesse to be brought into the trailer and shown the bodies of those two guys and told that's the end of it, and not have to just "take it" and shake hands with them like it was a simple playground fight between them.

Series Finale, Walt with machine guns in each hand, takes out Gus's whole crew, catches a few rounds himself, and dies in Skylar's arms. My prediction

I think walt is about to take gus's entire organization away from him. Look at how he has moved up the latter every season. I think he has just taken one more step, and we are gonna see who gus's boss is in south america.


ICMag Donor
I think walt is about to take gus's entire organization away from him. Look at how he has moved up the latter every season. I think he has just taken one more step, and we are gonna see who gus's boss is in south america.

Yeah, opening shot of next season's 1st episode...
An "Under New Management" banner across the Poulos Hemanos sign. Inside the store, Walt's in an apron behind the counter, directing his staff in Espanol. Introducing the new Chicken King aka Mr. Heisenberg.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
oh man, saul is gonna get rich. The P.I. is gonna work for walt now, and guss is gonna be buzzard food. Jesse is gonna get put in check by walt, but live because walt cares about him like a sone


The description of the season finale is as follows:

"With Jesse on the run, Walt negotiates a bargain with Gus to provide for his and Jesse's safety."

So no, I don't think Gus is going to be out of the picture just yet...

PS, people involved with the show have said Season 4 is probably a go, but no idea about season 5.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^well what fun would it be if jesse and walt wernt always about to get killed. lol


Active member
When Walt Jr. takes his driving test a shoe is gonna fall out from the cars underbelly HA!


Active member
Hello all,

Arggggggg....I have missed the last 3 episodes....busy and stuff.

I want to read what has been written but I do not want any spoilers ....maybe I ca catch the encores


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
The final scene is both men reaching for their 9's, the screen goes to black, and you hear a shot. We'll be left wondering who shot who until next season.

im prettttttty sure gus will not be the star of the show next season...


Patient Grower
The final scene is both men reaching for their 9's, the screen goes to black, and you hear a shot. We'll be left wondering who shot who until next season.

Well that's not a good cliffhanger. Everyone would know that if Walter bought it there wouldn't be anymore show.

While watching the season finale of CSI I thought on of the cast would likely end up in ICU. Sure enough Nick gets shot about 50 minutes in. Aha, so it's Nick. But then when the gunman gives him a chance he kills the guy as he was just playing dead. We'' with the ceral killer out dead and justice served it looks like no cliffhanger this year. Then in the epilogue Prof Langston gets stabbed by a guy in a holding cell. Nice device by the writers.

I still hate season ending cliffhangers with a passion


The cat that loves cannabis
Showdown between Gus and Walt, at the last minute Walt Jr. comes rushing up, lifts up one of his crutches, which contains a single shot shotgun, and blows Gus away!
Next season Walt Jr is the man, limping around like Christopher Moltisanti in his tailored suits, lol.


High Grade Specialist
man some of you guys should write their own tv shows/movies theres some real talent in this bitch! esp kalicokitty lmao


Patient Grower
Holy shit I couldn't believe Walt shot that guy in the head, so cold blooded.

Jesse is a great example of the kind of person you don't want to partner with.

Walt is as well but that's because he tells people too much info, and I may have to forgive that because it may be required to move the plot along. So if Walt obeyed the real rules it wouldn't be much of a show. Nobody's knocking down my door to make my life into a TV show. That's only because my life is so boring. If I told a few people this and that here and there from time to time my life would be a whole heckuva lot more colorful. The color might be prison jumpsuit orange though.




No more


"Im awake"


Oh yeah also GLAD to see Hank full of his shit,


next season will be so WICKED i bet



High Grade Specialist
damn so when this seasons over is there a kind of substitute for the tv addicts?
yall got some recommendations?

only one ep left and all my fav shows are on break right now; two and a half men, how i met your mother and big bang theory. only good thing is burn notice is back with a very promising season.

any good tips for your fellow tv junkie?


Active member
damn so when this seasons over is there a kind of substitute for the tv addicts?
yall got some recommendations?

only one ep left and all my fav shows are on break right now; two and a half men, how i met your mother and big bang theory. only good thing is burn notice is back with a very promising season.

any good tips for your fellow tv junkie?

2 more words!!!
