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Blue Dot



Blue Dot "The Five fingered lady" is from Farmacy. They had the blue dot, red dot, green dot etc.

Blue dot was the better of them.


Active member
I agree MGP with the exception to his statement about DrJ contributing alot. His contributions were minimal at best and basically amounted to him saying he smoked some of it in Sonoma. He basically repeated alot of what i had previously posted. If and when OG ever comes back up intact, this can all be verified and put to rest!

Added.......... enough rambling on, let's see some more pics as that's what this forum is about!
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I agree to where it originated from, but I'll admit that I don't have the slightest clue as to who was involved in developing it. Then again there are very few strains we can be certin about.


Active member
Ya, I guess we can agree to disagree then.
I'm not trippin.
I'm just tired. lol
My Blue Dot has the 5 fingered leaves.
And whatever it is ,I'm very happy with it.
It is very tastey and does have some medicinal qualityies in my opinion.
Whichever one I have is the one I've smoked from the clubs a few times.
It tastes like Berry spice.Or Berry Haze.I love it.
I'll post some pic's later when the lights go on.


Active member
By the way.
When I said I got it where it is from.
I meant Northern Cali.
I wasn't exacly sure where in Nor Cal.
But now I do.
My friend in SF gave it to me.
He said his friend got it from that club a while back.

I was wondering what your Blue Dot tasted like?
Does yours have that rich berry spice flavor?

I was also wondering about your pic's of your Blue Dot mother.
It has more like 7 fingered leaves then 5 fingers.
Mine has only 3-5 fingered leaves.

Just wondering.
I just want to get this lineage striaght thats all.
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Active member
i recently got some blue dot, this stuff is super good! Bright neon greenish color with bright purple tints, super frosty and super strong, im gonna smoke a few bowls and post some pics in a minute!


Active member
Blue dot i was talking about, soil grown, some of the best ive had lately, another stunner from one of my favorite local growers, this guy does only soil and always has nice strains.



i just got some blue dots from a local in the cruz, running a bunch right now in coco.. i haven't seen the bud yet so it is still a mystery..

i hope it's the bomb. ill post pics.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Disp. in Sactown always has this cut on their menu. I always thought it was a Blueberry cross for some reason! Glad to get some lineage info. May have to grab a couple and bring back the old funk.