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Blumat auto watering



none of you guys run any nutes? im running H&G

im running hg full line up through mine, almost 3 months so far no problems what so ever.. i would recommend making a loop with the larger black hose and adding a shut off valve to the loop so that you can purge your lines about once a week


Help with my Blumat design

Help with my Blumat design


If this has been discussed already, please accept my humble apologies but I don't have them time to read through every page on this thread.

I have a 2K stadium grow going on and we are going to increase the # of plants from about 33 to around 45-50. I have a 33 gallon reservoir (garbage can cuz that's how I roll....cheap ...lol) I want to get a 55 gal container AND upgrade to Blumat's because they sound perfect as my drip system sometimes OVER waters and under waters my SmartPots and I'm hoping to get more uniformity with Blumats;

BUT with Blumat's do you HAVE to use a gravity feed (meaning I have to somehow suspend a 55 gallon res as close to the ceiling (7.5" ft height) as possible. Since in my Stadium grow I will have 3 shelves going up to almost 5.5 to 6'! So it leave me little room near the ceiling to place some kind of reservoir for gravity feeding to all the plants below(?) Possibly I can use a pump of some sort like the one I am using for my drip system currently? I was also thinking of using this type of res (Botanicare 44 gal) to get it closer to the ceiling or am I just all fucked up lol;

Any advise would be great appreciated. I hope everyone understands what I'm trying to do here, if not I will try and clarify.

:thank you:


Two options I can think of:

1. you could use a gravity fed Res (res A - 10 gal) high up by the ceiling with a float valve trigger to pump from a larger Res (res B - 55 gal) on the floor.

2. Or you could do the same as above but instead of a float valve trigger... just pump constantly and have an overflow drain line from Res A back to Res B

Res A goes to Blumants and Res B can be where you fert mix.


Two options I can think of:

1. you could use a gravity fed Res (res A - 10 gal) high up by the ceiling with a float valve trigger to pump from a larger Res (res B - 55 gal) on the floor.

2. Or you could do the same as above but instead of a float valve trigger... just pump constantly and have an overflow drain line from Res A back to Res B

Res A goes to Blumants and Res B can be where you fert mix.

(Hugsz Wasn't me)

THIS is why I love this site ..I KNEW someone would have a good suggestion. THANK YOU Wasn't me... ur a freakin genius!:dance013:


So i want to tie in another 55 gallon line into my blumat system without just making one large 110 gallon res. I want them to both run seperately into the system. My system is already up and running and i am wondering if it will be ok to add this while the lines are filled with water. Basically cut the 8mm line and jam in a T connector, then connect new res. Does this seem like it may work? Any tips on keeping air out of the lines?
I want to do this for two reasons. One i am going on vacation for two weeks, and lastly because i think the redundancy of the design is pretty awesome. What ya'll think?

It will work, but technically the two barrels won't run into the system independent of one another, they'll run in concurrently. In fact, they'll equalize in volume through the trunk line. You don't even have to hook the second barrel into the blumats, you could just as well hook it up to the other barrel. I'm not saying hooking the two barrels together would be easier, I only offer the idea as a way to conceptualize the system.

As for air bubbles, I see people like to run their trunk lines in a loop, but I just put a valve at the end of the line and bleed straight through when needed.


(Hugsz Wasn't me)

THIS is why I love this site ..I KNEW someone would have a good suggestion. THANK YOU Wasn't me... ur a freakin genius!:dance013:

You're welcome. Glad I was able to think of something that you think you can effectively apply to your situation.

good luck.
I do NOT have these fittings nor have I tried to use them but by looking at the site:http://www.kentsystems.com/index.php?file=c-con_product_details&iProductId=NjI3

hope this is at least partially helpfull

Thanks WM, it was (partially) helpful :) The problem, or one of them at least, is that I'm a hands on guy, and from looking at that, even knowing what you've told me, I'm still pretty lost on what pieces I actually need, I just can't picture it in my head.

Don't sweat it though, I'm sourcing stuff locally.

these guys will have any fitting ya need dude ..... its where i get all my stuff including buckets & stuff ......

