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Bonzo BoUnCeS back...:)


Active member
plants are looking better!!:woohoo: ive been regulating temps by turning exhaust off for an hour and turnin it back on...

i flushed with a very weak nute mix D...like 150 ppm...gonna pick up the variable today...or that thermostat thingy...:D



Active member
I've got no ideas. But you might have figured it all out on your own anyways. Hoping for nothing but the best.

For what its worth I was using a router speed controller....and am regretting not shelling out the bucks for the thermostat thingy. :tiphat:


Active member
Your temps dipping into the 50's could explain what's happening with your plants. Add in the flush and you might have upset the cation balance also. Keep your feed steady at 1.5 ec clone til the last 2-3 weeks, and you should never need to flush.

Mountain High

Are you watering everyday? I'm a fan of watering daily to give the roots fresh oxygen.

Are the temps at 65 during light cycle or dark? I feel like my plants did good down to about 55 degrees during dark cycle, but I have always liked keeping them around 65 +/- 5 degrees during dark cycle.

How long have they been in those new pots? For the first few days of being in the new pots, I only water enough to soak the top half of the coco, no run off. Once the roots have had a few days to grow into the new coco then I start to water more and more until I see the run off. Usually see some roots poking out of the bottom of the pot and notice the pots get lighter between daily feedings. When growing in soil, you would want to repot at this time when she starts to drink everything and require more waterings, but I find this is the sweet spot for coco. I know she is happy when the pot is watered everyday and by the end of the day it's light and ready for another watering before lights go out. Then she is ready for water when the lights come back on. This is he minimum amount I water with coco. Watering 3-4 times a day is another thing.


Active member
Mountain high - Plants will survive in pretty extreme temperatures (i've had plants live through below freezing for over 24 hours). However that doesn't mean growth didn't suffer. Sure a plant will live at 55 or 65 degs during the lights off cycle, but it won't be able to perform it's functions optimally. Stress of any kind will hinder yield and product quality period. We are growing a weed after all, you pretty much have to work at killing it. Same as you have to work to make it produce the best it can. Your post reminds me of something else i've been wanting to touch on. Watering to run off daily only works with properly sized containers for plant size. For example, two growers with identical rooms, plants etc. For arguments sake lets say both plants are well rooted in beer cups (6-8" tall). Now grower A plants his into a 1 gal pot, while grower B plants his into a 5 gal pot. Watering to run off daily is fine in the 1 gal as the plant will likely drink enough in 24 hours to be ready for another drink. However try that with the 5 gal pot and you'd just end up with root rot.

Mountain High

Yes Mr.D, I agree. Below 60 degrees I noticed slowed and stunted growth, and the even worse when down to 55 degrees. 65 degrees worked perfect for my garden and many other growers too. I also like the cooler temps for denser buds, higher temps gives me more airy buds.

I could have made that a lil more clear on the watering daily and pot size. It does look like Bonzo is using about 1 gallon pots because I have the exact same pots. I don't recommend goin' from beer cups to 5 gallon pots when using coco. You can get away with a much smaller size container with coco vs soil. My last coco grow I ended up with a 4 oz avg in the 9x9 square pots which are maybe 2-3 gallons. IDK the actual amount they hold. I started out from rooted clone and went to beer cups, then to 7x7 pots and then the final pot of 9x9. Watered daily. With more and more experience you learn what size pot would be best for being able to water daily.


Active member
howdy MH! :) i was watering everyday for the last 2 or so weeks they in the little room...letting them dry out pretty well...we had a cold couple days and daytime temps were 60 to 65...im sure at night they fell below 60...plants took a hit...probably lost a week...they were shocked pretty bad...since last night i have raised the temps as high as about 88 and they seemed to love it...gonna try to keep em around 80 or a lil below...however as soon as i turn the exhaust on and temps go down the humidity has dropped as low as 35%....so i just been turnin' exhaust on and off...

so along with the cold temps the pots did not dry out very well after the flush...just checked em and they are drying out nicely....temps 80...humidity 40 :(....transplanting the rest tomorrow...

and adding a 3rd light...

do you water by hand MH? i amd so used to self watering buckets and other hydro systems...handwatering is so new to me...how do you know if you only got the top half of the coco?

thanks for bringin up temps D...plants have totally bounced back! :)

now if i could just get the humidity up...


Active member
you guys see the pots i got? i think there about 3.5-4 gallons... going from 1 gallon bags to the pots...cant afford an in between size...:D

i was talkin' about this earlier with a friend...he wants to do a 1k 6 plant donut...i have ogre cuts for him...gonna pot em up in 1 gallon bags...and was thinkin of goin' to 5 gallon buckets...should he go to 1 gallon bags to maybe 3 gallon bags then to 5 gallon? or is 5 gallon too big?


Active member
you guys see the pots i got? i think there about 3.5-4 gallons... going from 1 gallon bags to the pots...cant afford an in between size...:D

i was talkin' about this earlier with a friend...he wants to do a 1k 6 plant donut...i have ogre cuts for him...gonna pot em up in 1 gallon bags...and was thinkin of goin' to 5 gallon buckets...should he go to 1 gallon bags to maybe 3 gallon bags then to 5 gallon? or is 5 gallon too big?

i think it all depends on how long they're gonna veg in there. I add a gallon for each week of veg but have never gone beyond 7gal. I use 3 gal with a 2.5-3 week veg.


