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Boulder teens offer marijuana-free 4/20 alternative

no offense intended to anybody, but we wonder as a community why nobody takes us seriously, and its because the way we react to anything that could even possibly be perceived as negative to the "movement" is almost always acerbic and vitriolic for the sake of being that way...I say we all need to grow up and get our respective heads out of our respective asses, recognize that pot is not 100% innocuous and good and that not everyone can or should smoke it, and stop being so blatantly hypocritical all the time

edit- and I do have to say that I can't believe this "4/20" thing is so big even with you guys who I perceive to be grown ass men and women....I thought this whole shendig went out the window roundabout age 16 or 17 for most people. dunno about you guys, but I don't need a special day with no clear history behind it to smoke a bunch of pot, I do that anyways :tiphat:

but it has its place once a year..we just have to use it correctly
getting high is fun and all, doing it on campus might send a message..but
i guess it all depends who you are right?
some people might feel this days pretty important, it's pretty symbolic after all
others just use it as another day
it's all what you make of it

without 420 day we'd be a lot less cohesive as stoners...
and we wouldnt get as much attention drawn for the cause.......
so it seems like a + overall..even tho there are a lot of dumb aspects to it..lol


she probably got in trouble at school and this is her punishment...lol...kinda how they send you to rehab so you don't go to jail.

hey whatever...doesn't do anything to me personally....if it makes ya happy who am i to disagree.


Active member
ironic that everybody flips their wig about a "pot free 4/20" and yet somebody just brought up Christmas, which was gonna be my point...willing to bet MOST of you guys are more than happy to receive gifts on that day whether you are a Christian or not, so aren't you all hypocrites in the same vein?

no offense intended to anybody, but we wonder as a community why nobody takes us seriously, and its because the way we react to anything that could even possibly be perceived as negative to the "movement" is almost always acerbic and vitriolic for the sake of being that way...I say we all need to grow up and get our respective heads out of our respective asses, recognize that pot is not 100% innocuous and good and that not everyone can or should smoke it, and stop being so blatantly hypocritical all the time

edit- and I do have to say that I can't believe this "4/20" thing is so big even with you guys who I perceive to be grown ass men and women....I thought this whole shendig went out the window roundabout age 16 or 17 for most people. dunno about you guys, but I don't need a special day with no clear history behind it to smoke a bunch of pot, I do that anyways :tiphat:

Maybe you're just having a bad day or something... I like having 4/20, and even though my chronological age is over 50, I apparently am not a grown-ass woman. :dance013: I guess that's a good thing! ;)

I'm mostly feeling like live and let live, but it would make more sense to me if they were saying, "We support decriminalization/legalization but choose not to smoke at this time, so we celebrate 4/20 smoke free in support of legal efforts" or something similar. As it is, they seem like 2 year olds that need to get a present on an older sibling's birthday just so they don't feel left out.

Part of my fondness for 4/20 is seeing news reports of the greater and greater numbers of smokers. Hopefully this year will be record-breaking, and news stations will have to report that support for cannabis re-legalization is stronger than ever.
Edited to add: Like this! Happy 420: Drug Decriminalization Efforts Advance Across The Country
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"The free, alternative event includes massage, music, food, a philosophy circle, yerba mate bar, acupuncture and dance."

Did they have to include exclusively activities that are enhanced by weed?

Shit if I were in Boulder, I think I'd be getting blazed and catching a free massage tomorrow!
Very good point, however funny it is. :biglaugh: That's probably what a lot of people are going to do, get high before the event and go get a massage and some food.


Green Mujaheed
I think it's nice. I mean, how could minors take part to 4/20 and celebrate publicly except that way ?
You guys who think it's nonsense, or worse, would maybe prefer to see a whole bunch of under-18 getting stone in the open, getting the parents and whole community to freak out because of some minors getting stoned ? Or maybe they should set up their own under-18 smoke out tent ? uh ? Sheeesh ! that would unserve the cause, for sure, and bring the situation a few steps backward.

If them kids want to take part of the celebration, just let them do, but you can't judge them that way because they don't smoke in the open, that's ridiculous. At least they don't set up anti-pot stands, do they ? from what I read, they don't.

They arm no one, let them have fun, damn it !

By the way, ya just can't compare coffee & yerba mate. Mate stimulates nicely & smoothly while coffee makes people crazy.

Irie !


Active member
This is fucking sad.

I hate when groups (usually religious in nature) try and offer an alternative to something they deem wrong or immoral. Shut the fuck up and mind your own business. I worked over 90+ hours a week and contribute more to society than any of these whiny assholes ever will and I am stoned for every minute of it. I guarantee you I am healthier than the promoter of this event too. 85% of the work I do is physical labor. I'd run circles around that douche and I would have a joint in my mouth while doing it. Want to feel a part of something? Get high and then go do something.

You guys who think it's nonsense, or worse, would maybe prefer to see a whole bunch of under-18 getting stone in the open, getting the parents and whole community to freak out because of some minors getting stoned ?
Pffffft, getting stoned in the open or getting stoned behind a bunch of trees high school kids are still getting high and if there parents are to delusional and stupid to realize that they shouldn't have birthed in the first place. Personally I'd rather my kid do it out in the open then hide it from me. Also, the kids participating seem rather anti-marijuana too. I don't think there on our side.
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ironic that everybody flips their wig about a "pot free 4/20" and yet somebody just brought up Christmas, which was gonna be my point...willing to bet MOST of you guys are more than happy to receive gifts on that day whether you are a Christian or not, so aren't you all hypocrites in the same vein?

no offense intended to anybody, but we wonder as a community why nobody takes us seriously, and its because the way we react to anything that could even possibly be perceived as negative to the "movement" is almost always acerbic and vitriolic for the sake of being that way...I say we all need to grow up and get our respective heads out of our respective asses, recognize that pot is not 100% innocuous and good and that not everyone can or should smoke it, and stop being so blatantly hypocritical all the time

edit- and I do have to say that I can't believe this "4/20" thing is so big even with you guys who I perceive to be grown ass men and women....I thought this whole shendig went out the window roundabout age 16 or 17 for most people. dunno about you guys, but I don't need a special day with no clear history behind it to smoke a bunch of pot, I do that anyways :tiphat:

I'm not a christian an can easily poke holes in that statement Christmas has been so commercialized so much that it's basically a secular holiday, it also falls on the winter solstice which is a pagan holiday an was stolen by Christianity. The same applies for Easter which again falls on a pagan holiday of spring equinox so you pt. is basically invalid.

I'm not getting high today haven't smoked in 2.5 mths. but I am celebrating today by watching Dazed and Confused. 4/20 is for stoner's nobody else especially an organization trying to further anti-pot sentiment, I wouldn't be surprised if they handed out phamplets warning about the dangers of drug use there.