Thanks for the link, same problem as above though. :)

Hey Chef BorkBorkBork,

Where's my cookie?


I used a simple 3/8" quick connect valve from home depot. The 8mm line fits snugly inside of 3/8 line, and that fits in the valve/quick connect. Works like a charm, no leaks, no slipping, no worries.

Going with this solution, and I think I know what I need now. Thanks dunky.

I'll post some pics when I make this happen. I find myself often (at least once per cycle) needing to unhook the whole flowering side (2 connectors total) and the tubing is getting shorter and shorter because I have to keep cutting it to get it disconnected. :(

I used to have a real good hang of getting stuff disconnected without causing any damage, but I must have lost the touch, so now I just make a slice with a razor on the tubing over the connector to get it off, then I cut the damaged end off.
Blumat Quick Disconnect

Blumat Quick Disconnect

Here it is (thanks to dunkydunk for pointing me in the right direction at the hardware store), the Ghetto Fab Blumat Feed Line Lowes Sourced Quick Disconnect System Extraordinarie (GFBFLSQDSE for short)

Everything you need


You can find the quick disconnect and flexible tubing by the pvc stuff at the hardware store. It was $3 and change for the QD, and $3 for the hose (enough hose to do a billion of 'em). Black tubing is probably preferable, but with a little experimentation you can find the right length that there won't be a gap.

Snip a little piece of tubing, and jam the end of the feed line into the clear tubing like so.


The clear tubing fits into the quick disconnect like so.





That's the ticket. Now you can get the same disconnect with a valve in it, and you have that handy option as well.

I'm still waiting for my 3/8" od black vinyl tubing to show up in the mail. I'm betting you can ditch the 8 mm line all together and just use that.


Active member
you could also use the 3/8 hose as your main line and piece the 8mm in where needed.

this really applies to people who bought the patio kit and dont want the trouble of ordering more 8mm hose for long runs. gives individual plants more mobility also.


Well-known member
Sorry if this has been answered, but I only read about 40 pages of this awesome thread...... Are the Blumats and on-line item only where purchasing is concerned? Or are they available at regular retail/garden centers?



Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Sorry if this has been answered, but I only read about 40 pages of this awesome thread...... Are the Blumats and on-line item only where purchasing is concerned? Or are they available at regular retail/garden centers?


It depends on whether or not your local regular retail/garden centers carry them. Some folks here have been able to find them at their local grow shop. There's really only one way for you to find out.


I have to say, the Jr's that I installed in my smaller container house plants are working great.
All these houseplant don't draw lots of water but they certainly prefer consistency. My Orchids, Philodendron, Peace Lily, Golden Pothos and Spider Plants are all looking in top shape. So glad I found out about these. Ordering more for family.
I just introduced Blumats to my grow shop. He hadn't heard of them before so I got to talk for a bit about all their virtues. He's gonna order some and also the extra drip line. ;)


I feel nothing and it feels great
I just introduced Blumats to my grow shop. He hadn't heard of them before so I got to talk for a bit about all their virtues. He's gonna order some and also the extra drip line. ;)
thats the same thing i did. i ran em past the owner of the shop i go to. a couple weeks later he had two deck&patio sets and a bunch of brown drip tube and individual cones. i bought one set, one pack of brown tubing like 30ft long maybe (dont quote me). the other set is still sitting there so i dont think maybe people around my parts know about it. dont think people are using alot of coco either.


Thought you guys could appreciate this... :D

I recently lost a plant in veg due to a "failed" Blumat. It was in the back and I just never noticed it drying out. I finally got around to pulling it out and found the reason for the failure. Roots had grown up the drip tube and clogged the valve!! This was a 5g pot and I had about 8" of tube after the valve, so about 10" of root had grown up in there! Lesson learned, keep the tubes off the medium surface!

Fast forward a few weeks. All of my drip tubes are now elevated by some means or another. Today I found this. These roots just will not give up!! :D:D

Blumat Root Reach!


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