Hey Bonzo and Cody :)
Is Cody your little guy? Super cool looking fellow you got there. :biggrin:

Strange about the droopy plant, huh? Glad to hear things are getting back to normal. Did you check the PH after switching to RO, sometimes it can be a bit low compared to nutrients mixed with tap. Seems like lots of re-potting would be a waste of time and effort in my opinion, I think you can plant clones straight into 3 gallons just fine, and just water lightly, if at all the first few days/week or so. :ying:


New member
bonzo.... dude hard to navigate thru this thingy...its foof got my room hooked up just nee the rezzzivoir


Active member
what it do shorts! :) Cody is my roomates dog...sorta like mine...he loves to be held up in the air in one hand, he will fall asleep that way if you let him! hes a trip...:)

dude! 2 of the KQ rooted!:woohoo:

i hear ya dude...definitly more than one way to skin a cat...:biggrin:

Mountain High

I water by hand right now, I'm just goin back to coco myself after about a year and half of organic soil.

Like Shorts said, after the transplant, just water lightly... no run off until they perk up and begin to grow enough that they are asking for more. I'm sure it was the temps that caused them to be stunted. Good to hear they are doin' better now. I use the variable speed controllers on my intake and exhaust fans, so I need to dial them both down to keep negative pressure and keep the temps in check. The humidity being down to 35% is low but might cause them to drink more water if you are trying to get them drink more in the 24 hour period.

3.5 - 4 gal is a good size if your vegging for about a month. Those pots look much smaller in the pics. I like what whatthe215 said about 1 gal per week of veg... sounds about right... +/- some. 3-4 weeks of veg would be good to start with 3-4 gal. I would prolly veg 6-8 weeks for 5 gal.
Here is what my beer cups look like when they get transplanted, packed with roots.

And this was vegged for over a month prolly closer to 6-8 weeks in 2.5 - 3 gal. I should have transplated her to 5 gal after about a month and then veg for another 2 weeks in the 5 gal before 12/12.


Active member
Mountain high - I agree that many growers use 65 as a night temp, and it works just fine. However try keeping your day/night temps as close as possible and watch what happens. Bet you forget all about going down to 65 ;). This concept I believe is called DIF, well proven in the commercial flower industry and my own grows. As far as cooler temps producing denser buds, I completely agree. Thing is what exactly are "cooler temps". Experience and real world studies on a commercial scale have confirmed that 75-78 w/o co2 and 78-85 w/ co2 is the optimum range for max photosynthesis. It applies basically the same way at night, only plants are using all the energy they created during the light period to produce. If they are cold all these processes slow down. Heath Robinson explained this concept to me many years ago, I saw first hand results and stuck with it since. Bobblehead could likely explain all the science behind this better than me. As far as the pot size thing, wasn't meant as a criticism. I just saw your post as a good opportunity to mention something that has been on my mind for a month or so. Too much advice on this site is situationally correct, but if you are a newb it's easy to confuse these things. I'll admit i'm just as guilty of not being specific enough when giving advice :comfort:.

Bonz - Glad to hear the ladies are back on track :biggrin:. In my tree grows I usually go straight from the beer cup I clone in, to a 5 gal pot (when you've got 20 lights extra transplants just aren't worth the effort IMO). This requires one to be on top of their watering game though. I just try to imagine about how big the root mass should be compared to plant size and base my amounts of feed on that. This is merely something I worked out with some common sense and experience. Basically I water around the drip line of the plant (where rain would fall off the leaves). I start with ~ 5oz of water then up the amount when the plant needs more than that in 24 hours. By the time the plant's drip line is greater than the pot diameter they will be drinking enough in 24 hrs to soak the whole pot with run off, if desired. I grow mostly organic so there is no need for run off. In fact when I was using chem nutes I didn't water to run off either, because I never fed more than 1.5 EC at any point in a plants life. If I noticed some signs of nute burn, I'd just give a plain watering or two then back to 1.5 EC. Many ways to skin a cat. Try and keep the temps stable around the clock, plants love consistency. I wouldn't worry too much about the humidity, in flower it just makes em drink more. More ideal to have them around 70% in veg and during stretch in flower, then as low as you can get it after that to help keep bud rot away.


Active member
awesome input fellas!

awesome root porn MH! :D is the second pic a 3 gal bag? and btw...very healthy happy lookin' plants dude!

today is a normal hotter day here D and with the cooler and exhaust on temps are hoverin' at 74 :) humidity 55% thats pretty nice! :woohoo:

gettin' close to flip size!!! remamber the OGRE dosnt stretch much...however in coco and vert who knows...

allmost forgot the cuts in the cloner ALL rooted...even the KQ! all of em'!:woohoo:

will try to get a pic of stadium soon...

...and MOM's have been transplanted into 5 gal buckets with fresh Ocean Forrest...they are gettin' flowered too...

and the cuts that look like they are HUNGRY! and the sprouts that made it...1 DSD...1 AK and 2 CaseyJones....a few SS popped really late and not very vigorously...they have not broke the surface yet...i have hope!


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Active member
ya know what i realized in the last couple few days? if my plants arent happy im not very happy either...today plants are fairly happy and im pretty darn happy tooo!!:woohoo:

thanks for all the input fellas! :woohoo:

:thank you:


good to see things are going good for ya bonzo!!!

your last post made me think of the theme to the partridge family!!! hello world theres a song that im singing.....come get happpyyy!!!


Active member
right on Toxic!!!:woohoo:

Hello world heres a plant that im growin...
it makes me happy!!!

Come on world you all should be growin'...
and you'd be happy! tooo!!


:tiphat::thank you::biggrin: