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blunTedSkylines 1st grow DWC Bubblerss

Decided to make a diary.

This will be my first grow. i'v done alot of reasearch, and i have decided to go Deep water culture hydroponics for many reasons.

I will be growing in rubber maid containers, 2 in each. ( 4/each is too much, i think )

I have a medium sized bedroom, problem is electricity i have an old-ish house, don't know how many lights i'm going to want to have.

My budjet is around 600$ to start.

I have baught:

-Air Pump
+ Four outlets
+ 12 watts
+ 3/16" Inside Diameter; use with 1/4" OD tubing
+ Operates on 110V - 60 Hz
+ Output: 9 Lit/Min (2.3 Gal/Min)

-Hydotron 20L

-Net pods

-Rockwool cubes with tray and dome ( A-okplugs )

-Phillips CFL 2,600 loomens, 42 watts

-and some little things light sprayers and such

-4, 4" air stones

The 1 window in the room will be blocked off tommorow, i havn't started germinating yet i havn't baught cuttings, they are hard to find, might have to buy seeds.

Tommorow i will also need to cover the Rubber maids with something becuase they are transparent ( what should i use?)

It's the absolute most utter basic set up

I am still missing , HPS light, fans, nutrients. we are looking for cuttings not seeds, but if i cant get any than I'm going seeds.

Hope this air pump will be enough to keep them roots happy.

feedback would be great, recomendations are always welcome.

edit** Do you guys think its a good idea to make more a vegitative room, and build walls around the bubblers? let me know thanks

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I will be:

-Buying/making more bubblers

- buying more cfl's ( vegitative will be cfl's )

-converting room into a 2 stage grow room

- getting more cuttings.
Hey nice looking and clean setup so far
About your cuttings, that one is dead for sure, and I don't recommend perlite for trying to get a cutting to grow into a mother it just dries way too fast. and the system you have there doesn't look like it would work too good.
I would make the one cutting into a mother plant in a soil pot. then clone it in a week or two.
If you investing so much in CFLs, I would just buy a T5 light, its more powerful and plants like it better then CFLs in my experiences.

4 plants in each bubbler is ok if your keeping them under 2 feet tall, otherwise you'll be changing the water every 3 days.
One tip, if your cuttings don't have roots
they need to be in near 100% humidity since they will use the leafs to take in moisture. And they root faster if you give them fresh air about twice a day.

Also if your expanding your setup, I wouldn't keep adding more bubblers, it's too much to maintain. I would look into a better system, like flood and drain or NFT.
This is a big problem may guys run into! they don't consider just how much work it is to have multiple tanks.

And hydroton won't crush your roots unless you press down. just losely fill the net pots around the perlite.
Thanks for the advice

Yeah, the thing is i won't be expanding much til after my first yield.

Suprisingly that saggy clone came backk to life and is looking heatly, as are both.

I hope these baby's root. I will be replacing th CFL for a cool-ish blue floresnt, my friend has one for me, his clones are coming along good with that light. mind you hes using rockwool with a tray and hood, thats what i will be doing aswell they are mine acually. I'm picking up 8 cuttings soon. Will make more bubblers and get another air pump.

i concered about my bills when its time to flower with the hps light(s).

is it a bad idea to switch lights often: cool floresent for clones, cfl's for veg, and hps for flowering.

any advice appretiated.

Canadian Farmer!

Ok, so an update finally. My buddy gave me back my dome, I am using now. Currently I have 4 Clones. 2 were cut October 17 and both are rooting very well, leaves are burnt though.

2 of the newer cuttings are looking strong i hope they root. I get paid today, so hopefully I can pick up more bubblers/cuttings/lights/nutes.

any recomendations/feedback is great. thanks
Hey guys/girls.

I run into my first problem. It seems 1 of my clones are ready to be put into veg, but i ddont get paid until next thursday (its friday right now). the roots are coming out of the rockwool, what can i do?

All i need to buy is a timer and nutes, i dont have any nutes.

Please give me some ideas, will the clone die if i just keep it in the dome for 1 more week?



Should be fine until Thursday for nutrients, a little would help and speed growth but the plants not going to die or anything.
Hey nice work so far
I wouldn't worry about the roots getting ahead of you. As long as you keep them from drying out they will just keep growing.
Sometimes I leave my rooted clones in rockwool for a couple weeks, As long as they are wet they will be fine.
ok so i moved all my setup to my closet. I finally got nutes. Flora Nova was my choice.
I have 2 bubblers each with 2 net pods ( seen in picture ) .

i am aware i only have 1 CFL light. i'm buying one in a few hours when home depot opens. I am pretty low on money, so i cant buy that good of lights, any recomendations?
i have about 80 bucks until thursday.

they are on 16 on 8 off, timed.

any feedback is great. thanks



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Get the lamps as close to the grow as possible to eliminate stretch. Hold the back of your hand under the lamp, slowly raise hand till you're as close as possible without discomfort. That's the distance.

If you stick with CFLs, LST or ScROG become essential.
LST-Bushes are better
ScROG Links

If you're considering HPS, read this first CMH-Ceramic Metal Halides
thanks ill lower the lights tomorow.
im only going too use cfl untill flowering, then im switching too hps, or should i still use scrog/lst?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
HPS (or any HID) has much greater penetration so LST/ScROG aren't as essential. Depends on how tall you allow plants to become. There are still advantages as there's only so far any lamp will penetrate. Grown vertically the plant's lowest buds may be several feet below the top buds. Grown horizontally (LST/ScROG) all buds are equidistant from the lamp.

Perhaps an unfair example as it's a Sativa with a longer flowering period and stretch pattern but, here's my current Destroyer.

Added bonus, the top shoot says, "Get behind me and stay there!" The plant obeys. Cut the top off, the next two say, "Get behind us and stay there!" The plant obeys. BUT! If you bend the tip over, the message becomes, "I've fallen and can't get up!" Now, every stem will insist on being the boss and growing the big cola.
thanks for the reply. so i baught a cool CFL light with reflector hood. I think i have to change the bulbs so they match. my first cfl light is warm, the one i baught now is cool. is that a bad thing?? I am wondering if its a good idea to get the socket splitter sso i can have 2 CFL's ( 1 warm 1 cool ) in 1 light fixture.

the cool CFl i just baught is 42W and 2850 Lumens.

I also adjusted the lights lower. i think the high is fine.

Does anybody have a good SCROG tutorial?

Thanks for the help guys!

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